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gum apple tree gummy apple codling podophyllin wood–apple pippin sweeting tragacanth chicle crab gumboil crab apple costard frankincense pip bdellium russet biffin adragant crown gouache acacia bubble gum galbanum sweetsop gamboge redstreak arabin mucilage core tupelo apple paring pome mandrake pomewater balata cut ammoniac wilding gum resin acacine greening benzoin alligator apple pepperidge gumdrop thyroid apple-wife chrysoprase mastic
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applejack McIntosh cider liquidambar eye-apple applewood medlar pastel gillyflower appletini Granny Smith Winesap quince calvados myrrh baldwin ribbony-gum red gum manna tree gummiferous delicious empire apple-ducking gumball bilsted bleed apple cheese blackcap cooker gumwood gum tree incense eating apple podophyllum bittersweet satin walnut dumpling mad apple puffin pomaceous candy apple manchineel pomi- apple borer slippery elm karri babul olibanum gum arabic Jonathan cashew gummosis apple-pie river red gum guttiferous hazel pine bubblegum grogram phlorizin goom asafoetida Golden Delicious bay poplar gingiva pearmain asafetida borer pomarrosa gummous benjamin xanthan dowdy pomiform eucalyptus sugar-gum toffee apple apple rust colocynth resinoid Arabic swamp gum asa sap gum William Tell hyalite red-gum teethridge soursop opopanax rosinweed peppermint American blight cider apple macupa Braeburn flowering crab Northern Spy gom–gom Otaheite apple rennet garnierite impacted strophulus fruitwood guar Restoration Day kino chewing gum bellflower apple-green short-sheet marri Royal Oak Day pyrus apple bloom erupt tempera spirit gum kadaya gum gum ghatti alligator tree locust bean gum fruit apple of discord bell pepper gum up white swamp gum Bengal kino chewy gum Senegal ribbon-gum Botany Bay kino chuddy gum–bichromate Egyptian gum mogador gum bally gum large tupelo cementum begum Arabian gum sour gum talca gum Suakin gum water tupelo gumming senegal sea fig honeysuckle apple apple tree canker rotten apple colane male red gum tree gummed chewing-gum water-gum Turkey gum cotton gum full gum kavika mountain apple apple-jack June apple tart pimelite apple mildew green apple aphid copei poroporo canajong lily thorn brush apple cupay jack star plum cedar rust northwestern anthracnose balsam fig caimito Cape gum ladanum pinite apple aphid cut a tooth pentastichous storax eggplant bite black apple apple-shaped Dead Sea apple gum arabic tree antiar railroad worm fritter pandowdy yellow oliva gumlike copalm dextrin scrab dressing water gum black tupelo kikar gom gelatin star–leaved gum snag tree India gum gingiv- swamp black gum alligatorwood skeleton weed sweet gum hogbite viscosimeter gumbooted jelly pomeroy eater souring Alar she–beech cherry gum apple gum jambo Endeavor River pear potato ball griffon pseudocarp cooking apple Red Delicious cabbage gum mellow nonesuch leathercoat stuckling canary fly apple-dowdy griffin durance beach strawberry seven–year apple thorn plum Sodom apple roundheaded apple tree borer hard cider garland crab elephant apple powitch sour plum pie–bed Japanese crab ruddock wild plum monkey apple appley caraway grave plant whitsour Jamaica apple jelly plant vi-apple Gafa algin spearmint pyorrhea alveolaris ribbon gum smokeless tobacco daturine dwarf apple Cortland reinette Kei apple gum shiraz sauce yellow gum rubber paint camphor rose gum olivil coolabah laser arabinose gumless satin-walnut southern blue gum gumtree golden wattle creosol duck's-foot high-top Sydney peppermint fevergum candlebark Tasmanian blue gum mad-apple baking apple hog-apple Gravenstein apple essence mock-apple bruise lady apple appleless velvetseed costermonger apple-bee apple-polisher honey apple apple canker crab tree pupil gunyang applesauce tarte tatin water-apple vi native peach juneating jambosa marabou dextran buckram river gum hard jujube poster paint stramonium ohia Rome Beauty jack rose psorosis hog gum mincemeat sapsucker blossom apple sucker cherimoya gumdigger bolly gum gumchewer Panama balata soft silk guttifer mint hog-gum vehicle xylan bubble rusty-coat sagapenum turpentine paste jenneting cyder hand apple makopa splat maliform jamrosade start jimson weed soft sourgum gumdigging maypop snow apple pupelo wood apple chokeberry half apple martini marmalade sewer flaggy marc pigface apple shell custard apple cloudberry apple bite apple-headed lady's-finger throatboll ligurite renneting tuno doctor gum pulas silvertop dracanth bassora gum ferula excipient apple blight wild apple apple scab Asian pear divide pie pare datura talha gum paradise russet coat bassorin salmon gum Sonora gum cebil opossum-tree thus colloid degum acetone camphor glass tear demulcent linguadental Australian gum dragantine Senegal gum elemi lemon–scented gum wattle gum cherry–tree gum mesquite gum pyrocatechin Sudan gum beam tree apple core genet-moyle apple leaf apple wine balsam apple icica sweet gum scale gum nut begummed sleepy stickum karroo bush raw silk malpitte cider vinegar apple brandy malus atropine mango orchard Rhode Island greening beach apple apple-Peru profile apple-slump collar blight sweet-sop pomiferous bullock's heart appled winter apple endocarp apple-ducker apple scale underleaf rotten coccagee bullock's-heart strangler tree apple bobber pomander amazonite geniting apple-faced apple aphis apple-yellow Macoun oak-gall Iowa crab mammee white silk–cotton tree apple-borer original gum Egyptian thorn pocket Morocco gum apple-corer apple box liberty green rainette green turtle green polo apple-aphis apple-tree borer crayon green tiber green bright olive green ocean green shadow green all red box eruption gum pocket gommier cerro green park green blister canker maiden's blush gumshoe olivin periodontitis boiled–off silk Australian beech naseberry wad cerasin gumfield marshmallow fever-tree tuart alveolar weep stinking gum beefwood bloodwood gum duct manna gum marbling bee gum nicotine gum rosin ester scammony sapodilla shining gum dental emulsifier charras Sydney blue gum barbotine racemic Kordofan gum Moreton Bay ash river peppermint schapping amrad gum coolibah stump coronal carrot red iOS austere corer apple banana apple grunt apple honey amesite an apple a day keeps the doctor away Bechtel crab Danish pastry Stayman mystery snail pond apple sweet calabash crabstick fruit gum Clanwilliam cedar festoon boil off melinite acajou jarrah protium chagual gum toffee-apple spur pruning windfall Waldorf salad caramel apple Jonagold variscite Pacific Rose garbage crisp commandment cod COX amargoso Bramley apple butter azarole apple rose frog-eye causative apple tree borer applejohn canker apple quince apple ring apple pear seek-no-further pomey anonaceous butter king blossom scurfy scale pomeis thorn apple spartan Red Astrachan hypocarp Honeycrisp crab stock tomato apple-head doll apple-monger basin applenut apple–seed chalcid biriba discovery brown bark spot apple-snail stick deep-dish phloretin go-no-further red guava produce Royal Gala pila ovoidal apple-john apple strudel Idared June plum macfag Roxbury russet Amphibolips apple mealybug apple moss chapman cross section treatise a priori spruce gum clot gom–paauw oleo–gum–resin boil–off undercut tacamahac lip tie cajole algaroba tallowwood eucalyptus gum sarcocolla galago manna forest mahogany gumleaf band arabinic acid araban churrus galactomannan marsh mallow borracha supragingival styracin gum country dhauri sugar glider cumay poster color kafal adhesive envelope gumma fern green mist green pastel green Siberian crab verdant green crape jasmine carnelian red tampoe apple weevil Arkansas Black Rhagoletis squab-pie seared green mosstone omnivore box green biscay green aqua green chromium green lawn green sandarac sugar gum schappe cutch poplar box watercolor wandoo leuconic fruit–tree leaf roller jamestown weed bob Neofabraea service tree spitzenburgh apple bucculatrix intermediate stock pink spray apple–leaf trumpet miner cress green leaf green calla green grass green kildare green piquant green bel apple fly fruit spur making pear borer peruvian yellow Fuji slice Sturmer fruition sops in wine tile red pepper–and–salt moth fruit bud liebigite apple curculio hawthorn pear cabrerite laden wassail halve cherimoyer skeletonizer Blenheim Orange capucine lake light–brown apple moth railroad-worm gutta-percha tarweed snuff-dipping dentigerous cyst bisabol hazel japan pill flooded gum defenestrate palatine hashab postdental dhawa chilte manna ash convenience goods carob Nyssa water color condone guggul pulp-digester Chondrilla gubernaculum caranna camachile iron gum infraction assamar pastille water-core flatheaded apple tree borer foliage green ultrabook Appleseed, Johnny do bright coral rose quarrenden rymer pear bark beetle rough–bark resume suspending agent yaya yellow box plumbogummite wattle shield guar gum Leadbeater's possum exudation angico courbaril dragon's blood snuff polyvinyl acetate resin apple maggot tree fruit Say blister beetle burnt orange cochil sapota Jamaica honeysuckle acridness Rhopalosiphum apple flea weevil blueberry maggot camomile trochee mistletoe nectria Venturia calyx spray biennial bearing lily green Momordica Malaceae old glory red pear scab green gall prepink spray Pilidae pin borer rosy apple aphid vinegar apple red bug queening firewire apple-scab wax saperda apple-fly apple leafhopper apple bush adage stem burnt ocher root weevil ketembilla lancewood cedar apple seed epigynous saprogenesis terrapin scale sugar apple take apple-oil individually pomace-fly snowball mealy apple-moyse annabergite apple leaf skeletonizer apple–pie bed blister spot Bucculatrix Snow White cigar casebearer gala iPad™ Romanite pawpaw white gall wood borer western tent caterpillar grass-tree interdict active mealymouthed karaya gum negative painting cedar–apple rust longicornia spinach green emulsion gum–dichromate macaranga gum lollipop poisonwood margosa dammar xylose setting stockpile buccal Puya Murray red gum bahera toe box tan neem nerve grass tree water-tupelo arbitrate campaign balsam bog euphorbium aftertaste impunity dammara press tristania cachou frenulum polish mummy kauri-gum gum ammoniac astragalus sandan miniature sheet souvenir sheet precedent rusty gum geranium lake leaf crumpler Jobs, Steven ylang–ylang adamantinoma twig borer podophyllotoxin quercitin Aphelinus bad apple bird's nest black cherry fruit fly sea coconut kauri exude woolly butt ground

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Words For "apple-gum"

As you've probably noticed, words for "apple-gum" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "apple-gum" are: gum, apple tree, gummy, apple, and codling. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to apple-gum listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "apple-gum" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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