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arm armlet forearm elbow reach brachium brachial armpit brassard throw sleeve limb bracelet armhole underarm biceps armband humerus hand sling sidearm armrest rearm shoulder stiff-arm loch brachio- armful jib member wrist overarm wing heel bracer triceps deltoid arms crane brace shield swing hammerlock radial saw armed steelyard headlock Indian wrestling rerebrace oxter nelson armlock extend hook straight-arm crook weapon mail round-arm stiff–arm crutch
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radius extensor iron tourniquet derrick tone arm estuary boom firth swipe pinion brachiocephalic Sound backstroke sail brawn clasp overhand web axilla arm-wrestle fluke whip pipestem backhand extension garter bay gibbet bough lock underhand Adriatic Sea amputee humeral wave twist arabesque gardy half nelson one-armed appendage Fin crank bangle amputate buckler arm in arm vambrace acrocentric Fleet Ross Sea crossbones radial lever flex armguard stump hand wrist cuff over Aegean Sea embattle shot gauntlet plate Kara Sea sweep stretch handball submetacentric branch prosthesis canal bowl cannon rocker arm bill record player fretum skein cubit spear armload forelimb start throat uppercut pickup cubital discriminal Timor Sea inlet levator left-handed to haul off nerve crape wigwag downbeat strong-arm ulna extremity Suez James Bay charley horse Skagerrak wind-up chokehold backswing Charleston subscapularis wristlock repetitive strain injury squeeze body part Indian club bevel bower rock arm brachi- Bothnia, Gulf of cavalry lunge Laptev Sea maniple roundhouse pickup arm arming lame North Sea flipper Finland, Gulf of hectocotylus screwball gnomon Irish Sea S.S. dolman Finland hack frith upbeat Ionian Sea shoulder patch knock-on round at arm's length put trebuchet Taganrog Dvina Bay Persian Gulf arm-in-arm crawl cubitus get wind on one's arm ordinance sword arm trem cr round-armer main lough California, Gulf of blade subbrachial telocentric pit tennis-elbow writing chair beam knee hands fork beam Puget Sound withered cl Thailand transept Bothnia shoe subclavian artery flexor flexion bayou carpus wrench écarté handle Celebes Sea automatograph nuclearize tennis elbow vantbrass proof-arm Forth recovery pins and needles twinge manilla pauldron beckon JCB ferry armless uplift dagger crank throw chaise longue knock on Coral Sea style propatagium curl gesture side chin-up Tonkin olecranon cap sleeve ramus straight–arm Aqaba cast Labrador Sea FAA chinaman stroke profunda Martaban, Gulf of sever Ligurian Sea under one's arm ray Annapolis Royal follow through Minas Basin median nerve shoulder blade abductor Cádiz, Gulf of air service Amundsen Gulf Greenland Sea violin push-up Aden, Gulf of Papua, Gulf of MIRV ankh trudgen ice arm index bar embrace lug bend homology sector writing arm stinger link arms asleep traction pectoral muscle under-arm Weddell Sea cross straight arm's-length wristwork Kotzebue Sound phylactery issue fence rein arm Venice, Gulf of chelidon ramhead scythe cubit arm fourchée Solomon Sea extended underhanded armchair plumb level gib Gonâve, Gulf of Saint–Malo, Gulf of port de bras round–arm fold your arms/hands syzygy Oman, Gulf of put out Korea Bay roundabout Tonkin, Gulf of Venice flue Japan, Sea of stick up Bristol Bay gardebras head vein horn Lion, Gulf of winged break scrag quillon Salonika, Gulf of bridge lamp remise Maine, Gulf of tool (sth/sb) up Bohai splint Thailand, Gulf of Guayaquil length Kattegat reverse half nelson dabb brassart linked miter square brachioradialis demibrassard sea–loch Taranto shoulder belt Foxe Basin Salonika someone’s good eye/ear/arm/leg etc set float arm eureka dropped shoulder jack cross–crosslet manchette motion clutch writer’s cramp jointed California reading chair Norton Sound Melville Peninsula Pskov pump handle use right–angle clamp anew pee recess Lochgilphead brachii fjord flanconnade reach out over-arm an arm and a leg beak Canadarm march overthrow jab salute clothesline Penzhinskaya small arm sweepstick ulnar throw punches broken gulf bear tentacle infighting trochlea quarter Honduras Frobisher Bay wave down move horse walker Guinea, Gulf of knock groove diameter muscleman Oman jog radius saw Riga lineal rank méridienne Liaodong moline overhook unnerve Australian salute tendinitis tablet–arm chair twist someone's arm toe rebatement uncross windup persuade wrist wrestling flight gun subclavian vein at arm’s length overpick Tyrrhenian Sea rotator cuff Amundsen Sea Bengal handsaw uillean pipes ice-anchor kill flag dirtboard Lecco kujawiak radioulnar as long as your arm Tasman Sea portcullis glove anesthesia underpick Darien press someone’s arm/hand glass arm roll–over arm guide scapula ball float Arabian Sea Bismarck Sea creep backhanded chapeau-bras bevel protractor embowed brachialis dipper dredge director's chair flutter sleeve hausse potent Siam Moro Gulf pommée bare underhook poke thrower compound lever homotype full nelson traductor loop pouldron pantograph mourning sb could do sth with one arm/hand tied behind his/her back short-arm radial arm saw thrown para backstop excavator Irish Republican Army fermentation tube Formosa Strait abduct propodiale musculospiral windmill ensconce Vyborg cockscomb smashboard signal shoot urdée tilt hammer leg-of-mutton sleeve pipe-box bee steering arm keylock rub supermarginal shoulder harness track enarme rax HAVS Chinese burn flap Bo Hai racktail mourning band Izmit gringolée flesh monoplegia tomahawk trafficator twibill finger painting right-handed radiocarpal East Siberian Sea aegean hook shot backer abˈduction Aden palette brachial plexus bow–arm welch plug front-end loader cob gunsight catch wasted divan Colles' fracture socket Parramatta raglan threw dystonia gram–centimeter intermembral index bicipital scye adduct clinch baby hook Corinth East River botonée sword bayonet trip scale crankpin press-up tie skeg butterfly bomb Bengal, Bay of hold steam shovel weed pick-up skate Solway Firth Taiwan Strait schizogony quadrant-compass log turner muscular polesaw riot gun head shell duel earpiece pump bind break iron pull-up three–quarter nelson quarter nelson quadrant shoulder weapon forehand alidade barbell batwing torque trap chapeau bras congenital amputation holster Izmir knuckle black power salute machine gun Moray Firth cross your arms anchor escapement slung star anise Algren clothes line creepy mail crane overpower radial drill postaxial tracer set square kula Java Sea mire part one–arm put up quarterly quartered squid sidehold spinach long adriatic bevel square penguin subclavian tappet choke hold black armband aircraft carrier funny bone letter of marque liver wing fauces terrae end table Bering Sea free arm cross–body ride brachial plexus injury in chancery index hand over hand crossed paralysis devant Maltese cross Mount Hope Bay optical lever peavey regenerate strap sth up stripe anglepoise Azov arm wrestling cant hook bicipital fascia star cloud ell easy-chair caliper complicit couch dirk lariat postbrachial recline strong wiper carbine scroll comb–back Indian burn glazing jack Mariotte tube radial nerve raking bayonet adductor power shovel crank web Baltic Sea twist someone’s arm carpal tunnel syndrome inland sea genoa hitchhike inside basilical auto-return pectoral limb ancrée drop shoulder crossarm clanger ulnaris osteoblastoma process redundant tongue wound latissimus dorsi Saint Lawrence cross moline supraspinatus Tampa trail radial shield cramponnée wrist support tuck Caribbean Sea crane operator dumbbell bleed pentadactyl give your right arm Marfan syndrome nudge pulled elbow ulnar nerve signal radiohumeral index backhoe brush cartridge supinator baldric tape sth up lean lounge prebrachial pump-brake karate pick passado supporter musket court Boothia Peninsula banquette breakfall tactical unit trebucket fleurettée banjo whammy bar jigger ballcock atrophied arm-wrestling artificial respiration auxanometer chair desk crossbar shot hula Liguria injection toggle switch past participle plethysmograph Tommy John surgery line music lyre pelota shank painter rhinoplasty concentric fylfot unit English Channel fly handhole bandolier disproportion Air Transport Auxiliary

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Words For "arm-gret"

As you've probably noticed, words for "arm-gret" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "arm-gret" are: arm, armlet, forearm, elbow, and reach. There are 831 other words that are related to or similar to arm-gret listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "arm-gret" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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