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blue-eyed baby blue hide blue baby blues Nordic Siamese Siamese cat blonde azure hidden Himalayan blue–eyed Weimaraner cerulean albino goggle sapphire Aryan ultramarine glaucope navy eye blue baby eyes binocular bluish sloe-eyed squint blindfold aquamarine eyed indigo color blink look Burmese cat colourpoint oculate light-haired Russian Blue goggle-eyed recessive twinkle teal cobalt blue blond rag doll contingency method turquoise homozygous cyanic aqua cyano-
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bird's-eye cyan see eye fleck heredity brownette Heliophila dungaree wink downcast Korat blear livid Levi's cobalt transmitted inherited squint-eyed ocular cross-eyed hoatzin blue-veined blue-black green-eyed royal blue Bug navy blue heterozygous blues open-eyed bluely Old English sheepdog eye contact eyeless wide-eyed bleu cheese peeper clear-eyed beady seel sky blue bice bug-eyed eyer almond-eyed mist sulphur-bottom violet avert ox-eyed faience optic daylight bleary glassy moist anil steel blue powder blue pop-eyed jay smalt-blue bleary-eyed lapis lazuli popeyed whitehead dry bluestone eyewash azurite speedwell bluing purple cast pink-eyed light cornflower damson eyestrain tender-eyed fasten iron blue red fall stare peacock-blue peacock blue bluey teary periwinkle Prussian blue robin's-egg blue blae blue-jeaned watchet blueberry blinking beady-eyed blue mass blue clay blue-domeist blue gown blue titmouse perse blue shortness blue earth blue jeans blue copperas blue butter tomtit sky-blue ocularist hoodwink multocular bluebird moon-eyed rest glint eyeliner cambridge blue blue cat BB siderite mazarine indicolite gunmetal water bluewards blue cheese bright-eyed black-eyed hollow-eyed squinch eyghen eyewater octonocular binoculate plunket blue-blind gleam eghen eyen true-blue blaubok forehead upcast connive walleyed blue-assed fly Reckitt's blue bag misty–eyed Blue Coat Hospital water blue blow stonechat blue gas leitch's blue slate blue blue tick Leithner's blue nun blue skies research blue-ribbonist Thenard's blue mountain blue gmelin's blue Blue Mountain Paris blue Indian blue gastrolith innocence beryl colour fixate pig-eyed supraocular oculated blue-ribbon panel agoggled fire-eyed blue-green blue verditer squawroot duck-egg blue hyacinth indigotin shiver misty blue-washed berlin blue steely seeing ophthalmic bluewing new blue ice blue cross–eye sloe–eyed blue coat girl blue coat boy blue-bagged Alice blue lovat grey-blue blue-grey dark-blue pop eyelessness open–eyed rake tear disk brow line teary-eyed misty-eyed cockeyed anisometropia Moon sook phyllocyanin blue fox blueward indophenol huckleberry bilberry facet dim shut dry-eyed bug–eyed sight askance round-eyed deep-set liquid blue jean clear pers hardtail ommatidium humiliate blue mold chrysocolla nigrosine Bolt discern peel fix wink at shine eye level cuatro–ojos shiner ogle collyrium colouring glazier eyecup ophthalmologist mole-eyed the windows of the soul beaux yeux chessylite blue bleu passé metal tomtitmouse mass of mercury blue ginseng blueberry root armenian stone peligot's blue marsh clematis lambert's blue hungarian blue summer disease horse crevalle yellow–bellied racer blue wavey blue brant purple navy sweet trefoil haw blue bice papooseroot cerule bald brant great blue cat blue ball turkey blue b welkin forktail cat cendre bl streak ethereal blue simpler's–joy helvetia blue ipiti purple dogwood avian monocytosis blue–chipper pullet disease french ultramarine blo blew poisson bleu tequilla agave leyden blue Vestorian blue red chip verditer blue permanent blue wild iris wild hyssop sulphur whale white–headed goose new wheat disease Cupid's–dart neuwied blue misty blue navy (blue) infernal blue blue swimming crab blue lily yellow ginseng extra-rare air blue artificial ultramarine blue flier gold collar Colorado blue spruce contagious indigestion yellow mackerel sulphur–bottom copper blue Sibbald's rorqual bleu de lyon Harlem blue blue ashes blue water gas blue slate marlin swordfish needle palm bice blue blued roslyn blue nikko blinkingly lamp Redding make slit–eyed small-eyed exoculate chalcanthite octophthalmous brimful nictate postocular pinky poison tree squeeze one's eyes shut (or closed) dove–eyed senocular alipata MEGO lime blue amparo blue ardent grey-eyed eyeglass fire–eyed milky mangrove interocular yellow-eyed burn blue U.S. Army ultramarine blue bluecap oxide blue river blue flaxflower blue mineral blue night U.S. Army light blue tyrian blue polyommatous googly gangwa cross-eye blinding tree big-eyed dwarf palmetto fleaweed stone blue lunch pail coelin kimberlite raisin king's blue fragrant goldenrod pearl gray queen's blue blue quail parrotfish blue pop silver marlin blue phlox red state bird's–egg green kingfisher blue long–tailed blue Mississippi catfish five–lined lizard italian blue teal blue pyocyanic blue water lily king quail lace flower blue boy Oxford blue titmal poor joe hourly mazarine-blue tidife peter phycochrome hungary blue grassflower yaup camanay blue-kite cornflower blue black udder blue-hawk blue indigo blue pill chalybeate china blue blue bonnet sublimed blue lead venetian blue robin's-egg red kangaroo snake lily black garget ceruleum Chinese blue Coventry blue flag eggshell blue hortense blue etaac pinchem timal tinnock bharal blue-collar crocidolite bastard pennyroyal chemic green blue basic lead sulfate blue crane bronze blue cyanobacteria mist blue opal blue redheaded lizard poudre blue satinflower calypso bluehead U.S. Army sky blue jean phycocyanin laundry milori blue Chinese painted quail olympic blue fission alga candite cobalt ultramarine code guimet's blue gloomy red shift midnight blue painted quail sanders-blue sevres blue blue cattle dog air force blue blue funk school blue roan blue ribbon Asian blue quail azurite blue black bag black elderberry blue–eyed Mary blue marguerite bleu de roi Roman vitriol verditer wild sweet william white–faced duck sweet goldenrod summer teal brunswick blue bright peacock blue agaze wandering gaze slit-eyed focus gazelle–eyed buck-eyed wishful Argus-eyed moon–eyed ophthalmo- seen dimmy lidded skive rose–colored glasses lace pig–eyed look after eye-watering doe–eyed saw goggle–eyed oculo- owl-eyed eye-spotted cadet cyanosite imperial blue sky yellow wove cyaneous cunner blue cornmeal Indigo Blue B Pigment Blue WNL Stanley crane bluebottle diaminogen great blue shark saxe blue re-blue tit blue-sky ironweed opal-blue blueness Eton blue bright dutch blue electric-blue mountain-blue marine corps marine blue blue copper chalchuite Delphine Blue B violanthrone Madonna blue gentianella Meldola's Blue Phthalogen Brilliant Blue IF3G Tasmanian blue gum blue-metal blue-violet lazuli fevergum capri blue she–crab southern blue gum blue-blood cyanine japan blue dull-eyed aphakial ox–eyed odd–eyed start in tears almond–eyed clap laughter lines hollow exophthalmic oculofrontal eye-bugging civilly dead piggy microphthalmia glitter squeeze one's eyes shut closed bedroom blind swimming lighten open-mouthed asquint lippitude view rivet speak hid limpid rolling eyed mad-eyed bird's–eye -eyed slit wide square eyes drier follow boarfish starry glassy–eyed eyewitness oculocephalic oculonasal watch cat–eyed dried hiding isometropia lacrimal eye-straining slitty line of vision cloudy face languishing greenhead strabismus agrappes mydriatic observe sightless drying eye lotion have eyes like saucers large-eyed intend rove revert ommateal preocular dryer driest visual expectation cowfish try thick eye-soreness red-eyed blue iron lazurite biocular eagle eye cave beetle lock eye-opener cloud blear-eyed french blue majolica blue Chicago blue blue-sensitive redo shore plate blue-moulded scotch blue delft heckimal wool fast blue anthocyanin bright navy delphinium Durazol Blue 8G blue ultramarine ash light wedgwood delacrymation white-eyed holland blue Diane pigment azured azureous ontario violet Cabrales cherry pie bluebell electric blue hawk's–eye pastel blue lapis lazuli ware Luray Caverns blue-blindness sapphire quartz light-blue true blue motmot blue shade jouvence blue bise moonstone blue love milkweed whiptail whortleberry redfish starlight blue smalt blue-chip Saxon blue glaucous Gorgonzola Mary blue hydrangea blue purple state platinum inde blue metal bluebill alizarine saphirol button quail cyanophilous Brazilian sapphire bluepoint Reckitt's blue peking blue Williamson's blue water flag diamond Abay hurt oriental blue lavender blue bright cerulean blue dewberry galatea blue chip blue spruce delphinium blue half-blue great blue hyppish lettuce moroxite dress uniform Carbazole Blue R denim haze blue forget-me-not plum pickerel Massanutten Mountain pompeian blue patent blue payne's gray blue-eye cerulific suggillate blue devil blue mouldy blue stater blue-faced blue-haired Alizanthrene Navy Blue R crane meet scald azure blue blue–rinsed clair de lune Cyanocitta cameo green Blue Vienna blueblossom ferric ferrocyanide firmament blue U.S. Army cobalt blue mandrill Alcian Blue national blue blue-wing cloud blue dusk blue blue maker bluebooky blue flag Blue Swedish dark wedgwood blue-vinnied belcher mazarine blue Antwerp blue flemish blue sleep red-eye eye-controlled swim eye-gouging eyelevel cyanope optokinetic pseudocellus glib cross age bag baggy almond eyes crow’s feet bend undine eyedrops first-person cheek get (all) misty cry knuckle greeneye highlighter goo–goo periorbital stalk twinkling lighting flash roll fall on (or upon) goldeneye hooded holoptic lacklustre love-light lightness open blinkard spectacular swollen tearful eye pencil bent a twinkle in one's eye dazzling mist (sth) over/up rheumy large–eyed melanism spintherism glaze wild–eyed nictation eyewards penetrate prominent spy stemma vergence dance pretty vision red–eyed cat's–eye dust dichoptic screw up eye shield crow's-feet eyeline lit interobjective distance hazel intently oxeyed auto-ophthalmoscope bends bridge hungry ophthalmology owlish believe binoculars blaze escolar eye-lotion screw up one's face/eyes weep gimlet hideous kohl oculist pull sparkle podophthalmous a light in someone’s eyes cover dark bloodshot

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Words For "blue eyes"

As you've probably noticed, words for "blue eyes" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "blue eyes" are: blue-eyed, baby blue, hide, blue, and baby blues. There are 961 other words that are related to or similar to blue eyes listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "blue eyes" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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