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CPO SCPO senior chief petty officer master-at-arms chief MCPO Po master chief petty officer president petty officer first class boatswain coo commander seaman captain Co quartermaster adjutant general chancellor arch master chief petty officer of the navy CEO prefect Master c yeoman rocker chickenshit cavil sheriff tiff Mo niggling principal bicker attorney general headborough cop picayune sergeant major petit solicitor machinist's mate Fo CFO marshal niggle rating badge trooper
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premier main CIO beadle miff provost admiral superintendent constable squabble warden lilliputian pilfery quibble rector inspector CWO fiddling pimping spat pc nonrated executive staple copper divan attorney-general PRO archfiend chef ensign peccadillo head commodore officer pettifogging justiciar OD faultfinding bobby registrary chamberlain pettiness petit larceny Mickey Mouse petty dicker archenemy haggle top paramount archon surgeon general preside colonel politicaster captious solicitor-general sherif pester princeling small gendarme CJ mayor CTO corporal picayunish fiscal enlisted man p prime underwork secretary-general princekin criticaster magistrate bailiff small-minded registrar acephalous princelet grand general headship pilfer headman peeler archangel arch- subadar CAO mainstay auditor–general chief executive judge advocate general cabinet cw off lieutenant flatfoot squib pettifogger understrapper noncom duce major-domo pontiff firemaster pickery air marshal opuscule capital bull mate OCS cock Ca CC lictor kotwal senior master sergeant headquarters first sergeant warrant faujdar policewoman NCO pettifog headless peanut split hairs nipper high priest cap jefe polemarch rozzer prolocutor chiefly watch officer questmonger regulus Butler steward C in C subchief master–at–arms primal Cs thanadar postmaster-general satrap palatine pig trivial minister petty officer shamus tittle-tattle puisne hair grovel sheikh primary central knack wharf rat secondary King puny aga unimportant squireling punctilio float carp queenlet rennin Indonesian Burmese mean honcho megalopolis driblet petty officer second class consul general light-fingered primo CE bother huckster portreeve alderman disrate parnas tindal borsholder town major assistant prime minister cutwal archbutler vice–chancellor first secretary eschevin cazic fuzz policeman fauteuil coxswain gun captain teleman subaltern correction officer storekeeper master chief petty officer of the coast guard leading seaman sheepbiter forehand recorder squireen popeling second in command cardinal crib hairsplitting huff prig Whigling shark bread and butter ataman chanter escudo regnant vatu sagamore grift lurcher police constable gripe meresman uniform general officer knock sergeant OC privateersman speaker annoyed petty officer third class harassed bosun naval aviator hospital corpsman bo's'n turret captain maire cockswain gunner's mate chicken governor secretary RTO special CMSgt second lieutenant ch. chief master sergeant of the air force ragler grand commander town clerk induna decurion agha LCJ beggarly chief point daroga military governor sergeant major of the army order of the day grand vizier police inspector dominant fussy bailie boroughreeve commissary general grand master patron librarian vicegerent ealdorman town manager stated clerk matron centurion tribune ofcr SMO GSO officiary SNO offr Ro exec GOC fountainhead chiefless meat primate Lyon King of Arms main line twopenny–halfpenny air controlman go-by-ground quibbly pernickety adjutant subofficer summoner fed dinar byrlawman lower deck tradevman co-CEO sailmaker's mate literator minute pilfering peddling mean-spirited pinched twopenny-halfpenny Crown chief-justiceship cardinal deacon alcalde subahdar appoint dastur Snake Woman treasurer strategus emir Queen's Advocate stadtholder shikken archchancellor federal douanier flic f rangatira mischief Cochise sachem justiciary puttock metropolis phylarch base mainspring key boatswain's mate corregidor quarter-gunner Marduk duke crab meaning huckery petit jury taradiddle petit theft paltry mayor of the palace naik archchamberlain burra town administrator general–in–chief generalissimo supervisor flag-captain controller dewan Ulster King of Arms chiliarch coroner snippety pusil faultfinder piddling soldier banneret flight lieutenant Decatur kirkman bombardier jamadar justice detective processioner regarder tithingman childish trifling slight insignificant footling headborrow potty means grammatist twattle fopling roitelet snifty meant petite nickel-and-dime indiscretion opuscle tracasserie booster cochief puisny fiddler coffee cooler infraction dandyling maister topper palmary boss snobling kingling filchingly ch presidential entrance inconsiderable jack-in-office fault-finding lordling royalet sectiuncle pettily hoodlum fuss carping sixpenny lord advocate Clark, Mark Wayne board of estimate overriding CP black cod water tender Great Master jemidar Goethals, George Washington bulletin intendant president general lo customs official office–bearer commandant customs agent air boss church officer purchasing officer chief knowledge officer attendance officer officering officered rating-badge WO corporate officer so chicanery pilferer dukeling subregulus minion nick generous water rat naggly grudging amoret larceny pinprick bore poeticule hail meanie two–by–four judex pedaneus meany harried micrology chandlerly small–time vexed rigmarole robberling narrow–gage poetling crumb appropriate kinglet quip quiddity snipe trivia spiv IRO agent-general fireward masterpiece ruling cornercap cos in chief arch–poet cony high priestess C.-in-C. mastership CNO commissary-general judge tetrarch central cell supreme great archpriest LeMay, Curtis Emerson mico prabhu archprimate matai archabbey Beelzebub C of S Bradley, Omar tyee sea king archical major GRU commissioner–general Spaatz, Carl township Schwarzkopf, H. Norman Sheridan, Philip Henry flattie redcap John Law underofficer OOD plainclothesman revenuer officeress SGO LDO demon bluebottle intern FSO unofficered secular skin-merchant WOJG sto MGO CSO schoolie midshipman NLO PMO deacon dogcatcher busy secretary–general NSO cobbler RSO OER king's man John Hop ordnance officer SOCO NOIC RIO officer at arms law enforcement agent LSO runner punk Grub Street narrow–minded panglima niggler ride persnickety piker shifting chivy hard cheese hidebound shyster knightling two–bit sneak scrap philosophaster bridewell nibble triviality godlet worry overking pendragon stibble–rig metropolitan Red Cloud C-in-C Uncas archrival riding bureaucracy fleabite little nit-pick pick at prettify ridden rode quibbing skolly ungenerous narrow-minded hassle pilferingly above peck semantic tale race gang priestling housewifish grammaticaster archtraitor Poundmaker Rhopalura Massasoit leading geneva Tecumseh foreman reis CINC metropole archi- rajah jarl protonotary paris heresiarchy Chief Justicely Lyon chiefest caboceer cross-examine supremo fellow C.O. counsellor prior houseman lawman nark daftardar flagman jack tipstaff skin merchant Fg Off headmaster executive officer guidon EHO higher–up bear schoolmaster inquisitor second mate tahsildar political reve narc sirdar Chief Justiceship head waiter body pigment Qeshm dinner aesir point mahant ra man of the house deputy chief genearch Galata commander-in-chief chieftain potestate ariki alii base metal doge eparch ealdordom borough hall clou in capite Hotan granary Qishm top dog right-hand man Khorasan main guy Sebastodes flagship imam gillie asuncion Lipari best maid mugwump standard presidency government first Zákinthos Pontiac Osceola mandarin only sheriff principal number one main earth command–in–chief essential Babuyan CFI general orders bel étage archimime pacha grand inquisitor key grip Kos Mephistopheles Darfur albite felsite Ashur cgs Åland DCI direct examination director general bulk brant Styria sunck headsman principalness Cordillera Central pièce de résistance torment two-bit magnanimous sardine knavery cozen pigwidgeon sayyid flagellin casein archprelate peshwa lady of the house arch-fiend First Minister hierarch kingpin lead Nicholas peace officer PIO Preble Wilkes Bligh town crier equerry flag captain flag rank hull group captain barge Miles sparks Duquesne commissary master gunner Marryat officership technicality vex misdemeanant quarrelsome below small-town tinhorn tease shoestring gaff detraction shirk sharking field grade district attorney townsman administrant AO coppering company commander Porter pursuivant patrolman Lawrence pressmaster flying officer orderly officer peon Mosby Macdonough liaise cybercop batman boffin umpire navigator tec probation reserve officer walloper gerefa officiate packmaster compte rendu deck watch chief superintendent guard plod engineer trust officer bogey nightstick sailor trap swab gang huffy job scribbler shore patrol blare colt hornet lud pick

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Words For "chief petty officer"

As you've probably noticed, words for "chief petty officer" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "chief petty officer" are: CPO, SCPO, senior chief petty officer, master-at-arms, and chief. There are 936 other words that are related to or similar to chief petty officer listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "chief petty officer" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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