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egg bound ovoid egg–bound oval eggshell glair ovate hatch bounce albumen oviform bindery in outbound corded book inbound ironbound nit quenelle sure shell vitellus Easter egg lay spring Atlas ovum bind hardback oo- vault sworn goog wired yolk ovi- bond servant macaroon skip strait-laced sheaf oocyte volume uncommitted secular bounden ooidal rebound ovulite up free egg-shaped o unbound butt cackle French toast religious spang impregnable ootheca obligation
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roe soft-cover zygote white oogenesis sacramental confine bondmaid mere stint votary tempera spiral berry hard-boiled ovicular chiffon soft-boiled marzipan beholden paperbound bookbindery ovalbumin kiss addle pip certain limit bondsman bond hatchling leap mayonnaise paperback freefloating bundle loose caper homebound outward-bound candle vitelline angel food cake monotocous Scotch egg colligate prance cess room-ridden vellum bondman germ cell uniparous Newburg monozygotic bonded homing bondage signatory obligate phosphoprotein uncovenanted repudiate termination parthenogenesis ab ovo egg-cup butternut fertile ligation unhatched meringue archiblast conception sunny side up ant egg vitellin bounding unconventional quarto bourn antiphonary bounded tippet cocoon ovule subventaneous hermit ought delimit obligor conjuror deoxidize ligature circumference unbounded articled conjunct indenture back spellbound liable jump bend must amphimixis oviparous bird blastomere egg-white resting egg souffle ooid affined sherbet cleavage ovularian frosting eclosion hollandaise sauce souffl� [or] souffle discoblastic close obligee liege finite birch footloose untie under oath dioxide hardbound freethinker oblige unfettered fasciated brow binding regular uninhibited stake chipboard avidin egg white jellybean mad-apple hollandaise oviposit gefilte fish biotin polyembryony b�arnaise sauce [or] bearnaise sauce layer egg cup mousseline sauce pink lady colostrum eggy blow conceptus cr�me br�l�e [or] creme brulee spring roll impregnate disbound plum tomato poached egg ootid softcover divinity kenning go-as-you-please period one stend bd curvet arrowhead bnd whole–bound covenantor hidebound religieux succinct unite indented enlistment impacted crop conventional root–bound weather–fast germinal apparatus tread pod treadle pace egg egging germinal vesicle egged advocaat chorion vitelline membrane googie blowcase ooglea ov- ey weavers'–shuttle embryonic vesicle duty shell egg religieuse close-knit committed handbound bale leaf sheet music liberal hedge monotreme embryo fertilize soft–boiled aubergine coddle yellow monovular brood bumbailiff anchor gynogenesis prairie oyster vegetal subovate tied dryad attached three–hooped water–consolidated holo fidelity Monk festoon crash Quaternary margin iron-bound independent term tablet egg-and-dart surcingled woodbound saddle-wired celibate bandage minimum terminate engage dichloride antiphonal protoporphyrin calfbound maximum ruffle obovate utricle peeper pasch-egg bird's–egg green prolate aioli duck egg implant micropyle salad flyblow grub hardboiled obovoid capacitate oosphere holoblastic dropped egg peel egg sac hen fruit exclusion lecith- allemande cackle berry crème anglaise deposit ovicapsule ovoviviparous liaison Béarnaise sauce drop elliptic icing ovicide egg-and-spoon race male female rissole lutein eggler ranch egg duck's egg ovoplasma May apple glaze eggcup cosy eyren elliptical addled eggshell blue chalaza springing Springs seabound flier leathered termine dactyl behold sprung no-win flyer rock-ribbed sprang ring-bound constricted destined diehard root-bound pseudovum edge oosperm marchpane poulette chocolate-egg addle egg ant-egg paste-egg total cleavage untied fixture skin-bound unshackled clothbound free-floating yellow-covered in hardback boundness apparent variable bondservant sixty-fourmo adherent residentiary Russia-bound stockade unvowed enkerchiefed spine ceremonious ubiquitinated stot fasciate kerchered sixteenmo stretch unavoidable crop–bound hard-backed ramp partnership unsworn horizon homeward-bounder conceive cock's egg parablast spawn ooplasm loquat rotten egg tagliatelle ova bad hat skate barrow golden buck ovioular egg yolk ovipara pot egg blown egg-roll shirr but complete per saltum wind egg soufflé potatoes shell membrane ovoidal telolecithal vow-fellow space-bound cable tight–knit unpinioned infinitude undertake limitation border Yellow Book dust jacket gambado free water go–as–you–please oath take skelp circle inseparable adscription bespoken gatepost under truck rule-boundedness backbone caseinate dust cover coswearer earthbound face in paperback thirty-twomo recognizee outline onium inextricable constant perfect binder outward–bound trade bound Cooper pair etiquetted built–up mast bandy static gimp vesicle primary outward cavort album eastland will white book town-bound intermarry lineation peon vacuole wire drink baryonium game egg monembryony egg membrane Maryland chicken embryonated sponge crab flip kiwi seed egg case range egg periblastula Scotch woodcock germinal disc chymoplasm egg bed meroblast trump strain gravid ichthidin ichthulin egg noodle hard-set embryonation glairy incubate steak tartare roe corn meat spot granadilla string blob identical latke meroblastic marsupium germ nucleus penguin flan ooscope egg squash sea grape angel cake French ice cream Gonk intravitelline alecithal oogonium germinal spot gallature anchor dart palatschinken sunny–side up pease pudding pysanka nog andromerogony good egg soufflé summer egg three–quarter–bound cone tatami lattice egg receptor Elachistodontidae duck blood spot nest egg winter egg test-tube baby acrosome bad egg caruncle blastodisc synthetic octameter owe three–legged race eukaryote suture coast lathi intercept complex sure-fire lock-in liegeman nation eyelet pastel polynucleotide conjurator obstriction abatis blood brother brake pad debt cult upper square postcommissure primary derivative Red Book function frontlet quarter–bound secret society arbitrary calf helot mete alligation collared convent commitment handfast gaff tournedos utmost distance delivery wheel crowd holy day of obligation let down book folder panel apprentice fidejussor loosen religionary association tight-knit troth-plight sister killick page slave suckener inhabit jerk foolscap guarantor capriole booklet bolt bent codex Rome was not built in a day close–knit hold group cover stone free house spiral-bound dos-à-dos astriction liberated admissible methyl bourne detur seroon canon unsectarian hardcover precinct mokihi phagosome pipe syrinx undenominational nip serf crucifixion hamstring honor bound lour positronium sisterhood religation samsara slavery novel unsealed moot music-case parole umma regular canoness secondary derivative selvagee tressured engagement bungee bracket band exciton phagolysosome free form grommet contain fantasia furl general statement lower fidejussion above the law think nothing of it unzoned be on (or on to) a loser be bound up/together associated state brassbound superstitionist exceptionable apoptosis circumscribe unpledged villein unfree cottage reporter fiery fiduciary notepad reserve microbody macadam letter-bound penetration path xanthophyll syngamy spaetzle prairie-cocktail lemon ichthin ovalbumen ovate-rotundate silver fizz mousse fertilization mayapple new-laid carposperm foo yong cob coal entrance path egg picking eggy bread ramen avgolemono check eggnog duchesse potatoes bobotie cobble cockatrice egger germen green-corn game-egg implantation mix poroporo carpogonium whisky sour zabaglione scramble flocculus egg flat macrolecithal royal icing tamarillo Malé pineapple pine cone sit noodle apple snow stracciatella alum leather peak entrance cone in ovo hard–boiled gripe's egg endochorion Graafian follicle marshmallow Russian Easter egg soldier velouté chordoplasm puggle micromere muffin nucleus of Pander nidamental floating island oviduct shuttle shell sabayon father archegonium berried thalamus venter vitellogenin emergence emerge blastocone custard tart egg axis Anjou alum curd egg foo yong larviposition germatic cleidoic sorbet tartare sauce ovulation fetus southern-fried sessile oak mermaid's purse ookinesis oosome Oikopleura pseudogamy potato pancake rinktum ditty coenocentrum rumfustian receptive spot albumin Australorp battered choux pastry cassette can't boil an egg epigenesis egg tempera snow pudding whip eggar eggplant apomixis brinjal germ-spot lysozyme island neck piping pasta squawky royal fizz carbonara Darling plum fallopian tube Khaki Campbell golden fizz germ band hard–boil gamete ocarina sea purse zoon tritovum almond snow exochorion buck rarebit dibling flyblown croque-madame poach red spot Schedius sea corn mesomere mother maypop acrosin

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Words For "egg-bound"

As you've probably noticed, words for "egg-bound" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "egg-bound" are: egg, bound, ovoid, egg–bound, and oval. There are 916 other words that are related to or similar to egg-bound listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "egg-bound" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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