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GNI GNP net national product gross domestic product revenue gross index number nationality rank deduction GDP nationalism gr. national tithe crass incoming tare outgross guardsman means blunder disposable income iniquity net sale income tax Congress gr. wt. whopper nationalize tax-deductible budget annuity national product international brutish rentier gro. NBA net income endowment surtax rent grossly great gross fine denationalize macroeconomics autarky earthy engross
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NRA Inc. greasy GOI transnational gr NI unearned income NLRB return NBC NASA now grosser natl. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police NUT deductible outrage ANC commute shelter gross national product endow NNP wage Independent dauber exemption rental bread and butter tax allowance antinational dull SSI lump low-income insult NG gt diet Fannie Mae sordid clod operating expense ratio competence n NRC nonnational NHL supernational subnational nat. [or] natl. muddy gentleman-farmer benefice profit FNMA nationalness unearned fat solecism gro corpulent freedom fulsome great lumpish Establishment high-income supranational Union Jack coarse barbarize slump before big lie operating income deformity NASDAQ nat savings ratio Fortune 1000 public debt earned income tax credit stark burlesque the GOP dense declare lower-income trading profit Library of Congress deferred income personal income incomings cap discretionary income private means intrado brutal housing project general Marseillaise interest capitalize earn legion pittance cloddish nondeductible fiscal recession adjusted gross income macro scurrilous nasty crude God Save the Queen KANU supplementary benefit NHI power ANU BNP DNB natl NHS gentile CNR nat. NPR comfortable ANSI progressive earnings come in break–even proceeds withholding tax deficit independent means nationalist miscalculate scurrility SNP blood operating profit ethnic the NT finance establish NIH NF marginal propensity to import Am national seashore subtilize corpus National Park Service ERISA revenue account tax wallow perquisite indirect tax meal ticket living principal allowance yield public tax shelter personal service company neb NIMH NTSC duma fat–kidneyed grim nasho NEA extortion parliament lion gr wt overgross precious RNLI bungle subtile fleshy trading loss supertax aggregate crassa negligentia fat-kidneyed crass negligence office premium GW underclass skim outgo joint return beneficiary tax rate bracket commune state office AGI classified INLA money consumption function progressivity family wage roundly bracket creep realize taxable fatty sub Realtor the Fourth of July Amtrak gentilic Greek Orthodox Church Louvre private income adjutant general green and gold GNMA exchequer mazurka volkslied palpable HNC transfer payment expendable income income protection insurance downscale residuals net earnings income stock withhold marginal Gro t grossen PGT common at large rent-roll obscene root filthy fog clearing sitcom sideline worth gross tonnage earthen-hearted value fund bull the Federal Reserve great dozen GP unheavenly ratings point net profit turn over Socceroos nationalization Star-Spangled Banner tax return GVW gnarly tax relief Kuznets supply–side Social Credit itemize undeclared assessment declaration revenue stream NC Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes earner tax–exempt stipend uhuru national deficit bleu de lyon bring black money dink medicare indirect taxation nationally Golden Shears Hellenism HND secession NAACP the Star-Spangled Banner FN NT public deficit national dress GPM fustilugs GRP squick main sculduddery ribald GRT outstrip kickback encarnalize GOM loading income support multiplier effect direct tax graduated basic rate basis thistle shamrock Arlington within Third World psychic income beneficial interest incomeless sip economic rente money income battered child syndrome payload real tenth cosmopolitan yearly win RIE loss–and–gain account profit and loss statement double taxation tax base macrostructure general election assess fixed-income breadline after-tax cash cow job grit GRI GIS underbanked nac Lorenz curve ghetto gain below-the-line conservatism gross income easement gross margin greasily gross-domestic-product top line Super Bowl swine jump walloper mugwump Longs Peak NWS NWG ONS nationalistic NCAA WNBA capital subvert NVQ bunting secret institution NLCS QANTAS NUJ NMS O Canada NTO ethnogogue NSB NBS NSC mall pluralism NCIS NMHA ethology dove Tri-Nations Championship NPL NMW genocide nit NSA NTSB Na RNC monument Dannebrog NFU NEC NRL Nam DNC NPS NLF NFC NME NUM NUS Scottish Nationalist Party netting good substance well-endowed downmarket monies nett federal holiday the SNP opal blue NSF NL NFL NFB deferred credit taxation property the Marseillaise NAS NASW Árpád NCEA Russian Orthodox Church NASD tcn the Kirk vatu character dance dirty whole dastardly buffoon defecation crapulent sacrilege Pelee, Point public wealth caricature pig large crucify NOAA NRMA gentilitious guard health service NAHT Neh NAIA outrageous grotty hoggery material lithology down–market bring in tax-free assured upmarket emolument percentage tare maul gross out indecent frozen asset money-spinner depend below beyond (or within) one's means financial spirituality project dip breadwinner rent roll revenued on benefits replacement ratio on welfare take–home pay marginal tax rate unfranked income anti-national Banyana Banyana funds Scots Nat kirk stateless Mzansi MNA NASCAR chauvinism national-epic Canadianism Southern Stars reflag Putrajaya swaraj autarchy sovereign unofficial witan RNIB speech NIST national guardsman the British Lions Baal flag airline the NHS lat RNID king's highway Mount McKinley National Park nab arms of dominion national anthem interparliamentary Stars and Stripes troopie Old Faithful the FNMA the Union Jack realpolitik overspend the bottom/top of the pile milch fructuary blip supplement tucker money knock down stipendiary magistrate write off distribution credit to taxpayer pocketbook dinky anticipate low-yield -incomer drop perform independence middle-income threshold fixed–income dividend tax live off (or on) bread–and–butter rentière depreciation naked power quantum flapdoodle underdeck tonnage thickskin grossness net domestic product deadweight ton grossification solder conational Devils Postpile standard rate wholesale Rabelaisian net sales mass action draft ton abominableness brutality kill the goose that lays the golden eggs receipt growth lucrative live economically sufficiency dividend coverage vagrant stipendiary luftmensch bulbous xylology blasphemous amaurosis brutally cash flow estate wing loading draff reserve buoyancy exorbitance concoct brutalize unconscionableness Waterton–Glacier International Peace Park czardas AFL Independence Day call-up European international salute carabiniere First Secretary noncontributory Ginnie Mae cousin government Red Cross compatriot restrictive borderless allemande country garda Naypyidaw police TVNZ Shiloh Gregorian Assur statal postmaster-general witenagemot Holy Synod jamboree NACODS NSPCC Civitan Sion Carlsbad Exchangite temporary chairman gold reserve NACRO Rotarian polytechnization Louise, Lake Tsavo National Park Senedd Russian ensa inholding Jaycee inferiority complex hyphenate CNAA vernacular skat unnational bucuresti Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument green-carder makar Chamber of Trade mamaliga Mammoth Cave territorial Repeal Warden Kiwanian Serengeti Plain seashore Ruritan militia seat roundel Banff Basic Curriculum ANWR patriotism lari philhellene nationwide telecom Guardmember NATFHE nationhood Grand Canyon–Parashant National Monument NAS/UWT Abbas swinish point cirrhosis barratry value added carnal refine culpa lata occult extraordinary clabber current yield income splitting higher rate unreported income source alimony blade loading slight negligence turnover tax rebate protopathic marginal rate redistribution business income living wage tax bite free economy dividend down-market capital employed average giro decimation income bracket indirect economic value fiscal year catel bonanza blue chip fixed income annual return issue underfunded elastic elasticity national income on subsistence level self-financing means of support propertied senior carry over snug class tax-exempt mean low-end investment produce abstinence aggressive book beneficial ownership circumstanced end exist state pension asset-backed undocumented unemployment gentleman energy budget inelastic hidden tax self–employed property tax family credit livestock market segmentation saving retirement personal allowance personal exemption non-taxable side job reinvest expense demographic above-the-line earnings growth kiddie tax chargeable flat tax head tax income elasticity of demand nominal nil-rate assignment social security running yield sales history pimp pernor bread-and-butter cover homemaker low band growth stock upscale back pay capital tax farmer annual direct trust double-dip microfinance perception unreportable regressive title tax evasion take-home pay livelihood proportional tax usance residual income glebe income group demographic profile dot inflationary spiral effective tax rate househusband government surplus disbursement bums on seats capitalization earn your keep annual value invisible come circumstance loss budgetary declared tax-exempt income the breadline eke fixed disposable housewife joint sail scuffle piddling shift for yourself self-assessment revolving nominal account regressive tax starting rate poppy fisherman generation financial plan inclusionary deficiency inspector of taxes inland revenue cobra disability insurance budget deficit chancellor of the exchequer real wages holiday flag castor garrison flag home mission gross profit histology automatic stabilizer cotton wool rents, issues, and profits estimator seigniory tonnage profit and loss handle Fleet Street bulk compounder unbolted congeal tentacle ghastly tripe tare and tret leukaemia vulgar probate duty net tonnage the big lie dervish microfungus bill absurdity tonnage coefficient mangy globalist foundation subjects freeze Freneau Filipino carnet anthem Endek Devils Tower Electric Peak Key, John marketization leek alternative curriculum

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Words For "gross national income"

As you've probably noticed, words for "gross national income" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "gross national income" are: GNI, GNP, net national product, gross domestic product, and revenue. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to gross national income listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "gross national income" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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