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glass reflex camera plate glass screen crystal glassy vitreous glassware lens ground schooner vitrify glaze soft-paste focusing glass moderator glazier light box glasswork water glass viewfinder vitrescent grist deglazing light table extinction meter stereomonoscope view camera up glazing grounder pony tumbler muller pane negative underground jeweller's rouge gray hamburger finder marbles land eyeglass ventouse ground joint sweep up cullet glassful hardpan glassworks spectacle
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rough opaline hyaline frosting found paste earth lead Home rummer floor control tower stink bomb plot putty plate plat eminence prostrate prospective perspective vitriform goblet lorgnette bugle grass metal flat lead glass flute racing glass looking glass wineglass filler glebe drag glasshouse jar beaker vitrine ON glassless Flint grits score clink founder stone cornmeal Crown gill fall down cup marble seidel rain glass alehoof air repent ground level gnd. milk glass mirror harmonica polyhedron glassmaker blown smoke down fall bog fallen balloon goblet frit frosted hothouse coupe Frost chimney coverslip came binocular pingle subterranean mold rise quagmire elevated aground sod grisaille sandiver glass eye feed siege uphill place aloft dust overground marver superfine low away bumper balloon toilet mirror bolt loupe bullseye unglazed home turf terrene grind blue earth street floor blue clay GRP bubble window hourglass smalto psyche square sherry lustre looking-glass land quarry quarrel tear table glass high promise riverside plant crown glass in vitro roundel calx brandy fibreglass foliation triplex cloche obsidian clinical thermometer fill raze excavate tilth advantage ground grounding praise bury authorize glassmaking shandy glassen soluble glass tass wine shell ooze grinded geo- the first floor pleck highland superterranean gnd Lowland gem viˈtrescent tinted soil ice-glass hyaloid perspicil cut-glass presumptive level inground stomping ground creeping Charlie terra firma table Stem smalt lace glass trifocal hand lens glass cutter bifocal snifter seam jalousie alley beer mousseline reptant commons slope drop first floor cracked greensward grout cemetery station latticinio flashing case vitreous silica polyscope mirror plate bulb drink bocca shot glass middy cut glass diamanté brew pilsner glass cloth superterrene sink duff procumbent pit tunnel glassed-in matting reticello boot float glass colour twist polemoscope tiffany bottle glass vitr- shatterproof glass prismatic glass armonica thread pellucid brodeglass joint snake cupping borax pole drain bleb aventurine Wistar glass brittle snake sculptured glass sponge glass glass shrimp glassing diaphanie terrarium blow swizzle stick diamond brim decanter shard ching top moil vitrobasalt hyalobasalt silvered glass fishbowl glassed eyeglasses tachylyte Head milch glass gold ruby glass showcase sandever swing–glass spread glass broad glass blister throw erect encouraging rut creeping horizontal led mire stuff husband turf phreatic fumble course oatmeal terrace souterrain condemnation green trail Day longe unearth spend Foot hope lift cameo-glass optic glazed quartz glass flat glass Canada yew spermophile husk–tomato advantage-ground gill–go–by–the–ground ground story grd American yew terracing normal state groundsheet culture dwarf yew morass carabid crow–victuals geometric plane ground mist GZ basso ostinato fond gill–over–the–ground ground hold creeping hemlock till sheet physalis fossil flour ground sea stamping ground standing ways grounded red mangrove anatron cover slip muff slag glass gless under glass cucurbit glasynge glass lizard moonroof snapdragon liqueur landscape mirror glass toweling champagne water box vitrailed purdah glass go hyal- ale muff-glass pitchstone borosilicate glasses Wardian case rolled glass loop sunglass vitrified Graham's salt gin whiskey tequila elver glass fibre whisky water telescope show stone spatter glass glazen pot–color monocle pot-metal fritted slipper perspectively musical glasses amaretto night-glass rum calvados martini pale ale snakebite hobnail brimmer gall looking-glass one glassily tjaele glass snake Irish coffee club soda shower limeade cheval-glass lead crystal Scotch long-sleever Tassie charge groundsel groundsill stone–ground street level road/ground clearance grainy mealie meal MCG groundswell GPI ground beam grindable AGM groundward labour ground lead liverwurst HSGT matrix start-up earth wire field balm fishery creeping bur cat's–foot rapeseed meal mignonette pepper under foot samp run–away–robin caster sugar pouched marmot subterraneity earth plate rec ground cedar puxy marshy ground chain rockahominy jack–over–the–ground batsman's ground ballpark bastard cherry hominy grits field cypress low–lying new-wave start squashy quake ooze commence buckwheat winter fallow almond meal alfalfa meal deck wild snakeroot robin runaway matter blood flour Christmas green Greenland caribou campo santo dirt GCI GCL airspeed strand Indian meal marmot squirrel GCA grinnie ground frost onloft GFCI buffalo pea build gate stock probable sloth up- GS fat hen ginger terrestrial teleport spot creeping Jennie brook censo moor leopard squirrel tunhoof kimberlite venetian pearl lady's looking-glass flask canned gelatinize deck light pyrex firing monkey hearth lady's waist stemware purey lime glass vitrifacture ladle wey crystalware ballotini iridize mirror-glass platen propagator cave ferretto glassman glassie custard glass opalotype punt Pele's tears race glass drawn glass canary glass end–of–day glass glass–paper reanneal acid embossing alum glass button uviol glass flacon mule windowpane shot fume goldfish bowl jug mineral water liqueur glass basket sponge kugel pucellas glass bell lace-glass limoncello handle ginger ale tank suncatcher australite jesse objective dark glasses round-paned quartz measuring glass bumbelo hyalograph hyalography vitrificate bottle grozing iron double-glazed rumbullion ginger beer fused quartz crystal ball carafe glass-sponge rhinestone handglass smoked glass scarlet pimpernel amphitheatre porkburger swamp impracticable God's acre drub erode lodge drill à terre layland hypocarpogean aflat lower hypocenter bonemeal dib mash lush berley coral evergreen high–flying sank gnaw squatty GAPA groundless hill groundout shieling juniper permafrost undersoil go down unground squirrel chipmunk linseed meal annual rent grade hove touch down lease ripe nutburger graveyard ground-floor sinking hen-and-chickens sunken hog-bed squat vineyard burial sunk height mired dung semiterrestrial downstairs grun gilder's whiting home ground clay above ground actionable shinwood haaf burying ground réseau ordinaire forereach subject German sheet glass bull's-eye prunt vitric fiberglass ambitty vitrification liqueur-glass blower crate vitrescence salt glass cutting glass cement engraved glass hypogeous crystal glass vaseline quiz working hole spun glass jewel lading unglaze watch crystal flash quarry glass cistern pot peloton laminated glass pot metal cranberry glass window pane dandy shooter cord top sb up bead Wistarberg glass mirror-plate nap carousel cider stained glass pressed ware opal lamp night glasses kelty top someone up opaque Chinagraph French windows canopy cafetière astragal annealing ash-oven muddle half–one jam jar jigger coralene communion glass flint glass double glazing favrile glass coaster tableware crown lens gather foil camphor glass eudiometer glass wool gazing ball catoptron hurricane immie coupé phial rim refill angel hair Ophisaurus opus musivum portlight punty pounce cylinder soda–lime glass window glass vitraillist foliate mount medical orangery toilet glass semivitrified plexiglass junk bottle skylight silex syllabub pier table silver deposit cement configurated lehr optician anaclastic invitrifiable pick glass angel's hair demijohn cold one crystal clock tall drink gaffer jingle milky longneck seedy shade slug soda wire-glass occasional shiver glasspaper hexametaphosphate recharge fly frame rough plate lap muntin pie plate eyebright gathering iron globe uranium glass envelope ally snuff cut kick blebby bocal dramseller omphaloptic cane cling crystallomancy mug reading glass empty unguentarium sheet glass case figurine dragade ferrous oxide hunter grate room punto top something up palm-house perlite pint cranny cockle buttoned undine vial leaded lights toughened glass patio door picture window crystallotype black betty bottle green pearl lamp parfait glass cover glass face glass servitor shear boy Florentine glass watch-glass vitro di trina millefiori schmelz cattle-run field flour cause grazing fire cryophyte delve full toss obligation playground slant souslik cowpen root shack flowers of madder pavement spine meal capulin underfoot title ground loop coal blacking ruderal fenland mineral white creeping plant ground landlord six feet under subterranity descend bottom come up countermarch steak tartare trench ungrounded entresol grindability gianduja on your knees cross-country soppy sloppy pomace honeycomb ground réseau rake second floor hit the ground jacks–over–the–ground landfang mince pearl barley milled background necropolis motocross gopher coriander inseminate boggy rooty slippery selva downward ranger track acclivity cricket pavilion cuppy confidence geogenous Ravenscroft conservatory cold stoking down in one leading

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Words For "ground glass"

As you've probably noticed, words for "ground glass" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "ground glass" are: glass, reflex camera, plate glass, screen, and crystal. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to ground glass listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "ground glass" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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