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dill parsley chervil basil thyme sesame dittany coriander tarragon fireweed herbaceous lovage oregano wort herbalist absinthe rosemary moly alkanet seasoning cardamom marjoram wasabi goldenseal peppermint rosebay cilantro sage spearmint plant purslane caraway coltsfoot fennel save panacea tansy navelwort rue jointweed elecampane mint chamomile borage celery woodruff herblet St Martin's herb willow periwinkle hemp milfoil yerba pinkroot sweet marjoram boneset
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aconitum felwort sneezewort costmary samphire celandine rattlebox ginseng teasel safflower pennyroyal cohosh tisane oilseed simple fumitory sainfoin plantain roseroot pokeweed agueweed skunkweed salad horehound velvetleaf mayapple feverfew moonwort leopard's–bane truelove goutweed bedstraw fleawort brookweed endive tormentil monkshood motherwort cumin richweed ironwort bennet squawroot catnip avens snapdragon turtlehead peppergrass lungwort baneberry fenugreek forget-me-not ramie Dutchman's-breeches pinedrops pennycress forb moosetongue fox geranium herbar mountain geranium lopseed anise tuberose spikenard cloveroot nipplewort death–come–quickly wren's flower robert bunchflower astragalus aconite dagga salvia pinesap prairie sage henbane oneberry chicory dropwort jack-in-the-pulpit madder barrenwort mew herb-women devil–in–a–bush clovewort yerb hogweed spiked willow herb frostweed wolfsbane epazote silverweed sea daffodil skirret sea milkwort touch–and–heal jenny-wren felonwort yarb herbary cherry pie willowweed jenny wren bloodwort savory salt sunray red bird's–eye egrimony blooming sally moneywort water arum mignonette weld spicknel mouse-ear iron-shrub turmeric alexander shiso creat rupturewort anet lunary hare's–ear garlic fraxinella spinach tassel flower garden–gate squinancy potherb pennywort broomweed moschatel poke bugbane squirrel corn phlox origan bugloss red robin snowdrop peristerion wild tobacco romerillo chaffweed yellow rain lily balm bloodroot toad lily bistort watercress mugwort salsify fringed pink scorzonera bunchberry sea holly horokaka gravelweed goat's horn leafy spurge shrub thymic great chervil jack-by-the-hedge nodding catchfly tobacco quinoa ammoniac bitterroot castor–oil plant clary zaatar toadflax yarrow wormwood lichwort black sage septfoil asarabacca lace flower arrowroot whiteweed sneezeweed dasheen Hercules' allheal globe tulip Coventry bell creeping-jenny officinal soapwort belladonna halogeton Dutchman's–breeches butterfly nepitella spurge nettle mermaid weed pipeweed owl's clover subshrub crop poison hemlock water dropwort eggplant lily of the valley marsh marigold blue cohosh toothcup arugula galax hellebore flat-leaf parsley cool tankard creeping bellflower western dropwort goldenpert Canadian waterleaf hoary puccoon pepperwort bittercress lady's cushion scarlet fritillary evening–snow barajillo greater stitchwort yellow foxglove poly-mountain ambrose golden meadow parsnip pinda fall dandelion nose-herb dandelion greens alpine aster astrofell purple clover bergamot zedoary squill speedwell sweet flag cowslip crown amsonia Australian glasswort bloodflower tassel grass crinkleroot garland chrysanthemum dahl toothwort crambling rocket Canadian burnet melosa bundleflower giant daisy water hemlock true-love flower mudwort saintpaulia ivy medic city avens sweet scabious calamint corn violet appleringie gentle thistle herb true-love rosary pea soybean marsh pennywort burnet cudweed curandero stevia marshmallow mortiferous great indian plantain lady's–comb milk parsley European vervain baby's breath ginger cankerberry tansy mustard iron shrub sheep's–parsley scurvy grass stink bell pussytoes water fennel parsley-piert emmenagogue tidytips three–seeded mercury swampweed woolly painted cup ricinus wood nettle chay Siberian squill climbing hempweed cous Roman nettle rock pink early saxifrage river bulrush red larkspur Durango root forked catchfly orange daisy Cape fennel Carolina beechdrops New Zealand spinach winged everlasting cocash Colorado wild potato dancing–girls wild teasel lizardtail Darling lily white wreath aster deadly carrot munjeet Josephine's–lily blue-hearts tall cupflower fiesta flower feather fern Egyptian soaproot Grayson lily great lobelia great water parsnip great white trillium green milkweed golden eardrops golden glow grapple plant grassland daisy hemp agrimony herb mercury Japanese knotweed bitters alpine catchfly alpine eyebright mistflower alpine forget–me–not alpine lousewort aromatic arctic chamomile Australian piripiri Australian sea holly Barbados lily blessed thistle bur parsley Mexican clover Kansas gay–feather iturite fiber barren strawberry black cosmos bluehearts bog gentian Chinese squill waxweed spring vetchling Tiny Tim turquoiseberry white fritillary white mariposa grass lily water poppy hairy Solomon's seal archangel hairy China cardamom bay butterbur garden orache low bindweed mock bishop's–weed mullein foxglove hay knawel maudlin May wine oconee bells water-stargrass rattleweed saffron edible canna sandwort plowman's–spikenard prairie sabbatia prettyface farewell–to–spring red valerian comb speedwell sea kale alum root coralwort cockshead goutwort indaconitine joseph's flower forty–knot flax star artillery plant schizandra garden cress lesser celandine mountain bluet musk clover mustang mint nasturtium prairie lily panace paroquet bur rock beauty purple ragwort purple sage seabeach sandwort scarlet monkey flower smooth beardtongue chaff–flower Chinook licorice creeping forget–me–not creeping oxeye cress rocket fountain plant Cape lily burnet saxifrage cyclobothra false ipecac kiss–me guinea–hen weed goitcho golden crownbeard golden ironweed horseradish spinage water celery American orpine American sea rocket maca root Bethlehem sage blue scabious bog pimpernel benne swamp pink whorled loosestrife winged pea water star grass hyssop maror mountain-flax pheasant's-eye rhizocarpic sang roquette ipecacuanha golden crest baby's-breath bryony many-seed coma lamb tail marsh speedwell justiceweed nondo poppy prairie bird's–foot trefoil queen of the prairie pill–bearing spurge herb bennet piripiri pimpernel harebell pudding-grass Virginia goatsbeard sowbane hog's–meat snowdrop anemone whorled aster whorlflower wood strawberry yellow beardtongue love-in-idleness sweet herb Humboldt's lily tronador great Solomon's–seal hairy willow herb oswego tea maudeline spurry alpine umbrella plant American columbo anise hyssop golden peppergrass arrow grass Bambarra groundnut banana–plant baby blue eyes tall coneflower bastard sensitive plant biacuru golden–eyed grass dog's cabbage blue daisy bulbous buttercup clammy everlasting Crimean snowdrop crimson sage mountain parsley dog cabbage fringed loosestrife dyeweed candlestick lily California skullcap Canary bellflower cypress gilia feverroot fiddle–neck false goldenrod Texas pea scarlet larkspur alpine anemone alpine parnassia alpine spring beauty Amazon sword bay tree anu ammoniac plant American great valerian bloodberry black salsify béarnaise crystal flower Cretan bear's–tail devil's–grandmother Cape primrose common chickweed copper iris corn catchfly epilobium feverwort fairy fans false garlic false lily of the valley fameflower Egyptian henbane flowering flax fool's watercress French tea garlic mustard garden columbine golden wave hedgehog parsley hyssop skullcap ice pink horned poppy jug plant Maltese cross purple meadow parsnip niger pellitory mare's-tail pondweed lettuce tikor thistle sage queen–cup silver chickweed cat's-foot benny fleabane wall pellitory yellow alder woody aster stinkwort silvery lupine whorled milkweed leopard plant cowwheat dwarf houseleek California buttercup clustered poppy mallow false aloe Himalayan rhubarb jacobean lily jagged chickweed healall jeffersonia milk vetch soaproot alpine bistort basil balm black medic leatherroot tuckahoe summer cypress western poppy Virginia crownbeard mossy saxifrage water marigold water avens nettle yellow star grass mullein pink basket-of-gold white mullein Oregon lily herb-paris parakelia caltrop poppy anemone umbrella leaf strawberry tomato ragged robin bird's–beak snake's–head iris snowy campion tall larkspur tallowweed tall white lettuce dwarf cudweed Swan River daisy turnsole zebra plant water speedwell diamond flower cineraria fish begonia California vetch false boneset hairy pipewort glade mallow cathedral bells heath pea large–flowered bellwort large–leaved aster chincherinchee mountain phlox marsh purslane marsh Saint–John's–wort nutmeg flower night–flowering catchfly purple rocket phasemy bean Russian knapweed shamrock pea Scottish asphodel paris soja American gromwell American watercress American white avens autumn snowflake balloon flower alpine campion candle anemone cotton rose Christmas rose Ceylon swamplily spotted wintergreen shepherd's purse red maids prairie false boneset money plant nieveta New York aster manatee grass Rocky Mountain bee plant canchalagua European pasqueflower false wall cress ground centaury green adder's mouth alpine brook saxifrage French marigold anise plant androsin American featherfoil American germander American star grass bead plant black bindweed alexanders cankerweed tall bellflower tall thistle throatwort twinleaf whitecup whorled rosinweed widow's–cross western sage cowbane parsnip-chervil spike showy sunflower vijao Virginia stickseed velvet bur edelweiss white ginger wild angelica wood horsetail wood pink yellow tarweed yellowwort wreath goldenrod water persicaria water radish Canada violet Canada anemone Texas star Carolina anemone thale-cress country borage bushy aster bristly sarsaparilla button aster hedge hyssop green dragon herb Paris frogbit hoary vervain Australian pitcher plant Jamaica senna tree nutraceutical apple of Peru American feverfew rose of heaven ramtil Saint–Bernard's–lily alpine beardtongue Allegheny spurge ptisan pineweed mandrake desert trumpet flower yohimbine shoreweed meadow-pea squinancywort prophet-flower abelmosk sweet javril upland white aster sacaline sea parsnip yellow cancer root spectacle pod showy milkweed alkali mallow autumn crocus bindi–eye blue wood aster crown daisy corn marigold robin's plantain California bluebell California tea bushy gerardia Byzantine speedwell fairy bell false rue anemone purple milkweed goldilocks gold of pleasure goatsbeard lake cress lizard's tail New Zealand flax nodding onion onion prairie smoke pine–barren sandwort pine hyacinth rough goldenrod herbivore cupid's-dart five–spot cobweb houseleek redberry taro golden alexanders gold joint German madwort henbit jackass clover crambe alpine fireweed American mistletoe cup plant dwarf eggplant Bacopa beach wormwood basket–of–gold bird's–foot trefoil black horehound black caraway billy–goat weed bog star stonecrop ravigote Cretan mullein carrot red baneberry purple bladderwort rover bellflower sheep's–bit snow–in–summer spreading dogbane goldenrod wild bleeding heart wild chervil wild lupine aubergine yellow mountain saxifrage Texas brown–eyed Susan onagraceous water crowfoot water lobelia Virginia knotweed cloudberry stone parsley Tartarian aster swamp willow herb desert plume thyme–leaved speedwell wild cotton woad yellow pimpernel wall rocket western red lily fish geranium Virginian stock water hyssop water shield California coneflower butter-and-eggs copperweed cauliflower poison-berry poly pot-herb starflower rose-campion succory geranium Gibraltar candytuft German catchfly gayfeather hecogenin horse balm Indian rhubarb Chinese forget–me–not lamb's ears corn gromwell naranjilla crested iris poolroot pigeon pea Peruvian lily rock sandwort rose of Jericho redroot sea campion sand spurry willow-herb woodroof Aaron's rod automobile–weed axseed blade cotton thistle smallage viper's–grass bean–vine Barnaby's thistle bugleweed golden-rod yellow harlequin yellow lupine yerba buena buckbean catmint season to taste tall blue lettuce stiff aster udo twinspur white locoweed wild cabbage wild ginger wild licorice horseweed vervain thoroughwort violet wood sorrel Virginia mallow Virginia strawberry horseshoe vetch dictamnus harbinger–of–spring green violet bird plant roselle giant forget–me–not snow-in-summer starwort witloof wormseed false mermaid false bugbane foamflower desert lily chickpea Chinese evergreen staff rush saffron thistle seedbox primrose willow rue anemone pink milkwort pingue orange milkwort musk plant murrnong mountain sorrel Kerguelen cabbage lamb succory lady's thumb lomatium

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Words For "herb"

As you've probably noticed, words for "herb" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "herb" are: dill, parsley, chervil, basil, and thyme. There are 992 other words that are related to or similar to herb listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "herb" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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