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scale glass looking glass c miniature image mirror reflect re speculum F reflection minor d tonic Kelvin compact gamut specular mirrored mi fa degree frame optical lever ti a major dresser dressing table b sc focal length step subdominant supertonic vernier cheval glass big lepido- mirror-galvanometer Mass protract condenser mirror image la macro subtonic heliograph do epic foliation reflecting galvanometer chromatic scale rearview mirror squama
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e wholesale pier glass stone tonality chiffonier rear mirror girandole sol little g register grade chromatic foil shower looking-glass plate spectacle enantiomorph chiral scalar looking-glass writing mediant submediant sixth small r lamina largely gauge looking-glass at dominant focal plane miniaturize large vanity scaly downscale squamule full-length large-scale defog Fahrenheit spherical aberration seeing glass apiculture nanoscale octave reflector catoptric rhinoscope scute heliostat scaled dollhouse shadow Schmidt system mirrory prink letter balance low absolute temperature scale handedness keynote third key enantiomer minutely descent two-way mirror heliotrope comb manufacture spectacular rescale replica semitone below rating pier table reflex camera toilet set small-scale wing mirror Celsius lah coelostat trumeau squatter pentatonic reducing glass LSI sc. primp point duchesse Rank vas scl squam blind spot pholid- scalable Gregorian telescope focus silver descend Mohs scale undiscriminating operation pentatone vedalia atonal descale coccid tierce seventh intonation letter weigher squame clinker macroeconomy king carp reflecting glass reflex rear-view mirror reverse tabernacle mirror steel aberration mirroring majesty supraocular diatonic postorbital average prefrontal polemoscope achiral rankine reflexive bureau fourth intonate parabolize calibrate weigh makeweight mass-produce supralabial level graduation financier zero centigrade desquamate hang overhead projector refigure write in miniature pantograph red scale Cassegrain telescope sol-fa floor plan squamiform great major mode infra cinder fur ranking dome above grift reflecting telescope homelyn steel glass reflexion concave temper mode plan agribusiness massive climb spacious minus factor diastereoisomer dissymmetry natural Claude Lorraine glass dull medicine cabinet virtual image pachometer fog toilet glass overmantel soh lepid- plus scaly spleenwort flake mirrorball manoeuvre prime saccharometer grand mirror-writer dare toilet barrel scale peach lecanium long scale ivy scale cherry scale diagraph scaly fern upscale near gale ctenoid salary scale scaly-winged roll scale wage scale industrialize enormity minor mode chaff scale alt scurfy bark louse divide scaling model Cline second reverberation paraffin scale shield scale pit–making scale axillary scale drum scale scaleback microanalysis adjunct hallstand anamorphosis fifth retinoscopy Newtonian telescope range pointer achromatic superdominant rustre gradation exhibition increment broadacre tectonics fah squamous enoptomancy chimney glass hand glass toilet mirror one-way mirror rhinoscopy mirror-glass mirror fugue handglass glass-faced focal point reflective enoptromancy mirror canon camera obscura weight SI magnitude anabasis elevation guess stick pure minor scale dress rehearsal conflagration megatechnics original minor scale bract rate plot tariff Homeric iron scale fluted scale horticulture log rule pernicious scale mom–and–pop shard extreme solmization hepatic Black tick logistics te macro- skall finger fern macrocosm normal minor scale microscale lepo- pocket-sized scuff R & D in a small way IPTS cenizo small-time NTS thermodynamic scale log scale iron-scale scale economies metalevel R & B cockatoo VLSI Chinese scale submicron shine reflection plane aplanatic alchemusie looking-glass image catoptromancy catoptron concave grating mirror writing mirror plate macro-scale melodic minor scale rorter scabbard harmonic minor scale timescale mesoscale pediplanation squamella extensive agriculture universal scale macrospicule basin wax scale apple scale reaumur broadscale microfungus macrofilaricidal majestically sheep cocky ceterach dodecuple scale technostructure turtleback scale macroscale -lepis white Maksutov telescope reversing eyepiece end notch nanoscopic winter band biblical violent storm capital project Rankine temperature grand-scale grand–scale scalepan digital number crunching cylinder scale hecatomb nanotechnology micromodule proud pomarine tetratonic Brix bright colossal grazier septenary tremendous macroscopic maneuver odophone gross ecodoom exfoliate Tattersall's whole–tone scale pentachord escalade boost abaction Kelvin temperature extent filament postparietal submacroscopic orange scale soft scale lamella internasal majestic bonder Celsius temperature saltation scale fly expansive overscaled power autocollimator solar furnace prospective glass bilbao glass object heliogram globalization in little mesoscopic wrath heroically cottage industry mass market backlotter junior subocular transition temperature microtechnology shadow-box 'twere reflecting glint ghost antidazzle mirror Rowland grating reflection grating demist shorten twin framing cracked glass-gazing resilver right-reading courting mirror crack straight index glass poudreuse shock discalenohedron reflex image sconce scale carp retinoscope tracheoscopy autocollimation glance mouth mirror lecanium yard absolute scale industrial-scale relative scalelike wind–force Ionian mode white scale minification Maksutov–Cassegrain secondary axis opeidoscope constitution mirror dressing glass plane plane of symmetry looking-glass calm ophthalmoscope picture mirror photophore preaspiration quicksilver tip minify rub viewfinder bilaterial dresser set big one taper striga postindustrial gyre industry c [or] C remove squamosal spectra modelling diatonic scale quantum liquid upper light supermarket giant general aviation moderate breeze cataclysmic lower opercular parietal mimic ventral counterscale balance commensurable degreewise unweighed temperature scale tabular lantern parabolization window mirror echelle spherical mirror Cudlipp distortion groom mussel-scale oystershell scale mesoscopically counterweight keeled mixolydian mode Armageddon big time Celsius, Anders geanticline Fahrenheit thermometer equidistant fish scale in petto indicator g [or] G Rankine degree run microcosm parlatoria relatively shell simulation intermediate think micro- vergency Europeanly sliding scale Réaumur savin-leaved lowly polynoid pela rose scale scalage Scalecide smally graduate grandiose habergeon dime glissando letter-scale f [or] F squamoid rugine stand raise Celsius thermometer datum reading vibrant metagalaxy graphic halftone sulfur point scalability symphony subcaudal d [or] D hypsophyll ladder minor key -pholis scale house sweet gum scale harass heavy cylindrometric microculture medium megalography nanostructured caliper rule aggregate between apocalypse palatial Fahrenheit degree industrialization sharp immense tone ultrashort regeneration swoop submolecular nanonization broilerman brushfire pull out all the stops white–headed fungus small is beautiful fig scale pilot study quasiperiodic slide nanostructure grand tactics logistic bloodshed Likert scale immensity exterminate heptachord e [or] E pilot spectrum Réaumur's thermometer quantum solid Lepidosaphes read-out measured drawing modify protraction calm postocular pink wax scale a [or] A base b [or] B big business nuke cataclysm catastrophic cocky country convex EGD mirror–image relationship projector Bilbao dipyramid aperture figure foppish optical isomerism nonexistent venus perversion Illich natural minor scale slant hold illuminagraphic book–match ba gua sag quicksilvered pentatonic scale phenakistoscope fog up (something) infilm lieberkuhn bilateral symmetry polar telescope siderostat parity silvering psyche tower telescope clear Beau Brummel logarithmic scale dead rail mirror ball ambigram autoscope ideal language anamorphoscope beam splitter soliloquize side-view mirror sun arc midline toilette plane of incidence reflection twin side mirror specular reflection diastereomer Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope Forbes scale minor scale log–log scale storm arithmetic scale barnacle scale Fletcher scale octatonic neomodal pip squamate leap second emagram Scotch scale peach scale turn olive scale yellow scale Herschelian telescope skiascopy cochineal denary dictyospermum scale ground plan field plot DoH force conjunct system gentle breeze farm belt job jua kali graduated cylinder macrophysics cerastes level of attainment log-log great organ kermes deg. light air monumental nasal large/small-scale overbuild plague sherd leprosity mfg. mock-up rift social distance scale SSI tradesperson triad serial music national church postfrontal pryler strainslip white wax scale vernier gage boulder bourdon analemma chorography full-scale cyclone temperature tariff wall sufficiency track scale heroic proslambanomenos preponderate alamire placoid microarchitecture microcrystalline microscopic merchant mail peg supramolecular basic rate Brix scale cathetometer conjunct boiler scale blue note brown soft scale perfect drops gular coccus platform balance commerce big–time brille geosyncline granularity chromatic interval ctenii foreshorten eye cap brush fire copious gold rush faradmeter humidex industrialism Lydian mode macro-engineering humble light breeze isoperimetric inner–directed measure needle mortality regale Richter scale ascend station stratosphere ray wolf sealift tetrachord tradesman Stanford-Binet test lac insect scale the heights octave species plagal cattleman Pythagorean scale relief model plate progression scaleman scurfy scale duodecimal diapason downward null-point slider solfeggio Abney level sexenary Stentorphone weighbridge extraneous hurricane isotonic macroevolution lodicule mark micro microstructure mental mud counterbalance cobble colloid cultivation hardness geoglyph scaphocerite ut traverser vocalise whitefly logistical retort

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Words For "mirror-scale"

As you've probably noticed, words for "mirror-scale" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "mirror-scale" are: scale, glass, looking glass, c, and miniature. There are 957 other words that are related to or similar to mirror-scale listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "mirror-scale" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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