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leaflet leaves frond leaf blade phyllo- pinto foliation foliate pan foliaceous cloverleaf trefoil pinna Page phyll- folio midrib petiole needle paint leafy quatrefoil phylloid lamina Stem leave -phyll leafstalk phyllome bay leaf pinnule refried beans bract fig leaf flyleaf node pad foil phyllophorous rib lily pad rachis leaved gilding sinuous perfoliate folium sporophyll vein phyllode lobe pedate interleaf reclinate nerve linear cotyledon compound leaf sheath paper quinquefoliolate gold foil
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pine needle acuminate microphyll monophyllous phyllophagous nervure spade costa leafless leafed frondescence cordate obtuse megachile palm leaf foliole foliated stipule cladode oculus suprafoliar Dutch metal flap joint hastate bud phylliform reniform decurrent flip cabbage palm peltate strap mesophyll reticulate mucro entire verso scutate mine hopper axil simple sessile spine curl foliar runcinate obverse stipulate obovate scale greenwood ptyxis footstalk accumbent overlay ternate venation flag depressed bluestem trifoliate brown rust palm revolute gild disk betel flare vagina sepal Indian leaf repand clinquant perula foliose diadromous acinaciform denticulate ovate oblanceolate malleate limb articulation areola scar conjugate phyllostomine bipinnate retuse dolma prophyll thorn overleaf chrysomelid dorsal dissected cushion spatulate skeleton pulvinus shamrock cicatrix sewer ensiform leaf-green tooth silky tea-leaf lyrate phyllocladium simple leaf phylloclade pinnate digitate miner multicostate sinus cuneate phyllorhine lobed operculum hypocotyl mixtion pinnulate scabrous crenate pallet acerose phyllopodium mordant tip gem base turbellarian pp percurrent stalk strip register undated pungent pore keel rocket bipartite oppositifolious biternate palmate vernation malleation cutting truncate leaf lard elongate angelica quinquefoil root-leaf dependent ring binder pedatifid venule ascidium foliar trace ecostate deltoid cusp foliocellosis foliar bundle leaf bundle leaf gold pandurate gemma coffee disease bitten–leaf disease leaf trace wrapper sinuate cigar edentate gemmule needle blight branch bud leafing replicate petiolule suprafoliaceous tripinnate sericeous oblique cavendish foliar gap laminated spring acrospire unijugate loose-leaf involute valve quadrifoliolate goldwasser rhachis venous palmetto palmatifid septoria palm-leaf gilt hypophyllous abrupt areole sexfoil short plate vine leaf folder unifolliate mallet cutting raffle leaf bear's-ear flap table upholsterer bee flyer cancel four-leaf clover roller lanceolate indumentum hydathode digitinerved odd-pinnate spadix chard parasol-ant peach curl fol. subpetiolar leaf scald spring leaf letter-plant divided mollisiose riffle raspberry curl phyllosiphonic fleshy coca sheaf catalog umbrella ant leaf mallet cutting leaf–shaped paripinnate oblong glutinous extrafloral obcordate smut sheet phyllostomatous leaf freak dwarf ash gray spot foliage leaf anterior papilla kidney-shaped crenulate raffia deer–foot peach blister pear blister mite langur corn aphid stem leaf puff-netting excurrent pinta duodecimo interleave wedge-shaped mucronate ligule compound Solutrean recto orbicular pitcher vesicle plicate laurel tea leaf bulbil folious leafhopper apple-leaf rummage hypsophyll phyton ban liverwort foliage capsid leaf-warbler mirid leaf-miner unifoliate leaf-roller chip onion veneer -phyllum leaf-spot maple-leaf leaf-spring leatherleaf exophyllous phyllomorphous lithophyll leaf-peeper fig-leaf leaf tobacco leaf-beetle leaf gap rhubarb wine gebanga flead packet upholsterer spear underleaf trifoliolate gold leaf foliiform glossopodium quinquedentated brown horseshoe bat Sumatra seed lam pulvinated serrulate phyllomorphic epiphyllous cordiform aspen true-leaf margin trilacunar leaf–raker leaf–mining PTO quadrilobed pointlet feuillemort phyllomorph quadridentate volti acuminulate fall leaf philomot papulose pine-needle antisepalous goldbeater Phyllium veinless gold beetle tier gemmation endophyllous median tomentose true leaf trijugate spinner yellow edge Anasazi bean quinquenerved saddle leaf rose leaf viscid multilacunar pine cheat phyllostome rhinolophid plicated burr medic elliptic crenel semiamplexicaul crenation strigose plant-beetle jugum pertuse natant quadrijugous wafer absciss padding pull out callose cabbage lobated megaphyll folder trigger hair cirrose leaf scar silverbeater earlet leaf bud leaf-nosed bat gold knife palmette bicostate bristle-shaped incision cleft intraaxillary monocotyledonous paraguay tea orsedue lineated tessellated attenuation bunch ribbing ormolu thallus petalocerous frontispiece Filofax gall herbaceous biauriculate cup-gall endecaphyllous fron'tated acanthus leaf amplexicaul apple leaf branch trace pulvinate purple-leaf plum punka gland unilacunar peep plurifoliolate knotgrass pine leaf chermid anura midvein nervation paucidentate nervose undulate resupinate koru jugate envelope table gold-beater German gold convolute toothleted inermis crenelate trash subulate tablet cup colobine wet dog compital macrophyllous green red-veined slipped silver gilt orbiculate apiculated coadunate pagina tricuspidate tripartite verruculose crispate ear leaf sprig exasperate cinquefoil clearcole inset laciniate lotus recess equitant bone bean feuille morte auricle grey leaf cadjan Liriomyza boot leaf cutting Cercospora leaf spot rasp leaf table leaf bracteole squarrose rectiserial shot hole Argyrotaenia trident bat oviform lunated quadrifid trigesimo-secundo stemmed stipel rameal razor grass remargin trail dog's-ear leaf tendril loose–leaf mustard beetle pine aphid soricine bat flea-beetle unicostate brash castrate caudate chorisis cystolith swing leg hop cabbage tree lanugo laterifolious love-lies-bleeding pleiomery smooth sticker binder black tea matamata crocket cat–chop farctate pendent curly dwarf setose cuticle flea beetle mesophyllum copper blight epiphyll fly rail Fabraea gallicola heart-leaf gold size multifid leaf miner maize paper myrtiform hair decompound rusty fig panduriform palmatisect waterleaf vine nip rough raphia skean shoot stable door web rot subtend puberulent Thai stick transpire silver fern scorch tobacco etch thorny amaranth latanier Texas leaf–cutting ant Phyllidae celery papery leaf spot elder areolate mildew paryphodrome Rhinolophidae prickle cirrate chiffchaff chunam curry leaf tettigonian vigesimo-quarto undulated twenty-fourmo flannelbush buyo colory acanthus erineum complicate guttation golden horseshoe bat dicotyledon decimosexto cuneated incised filiciform feather-veined phasmid pustulated skeletonize phyllous lacunous lady's thumb lyrated bitters fillet nashiji trace curry-leaf collenchyma peduncle pleiomerous tomentum prophyllum pseudobulb quadrijugate specter bat supine cut–grass drop leaf hanger heterophyllous frogeye disbud coleoptile golden net bandala fraise net-veined stomatograph shoder silver squarroso-dentate sigatoka stem-clasping chiffonade quinquefid teeth subfolium Merion bluegrass Lyonetiidae malabathrum peach leaf curl pangane sand leaf nan bread intrafoliaceous supradecompound palm branch post binder phyllophore phyllogenous marcescent maple leaf premorse herb trinity sagittate leaf-tailed gecko gunpowder tea spoon end infolio Galerucidae mescal mote tortoise beetle apex carpel chafer costal crest cucumber angular leaf spot vert volet guilding floral ditrichotomous congo bell bearer hypogenous petiolated lunary refracted cladophyll setaceous abscisic acid warty bifacial gamophyllous blackarm trilobate lacinia denticulated flabellinerved patent octavo Pterophoridae matted palmatisected septempartite acutifoliate triangular veined velutinous adaxial alpine lady fern atta binding post dorsiventral enation spotted dead nettle Texas citrus mite trichophyllous yagua embrace drop-leaf poppy bee exite keeled book bidi bay club insular petate spikelet wilt tippy turn subito scan Dutch door glabrous leaftier leaf spine reniform-cordate green ash leaf monkey eye backer extension table conch hat common bundle Florence leaf octodecimo wagon alternate-pinnate Megachilidae Phytomyza stenodermine skeletonizer raspberry mosaic simple bud spindle sprout willow beetle yellow tip endite primordial bunchberry carnauba unifoliolate crisp dictyogenous string horseshoe-bat trinervate stoma asparagus beetle pedatipartite paillon anastomosis titling apple sucker crinated cracked stem foldout javelin bat rotund insert black sigatoka yellow leaf roll yellow sigatoka alate Taphrina camptodrome blister apple–leaf trumpet miner manatee grass eˈmergence floral organ field brome fruit–tree leaf roller madwort handkerchief table green adder's mouth Incurvariidae carpophyll hastated gladiate mucronated scaleboard abaxial monostromatic album bloody-nosed beetle boldo mold colobus clear cryptozoic binding edge pluck caser tea thrum white tip crown cycle inquiline pinnatisect umbilicate thrips line pattern Lepidodendraceae tentacle ramentum tortuous plumous trinodal three-sided axillary bud ambitus cabbage beetle comb arsedine bacterial blight cataphyll tendril sprout Keteleeria leaf supply Nepticulidae red turnip beetle sycamore anthracnose green dragon white adder's–mouth yellow leaf lanceolated palmier Washington palm Venus flytrap cutch laminate plumose leaf–bud cutting sixty-fourmo dove's-foot leaf-footed partite replicated blind stamping arabesque artichoke Colorado beetle Cercospora C spring calalu caroa epigenous harvestman interrupted reticulate-veined quinquefoliated quintuplinerved crenature Miridae russet dwarf red–seeded dandelion phyllodium pinnatifid quarto rope shawl pattern spruce gall aphid stomatopodium thumb alternaria bronze tobacco pentastichous slape end white oak apple-aphis corozo

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Words For "pinto leaf"

As you've probably noticed, words for "pinto leaf" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "pinto leaf" are: leaflet, leaves, frond, leaf, and blade. There are 974 other words that are related to or similar to pinto leaf listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "pinto leaf" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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