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columnar root brace root pillar root radical root stilt–root stay shore buttress crutch stem–root parsnip underprop sprag radish carrot scotch beet fulcrum sarsaparilla rance support horseradish prop radicate rhizo- rout turnip radix ginseng rootlet root canal rutabaga brace chicory underset race breakaway madder radicle licorice more fang taproot fulciment props salsify trig ginger unprop briar extract sassafras staddle mandrake snakeroot stanch spur tiller bolster beetroot vetiver taro
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strike rote rootage jalap root cellar rms radiciform calamus yam evolution radication extirpate sweet potato alkanet bookend poi take Swede celeriac derivation tuber dasheen radicel jet wash scammony fundamental sugar beet quadriliteral root swelling radical sign servile rootstock cassava nuzzle Jerusalem artichoke cementum shoring CAP etymon tuberous brierroot rubiacin heart-root lean punch-prop underpin bitterroot snag arrowroot valerian root crown wrote pneumatophore root tubercle emetine root mean square ipomoea radically scote propped punch propping reduplicate aconite rhizomorphous eradicate cocoyam napiform radicular sustain stanchion post kickstand sucker plerome bulb stool irradicate cabbage fly lift layer neck brier rhiz- belladonna stigmaria orris hellebore rauwolfia hangnail manioc root hair wasabi till upprop statuminate unpropped shove scoat underpinner bridge brierwood subtriplicate follicle wort radicality sanguinaria cankerweed rooted subduplicate chervil rubian rooty stick pandanus tight head reserpine rhizophagous radicated senega shoar leg cement derivative quinqueliteral take root multicipital radicand outroot ratoon clamp aerial root Indian turnip rampion rice root wild carrot orrisroot gelsemium paronymous root woman hydrotropism rhubarb imaginary number calendar airscrew stilt twin-prop major staple marshmallow adventitious root gall doorstop rhizanthous stem bacteroid pinkroot spikenard phlorizin putchuk cutting peepul procambium mudarin radicant crab grass rhizoid stolon dogbane exudation pressure plank root rhizogenesis elecampane columbic string whorlywort plank buttress unicorn root physic root Beaumont root air root rooting surd triliteral dahlia eddo woolly root tall speedwell Brazilian jalap root graft appui stud stayer mangrove staff root end root stem scorzonera rua barrack exterminate reamer coleorhiza rhizomorph inseparable biliteral alveolus ipecac rhizocarpous ruberythric acid polyphyletic rhizogenic planing usara root Texas root rot cheroot etymologize semicubical tuckahoe crabgrass rootless crown girdler r.m.s. ginger beer eryngo tree root rot exodermis averruncate collar knot raze shaw sprout pyrethrine white lettuce clubroot choy root crown gentian underlie nondo brier [or] briar saline liquorice index dudgeon perennial stringy corm haustorium formative toadstool disease root-gall unicorn's horn member gumboil mangold electrolysis taraxacum bird bell exostosis mock ipecacuanha bonnet undersetter pargyline shorer prypole seneca snakeroot astragalus cardoon lock piece pole dancing dead supporter depository agitprop qualify rest juggle underpinning flash convex arm pile loose head crotch stell j bistort guttation rhatany skirret buttress root cortex earthnut -er tuberous root root cutting daikon algebraic onion radiculopathy -rhiza hypophysis sego lily feverwort coco invert rhizobium aconella Indian hemp rad Egyptian ginger rootle white cankerroot blain munjistin tormentil square-root root culture geometric mean berberine turnip–rooted green ginger seminal root meteor paxiuba business stoop alabastrum stand raking prop cascade clog damascene musket-rest pancake boom crutch lid standoff root–hardy beet-sugar moxa flagroot root–run purging root Lahaina disease hungryroot crural flowers of madder polyarch munjeet blazing star cellar piggle gully root comprehend dock ramp fibre root-feeding backstop studdle lever tent fountain Iriartea glycyrrhiza root crop root work poke-root burdock piliferous sized lateral root cancerweed pulp canal root sheath athematic wound root key chord serpentaria alizarin base farinaceous ipecacuanha fundamental bass gentianose joke rubianin root and branch party springwort mandragora angelica weed hog-meat arrhizous heart algebraic number die alantolactone established capoor cutchery French brier knar papilla crinkleroot ramsons root grafting metaplast napelline rhizoplane auxin sigmation oxyacanthine inverse taper direct five–fingered root tree radiculitis mauka anchusin secondary root ratanhia pull farine helenin amomum crown bud demonstrative root black ipecac gobo mump diagnose verbascose primulin rhapontic scape synthetic root tip field yam–root southern senega root-filled navarin thallus unitary defoliator fascicular extirpative gentisin rattoon Otaheite arrowroot extraction radical letter Rhizophora screw pine property limonene codpiece basket dance ajutage guicowar cancerate stake root treatment root-grafted coronal root full grade Sampson snakeroot basal root-grafting imaginary Indian physic lateral meristem root-climber multiplicity root word cucumber Chiloplacus bolt red beet mandruka coppice perfect square perionychium primitive radical cadence root cap root–mean–square pellitorine paronym preverb pronominal rhizophorous etch seakale beet Veronicastrum galvanotropism feverroot hardpan flag ligament opopanax butterfly-weed crampon cognitive fringe–tree bark stock morindin vestibule wake-robin imaginary unit acropetal marsh mallow blackwort pileorhiza bark ratch red behen Irish stew root swell rubiretin underlay biacuru black cow calumbin corn rootworm corydaline union vowel purline French turnip mountain parsley masu pulp Raudixin sancoche root determinative marsh rosemary ectotrophic root vegetable dwarf ginseng double root root form clove liana caulophylline black salsify nodule colorine American columbo abutment pseudo-china enroot primary root root pulper rough bindweed sigmate sprout forest holdfast lignotuber hypocotyl grow grub prostrate mayapple rooter purlin i stricken false pareira fifth peucedanin panacea stow square root-eater cancerroot radical word queen's delight fibril root-fill rootable top-down Meloidogyne root division root–knot nematode binomial Cormophyta alum root cassumuniar chard bear's-foot coralwort pharyngeal chay root redroot minor fusiform Indian ipecac mate common chord struck bastard hemp bigroot derive blue flag arras elm shoestring root rot sugar sheath uproot woolly knot yellow root rot ninth vernonin bikhaconitine galangal alum-root botanical diagnostic cypress seedling–rooted karree pericycle pin velvetleaf stele subderivative -speak ramson tubercle bacterium root house radices quote court-bouillon dermatome depilator alantin batiator root crown end asigmatic basipetal ball watershoot geranine digitiform bitters isopelletierine Indian sarsaparilla mallee root endotrophic hair deadly carrot Cape fennel dermatogen eclegma galangin chay scutellarin onocerin trinomial black ginger chayote briarroot thematic Bombay sumbul earth root-excretion china carroty dedendum kudzu jicama stemmed nasion palar root divergence rhizocarpic set root ginger root-bound ratanhine pyrethrin side underlying turpeth striking trail mushroom root rot nodulation moly paysanne piptostegia root pivot red–brown butt rot quadratic mean Sparassis burnet saxifrage quassia fangy graperoot man-root inverted triad cachiri jack onstage rule-joint easelback milking-stool wobble proper noun ventral root spinal ganglion Aspergillaceae chocolate root iris intensive potato transcendental angle of incidence comfit third perennial teeth reverse taper plumbagin cypress knee tuberose root-canal nut speed–length ratio water chestnut top root aorist armillaria crownwork ganglion squawroot rhaponticin pyrethric acid half–diminished seventh caudex Gaussian integer fixed accent infix euonymus Balanophoraceae branch gulancha ruta-baga Japanese ginger mangelwurzel senegin nitrogen fixation organ pot-bound rooting compound sick soft drink stoneroot phyton phellogen stelar theory white swallowwort bitter worm-shaped apical meristem carnauba bare–root pivot-tooth solid tubercule tapioca offset saponin broach go cube root dorsal root incredible full glycyrrhizin square root fibrous root Jamaica dogwood SIT Root and Branch Bill toe kava Lemna man–of–the–earth power chord Pratylenchus hermodactyl orangeroot purpurin valerianic boneset Axis blesmol endodermis breadroot sugar beet root aphid vegetable Volapük emergent agglutinate crest clearance crown-tuber hybrid inversion rumicin erythrozyme goldenseal fourth Camptosorus ground form maggot fly mirepoix cuichunchulli rootcap soaproot sumbul ague tree Alexander's Foot American ginseng Amphidiscophora

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Words For "prop root"

As you've probably noticed, words for "prop root" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "prop root" are: columnar root, brace root, pillar root, radical, and root. There are 885 other words that are related to or similar to prop root listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "prop root" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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