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gunshot gun beam sunbeam moonbeam shot cannon CRT fire gunner gunman tommy gun shoot shooter shaft kick ray gunpoint machine gun piece mammography radial muzzle torpedo firearm degauss roentgen ray gunfire deflection bore burgeon crampfish discharge barrel homelyn rayon mammogram stream radiograph machine-gun rifle flintlock bullet incidence chamber rayfish thornback trigger violet ray magazine numbfish sunray unlimber BB gun range pop manta recoil
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limber air gun devilfish breech carry stingaree airgun traverse swivel clip matchlock machine pistol water pistol quadrate vertical blanking interval silencer radiate flask reload fluoroscope gunstock train misfire raylike miller slug cock angiogram marksman emplacement holster lock calibrate musket ray trace bat stingray batfish shooting plug sight antigun sharpshooter strafe automatic radius rayed cover x-ray prime picture tube canal ray wadding myelogram radiogram encephalogram blank Thompson submachine gun blunderbuss rifling hold up tube popgun double-barrelled heater Bofors gun field piece ryebuck shearer roentgenogram raylet larum gun nitrocellulose Robinson trail roker stick up chase caliber fillet quillback handgun incident sponson loaded chokebore load Lankester report pillbox beta DEXA foul pistol DXA spike shotgun action holdup six-shooter gamma equalizer sea devil chassis roentgenize magnum cap shadowgraph sweep ray gun firing charge stocker LMG gunsight guitarfish skate Bren gun pack chopper guncotton submachine gun pull extraordinary ray arteriography cylinder foresight elasmobranch open fire discoid calibre cholangiography maid faceplate anticathode electric ray refract burp gun bitewing .45 bead belt technical trigger-happy bird dog racer furniture angle of reflection Bradbury browning blaze quick-loader fieldpiece chaser open up gat cupola lymphangiography round twist blast tomography serve pellet gunsel bolster n-rays wood ray infraroentgen ray diamond–fish uranium ray raying compound ray carriage microradiograph incident ray roentgenkymogram roentgenkymography Charles drilvis ox ray pith ray actinopterygian Gurwitsch ray chucho bast ray muzzleloader breechloader port dragoon harquebus lunette moll truck parbuckle Archie Sten gun mitrailleuse markswoman bang fusee bed jump draw gunlock lay nest let off go off ligulate hang gunslinger housing-bolt rem sea eagle revolver spring gun rapid–fire gun butt air rifle Uzi medullary ray uniradiated adradial cr bayonet microradiography disc floret scad roentgenography spotted ray gauge stood land stand standing stick jammy six–shooter speargun spray-paint orange-gum Sten snap lump unload trembler rajoid venogram great gun SMG line–throwing gun aim stickup gleam arteriogram let saddle supervoltage double-decker electric eye GRB stingtail obispo sea bat roentgen–ray tube principal ray gun-shy hammer gamma ray glance mammograph display sawfish shower phosphor breeching skew ray time base flyback level striker pintle undercharge weapon starting gun shell ball secondary ray rep heat ray monact dorn xylem ray screen lobe-finned fish death-ray radiophotograph double refraction daisy cuckoo ray MGC ramrod Gatling gun heat fog gun big cheese pointer quick-firer wire gun grenade comb strip cough zap barbette Man Kalashnikov transom dart bark light machine gun bush rib safety catch retriever double–barrel howitzer rfg napoleon pressure gun machine-pistol loader gage zero in on shoot-out double gun quick–firer pellet gun blowpipe Spandau gunpowder pack heat twelve head-plate backfire bren cartridge mount chambered mg smoothbore ack-ack HMG single–barrel rod phloem ray parvity Moulton raioid roentgenkymographically thick–tailed ray water-crake beamless primary ray dewbeam radiology pneumonography trigger–happy unfired laser-gun top-gun hardware shotgun microphone smoking-gun heterogeneous ray grease gun iron gunless barbette gun field carriage sub-machine gun machine carbine homogeneous ray quick on the trigger eighty–eight M.G.C. leme roentgen glimpse death ray monactine astroparticle horned ray x-irradiate ox-ray gloat branchiostegal symphysis ray-traced roentgenkymographic CAT scan polarity roentgenoscope steam polar ray pseudo-ray outray uniradiate diaene gun mount lockwork fire sth off backsight fourpounder elevate detonator paintball crack armed gun down roscoe crystal spectrometer visualize hand cannon forty–five Thompson sub-machine-gun wad smooth-bore unholster whitworth ball tommy gunner twenty–two take a shot barker gun-barrel groove tooled up bored kickback pump-gunner shoulder holster self-loading explosive big boy cutty tommy–gun ammo ammunition so-and-so minute nab ding scorpion recharge at gunpoint shoot down draw (or get) a bead on -barrelled smoke three-decker fifteen–pounder improved cylinder cleat tase outrange field gunner pull-off fine–bore cradle multicharge hair trigger stanchion gun gas pipe gun camera barbette carriage chemical ray nuclear resonance rhinobatid dagger Compton shift gun tackle grenz ray Leonard Mobula Coolidge tube total internal reflection visual ray throw sprung base ring fire off buckshot air cane riflery huntsman harpoon gun crack shot field gun half-cock sprang unrifled overcharge outdraw fence alarm-gun heel bulldog choke squirrel rifle shoot to kill Long Tom shoot it out tampion windage Springs armed robbery training level electromagnetic gun pop-gun snub–nosed trigger finger air-cane keeper quoin gun–toting one–pounder percussion lock heavy spring at half-cock adjust bichir echinacea photogoniometer strike rubriform ray fleck diffractometer rajiform Reardon internal conversion slope angle arthrogram electric lobes Baker CT scanner alpha ray refringency photofluorography grass squirrelfish streak tum wrymouth parthenium ray tracer radii electron probe cholecystography barracudina corona killifish metapterygium mote soldierfish mounture lascar gunned squeeze fid percussion-gun pounder spearfish raker belch in (or within) one's sights gun–shy guntub pip punt gun unsighted rocket gun turret siege gun silence Kurie plot reflected ray alpha particle angle of refraction actine photopeak radiant topminnow Mobulidae saloon pistol battery tonite bell-mouthed space gun gun deck chase port unstock soldering gun crupper chape mint gunslinging self-propelled gun motor carriage snick recoil momentum caliver cartouche springing refire quick on the draw quick-fire six-pounder scabbard kahuna snub-nosed go let something off take aim half-cocked gunshot wound firelock pump bullets into someone firing position subcaliber trail plank mandrel elevating arc line yoke toadfish green ray crystallography butterfly ray arnica shadow radiopaque television tube light pen manta ray prairie dock reproducing tube show dahlia tuning eye apparatus actinolite thornback ray crystallogram Myliobatidae initial line Laue spot phlebogram barium meal blonde ray apron fireflaire radarscope re eagle ray refractable abscond actinomycotic CAT scanner pattern rhm peony–flowered dahlia Bragg's law limiting angle soft ray spotted eagle ray oscilloscope whipparee celestial crown stingray elecampane focal spot Heliopsis retro-ignition scintillation spectrometer Skiatron quoddies photofission scanner scan line Boltonia barrow photodisintegration gas focusing gas-focused focusing coil inspectoscope coreopsis de Broglie birefringent refracted angle principal distance skiascope metallography aerograph Layia radiative capture project fusiform initial cryptoperthite machine gunner ray floret needle radiale leptocercal angle of incidence pyelography oxeye Lindwall phlebography deviate radial shield ariel acanthopterygian kinescope X-ray vision mermaid's-purse atheistic tetrabromophenolphthalein sweep circuit cephalometer sunset shell cow–nosed ray Bragg angle electric lobe Lewis gun case gun be quick on the draw traverse circle law of reflection harpoon proof-mark gunport fixed gunnery conversion roer stick something up stock tang peep trinitrocellulose chassepot bolt ballistics monster beanbag fan arquebus indirect fire emotive air pistol countersink patch vent triggered pop-up tank firing point strap base piece conclusive flash spray paint search punt-gunning threaten someone with a knife/gun etc dolphin polygrooved self-cocking ion source stutter alarm gun porthole train tackle sawn-off shotgun dispart pedestal mount ream saddle gun machine cannon sidearm shooting stick stick sth/sb up semiautomatic amusette drop hobit train rope stoppage trundle artillery wheel blank cartridge stick-up BB in the line of fire double-action tank turret punt-gunner rat-a-tat embrasure cloy lock-hole middling nipple pin-fire repeater rocket-gun zero rapid-fire scatter propellant safety lock lead life gun fore-end colt gas regulator hand nail biathlon hands up Big Bertha big dog pommel shooting gallery duster gun control elevation blast/blow sb/sth to kingdom come fire position flechette bush metal gunmetal gun captain capper gunpointer gun toting hammer spring leopard gun carriage let sth off minute gun projectile peashooter setting retube snap-action Saturday night special sniper recoil spring stern chaser gunning nitrogelatin alarm cannon bulletproof base carrier clamp trail handspike traversing gear taser bowhunting punt piezometer pinch rank score breech-loader bazooka chain gun gun barrel unshot curtain fire mortar gunreach point-blank breech plug barrelled gas gun Gordon setter canister rake carbine gascheck gun chamber set setter shield possession range plate

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Words For "ray-gun"

As you've probably noticed, words for "ray-gun" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "ray-gun" are: gunshot, gun, beam, sunbeam, and moonbeam. There are 949 other words that are related to or similar to ray-gun listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "ray-gun" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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