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Reverse Dictionary

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root root canal radical mandrake radish pneumatophore rout radicality madder ginger Stem tormentil reserpine fundamental rampion tapioca rubiacin derivative licorice sugar beet plerome rubian valerian wort radix sanguinaria rhatany rhizomorphous derivation cassava root mean square rhizo- bloodroot vetiver wasabi pinkroot bitterroot carrot hellebore ginseng radicle radiciform rhizome chicory munjistin rumicin sassafras rhizoid radically adventitious bacteroid orrisroot he heart-root liquorice
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skirret nondo crab grass strong yam procambium Indian turnip holdfast tuber gobo dasheen brier [or] briar formative rad marshmallow runner taproot parillin beetroot marsh mallow saponin jicama garlic spikenard bistort hair invert gelsemium auxin radicand rhizobium goldenseal plumbagin purpurin alizarin peucedanin radical sign j knot modulus standard deviation rime riche crabgrass moxa organ putchuk horseradish rauwolfia squawroot coleorhiza astragalus springwort clamp etch stand sigmate liana quadriliteral stele radiculopathy endodermis thirteenth chord direct hypophysis assimilation sized inquisition cognate tipiti sucker square root daikon ce root ginger French brier rooted betaine ball affix rhapontic umlaut go hog-meat wound root rhizogenic rhizomorph manaca paysanne radicel hawk unitary arrowroot lateral root root treatment extract cohosh beet radical cadence iris turpeth kudzu subderivative root graft purline purlin inverted triad haustorium tubercle bacterium fibrous root morindin dong quai differentiation glycyrrhizin crampon moschatel inverse taper root cutting i canaigre American ginseng wilt growth mechoacan pellitorine rhizophorous red behen root cap stow sugar sheath caulophylline double root exodermis cementum alantin quote rhaponticin speed–length ratio impedance parsnip aerial root black cow nuzzle galvanotropism stelar theory evolution triad rotenone alveolus pericycle spinal nerve ramson sigmatic primary cement opopanax chay root square ring stigmaria strike radicate ratanhine scammony sciatica coronal root pyrethrin side cachiri taro hormone pantry ruberythric acid extraction follicle preverb nitrogen fixation root position swamp cypress cortex asafetida tuberous root cognitive poke calamus bitters dextran ganglion cucumber cauldron brier grow tubercule reamer rootstock soaproot water chestnut dictyogenous rooting compound imaginary pseudo-china root determinative imaginary number rua tuckahoe ectotrophic incredible palar wake-robin secondary thickening snakeroot perfect cadence parsnip-chervil ague tree ninth chord setterwort prostrate eleventh chord purple trillium yellow jessamine emetine barberry perennial major sancoche hypocotyl Root and Branch Bill solace rhizocarpic indubitably pre- tuft elliptic integral mangrove phlorizin power chord veratrine apical meristem melodious polyptoton own-root erythrozyme grade root hair apoatropine xanthopuccine galangin agglutination helenin internal black spot fixed accent botanical promittor funambulist biliteral Jamaica dogwood root end blain phellogen meed medication root class sanicle root-grafting brooklime theologian lustrous aconella vegetable pivot-tooth buttress root carton sweet potato trail bibulous zoftig index krameria sumbul vegetable glue indices convolvulin piece–root grafting clubroot bare–root broach napiform contrayerva rhytidome gutta–percha sugar beet root aphid chew-stick air canal stalace crownwork papilla root aorist collar rot throne soap plant reverse taper hut lovage oil podophyllin reduplicate o–grade air layering loser subduplicate Pterocaulon Corallorhiza puritanical -en imperative Allasch generate tutelary gibbet Phrygian cadence leguminous capitulation prejudice isolating explosion mount treasurer moribund suburb mutation ingest succory geometric mean African potato hyoid striga severity device dung accurate root-form tobaccoroot main sign annual ring ouabain podophyllotoxin calumba tonsil snakewood Honduras sarsaparilla Thielavia manioc thallus Eskimo potato autotropism myrosin fiddler beetle rhatanhy inflexible inversion galangal comfit costusroot populin wild parsnip sprout rhizoctonia stub noisome variegated sarsaparilla submissive biological Castilleja incorporeal solid downwards Xylaria Raphanus crack willow implant timbe quad o-grade thematic vowel root word mango ginger point pound strain sent surd burdock empathy abscess alkanet spar axis purgatory meditative election layer manubrium subconscious pseudopurpurin snakeweed incensed top premorse rational union motility speak love-lies-bleeding counterargument dissuade genealogy Pleuromeia inundation dubious electrolyte homologous perplexing confining gory vascular ray ivy incommodious roseroot belladonna atheist immure rapine yellow pareira angelica de Moivre pleonasm sophisticate jarl sand food activist resinosis plus/minus sign merchant white crop intercalary histogen theory adorable redroot path impregnate commonly root-sheath gradation athletics breadroot horse-radish puccoon bath indifferent immutable in perpetuity reimbursement houri arrangement ajiaco arracacha expressionistic aconitum rhiz- gill entrap influential -ism frailty malign statuesque diocesan recognizance prostate scantiness musk-root turf sesquiplicate annulate lye amplitude verdict defensible periphrastic inclement anteroom illegitimate unanimously marinate ribald elocution somnolent Indian pink illogical army licit dipsomaniac crag fertility trigeminal nerve in toto lovable set implicit importunate catacomb colicroot indefatigable Ustulina cyclical empyrean verve saber matron retardation acclamation enormous librarian prefix thymus mycorrhiza ankle mound layering radicalism interment epigrammatic mistaken first inversion glitz space systematically admissible jalap earthling fertile misunderstand incorporation gymnast incredibly nasal pneumatic pathname botanist foam consistently insincere expulsion scripture factual noon predation scholar aggravated familial irascible momentary populism desiderative onion grange scullery mimetic practicality mutton heart-rot joyful plaintiff immediacy termination rhizopus third inversion inspect inglorious hangdog flocculent cloth wren crest etymological chancellor salary verbosity intruder consequent unnerving reave second inversion cruelty palisade encomiastic extirpation crepuscular stochastic inject indentation supercilious nutritious tenable phantasm disrepair star navigation absolve mutter nevus hematology fatherly improving comically acolyte diminish diverting inoperable dimple carrel libertarian ink periphrasis advancement effective current idolize orderly ataraxia abasement theism resumption imported maximal scapula obviate good reciprocant bin incorporated furrowed lightweight calibrate gauzy nebulous alphabet ablaut comply marginalize arriviste indiscernible ken machinate nicotine ignominiously glint enrage lance amiably barley idealize vend hurl archangel undeserving campy peroration hunky-dory moralize sapient barbaric adopted percolate lamented inscribe gym vivacious transfiguration piscine helium stoutly dining-hall enemy nullification tethered geezer scherzo palpate stolon suer bleach detestable night astrological inhibited mutually phonetics inessential goodly execration verily composedly immunize surplice commons extravagance aggression chauvinistic anarchism copywriter substitution inexact deathly pandiculation friar map meteorological apt cactus indignation livid incautious ineptly gram respire rifle voluntarily vary pollination dolorous destruction gyre osteoporosis jewel jaundice rustic incivility marry concoction denounce juridical deviation amoeba ravaged serendipitous rapprochement modality drummer monocle bibliotics dyspepsia pirouette plutocrat morosely rheumatic aspirate minutes moss macho retina cave satirize sheriff careworn projection chatter beat monger tartar populist negotiator intemperance disjunction perfidy unsullied exhale polysemy heresy mot bank silk Hottentot bread inexplicit objectionable snobbery custodial senescent gleefully banks taciturnity ineffective unassisted nozzle archery hidebound proclamation uninterested aqua precariousness exceedingly grammatical ashram translator enumeration bury causality inflect stunt conciliatory oncologist garrulously elm yellows ensnare discovery inadmissible embroiled ferment allegro allied snood ostensibly ennoble antithetic bonnet shriveled unprovoked receptivity chastisement impenitent worried esprit televise domineering pediatrics shortcoming strenuously masterful boutique curare lyric poem disallow flecked lavatory thirsty conservatoire intone bedeck somberly epigraph irone high jinks azure legislative description inauthentic supplicant melancholic crumble eradication grisly concisely piscatorial ascendant penalize bamboo bounteous encase troop fasting zoologist aggravation ubiquity inherited russet aqueduct judiciary stew multivitamin fig likable batch conspicuously day culture salutary ascribe self-mortification math attain meekness pleasurable directly phonetic truancy employment coven transact histology passageway aft haunch cremate fountain abloom appendicitis bobbin inattentive raw profane nag matricide chiropodist camp voracity singularity gouache supernal prying doubtful infamy trot lycanthrope endeavour intersperse politicize encrust idealist clay coal appendectomy dissolve fiendish monogyny pregnant injudicious coriander calloused inoffensive afloat molar punt foggy autodidactic poignant casserole anglicize

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Words For "root in"

As you've probably noticed, words for "root in" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "root in" are: root, root canal, radical, mandrake, and radish. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to root in listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "root in" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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