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rosette rosaceous rosebud hip roseate rhodo- damask rosy rose beetle roseola rosarium rise canker eglantine rambler resurrection plant roseal dog rose rose-red rosary quince remontant Banksian briar agrimony musk rose damask rose cinquefoil snowball rosy-tinted Cherokee rose rhodolite rose-tinted multiflora rose Lee American Beauty wild rose sweetbrier rose-water bramble tea rose rose chafer rhodochrosite toyon Burnet rose-scented geranium rose lintie rose grub rose catarrh union rose
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rose stone rhodonite moss rose amaryllis apple rose tree attar rose-pink morganite rose quartz medlar meadowsweet rosé cistus rose window avens cherry Provence rose mountain ash loquat rose-coloured cockatoo rosehead canker rose cabbage rose roseate cockatoo rose-coloured pastor hep rosied Japanese rose rose Pompadour May rose bloom juneberry rugosa rose noisette blackberry rosy-hued rose-beetle Macaulay jetbead rose fever burnet rose raspberry Berry rose hip plum Japanese quince cockle almond pear rose cake Manetti rose acacia mallow dog-rose rock rose roseslug China rose rosewood hypanthium cotoneaster tansy canker bloom alpenrose rosy finch chafer couleur de rose oleander galah multiflora locust bird tea hawthorn rosulate rose madder thorn pale rose rhod- rose bisque standard rose crown beach rose bramble rose Jamaica buckthorn Champney rose madder pink peach rose water perpetual Benét hop citronellol hellebore pink pearl rose malmaison dog brier pink madder kitchen rose gul brier rose Carolina rose casino pink rose seizing pygmy rose McCartney rose taupe rose rose-cheeked ramanas rose rose-colored rowan tulipwood alba loosestrife sweetheart rose rose geranium strawberry chokeberry fairy rose balas ruby stipule floribunda rhodinol rose-briar Chinese rose mulberry bird rose-fever vine chafer highbush cranberry rose bush cotton rose sloe mallow rose Bengal rose wood flower Hugo rose Japanese kerria Chinese hibiscus water elder dog-brier prairie mallow shrub mallow Christmas flower banksia rose odd-pinnate bowl hip tree winter rose rose–cheeked rhodocrinite jambo Japan globeflower hep tree tilyer rose–comb madder lake gelder-rose shoeflower quinine bush shoeblack plant mug–wet rose colour locust eater helianthemum rose of China althea Bengal rose pastor roseless sun-rose Cayenne linaloe oil hollyhock rosery shrubby althaea white dogwood sorghum brown alizarin crimson swamp rose mallow rose-catarrh Macartney hugonis rose berry rose vine Scotch rose rose-headed geraniol japonica spikenard eosin rosace rosarian rose-cut sunflower dog-thorn rosewood oil rose petal water mallow herba impia marsh mallow rose sawfly rose-coloured erythrite cup-rose roseous swamp mallow sea hollyhock rose–red rose vinegar redfish moss roselite Fronde rubellite sun rose rose gray perch water-elder rose-tree erythema rose-petal rosal rose bit rose–colored mountain-rose chamise spirea green rose jack rose-rial marsh elder pomarrosa apple rose roseo- cane eosphorite simile thimbleberry aculeus youngberry early rose–breasted rose-water still rose-leaf rosewater rhodium oil burnet-rose kerria slug viburnum frostweed choop coquelicot smell mountain laurel French rose hardhack cloudberry lepidolite rosewort dog hip rose diamond balas-ruby rose jar rose-sawfly Rosa rose lathe midinette heep marsh-elder cankerberry rose rust jamrosade rose-scented rose-breasted robin rose starling Anna's hummingbird jambosa red-breasted grosbeak marsh rose rose blanket rosedrop resurrection flower maiden's-blush marechal niel rose-geranium roseness prairie-rose rose ring rose-breasted cockatoo rose-cold fuchsia pink portulaca rose aphid physostegia lady's mantle bois de rose Macartney rose whitten snapper gallica rose rosella hollyhock tree full-blown kotschubeite roseapple marigold window famille rose-oil rose leaf Boursault rose old rose typhoid fever bourbon acquaintable Isophyllia rose drop mousetail mountain rose lokelani rambling rosehip rosehip tea sweet briar greenovite camellia canker berry dichlamydeous rosefinch Harison's yellow rose rose-blanket rose-breasted white mallow-rose balas Austrian brier honey of rose rose cockatoo Cheddar pink rose-slug moss-rose wine purple maiden's blush rose noble noble roseola infantum rose-cross solferino raspberry rose violine pink vehicle Noisette rose rose weevil dusty coral cobalt red madder rose magenta rose barbed hellebore red hedge rose dusty cedar cedar rose livid brown spinel pink hydrangea red rosy cross catherine wheel Austrian copper spotted orchis Solaster ease cowbird discocarp keurboom pastor field briar jaguar rosolio erbium polypetalous citronellal climbing tea rose field rose rose-combed locust-bird famille rose lady's-smock overblown Scotch brier repeat flowering shallow venetian point vervain mallow rose–geranium oil apricot black raspberry wild brier San Sebastián flavor knot rosist eventually rosaline rose oil cinnamon rose acacia nerol bright rose spiderwort Aaron's beard mustang mint mallardite Kelsey locust sour greens service tree romaunt filago prunus purple finch malladrite mullion supercharge amaranth pink decimate nonpareil get fairy primrose Rosebery rose recoupé Parkman crab Napoleon's–bell livid violet rose-water pipe red rose spinel red rose hip syrup tenor Japanese lilac loganberry hook climber wineberry cowherb bitter herb aronia sweet bon silene blown marriage eminence emergence sheepshead provincial polyantha peach-blossom rose point prairie bird's–foot trefoil snowball tree roselet hairy willow herb tree rose bud pompeian red sensory bois de rose oil War of the Roses alabastrum rose lily ladanum hypericum cyanin fireblight ruby dominique Crossaster knitback musk mallow Mesua lower Swan River daisy zephyr lily lychnis nodding onion jacqueminot California buckeye rose gall snowy mespilus laurel pink mountain mahogany desert trumpet flower pink shower rose ash rose wine exasperate rhododendron fuchsia rose Brabant rose membranaceous siennese drab Sebright Chalaropsis flowering quince chloroplast whitecup wichuraiana wild begonia orgeat standard herb bennet garland flower rosin rose manus Christi persian stonecrop rose of Sharon Rhabdomonas red heath Otto peachblossom rinneite rose daphne Blepharisma Ayrshire rose bedeguar abloom gatten tree rugosa Maréchal Niel engine turning halvah Carolina rhododendron flower of the winds Eco spotted cranesbill blow goat's beard rose of heaven serandite catgut perfume peregrina owl's-crown old wood blanch cold-cream rhachis species rose wheel window black hellebore berlinite silverweed goatsbeard cosmos crimson rambler rose slug wood rose period loveliness jet echinacea virgilia tyrian rose tuberous water lily thulite Surinam cherry soapbark tooth blush rose ardoise Aurelian willow-herb seven sisters raspberry glacé Phragmidium rhodomel rose robin seeded bristly locust leaf-spot mauve wine perigynous freesia calanthe confederate rose daphne pink Hyades boat nail antique rose spiraea Lobel's catchfly mauve gray Australian pea memorial rose rose hortensia rose lashing rose star purple milkwort serviceberry white scale water germander calypso sweetbriar bitter almond linnet brilliant bell heather annatto barb comix violet wood sorrel Alpine rose montmorillonite knapweed periwinkle rose-vinegar rayonnant malmaison rose plumbago slate rose mallow Lightfoot slate violet carnation rose corinthian purple corinthian red cottage rose flowering raspberry Bixa hibiscus Gillenia lady cake grandiflora Bertolonia sorb mineral red Mauritius thorn onion red pride–of–the–peak rose d'althaea sabbatia telegraph blue southern crabapple tourmaline pink mourning-bride andalusite white nun orchid wild bleeding heart flutter matured Virginia knotweed lobelia violet rose-acacia rose spot rose rial tormentil clip Christmas rose scent jar cynarrhodium hureaulite Macaulay, Dame Rose gallica Father Hugo's rose Epigaea friedelite ocher red colonial rose anthophagous bush hyssop violet ring-necked parakeet lappa clover muscade prairie rose pink calla pad rhodora sea moss vernonia purple snake lily wall germander eucrite molle almond-paste actinomorphic sucker ashes of rose aztec maroon balaustre blue fox Eco, Umberto damson cup cupping chaparral pea cottage pink Guillaume de Lorris Rogers, Roy hyads scrub cherry bitterbrush defoliate twisted–stalk entail amygdalin dialogite ironweed mesosiderite marblewood rosebay roselle seizing ring–necked parrakeet crown gold fringed pink florists' flower Andira high mallow rhodium ash rose Shore, Dinah palmarosa oil garden rubella neodymium mandarin powdery mildew Rosicrucian rose glass Lythrum peach bloom peachblow Priacanthidae Phaedranassa redolence red bartsia sea lungwort Margaret, Princess mahaleb Josephine eschscholtzia savor Allen d'Annunzio, Gabriele berlin brown climber Irish crochet dusty lilac Apothecary rose Japanese snowball afterglow pyracantha epiphyllum spatial Ungnadia play Rosa Americana rosework kurume azalea laetrile liatris manganous sulfate Jean de Meung rose worm bleeding heart synesis magnolia maneuvering board pelargonium rose–breasted grosbeak rosebud cherry Dunbar, William chokecherry geranium appleblossom ardor Banksian rose mountain avens euonymus comfrey dog tree Fellini, Federico elephant creeper marara rose pence Tudor rose Macrosiphum mauve taupe orchid gray phoenix roseworm rosy barb roseroot showy crab apple de sowbread ionone bauera binge coffer wash beryl Cole, Nat King dogberry joseph inversion peroba saucer magnolia calloused Connery erysipelas physiocrat specimen cobalt fluoride linaloe oil lillypilly Sagan, Françoise Paraná pine Callery pear beau budding pinkwood reproduce anamorphosis chromosphere ripidolite carthamus red rubus exponential victoria matriarch pitch apple measles prickle garden balsam cadency mark Feraghan quartz rose diagram wisteria spectacle Hottentot fig idealism Malay apple lock corporal levee analogize apologetic Gila trout heady Rose, Pete uproot enamored cut back Java plum stupendous echo denotation romanticize gyre Lancaster, House of lop transplant as meteorite

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Words For "rose"

As you've probably noticed, words for "rose" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "rose" are: rosette, rosaceous, rosebud, hip, and roseate. There are 907 other words that are related to or similar to rose listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "rose" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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