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thumri classical attic classicism classicize semi classic neoclassicism class scholiast Renaissance entablature semi-Pelagian base semi-automatic semi-detached Athenian ionic nonclassical anticlassical semi-professional classically ballet classicist humanist slop pediment architrave ancient symphony orchestra basilisk mudra syzygy duplex strophe Doric ode scotia longhair Corinthian catastrophe order haute école Sanskrit romantic cothurnus turquoise barbarous prostyle humanism semitrailer
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cornice epode Ludwig van Beethoven codex a Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart opera seria aorist s half-yearly neoclassic chorus chamber orchestra semiweekly gel eccentricity cella black-tie d batter Seven Wonders of the Ancient World classicalist Attica Housman third stream amaryllis man�ge [or] manege Hellenic congeal pop concert dusk Karoo Tuscan hypaethral sand grouse glaze Parnassus fantasia Sheraton portico composer the ancients academic symphony POP peristyle Newtonian physics syrinx humanity Newtonian mechanics quantitative semi-fluid semi-acoustic subprogram semi-documentary pultaceous hardstone bi frizzante automatic heroic verse coagulate orchestra semi-pro koine kathak courante flute scazon tala sarod Politian immortal scholium chamber music classicalism Vedic fiddle archaic truck neoclassical hero Tilsit dentil discobolus gem module recovery position semi-submersible blazer SKD semi–pelagian lowboy semiaquatic slurry semi-liquid bug composite declassicize Murray semi-precious movement deuteragonist pentastyle Olympian fate Old Latin raga tauromachy Hellenism fascia go classicistic molossus catastasis Newtonian classicality stylobate quarter-final mink sonata jasper amphiprostyle allemande classicalize galanterie amphisbaena gigue nine hotplate semifreddo homette quango classical economist tractor stiff dwam stupefacient reeding billet tube antistrophe caesura Ammon medulla Semi–Arianism semi-arian semi-solid glob revive nymph orarium philology classicalness galley cytotaxonomy mode long liberal nectar wedge diapason torus medallion gymnasium Iberian pteroma fire epistyle agora stoa digestive semi-arianism semi-pelagianism reeded charmeuse pup operant conditioning romanticism noh Manutius tramontane nocturne lesche Bharatanatyam gallus philologue philharmonic fury cyma tetrameter fractal gloop bitter lemon maraboutism skinny stun marcasite mallee town pseudo-classical unclassical concerto chaconne allusion laurel -ad flora chyme satin lime sloppy sigmoid rig ammolite translucent reflector set cell-sap steen Havarti flange jewel accusative absolute talaria New Age cinquecento correspondence principle Pisano satyr pycnostyle conservation of mass rice grass alette silicone voice citharist Athens fret semi-skilled Casaubon dioscuric Bugaku enjoyment lexicon neoteric serenade astylar Middle Ages pas de deux elegy pas tribrach Marsalis hellenistical mime maestro chaos pteron art–rock tetracolon tholos anomaly bacchant heroic Segovia Hamilton daisy protasis lollipop tricolon -phone musicale danse d'école wen–yen burrata applicator villa chocolate liquor balitao germanium semi–pelagianism thick subcrystalline lantern savage Sargon reslush semi-permanent Hodgkin house pit lazulite fan out caatinga slipper satin reed daphnia bronco lifestyle block barrenwort carnelian diaphragm garret late-day pigeon-plum seed free city clamshell unity wheat Servian soft soap Tarquinius cream membrane crypto-calvinism stodge associated state B-double bearded dragon earthenware homeland sludge cadenza calcrete cat's eye jet glass-blowing double-wide dorcas gazelle sagebrush sard smoky quartz subinvariant spiderweb mallee boogie mousseline bail obscure semi-trailer provolone stodgy zone ampicillin translucent desman college millet hypnagogic non-league mushy semichoric semi-conscious sauce cephalosporin Chantilly engineering brick dryland farming semi-skimmed hog cholera pill-tile tortoiseshell Scotch pebble hanuman assault rifle Aesopic javelina siddha semi-deponent tractor-trailer Empire wash hollander loranthus lava adamas daily Ma'dan plug nephrite gemstone semi-arid eat stroller division dope amoxycillin Folies-Bergère gauge crook pistol smelt girlie circlip tiger's eye opaline cocoa mass coagulation cheese marten fly-by-wire yurt subordinationist scrub glass quasi-semi aerostat faeces aerophane speculum crape symposium beaux-arts dramatic unities Ingres memory parabasis Porson decastyle pulpitum sitar tetrabrach ambrosia tripod versed classical Latin promenade concert Arabic rhesis purple-fish quadriga Priapus monopteros popera vulgarize trithemimeral caesura third–stream penthemimeral caesura centaur gharana bansuri rhapsody concert pianist quasi-implication aphorism Armani arch order classical Greek comedy salon music Elysium orgiac legit barbarize iambelegus tetrasemic Low Latin Mansart ovolo lambda narration period reanimate water pedestal Pahlavi all'antica combative accent Ascham taenia lyric grammar school radiate crown tessera Titania rhetoric Spanish guitar kalon postclassical aegicrania analytical mechanics Jowett concertgoer bacchius dynamical system melakarta objectivation nimbus wind veena instrumental turnout sarangi scholar plinth figure preclassic ragini cornucopia priapean key pattern Scaliger cavetto antiquity ecclesiastical Latin Bramantesque tone poem demi–caractère iconic hephthemimeral caesura amphitheatre integral sunrise Tharp Ringatu Aboriginal tent embassy cohousing knifefish resident opal duricrust cactus challenge hemi- mother drop navy-register wickiup temple Butler, Samuel scoop Thompson, Flora lard magma houbara Exilarch Alfieri wolf fixate stichomythia overture gruel South Arabia, Federation of fathead agate drive-by-wire Darwin rig prolate heroine flying snake articulated lorry semi-modal juggernaut flop phytosaur overlaid gun Marsh Arab Burgundy reality soap running planter extrude mouch chasseur outsider caracole caiman songbird cirrostratus roughcast cat's-eye cloud civilize goo thixotropy vitreous arroyo Indian States Rome beauty Territory rig polytype scena dihydropyridine asphalt phi Brennan consort basement proclitic pentameter choreus demi-caractère gradus Palladian sardius destiny console lotus sigma pi chamber pop vestal realist upsilon progymnasium elegiambus beaux arts concertante roulade signum pantheum glossator trithemimer caduceus autoshaping Yamato–e virtuosity iris frieze antefix conservatoire trident the Proms Typhon semiclassical early music Jacobean boeotian ganosis omicron psi naiad xi comacine opisthodome academical peribolos cinerary urn scholasticism kapellmeister humane ancon censor senior classic oratorio sima La Fontaine, Jean de Ganymede qubit Eleusinian mysteries Eustathian neoclassical Arabic cantharus Radhakrishnan, Sir Sarvepalli trimeter Barber, Samuel linear momentum text-book aestheticism elegiac fugue Aztec krater semitone alphorn cincture corona decoherence free classic i longa Hesperides quantize silver age psyche Recioto Savonius shaka neem spatter cold-frame apse full-cream Amorite acromyodian pad otter Native States Hereward the Wake Hengist and Horsa thespian smear despot rifamycin mattoid fusion decursion Classic Revival scherzo giant hecatomb public school polyschematist sophist Queen-Anne arabesque Corneille, Pierre johnsonese courbette croupade adespota Carnatic in antis aegis Augustan gavotte civic humanism decided sarabande tenuis pherecratic Pelasgian piphat trochaic dactyl chi halcyon Laconia hexameter repression variorum real-school rho homoiousian margosa subcrust f-hole jelly rheocasting bushland fermata mask uhlan red qin shorthand Tansen capriole Bramante Claude Lorrain Christian humanism quintessence biform digamma filmi tetrachord atrium Ida levade Malherbe puteal Amu Darya North Arabic symphonette expose casement gigantomachy dimeter truth value protean mazurka palmette opisthograph substruction python hades ballet blanc affine cantata Carolingian Charybdis pandit pandiatonic dispositio conditioning Vulgar Latin heroid Leighton Stokowski Sahel wet rubineous sorbet conference dolphin South Australia stain resident magistrate Duras, Marguerite enamel Lowry, Malcolm gum arabic tree measles semiminim jubilee lapidary touch-me-not thaw Balenciaga, Cristóbal bowling bag barrel tile Fowles, John Kerouac, Jack finalist trumpetfish polonaise protoplasm razorback dog-dance shield Segovia, Andrés Ionian ware pre–Hellenic Renaissance furniture scudo focus antibacchius ether Colchis Grillparzer high–energy New Age music paeon Greek chorus Erechtheum Kannada Delos acropolis echo elementary wen–li constellation passage grand style Stokowski, Leopold Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Ionia soirée musicale Sansovino, Jacopo Tatti characteristic golden age economic man Haydn, Franz Joseph Racine, Jean sonata form anaptyxis hippodrome tau Reynolds, Sir Joshua cab Elgin Marbles Corot, Camille Housman, A. E. Islands of the Blessed short collate Borge, Victor Boileau elemental federal Hordern, Sir Michael discus modius trophy Psychean tragedy syrtos tone vocalise foot Classical Arabic Henze, Hans Werner historical school partition Serlio reverse genetics qasida quantum condition Scaliger, Julius Caesar fado omega Barbizon School Ashton, Sir Frederick Appian Way Haydn empusa platypus safari tent Robin Hood cupola impasse amyloid chief cryptocrystalline Sassoon wipe multigraph Roman punch hot bulb steppe regulus gazette coupling pliable plantation ellipticity hippopotamus massecuite Nunavut snow angel cell wall deer brush bandstand biennial correctly meniscus Thorpe, Jim faceted oil rig rumor newspaper envelope Dardanelles Jones, James Earl Macedonia free verse Pico della Mirandola Tyrian purple phratry pelta crater accouplement oracle temple block choriambus column compel polyschematist dimeter Schubert, Franz the Last Night of the Proms scylla

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Words For "semi-classical"

As you've probably noticed, words for "semi-classical" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "semi-classical" are: thumri, classical, attic, classicism, and classicize. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to semi-classical listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "semi-classical" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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