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bite glossopetra gnash dentition dental shark mako tooth denture toothy dogfish grin floss teethe gummy chew toothbrush toothless white pointer edentate mesh ivory carcharodont monster sharkskin great white shark serration molar interdental premolar jaw ptychodont bridge whale shark toothpaste tope Greenland shark grit porbeagle edentulous dentifrice pleurodont white shark gum toothed cestraciont carious tartar sand tiger shark gap-toothed gnashers chopper masticate requiem shark shovelhead
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roussette snap dentate hammerhead chatter dental floss odontology shirk labiodental shagreen tooth powder bidentate thresher blue pointer malocclusion canine macrodont diastema scale champ tridentate overbite grinder cub dentary milk tooth dentist plaque multidentate quadridentate octodentate fine-tooth comb false teeth puppy shark retainer dentistry thecodont man-eater school shark snarl basking shark haye jag odontography dental hygienist sleeper swingletail orthodontics brown shark teething shovelnose fox tiger shark mesodont dentilingual monophyodont bonnethead plate sea fox serrate hob teeth alveolar trident sunfish sailfish tusk mumble microdont squaloid lophodont gullet toothing brace selachian toothache redented spur gear calculus cuspid cut ground shark bridgework black shark elasmobranch shovelnose shark pick piranha rasp toothpick fang dent tooth-gnasher dentulous periodontal baby tooth cat shark man–eater squalene permanent tooth whaler labyrinthodont cog cement incisor jaggy strip nip laniary fluoride fox shark selenodont rodent tush pectinal caries bob undershot Tiger bone shark cub shark sharking sleeper shark horn shark sharked blackfin shark mouthwash bramble-shark requin shark serrated morne opisthodont radula barracuda choppers chain saw megadont multicuspid brush clench remora pearly whites buck teeth gnaw houndfish orthodontist whelp denticulation enamel odontogenic prelacteal sand shark cynodont worry peridental crenate grind lazy–shark angelfish sea-angel black tip dusky white death shark hybodont elephant shark zebra shark megamouth gray nurse shark angel shark ragged–tooth shark sea ape sharp occlude embrasure pseudodont cow shark sprocket diphyodont gap–toothed lie bruxism turnkey mackerel shark edentata raduliform catfish occlusion bitewing untooth pullikins teethridge deciduous entire mouthpiece sierra great blue shark blue shark loxodont odont- comb cheek tooth homer hammerhead shark sharklet slasher thrasher foxfish river shark wobbegong dentures bramble shark upper false rhinodon macrodontia gray shark picked dogfish flake puppy-fish galeoid skaamoog serpent's–tongue galeid alopecian grey nurse shark close-set sand tiger squaliform pitch partial denture coelodont toothbrushing hell-rake isodont carnassial scaler chainsaw interproximal polyphyodont goofy set crenulate grit one's teeth teethed scyliorhinid prionodont fullmouthed jagged bishop underbite dusky shark white-pointer comb–toothed shark gata frilled shark gear cutter erupt serrature mouth saw set bicuspid elevator edge cogwheel bull shark nibble skin crunch indent stinkard demoiselle cow-shark seven–gilled shark zipper hawk squatina Galeocerdo dentine rough-hound hammer bullhead shark gangetic fish oil shark go fin fishskin disclusion postdental periodontics pycnodont amalgam edentation bidental alveolus wrasse whistle osteodentine overshot pectinate file sawtooth hagfish ripsaw dental hygiene agomphious linguadental acrodont odontograph curvidentate large-toothed bidenticulate shape pyorrhea [or] pyorrhoea saw-toothed exodontia fluoridate lingual tooth dentiferous polyodont parcidentate rotten-toothed teethless pleodont xanthodontous peristome odontoloxia octodont dedentition set one's teeth -toothed snaggle-toothed sharp–fanged milk dentition odontalgia odonto- odontic uncapped multituberculate toothcomb Port Jackson shark labial teeth odontiasis kerf intoothed retroserrate saber–toothed dog-toothed decemdentate tridentated goom dentigerous dentation savage boughten hypsodonty spring–tooth harrow jaws Ganges shark nurse shark guitarfish pup sharkish blue-pointer Lamnidae carpet-shark land pirate horned shark denticle Prionace Heterodontus penny-dog oil-shark perlon Somniosus pterygoquadrate grey shark galeiform smooth hound bronze whaler bounce cat-shark landlord thresher shark fine–tooth comb sectorial pectinated supradental mermaid's-purse speareye blacktip shark bull gear retroserrulate dentize knab crump disarmed demineralize gristbite face gear gnash one's teeth base proclivous extract quinquedentate skip-tooth saw in mesh float multidenticulate serrulated serrous bare one's teeth bare edentulate pluricuspid yaeba dentilave bare one's fangs cut gear bunoselenodont trilophodont mumbling dentiscalp odontogenesis bunolophodont regular fill gubbertushed exfoliate gomphodont sawsetter pilot fish Sphyrna Benchley requin lui–haai bigeye vigorish notidanian tropeic six–gilled shark leopard shark panga dentiloquist cryptodont pavement-toothed articulation sharp–toothed cutting grill pyorrhea second teeth Rhincodon lemon shark bay shark Isurus blue nurse rhinobatid humantin carpet shark barbel dorsal fin kick drag rake clean tophus prosthodontics partial mastodont manducate lateral glyptodont babirusa artificial toother decalcify pick your teeth setting serrulation hybodus saw file mortise wheel denticulate opisthoglyphic supragingival interstice wool card spike–tooth harrow unmesh saw–toothed paucidentate rose countersink -odontia fall out dental records blephara articulate tubulidentate stick malacostomous crenated conodont pathodontia divisural line pyorrhoea maintainer mylohyoid ratch rachiodont dolphin molarization rack saw block teeth chaser grits central giant cell granuloma pavemental ringy rive shark's–tooth solid–mouth shove mutic explorer holcodont gnash your teeth mastication odontogeny palatodental bad aglyphous hale ray goblin shark cartilaginous fish dancette dental technician stock card rim saw roulette dentated ablutions alveolar ridge cariogenic hygienist acuminate dilambdodont fall eyetooth joint pegged flossing leaf syncranterian polyodontia secodont sharp–nosed shark rhipidoglossate soupfin shark store Heterodonta normal pitch Desmodonta disclude xiphius single-cut machairodont pinion hunting spring set Willis system count rack and pinion dentil bonito shark attentively imagination swell shark Cetorhinus scyllite harrowing file–tail shark mako shark claspers reef shark for dear life Chlamydoselachus rub board toothdrawer calcigerous periodontitis -odontes -odonta biting bastard file bicanine log tooth bufonite stress two–tooth rack barbule fringe impression gar heterodont mouse pin-tooth pinfish pachyodont palatal parrotfish skeet redcap excavator gearwheel helical gear fore–tooth fluorosis chewy haplodont chord pitch dogtooth dentalism fore tooth gig gyrodus rhachidian scranch anodon homodont chop–cherry ctenii countermark extraction dentiform gliriform gizzard filling lolly personal care remineralize ruffer plagiodont sabre-toothed tiger set sb's teeth on edge mutation plural -odon submedian -odus orthodontia Portheus thecodontia provinculum parapet pectiniform pycnodysostosis raptatorial simple spread–set Aristotle's lantern file-card fling gingiva lancetfish marginal tender tetraselenodont aye-aye bit chomp grizzle worm full-mouthed cement substance bicuspidate chisel–tooth saw cleanser stain card stripper festoon dedendum circle grille card setter hinge plate malalignment herringbone gear fluorosed pallet craunch denticete dentilabial dentiphone gomphiasis gymnoglossa noctilionid rhizodont squarroso-dentate pteranodontia alligator wrench antiodont do your teeth/hair/nails etc articulus grit your teeth crown gear mauling munch broken–mouthed currycomb oral surgeon friction drive tailor pill saw root treatment sabretooth steups double–cut saw milk molar Notiosorex panel saw plexodont radiodontia rasp–bar cylinder side milling cutter Cochliodontidae trifid trill garpike gap billfish bandsaw exuviate palatine hydroxyapatite pole pawl-rim sextuberculate porpoise scrunch cranberry rake fly tenderizer pike stent mouth mirror opisthoglyph moray eel oyster rake runcinate Petalodus Selenodonta saber-toothed cat card grinder snapper cheoplasty Swede saw diacranterian foil friction gearing calcium warthog full–shroud hackle internal gear dentiloquy clinch odontoblast polyprotodonta armature bitten dovetail saw

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Words For "shark-teeth"

As you've probably noticed, words for "shark-teeth" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "shark-teeth" are: bite, glossopetra, gnash, dentition, and dental. There are 822 other words that are related to or similar to shark-teeth listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "shark-teeth" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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