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Reverse Dictionary

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fry sauté pan-fry saut� [or] saute stir-fry spawn sardine frizzle saute shallow-fry fried deep-fry midge chip tiny diminutive youngster brown wee small little minuscule dinky S fractional infinitesimal teeny minute islet bantam frying alevin spyglass dab microscopic Sc smallish frizz brook statuette -ette hillock fries spitchcock refry -ock kitchenette micro -et cigarillo -ule miniature itsy-bitsy Lilliputian sizzle pint-size French-fry paltry iota tyke birdie hamlet cellule -cule sm
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chip potato sac fry creaky voice micro- weeny fish slender low plant flash-fry pony cubbyhole touch burn nominal poky penknife compact exiguous jennet few venule spinet runnel ductule streamlet brooklet bullet titchy grill slim smithereens cal let midget stir–fry gherkin prim smidgen fry-up motorbike chipolata speck dodger smack one-horse tot snug pennyworth small clothes nibble ripple taboret lobule scrub rill demitasse lick scattering dainty rivulet drop snick runabout pipkin suck steno- sear tiddly french fried potato atomic minikin parr scramble steak fry mini peerie scantling jab sile cabinet isle tiddler bosk gurry spherule pinprick box song lurker bead cottage comminute dot tartlet banneret growler piddling starlet breaker mound scute inch mouthful cog lochan nutlet bagatelle ultrasmall floweret molecule tweak cot dickey spoonful cock sporule tinhorn coronet bit kit check medalet mite minivan grip flutter picayune circlet maisonette cove bud poggy couple nodule small change taste half pint spot Petit S [or] sm. titmouse packet puny beck reticle shop crick grig pistolet tit landaulet deep-fat fryer dry-fry ery brood cal. bitty little-minded et small-towny small folk little bitty fine minionette microphyllous small salad ula small caps french fry one–horse coalsey yolk fry frying pan Bloomsbury Group braise seal nano- element inconsiderable toucanet scrip teensy marginal mean minim smally measly pint-sized petite titch deep fat parr-marks Podunk flatlet jotter globule sunshade microphyll minimal saccule negligible pokey handful scruple herblet trifle dingle chat fiacre subcompact dandiprat destroyer knoll ran cookie shade flier squamule parv- granular peppercorn puddock veinlet a little little by little pouch derisory MICR crotchet ramulose viper escadrille annulet hovel bracteole stiver smallholding estaminet doily lambkin pellet arteriole nub distil plumelet codling cribriform trace razor-thin stream chota button nose staple spanker kopje hooklet sinfonietta fovea hollow ounce floret patty ray eyelet squib royal ringlet pink-eyed appendicle bistro hut tassie spice small fry shaver barque tenuous chainlet dell nipper short glen kiddie cricket elfin melodeon exile cow cocky nipperkin baby baker capsule middle-sized sixpenny skerry knurled pebble sm. microphage spinulose morsel burro fortalice hummock inadequate closet dinghy fleck fruitlet Croton bug statesman tremor chamber orchestra trot imp thimbleful sml incremental knickknack dice crinkle grotto casino dairy cell davenport timberling chuck ostiole rotgut gondolet skiff germule pint–size postlarva sauter Fry, Roger lab–lab ceaseless Fry, Christopher dunderhead whitebait single money rough edges four–foot octave vest-pocket menus plaisirs small potatoes little boy teeny–weeny corbeil little-mindedness truck corbell XS pocket–size flyspeck sm cap kembla dwarf nettle by–talk little leaf small money small–fruited hickory small debt lepto- little people narrow shrapnel strong beer small-size toty -ulum hellroot teensy–weensy dwarf bouchees -idium blini tyny aroma vocal fry meager farthing small-sized glimmer/ray of hope hipple scantlet kale altar oil famished fibrous pen glanduliferous porpoise poverty powerboat pingle pittance rack-pin small-bore smasher pinnock stob stub stud snatch pert rocklet sip protoceratops -y variolic vestee twitcher two-by-four pyxis roller punctulate trabecula rundlet slip trundle tunicle people carrier rise shit settlement subtle seed gecko in miniature fine line diminute gadget castlet tambour cockloft incirclet gland joso knits slight pightel ossiculated snigg snipper-snaper inclination café townette toytown coffret pilule puppet wappet animalcule bach small-mouthed bits and pieces/bobs cabin sniff scintilla cockleshell C and SC cramped bodkin areolet bite atomate bleb awnlet cockatoo burnt cinematheque nag ha’p’orth bairnie cornichon flicker crystallite bavardage light aircraft biscuit midsize lapdog nanosat Continental floreted snip doggy buglet burning nettle guesthouse statelet down spinelet fingerling small goods mignon sparrow hawk shrublet creek tondino swatch craterlet freshwater thought valise whirly violette venula firkin flotilla itty–bitty hop–o'–my–thumb antennule ornament atom cozy abaculus groat station currant gnome barbet chaffinch cockspur purser's dip corner crumb crush knobbly cynodont nugget diddly-squat scatter cushion lobelet in ones and twos dragonet furbelow gradual frenulum ice-hook lending library hooker minibike minipark kilt knobble holt loop microculture perforate insignificant nacelle glimmer porule muffin pearlet plaquette microvan nip etui monticulose microcomputer microenterprise modicum orecchiette parrock papillule pointlet pondlet chamber organ rainfrog ramuscule pistachio column soupçon rugula kiddiewink remicle remote sandling skeanockle suspicion SCSI jot scrin tankette slip-up tribelet choppy cat's-paw brisling bronchiole blip flamelet hammock hard pencil microcamera microcar micromere microminiature micronucleus microseism microtubule gleam miskin bank piccolo in a small way footling madoqua leaflet pledget homelet econobox droplet sparklet dulcian ditch sachel notch opuscule oe wavelet volumette sea holm colliculus dean dariole sphericle knockabout kop jug kestrel squad kilderkin valvule jack pink-eye vibratiuncle pick pocket-sized slider small-time villanette .45 ticker tongue aumbry tubule pressboard punctilio sacculus Baby Buggy barbule ruck tad target squat cockle gob sweatbox taverna spangle wisp zonule dinkey bidet jackdaw flat-chested guppy country box frondlet carinula pressure saucepan Kleenex chopper bidenticulate cote coulee creepy-crawly modestly brad punch boutique bouet capillary shrimp humuhumunukunukuapuaa sippet caddy houselet prayer book colliculate niggle ovule outside jag runt notebook scanty conicle cloudlet Thorpe thumbnail tittle township trinket rillet roomlet gemmule shred wafer small-eyed granule gorge pocket dawny microstomatous mignonne mammular diddy cellular garron halfpenny coffee shop kicker grouplet grapelet buttercup manikin foam dribble noggin fancy dollop granulated flatette pallet pinch pinhead poniard puncture run running flag knock wood flyer -let clodlet sultana thorp pygmy teal runlet chitchat small-armed cherrystone go-by-ground seed pearl chatelet in detail lamellule lept- lophi- chapel micropodal gibber dribs and drabs mom–and–pop nickel–and–dime peanut tube eensy peppercorn rent portlet pocket pistol pileolus petits pois rooflet spinney ridgelet rinky–dink small and medium-sized enterprise raylet sambuk pianette pico- pigeonhole pot-shop pond pretty-face reckling dash scale bullfinch rigolet seedlet sandpeep SAA vaginula earlet doodly-squat deerlet medium-sized dram nan narrowness nick novelet slack smite skippet servette shading steading spirelet splenculus small–debts court strömming wormling epsilon fascicle fishbowl bladelet fossula horticulture jitter cruiskeen glass laddie microparticle micropipette miff minihelix massasauga beggarly throw lathe tintinnabulum crotale toddler toothbrush mustache tank town townlet aedicula cavernulous brad button goatee crape cropper baby grand cubby barrico half-pint garganey grove branch frustule sprat targe finely towelette coffee table tub arboret triviality warbler watch wean whistle-stop bug adjustment cascade cashew bite-sized atomy strippet raton smerlin spinulous lunulated platel monger flasket crosslet limited shack shadow mesilla microstome microscale ministate magazinelet nervule outside chance pot kiln prairillon petticoat tails particularity rodlet ranchette small self-administered pension scheme SBA shantyboat shingle septulum punctum sliver castelet sparingly chitarrino wrinkle corporal's guard critter townling dickey bird firearm rock babe bits and pieces burp gun fizz boat camcorder apricot button mushroom glandule glitter frigate

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Words For "small-fry"

As you've probably noticed, words for "small-fry" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "small-fry" are: fry, sauté, pan-fry, saut� [or] saute, and stir-fry. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to small-fry listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "small-fry" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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