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catfish sea wolf swinefish sea cat rock salmon lycanthropy howl fish wolves fishy fry wolfish coyote angle werewolf lupine timber wolf wolf fishing chum thylacine fishwife lobo cub lycanthrope pisci- fishery fishmonger shrimp piscivorous ichthyo- ichthyophagous gill finny seine bitch roe pisciculture whelp dog snakefish trawl dog-wolf ichthyoid seafood fillet shoal prawn troll crab gig tarantula gray wolf angler ichthyolite cyprinoid creel puffer sound lupus spawn fishnet
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jackal turbot buffalo minnow ululate pup wolfskin fisherman mullet milt overfish she-wolf osprey lyc- cycloid wolfling pisciform teleost codfish snipefish kipper ganoid piscatorial sprat roundfish wolve tiddler ledger jig pope milter bream salmonoid chippy piscine mackerel chub cod gurry scombroid malacopterygian spoon trident market fish pike globefish Romulus poach boarfish coney blackfish sciaenoid fishless fisher chowder abdominal swordfish fisherfolk boneless hook fishable outfish leister FPC canine pompano jewfish carp alevin porgy monkfish mangrove guano pollard fish meal starfish guppy bone white wolf pouched dog Iranian wolf wolf note wolf dog Chinese wolf zebra wolf wolf tone yabbi fiants marsupial wolf megalops scar dare demiwolf squat perch eel haddock sporting fish friar piscicide catch cook whiting wall-eye dart game fish fox black wolf scad croaker tuna stock herring cyprinid fishhook dressing bass carangid leap eelpout berley salmonid gaper cob sailfish silverfish lake herring jacklight small fry burbot starling garth marinade blowfish baitfish hollow tail cursores dingo tiger wolf citigradae greasies slip fishes hogfish rip perciform wolf down ravissant oarfish gobioid alepidote fishify wattle ichthy- launce sea snipe scull riggle bottom feeder run coarse fish colt's tooth wolf-whistle hyena grey wolf ravenous fang plaice hake schelly whitefish spearfish tomcod wolfkin rack pycnodontoid spin power drag percomorph arctic wolf shin haul noble draft minim bob siluroid molly ophidioid willy elasmobranch lumpsucker belt fish finfish brill pisciculturist swellfish actinopterygian grey-wolf digitigrade pomfret flake mugiloid pilchard adder brail acanthopterygian maigre squid whiptail skipper halibut sardine trout fisherwoman wolfian gutter red wolf lone wolf wolver Antarctic wolf scale staghound cry wolfy forage fish menhaden Tibetan wolf zebra-spider sciaenid heck car bag net cuckold mojarra frith smoor gadoid gade guddle bitterling goody gut lance pearl pout pectinal whitebait gentle ribbonfish gravy pickerel strike ichthys hammerhead angelfish coop fly-fish handfish percoid school ichthyophagist plectognath torgoch walking-fish pouch box characin gadid sheepshead pound hatchery bouillabaisse snakehead cichlid swordtail John Dory barracuda warp bellows fish skate sauroid alewife steak fishbowl Fenrir Japanese wolf Chirocentrus buffalo wolf ululation carpet snake European wolf ring nebula pad bonefish Manchurian wolf were chanco anchovy wet well oopuhue botete salmon ladder urchin fish fished puff–fish free fish green cod swelltoad pogy worm wire toado snake wire broad tapeworm blaasop ulae osseous fish anemonefish hairtail lauia hedgehog fish balloonfish Sargasso weed fish saber fish zonal geranium loro viviparous perch fish finger fly–cast thooid Indian wolf Cape wolf snake worry rabid timber-wolf hure karakurt ookpik loups brown hyena Lowell langdak tiger Thylacinus fish guano bottom fish dorab wear howler dire wolf Lycosa platy burrfish sea porcupine polynemoid scaroid notopteroid spatula syngnathoid trumpet fish bony fish haiari nematognath grapple smokie lobe-finned broach sponge pediculate piscicolous ichthyodont fishful orfe scollop ramper eel fish-knife grundel sillaginoid cat gobbet kiddle monacanthid lamplighter lunge lobster midshipman parrot-perch marine oil polypteroid rainbow sea hedgehog fishberry sea louse freshwater flying fish lafayette teleostean four–eyes tren broth danio trachinoid ceratioid spadefish archer cockspur gournet clupeoid gilthead enchodontid fish fry kettle stomiatoid spawner smeltie soal labroid suckfish poppyfish welshman Peter's fish rippier barber fish pirarucu patiki threadfish quahog dracunculus scallop sandpiper doctor blennioid sun-scald surgeon barber discus musteline mucus nuse skelly elephant-snout fish snook luderick shallow silver eel fishing-net single fish stingfish thoracic gobiesocid fierasferid angling hook angle-hook nipper lump scolopendra fish-slice physostome groundling trash fish pilot fish-block romero trap net whanger sparoid corkwing heterocerc cor roughhead serranoid crossopterygian oyster seagoing Portuguese man–of–war fish lophobranchiate rhipidistian red fish black pilot haplochromine cobia torcher triodontoid fish-food gullet clownfish couta neon paddock cartilaginous fish sea surgeon tailor monifier soil shanny gambusia fatback Frankenfish hornbeak piscivore king of the mullets selachian gobiid fistularioid elephant shark dunfish farming deinonychus dominant keep the hunting spider den snarl butterfish kingstone scrod toadfish fishskin chondrichthyan seeder trek cheven sturgeon trawl net fishpond surgeonfish chipper palaeoniscoid slicker jugular meagre rivet robalo water-eagle hand-line parrot wrasse osteichthyan raceway sole ground fishway lobe-finned fish bite fin charr greenhead leatherjacket sail-fluke skipjack loom nibbler needlefish fossil fish fish well red-riband sea-angel fishhold carter haak fishwoman fish farming marlin otter rough-dab eulachon kelpfish lob market-fish mudsucker gaspereau shanghai tusk sashimi odsfish play lemon sole comber dab apodal blay pilotfish hen fish snapper poacher fishlike lancetfish carbonade ketupa handline nam pla sergeant riband-fish night-line mud-bass jaculator kit posterotemporal fish-finger fingerling angling shote fungus sow tarantism lied huffy Lugosi, Bela eastern timber wolf Egyptian jackal point skinwalker pile Tasmanian tiger purring spider Big Bad Wolf alpha hunter proteles scabbard fish torpedo serrano isospondyl paua pinfish palaeoichthyology pâté tench sushi mossback ranger redd whiting-pout pink salmon bullon projectile salmon kipe derbio shotten cade red fishing tank tack queenfish drail carangin subbrachian lepisosteid lophiid hack mormyrid pomatomid pegasid redmouth ray–liver oil purse isinglass seed fish semionotid stewpond flesh–meat winter band cetomimid berried flathead brit beta baud labyrinth goggle-eye frogfish handsaw fish stonefish holocentrid salangid turban symbranch slime head acanthodian holoptychiid holostean lucy fish kettle grouper plant sockeye soldier meadow gefilte fish barrelfish doctor-fish gibber barramundi growler triglid ladyfish milkfish pollack placoderm steenbras silverbelly black sea devil Bombay duck warsaw umber pycnodont ratfish burley swimming shark rudd ruff sauger cockney centrarchid guggle swim cottid scopeloid oxeye dragonfish henfish dipneust expiscatory fisho corsair dashi conger eel guapena guavina haplomid ray-finned fish sportfishery jowter lure liparid neopterygian brandlin scombrid saurodont ctenoid ophidiid ostariophysan percid plectospondyl shark pilot polypterid goatfish plagiostome proscapula priacanthid pike-sucker palace piscatory scup percopsid seedy subholostean soft roe ichthyic osteolepid teleostome swim bladder mullid barbel bottarga shank chi sunfish smoke-dried fresh-run greenling ichthyofauna luce tapeworm suckerfish gardon nursepond ablet adder-pike brotulid chimaeroid fish and chips coulibiac fish market fish paste gillnet gutted embiotocid fish–and–chips pomacentrid fish stick fish boat fish maw arthrodire broggle blacktail banstickle hornfish clean beam–trawl spent spear harl purse seine pescetarian sea bass labrid myxopterygium notacanth notopterid molid gymnotid poeciliid polynemid pomadasid shiner synentognath tambor suprascapula stomiatid sparid cottoid naiant Iron Chink white buffalo tetraodont palaeoichthyologist cubomedusan conchology gasterosteid pea gannet vegetarianism trough prickleback salter rough taking stargazer walloping cochliodont fish–joint fish flour fish flake fishfall cusk eel choanate catostomid balistid pharyngognath scarid fyke goujons hardtail fried red roman four–eyed fish fish shop geelbek fries essence d'orient exocoetid kingklip haplolepid holocephalan pate burgall elleck fireflame sea horse dip net elephant fish drum fishing asp zeomorph brandling blueback squire featherback syngnathid taeniosome swimming bladder leisterer toll bait weel flitch ged ide head glut junket lig jag lote margate mush pandora poor pipefish mousefish warren redbelly redfin sable scabbardfish pygarg pyloric shear shoemaker megalopine malacanthid nandid osteoglossid topminnow ballan wrasse swallow cobbler huckster caudal fin trumpetfish saury food fish spoonbill frostfish court-bouillon doctor fish fish food cyprinodont chum for Irish pompano rock bass rajiform red snapper superfish remora puffer fish

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Words For "wolf-fish"

As you've probably noticed, words for "wolf-fish" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "wolf-fish" are: catfish, sea wolf, swinefish, sea cat, and rock salmon. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to wolf-fish listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "wolf-fish" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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