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crown diadem corona coronary coronet c coronal tiara tonsure crown princess laurel crownless blackcap cap top derby pate fedora homburg vertex hat discrown hatband redpoll garland trilby skullcap uncrown laureate enamel treetop boater skimmer narcissus subsidy cps royal toque crown paper kinglet sombrero cusp the jewel in the crown baldpate bay wreathe Stetson ten-gallon hat steeple-crowned Gibraltar shuttlecock rivage regalia cingulum crest Crown prosecutor
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cocked hat escheat crown borer king crown cap city snowcap crown colony capuchin ensign Queen coroun Corona Borealis recrown crowning imperial crown crownlet circuit crowned crown debt crownal table in capite shield table glass sailor tallage pinnacle tip multicipital copestone geld uncrowned crown jewel royalty neck scape governor porkpie goldcrest Kentucky Derby imperially crowned snap-brim hat demise murally taj Kohinoor jacket Chiltern Hundreds steward cloche palm farmer squatter egret sweatband endive crownpiece Solicitor General rostral crown pallet knoll sheriff haunch prosecution palm tree mobcap prisage optical glass eastern crown cylinder saw crown sheet caser root collar pivot tooth crown graft crown hunter remembrancer hole saw coronate Crown land eureka stop bud stephan- steeple–crown trepan cornice crown-wearing Straits Settlements royal demesne praemunire crown lens Christ's thorn ruddy duck molar commonwealth privy council coronation pschent annexation burgage aigrette canopy talipot Ecce Homo royal fish crown-paper vallar molariform placita coronae imperial crown of state round British overseas territory top hat billycock cowboy hat crown end astral crown strawberry weevil state crown Inquisition the CPS laird button Saint Edward's crown face-wheel bowler ceremony extent public prosecutor half–a–crown crown-tree crown side topknot crown bud circlet tenth Lord Advocate Lord Lieutenant tam-o'-shanter green woodpecker crownwork governor general ancient demesne Common Pleas porkpie hat pillbox male–pattern baldness Queen's Advocate fossette calyx contrate wheel cardecu circle coronated vertices Director of Public Prosecutions solicitor-general down daffodil navally crown jewels tooth lieutenant governor sandhill crane cuspid Blood Crown attorney tree ray deerstalker Regius professor pointed civic crown Channel Islands metonymy cycad tree fern vertical purveyance free-select pin christ's-thorn papaya mural crown emblematic campaign hat biretta shag Queen's evidence King's Counsel Alpine hat red-topped flat-cap coroner wearer tarboosh ridge-tile Court of Appeal decrown treasure-trove Tory dauphin swan-upping turban naval crown recusant triumphal king's evidence Coke banana executive council linnet tsarevich cousin poundage Queen's Counsel lancet arch chaplet Rudolf wall and crown cacuminal Crown Agent dominant crown-princess coroniform rosette Kenya appanage nabk fez aid Hong Kong crown and anchor writ of extent in aid royal burgh reeve seed hair coma secretariat radical manrope knot teinland foot rot aspire flashing chancellor grinder ruby-crested copple-crown assault round-up triple-crowned low-headed exchange undertaker shank celestial crown Galicia Lord Chancellor gynostegium crown gall squatting system ruby-crowned shako rigol warden bullfinch Astronomer Royal pot hat pannicle talon citation key crown antler pulp chamber kossuth hat single escheat stem-winding crown prince descend Fall crown bar vavasour bonnet Tower of London rival quarter sessions deodand usurp Imperial State Crown Iron Crown steward of Scotland antique crown crown fire kakariki fritillaria Breton hat squatterdom saddle head sling stay Manchurian crane dannebrog radiant red-capped lark sinciput rose-cut shuttle black knot writ of extent in chief cullet jess stem speller pivot fleur-de-lis take creation money copatain subfeudatory orange–crowned warbler topper lord high commissioner knight-service brim case red-capped birdie puggree homestead lease crate wideawake crown-imperial collard bell crown chapeau Carniola capital crown-bar chechia firecrest coronoid Lancaster, Duchy of hance arch donatory Corona Australis silverside squat plexodont crown pulley special vert tenant in capite tubular saw atheling bird king-post crown-arch white-crowned woodchat pocket sheriff Singapore white peppermint crown rent selenodont Crown witness tomtit creek fern flat cap fountain of honor golden–crested kinglet royalization king's books press warrant paracorolla coronule vicontiels beaver free-selector crowbar stovepipe scat regale of subtrihedral lid coronofrontal Frederick William forest fire high-headed Lord Commissioner radiate crown royal refugee Breton Tyrol hench crown living squattocracy infula woolly knot strawberry crown borer decurrent purple heron roof stay crown lock rent resolute labarum exchequer coronilla crown estate Urophlyctis information crown sparrow turkey oak crown rot throughfall fluor crown woodchat shrike Command Paper glengarry black–crowned night heron rosé hazelhen rock python Man hanuman baseball cap bay–breasted warbler forage cap fire hat hairy root Salic law Anastatica King's Regulations perennial teeth pot valve ruby–crowned kinglet silk hat snap–brim pulpotomy milo disease custodiam cancer imperialine macrocarpa whitethroat cryptand entellus sheep's–head clock royal colony krone treasure trove spread crown tax thorny aid money Settlement, Act of Crown dependency primogeniture chipping sparrow Cayman Islands Crown Counsel Crown Derby girdle pollard round-headed majesty lord high treasurer of England phytocecidium western palm warbler Queen's Regulations second crown bud the crown arrogate pivot-tooth rub Tynwald crown-tuber label lozenge wheel saddle-plate fairy martin green–tailed towhee lute golden radiole Royal Commission terai rose purse bearer Geneva hat crown gear legitimist cochoa crown day crown lawyer trumpeter bullfinch eyeglass agrobacterium crown office chaperon Regina ruby-crowned kinglet shovel hat petition of right royal tern Secamone gahe Falkland Islands imˈpeachment Mabo horseshoe arch parliamentary secretary oyer and terminer stone pine sergeanty backsplice dental implant black–capped chickadee zamia South Arabia, Federation of umbrella thorn worm–eating warbler Wilson's warbler descendibility delegate gorged supremacy second crown-sparrow tamarack plumbeous gnatcatcher oblata Lady Amherst's pheasant Psila ratoon quominus Iriartea Krone, Julie Gandhi cap recorder pageboy Montserrat roundlet umbrella palm donatary silver tree fern willow tit Gough Island Tyrolean Texas umbrella tree bishop pine tonnage and poundage alderman aged black book astral crown roast Crown solicitor United Empire Loyalist rise restoration red-backed shrike ovenbird Turks and Caicos Islands quarto atef American wigeon Belize inverted arch dowel resumption maltolte Olympic Games ouricury pine root–collar weevil praecipe in capite Stephanokontae wolf teeth vetch jewel trigon he corn borer portreeve bonnet monkey standard tipstaff montero sergeant encomienda delicious black–capped petrel encephalartos golden–crowned sparrow golden rain tree keffiyeh crown pin incrustation swallow rainbow starfrontlet recoil escapement Rex Man, Isle of Nankeen night heron charter colony old–mine crown law blank charter white fir white–throated sparrow yellow–crowned night heron district commissioner comb scalp lock crown-grafting pommel attorney general anchor escapement coronene backing bell shape Ulster dwarf palmetto crown-gear half-crown pipe-office wolf tree resignation Arcaro, Eddie obsidional crown Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster keystone Valois Russian hat tendergreen strawberry root weevil sour cherry bottoming hole blue tit governorship cidaris droit d'aubaine bulla Belgian endive fugitate best campernelle jonquil homestead block gaveller James axseed mortarboard bluetit pediment Roussillon branch surbased mark expiate Court of Wards crown shell ptychodont advocate crown wheel rubellite poetaz narcissus pole blight Sophia Frederick William IV crown of thorns crownshaft sub-fief burrknot Carinthia Cycadeoidea dispossess non obstante right of emption bona vacantia assizes bussu Cauthen, Steve black–backed woodpecker blench calliope carinthian umbrella pine wormwood sage cordon hart monopoly dik-dik Queen's Champion head-ring writ of extent sepoy skull white-throated ruby-topaz hummingbird halfmens Cassin's kingbird date palm Antigua and Barbuda pontil refugee warren heart rot Anna's hummingbird Gambel's quail cattle egret case spring scissorstail British Empire Boyd pugree hereditary South Australia Monmouth bezel duodecimo novodamus justice of the peace Holy Roman Empire Sabah King's Champion mesia pine grosbeak Siberian elm stool statutory instrument wigeon Vincetoxicum Anjou fin charter gathering sapstreak Tam o' Shanter aplanat hold headway restitution tamarind Amen glass Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev concealed land Declaration of Independence dissolution of the monasteries Kaffraria flat top ushanka Government House elephant wood aureole inquest of office pineapple pomegranate Sarawak Henrietta Maria pleas of the crown abdicate emblematical Star Chamber kohnur abode Queen Anne's Bounty zati ape–ape civil crown Crown Prosecution Service tree rose gallows intrusion goldfinch court of delegates crown gold crown density crown class fan worm Marsdenia female pattern baldness bycoket marsh tit entoproct Gambia tricorn curtain frostweed Hapsburg Cycadales emblem intrench crown privilege black root rot bias black–crowned crane black–necked stilt jupati paraconid queen-post seigniorage free-selection assize curb prize rose-headed Lepidodendrales Pleuromeia umbrella tree mint yellow–rumped warbler Spanish Succession, War of the Amici prism Bermuda shave Koh-i-noor feudalism Gobelins Bullock's oriole Callery pear committal for sentence male pattern baldness adelantado Osiris Turkana, Lake prerogative cautionary nob registrar-general yeoman Aden bark graft Crown Agents procurator fiscal East India Company qui tam primer seisin Declaration of Rights casting nose-hole open pandanus quoin strand wreath Scott chickadee purallee palm warbler bejewel yama culminate whaleback Church of England Palmae protected state similarly assistance parapet Cromwell, Oliver inherit Court of King's Bench college of arms Isle of Man royal assent Oedogoniaceae yuen heirloom Charles custodian trading company whig tubercle law officer Lancashire arm prince count India lammergeier chamberlain

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Words For "Crown"

As you've probably noticed, words for "Crown" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "Crown" are: crown, diadem, corona, coronary, and coronet. There are 933 other words that are related to or similar to Crown listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "Crown" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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