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dear salutation sweet s lief precious O C literatim billet-doux a darling capital beloved note d cherish john m CAP letter minuscule honey R h k tender I w missive N P y tootsie e L f initial uncial endear dory aitch T dearie j Q sin IE epistle Ford tee b high g en Bull Fox sigmoid dearly wye sir air letter marque Jn monitory life suckling value jo Franklin v beth u Ta cheer duck Thomson expensive line cursive overbuy drop endearing
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bosom em block letter gra ex faithfully fletcher black-letter gamma dee Al apple of one's eye Sunday letter He cue zee z Cobham pi drew lambda McCormack Watson apo costly Ray how billet love JFK yours jack lewis smith Howard Law johnny ducky dearth deary lettered literal machree cachet Austin Barry special Yours faithfully Evelyn Jane Doe Stevens close beta eta nun x kappa shin delta sigma curry Reed Nu ar alpha pug pee Heywood dalton Stark Bright Evans Gay pope quiescent near epistolize bishop Eliot postman write mute vee majuscule Scotus hunter hay Adams Biddle Erskine ransom aerogramme zed mailbag kite chapman appreciate pricey prize birdie Liebchen for dear life letter balance sign off mail carrier Haldane mill dautie treasure Gorey Coltrane tight money creditive letter cap. ascender Holland Pilgrim's Progress Morgan Davis Arbuthnot Neumann Gower Tyndall adjoin constable Aubrey Locke Tweedsmuir gilbert hope Pym lettering theta sea brief upsilon rho phi superscript form letter lamb epsilon mailman V-shaped lambdoid character omicron aleph iota lower-case chi mu zeta tau Skelton Flaxman Dickinson dearest spell Burroughs Berryman Sloan glover old Randolph cage John Bull sincerely -y macushla chary relic belamy undear brief ess home letter gee kay letterless bee sweetie leve palatial l.c. communion letter el little Cheever recommendatory letter cade Field budge Irons Osborne Jean Redmond phil- poppet cara sposa jay Lyly Fremont hood Nelson Drinkwater letter-leaf Rolfe Green North Sullivan Marston Bartram carpenter Marin Dewey Marlborough barleycorn fisher Old English fitch Newman Powell Galsworthy Tenniel Kemble Dunlop Nash theorem Cockcroft Colet Gielgud Knox fond Sargent Florio heart Ellis tight double-u L/C radical bookstaff frank ideogram overdear major Perry Irving Dowland dexter Huston Dove Tate Hussite Baliol Browning farmer Hammond stow Galbraith Chrysostom hooker Gothic Rutherford Astor Saint Peter's fish Masefield John the Baptist descender Sobieski jones white leman heartling justified Home lamed Siloam mail small direct FA pe figure samekh undirected heth SAD apple well-beloved xi Fraktur Lubbock calvinist psi tav omega dot capitalize apocalypse gaunt literalism back peel Leyden Campbell Carver John Chrysostom, St cheap-jack Sobieski, John manumise Gaunt, John of Maclaren JBS Appleseed John the Evangelist, St lovey letter weigher solar letter postie lunar letter investment letter stock letter of appointment ship's passport canine letter baby cookie ltr forsake dear-bought childie cabbage harden babe letter of application sea pass cover letter festal letter epistolography Glenn McCain Kennedy Leland Granville Trumbull Milton Hastert Hampden Dyer Hume Tillotson Baskerville Avebury Galt Keats Rennie Orr Foxe La Farge Lindley Clare André Bardeen Deere Alden Wilkes Schrieffer Flamsteed Nichols lambert Wanamaker Dunstable Benbow Forsyth forerunner Barth Rae Ciardi salt chiasmus Pershing Burgoyne firth ball O'Hara Vanbrugh Macleod Lockhart Lavery hall Fowles collier Schuyler Baird TLA letteret regret letter ef cee herewith circular note comfort letter drop initial sonant lc double U letters credential Dillon Luthuli MacLennan Mather Mosby motley Polanyi Pratt Priestley Good Shepherd Lydgate Dos Passos Gurdon Hersey Moore Parker Barbirolli bohemian Scopes mash Gunther ALS lettre de créance DLO skywrite apostle upper case favor overhold loveling reasonable framily Frenchy half-uncial double–u DLC letters missive kue Let Jer letter of attorney letters patent loc RLO airsheet commissional text letter traveler's letter of credit hiragana letter-scale jod sugar aiyo letters of administration katakana postbag proof with open–letter lettergram sibilant correspond dog's letter confirmed credit lower case recredential recommendation LSM letters testamentary dearness interjection letter of dispute LS letter of intent NLT dog letter izzard mail bomb nundinal authority to pay billet–doux bill of credit epistolographic dominical letter-plant webster Heminge Mackinder walker Lowes Lennon Jan Steinbeck Nicholson Millais Symonds Synge Copley Dennis Dawson Endecott John the Fortunate martin Carrère Isserlis Whittier Keble Volstead Hancock dill Marquand Bartlett Harvard prester McCloskey Hawkins Slidell Muir Mitchell John Citizen John of Austria Northrop de la Mare Bunyan Twachtman Berners–Lee precaution Donne Duns Scotus Croker Fenn Baptist Powys Williams Jeffers kaiser Noel–Baker perse Ruskin Schofield Sulston Wycliffism Rockefeller Churchill johannean Bunyanesque heart-blood give be dear to someone’s heart recredence block capital phthongal rune-stave mailing find misprint geminative truly epistolary small letter exclamation open yrs script lichen drop someone a line italic consonant circulatory write back polyphone send grapheme dentilingual body mark communication silent pastoral hierogram backing bucket labiodental corn monoliteral dentilabial labionasal bold chit posting register garish bailiff Simon Dickens, Charles Bircher Cartwright Aumann Allen Roebling Pople Strachey miltonize Jervis Selden Redmondism Nathanael Fraser Curtin Fleming Endymion Morley privy Roberts Saint John's eve Henry III Herschel Betjeman Diefenbaker Eldon London Fiske Ireland Harlan Sherman Tooke Wycliffe horoscope Ericsson polonian Mandeville Lejeune key Ogdon Harvey Harsanyi Keynesian Lockeanism Hus cotton Forrest Denver Carteret Ashcroft addle Zenger appeal Daly majorite Hoare Methodist Massinger the Lamb of God (also the Lamb) McCloy Ruskinize Rhodes Wayne Stanley addibility plea Beaumont Audubon Cotman Dowie Dryden Hadlee Garand John III O'Connor Brabham Cabot Erigena Keating held Donneish Jellicoe Elisabeth Newmanite O'Casey Gillespie Rayleigh Ross Sousa Waugh Wesley Winthrop accommodate Russell Eckert Johannine uncipher letterform hypsiloid T-bar courant clause Quebec h [or] H G, g F, f d [or] D deltoid allograph subfix c [or] C epistolarian pen pal Greek–letter society Epistle of Jeremiah aspirate B, b love letter t [or] T decussate q [or] Q epistolarily sans serif letter-bomb sigmate taw ex- red-letter wen zayin X, x balloon-letter T, t tablet letter drop someone a line/note circularize intimate C, c have hear hearing d. inferior unread E, e falciform o' O, o k [or] K resend uniliteral connate jewel post p [or] P penitentiary postpaid i [or] I biblicism dad W, w V, v written notice n [or] N Y, y es circular cerebral credence mailer sign m [or] M rhotacism wy curly n L, l J, j H, h hiss f [or] F Lima e- India letter of marque c. recorded delivery S, s lamented o [or] O vowel superior r [or] R s [or] S polyliteral b [or] B versal epistoler drops response D, d misdirect g [or] G K, k N, n acknowledgement P, p elementary semivowel lam look over e [or] E I, i misdate S curve M, m bread-and-butter letter A, a enclosed letter bomb dal acknowledge brevet cartel U, u letter-perfect misaddress notelet stem subscript dhal digammated l [or] L j [or] J R, r Q, q Richard Miles spell out alphabetism kern love-letter revelation literalist kiss reply further to hard lipogrammatic medial quiescent verb soft suprascript Arbuthnot, John Henry IV Breckinridge Falstaffian Evangelist Comenius Crèvecoeur Calvin Enders Fredericton Lockean John, St Keynesianism Lazarus Martha Mary McDonald Palmerston Methodism Rochester Serapis Russellite Marshall Barrymore batman Bedford booth Bute cosmism Cranko Sutter compartment dinosaur invention opaque versus unfocused ruskinian Lollard Midsummer Day Thomas Scotism John–a–Nokes Léger Richard Roe Grand Prior Borglum

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Words For "Dear John letter"

As you've probably noticed, words for "Dear John letter" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "Dear John letter" are: dear, salutation, sweet, s, and lief. There are 972 other words that are related to or similar to Dear John letter listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "Dear John letter" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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