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petronella reel Scottish country dancing jig strathspey Highland fling samba tango hop waltz rumba polka mambo scotch foot hoof conga folk dance one-step Scottie Scots promenade jitterbug bop disco bolero jive cakewalk Scotch terrier cha-cha Scottish dancing clog Charleston shimmy Scotch Gaelic quickstep SC hay galop dance boogie eightsome Scots Gaelic Scotch Celtic poussette two-step ball seguidilla fling round schottische hornpipe dancing thraw roundelay Virginia reel
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carol contradance kirk Scot. Sir Roger de Coverley stomp set twist vizy SNP glisk shag boke tap salsa ettle kintra kintry Scotch reel dunt blad trip canary tap-dance dump honky–tonk habanera écossaise passacaglia RSA measure SVQ matachin quadrille shake claut ländler eightsome reel Scotty square dance break down unco barn dance pettle cummer nautch saraband outdance danceable daver chirl draffsack stour troch snell foxtrot Scots Sea countryfolk soil tap dance break Scotch Gael Aberdeen terrier contredanse Scotch Blackface siciliano fox-trot glissade square-dance Gillie Callum bourr�e [or] bourree fikie contra dance heydeguy breakdown sword dance jazz taigle nainsel rapier sword dance trip the light fantastic Adam Smith Scotch-Irish fey gillie slam figure baronial mosh choreograph galliard swing guid Scotch Baronial channel stone fraik splore tartan hotch stech capernoited gude thrawart flichtered gumlie limmer quinyie bangster tabetless gair ken bluebell tae spelder ought auld Scots Baronial wintle flauchter flisk tavert gell royet deid blinter wadsetter sair ava kittle laith hurcheon SFA haymaker caller hog–wrestle circle dance thé dansant taw ceilidh Gael licht vaudy gled pend pickle scrive spauld flichter loun hae gie unchancy variation disjaskit loch dirgie spreaghery lope jazz dancing ballo fandango twine choreo- death dance scottish bown staw flae propone trachle browst pentit strand striddle thae docken auld wife Erse taver kyte stramash blawort law Holyrood wyliecoat smith fuffle linn birkie braw but stramp sleekit flauchtbred curn Brown cloot tolbooth girnel rigmaree scaur whemmel gushet cumbia call toyi-toyi rock and roll lambada bulerias guildry country country distemper old land Scottish National Party country and western twelve hours stibble–rig nashgab brand iron genty whillywha MSP waff pictarnie ocht clamjamfry threap Scotticism slogan gash ourie sklent oxter skellat creagh oncome hallanshaker bodach fissle minuet buffalo mazurka polonaise pas beguine ballet pogo thread–needle perigourdine fais–dodo hopping B and S ecossaise landler country dancing sweer Raeburn orra eild humdudgeon tirrivee provost black snod tousy Campbell gliff Miller goldspink scrae dorlach shilpit pas de deux rigadoon tambourin the Scottish National Party pavane partner carioca Sellenger's round lass chassé–croisé rave bandleader rock tarantella gyrate thrash Scots Nattery whirry nationalist fencible mird deerhound Black–faced Highland running set hobble sail tripudiate bust get shake one's booty shake one's moneymaker tread danse du ventre get down danced tumble contra pipe dance hooves tinikling Scotchified slicht geyly fyle heart hunger faucht durk feth fell daur daunder deevil burd ca' freend forgie flicht fooner flum verra chaumer cawdie snool sowder smairt straucht staucher stane sicht sarking saumont richt papingo powther oucht nevoy neeper Monanday micht lichtly lume lair laigh keist jinket Scottish Nationalist Party short leet stroup whaisle bour bouk brichten bricht breet deil huid grassman goold hairstane healsome geet wair dreid sybo trevis till cammock daft traivel athort feck fiar faize fall foggie foo flet forfairn blood-friend faimly blude gare blume gaist furthersome water–fast guller bruik hame bught happer low country hinner hizzie ill–set ill–sorted skinking Scotchery leed leem lane lateran laft landart laad buik lichtit loon breard clauber moudiewarp neibour naething pownie plouter queyn craik cutty dominie until doon dicht spelk stonern yaumer yont youthy GSVQ vrack weason wat capestane wauk swirly lunyie whigmaleerie willie wagtail tweel trucker tirl thegither toun strappan spaik stacher spule skelf brether blirt bocht baiginet awin all-thing scug scraich scauld shathmont sandy laverock ryke queem partrick puir puggy naebody nickum necessar meen mergh moniplies loe wull laik landert lauch kinnle jirt Scotticize quoiter hicht hypothec habble guidman ghaist gairden fule fairm faem eence eebree fecht faur faught fesh eneuch fittit fite frase forby droon dreel draigle downsitting doug coucher cless cauff effeir wid yate yirk wauken waulk waur twal cluif wheeler fricht fugie dail deith elbuck ergh claik gaither fussle glaizie gless lintie gurly dook hool Janwar jaud jaug alang beld birse bluid dwall bure dilse kitchie lanesome lichtsome mear meith maen lood lodomy loesome nesty rat rhyme raucle quauk denner roch retour sairve slivver sherra shirra the SNP strype stog cliv flech to–name sairly maggie gowf hecht groff furthy fung fuil gaird flird fraucht hielan fower focht feifteen huil fee SCE fautor jeisticcor faured fier ettercap kirkman deen dask Borders laich lallan dinle draigon dowg doot dool lanely lippen crine cash account locksman bourock e'en breacan buird broon brocht bokie beddal misbehadden asteer misca mither maik anither mak neid aneth neiper nicht pape parritch port pirlie roond roun sie shaltie stap stickit wirk woft wrocht wup wyde yad walise wellawins wersh Scottishly scriver twa twasome tawt teind teistie towzie pop goes the weasel country-dance hustle pas seul vogue take the floor danza strutting bebop trenchmore breakbeat roundel zouk shakedown contadina roundabout bransle Morisco bobbing Joan sally malambo mkhedruli watusi boutade devil dance conga line jerk taxi dancer tinternell maidmarian snake dance almain gavotte trace swordplay ramble Saint Vitus's dance palais de danse csardas step battle dance jaleo prinkum-prankum ring dance smooch toe Scottishry saltate throw shapes ray trot tripping dance palace cha-cha-cha disco-dance cancan rage footing Irish dance Highlandry brogue whilk termtime Rennie Robertson beuk looten bauld mith beck neuk owse breist thow pingle rin roon yerd regrate reeshle sclimb scoor scaud schill sare corbie steps shouther siker sinder skair spulzie skriegh hoch spait cleading doolfu breckan kyloe coost Gregory duniewassal thrift brig efter gowden goul goud gollar feckful tousle neep brank bowster boul bygane feucht fleuk forfault gardevin gilravage jert knowe mony nocht nourice neist parridge porritch pock pudding Cameron pirl rokelay rund sel sawt sea pigeon saft uncanny sindry skail staig stibble stieve streek yince yird yirth throt pruve thane thocht bleeze timmer plaiden pooer black sugar wyte weathergaw whase stapple browster raivel preeze broo Connolly Connery stive nacket cour drappie dwalm denty fleesh spairge fosh daise oot fauld fae merse leugh lainch ruggy jalouse hoolet graith hadden girsle laidly wate thrang tomnoddy soor spier stell sugh scriever smoor slae skreich sic saut sauld romage puckle rantree randie reavel owre nuik manty mail maut thristle kaim kaleyard kithe Reid breid bonie bield barley broth hoo hause haud gravat faut feg cadgy cankery furm fowk fu' drucken croon crabbit cauld Dunbar speat churm derk calker daidle alake forrit gowd hadder haeing grunstane hairst howm Ramsay leuch lockman misken mislippen monie mair oor pairt pairtrick poon pou preef pitten rocklay rountree reyn siclike sell stoit straik snaw wissel yill waukrife

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Words For "Scottish country dance"

As you've probably noticed, words for "Scottish country dance" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "Scottish country dance" are: petronella, reel, Scottish country dancing, jig, and strathspey. There are 992 other words that are related to or similar to Scottish country dance listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "Scottish country dance" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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