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thoroughbred interbreed inbreed bred mongrel pullulate shorthorn boxer merino hackney jersey leghorn propagate heronry barb kelpie cross gender purebred race scrub dachshund toy borzoi rear Cheviot grade mastiff verminate papillon Chihuahua longhorn karakul Hereford pouter greyhound mutt Cochin Shetland pony breeding ground overbreed rebreed trumpeter duroc tumbler Pekingese poodle swarm bantam pug Maltese harrier schnauzer cocktail Rottweiler Lakeland terrier cur foxhound
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rookery Great Dane pointer basenji Percheron appaloosa Rhode Island Red standardbred beagle holstein Guernsey Dalmatian Galloway Komondor Lincoln bulldog collie raise Suffolk bull terrier hybridize carrier pigeon golden retriever brood breeding Devon mate husky Belgian hare Sussex griffon turbit weed rambouillet generation Sealyham terrier Pomeranian Clydesdale underbred Doberman pinscher limousin Scottish terrier cocker spaniel multiply blood Belgian teeswater Airedale saluki Irish setter oyster bed Charolais half blood cross-breed bloodhound schipperke true-bred well-bred Hampshire longhair punch Gordon setter Dartmoor Australorp puli womb Kuvasz strain outbreed Quarter Horse malamute Afrikander shire Alsatian Berkshire Labrador retriever crossbreed Poland China Ayrshire brant kin mongrelize fantail Italian greyhound pedigree elkhound Irish wolfhound Rhode Island White Southdown whippet Saint Bernard Leicester conceive malamute [or] malemute Tamworth korat Scottish deerhound Norwich terrier cocker full-blooded Dutch Belted fancy gamekeeper Skye terrier coonhound English setter runt retriever Welsh terrier Mexican Hairless chow teeth Kerry cairn hound setter Affenpinscher Weimaraner Bedlington terrier Samoyed maran East Friesian Large Black Kerry blue terrier Persian cat Lhasa apso Siamese Norwegian elkhound Aberdeen Angus King Charles spaniel Yorkshire terrier deerhound bird dog Lippizaner shih tzu Herdwick Sussex spaniel dung beetle Yorkshire species saddle horse corgi Shetland sheepdog Dorset Down basset Khaki Campbell Angora rabbit Shropshire Swaledale ox Ryeland Eskimo dog Fell pony sanctuary Exmoor terrier Scottish Blackface connemara subbreed keeshond palomino Santa Gertrudis Aylesbury cropper blooded Anglo-Arab roller knot seal kyloe stock Brabançon Newfoundland vizsla shanghai New Hampshire Akita staghound dissentious Brahman Bouvier des Flandres Beveren Arab Orpington Lamona owl Minorca Clumber spaniel wirehair Andalusian silkie Burmese cat Chester White sheepdog Kathiawari Cotswold Himalayan angora Sphynx dexter Angora goat Irish terrier Kerry Hill redpoll Lincoln Red Dorking inviscerate Blue Vienna Lonk Murrah Sahiwal Tharparkar Highland cattle anadromous Australian terrier shire horse Afghan hound Oklabar Burmese ken ill-bred Brown Swiss Boulonnais ruff Great Pyrenees landrace Dartmoor pony Kangayam catadromous Manx cat munchkin beget engender British Shorthair hybrid bearded collie bichon frise belted galloway Soay lakenvelder Hariana Wessex Saddleback Border terrier Sebright Connemara pony heat criollo Toy Manchester Chianina Red Dane sultan Russian Blue Corriedale Old English sheepdog Saanen Guzerat Blue Swedish Middle White Lacombe spaniel Illawarra Iceland dog French bulldog gullery Hanoverian Cornish Tennessee Walking Horse charoles cattle bicolour ranch hellkite Dorset Horn sub-breed Morgan Australian Shepherd Bernese mountain dog Belgian sheepdog strene redbone Staffordshire bull terrier greyhound [or] grayhound border collie Trakehner Lipizzaner pekinese Simmental South Devon Langshan Polwarth Manchester terrier Tibetan terrier Jacobin Cleveland bay Indian runner Toggenburg beefalo alaunt Romney Siamese cat verminous populate highbred shorthair pooch Jumnapari bastard ternery fancier Polish rabbit American saddlebred dentize Afghan axolotl Welsh runt Welsh Mountain sheep overteem standard poodle stockman dual–purpose turnspit eugenics Ibizan hound dovecote alfalfa toy poodle Beetewk bench show chow-chow nurture redcap beef cow buckhound grass brahmaputra fancied ram closecross Pinzgau Belgium draught horse tattoo Akhal-Teke Bombay Barotse game bantam Lincoln lamb pacer shaker Ankole colorbreed boer goat Boran drahthaar piquillo gun dog longwool Japanese spaniel suckler blackface straightbred breeding-ground strained waler Jack Russell blood mare baldhead barbet blood-mare milter wolfhound foundation stock farm hunting dog Ashura pony swannery New Forest Pony Polled Durham White Rock marsh-wren pelicanry pair white welsh otter kind cavalier donkra plant English rabbit Sealyham ravenry red-polled registered Irish draught horse British Blue English toy terrier Dogue de Bordeaux Masham American Eskimo Red and White Friesian Manx loaghtan Russian longhair large white Radnor Charbray Irish sport horse Blue Albion bull mastiff coachdog studbook Anatolian shepherd Capuchin three–quarter–bred blue cattle dog cockapoo bantamize Friesian curly–coated retriever Dorset cairn terrier degenerate inbred long-haired Highland cow rat terrier Rex Queensland heeler rose-combed short-haired talbot tumble scale shubunkin ragamuffin dromedary spot Droughtmaster Kerry blue Maltese dog breedy mustang briard Brangus Blenheim Champagne d'Argent Suffolk punch tortoiseshell Pyrenean mountain dog Bengal Rouen duck goldendoodle saddleback upgrade Turk Belgian Blue Timor pony French Canadian Brahma Dales pony Chantilly Legbar homing pigeon heavy horse Shiba Inu educate sire stud–mate Gir Welsh springer spaniel Highland pony half-bred Anglo–Nubian breediness fox terrier Galway Faverolle culture labradoodle nursery Pyrenean sheepdog Rock Cornish Rouen spitz shih-tzu Jersey Giant red poll Abyssinian bed Ancona best of breed bouvier down Angus chinchilla Black Spanish crossbred youngster wyandotte Welsh Mountain West Highland white terrier amphibious dip gayal java mithan repopulate whitehead victoria tippler swift sambo shield hobby Rough Fell kennel bullmastiff decoy overpopulate laugher migration belted cattle Buffbar satinette blondinette Bhutia Targhee intercross mehari tosa Barnevelder priest full-bred Haflinger cane corso Dorper marsh fever Gloucester Old Spots Kashmir goat genuine puggle Flemish giant Gloucester Old Spot dzo smooth fox terrier unregistered sewage fly Pekin gamecock hunter Milking Shorthorn ice pigeon starling Manx Loghtan deacon Oxford wire fox terrier flock–mate dandie dog cholo water spaniel bluette boerboel Bagot Alderney British White Maine–Anjou löwchen red Devon small white Romagnola Scottish fold Dogo Argentino Entlebucher fulmar drover's dog phalarope pembroke salamander true waltzer zebu Black East Indian spitz dog land crab game fowl Leonberg Fjäll stud pugging chantecler Celtic horse Romney Marsh self Brussels griffon kungu fly Naked Neck Oxford down flat–coated retriever Falabella feather black and tan Ancon sheep bushfly breeder Balinese Flanders horse deloul Delaine Merino heirloom Jacob sheep Shetland sheep Tibetan mastiff Pembroke Welsh corgi Dobermann topincross lurcher peke Airedale terrier La Flèche Boston terrier talebearer bluefin small cattle Cayuga duck Chesapeake Bay retriever Tibetan spaniel domestic animal rough collie dominique ice-gull bullock Arabian horse soft–coated wheaten terrier montadale Norfolk terrier kangaroo dog Bikaneri Dandie Dinmont cow Welsh cob blue cat American Saddle Horse German shorthaired pointer Embden Cornish game hen Cardigan Welsh corgi Flanders mare Devon rex exotic shorthair German Coach Plymouth Rock manucode Japanese fowl Anglo-Nubian autosexing Birman Ancobar white leghorn outcross Spinone pedigreed Exmoor pony eugenism domesticate beard chough Alaskan malamute pomace-fly gaushala Havana brown razorback Campine Colorado ranger striped bass colorpoint shorthair rut silver eel stockjudging gannet dumpy herdbook rare breed Soay sheep St Bernard sea krait English foxhound miniature schnauzer Norfolk turkey Oriental shorthair pen–mate Brittany Egyptian mau shar-pei Welsh mountain pony burka bluebottle black tern turnstone bluetick German shepherd durham Angora cat amertoy flour worm heritage Labrador Jack Russell terrier pare otterhound potbellied pig Platypezidae red sindhi salt–marsh mosquito white heifer disease ladino autosexed American water spaniel colourpoint Australian cattle dog caracul Beauceron British alpine standard of perfection topcrossbred Chartreux cayuse creeper ostiole shearwater Cavalier King Charles spaniel Chinese crested dung fly unpedigreed Dandie Dinmont terrier field spaniel Brahmin Bali French silver halcyon Columbia Catalonian ass South Suffolk Shar Pei miniature pinscher ocicat Portuguese water dog romeldale Rhodesian ridgeback telescope goldfish Yorkshire coach horse English toy spaniel warren Welsh black polish sheathbill call duck Texel Turkish Van Nellore reproductive isolation Carneau Cornish rex superstrain Clydesdale terrier giant schnauzer German wirehaired pointer Highland terrier Irish water spaniel Mills

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Words For "breed"

As you've probably noticed, words for "breed" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "breed" are: thoroughbred, interbreed, inbreed, bred, and mongrel. There are 823 other words that are related to or similar to breed listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "breed" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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