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nurse tend groom care hospice attend nursemaid orphanage cherish manicure home rear hospital custody livery keep day care Foster infirmary see mother asylum pedicure reck invalid regard providence guardian careless wrangle overaffect rest home Medicare charge vet nursing home foresight Medicaid babysitter neglect minister hospitalize entrust c/o keeper mental treat trust governess thoughtless careful institution matter childcare force sanatorium attention cure cultivate
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skincare fledge caregiver suckle assisted living custodial conservator maternity retch wanton dry-nurse beware check commend irresponsible cradle eldercare concern sitter family practice duenna dry nurse father negligence look mind treatment helpless layette procure incurious welfare state nanny intensive care respect winter raise ward clinic incubator fend babysit cr�che [or] creche au pair apprentice nurture primage embezzle caretaker sick bay nursery sacrist emergency room watch solicitude custodian practical nurse shepherd CO impropriate selfish baby farm bless fuss obstetrician neaten deposit look after janitor keeping foster home all TLC thoughtful do revival welfare socialized medicine dentist plan revise sandwich generation fee–for–service licensed practical nurse elder care altricial consul ICU cultivation patient guard public health the National Health Service disregard visiting nurse interdict pediatrician solicitous fend for yourself day nursery group home cosset Absolute caring critical care capitation care assistant without regard for C & M consignment Geneva Convention minister to devotion cold-hearted paediatrics lazaretto bring up someone bring up imprudent sympathy mismother child guidance haircare fuck cattery bed unbend treasurer explore dereliction recovery room health consign misappropriate PIN forget crèche doctor paediatrician agistor sympathize husband thoughtfulness unthinking uncaring with due regard to madhouse day centre award give family leave individual health plan antisocial minister to sb health professional gingerly rooming-in CCU SCBU aftercare triage hairbrush umfaan ranger pathmaster value family medicine abandon undertake hairdressing care home overlook aquarist desperate weigh forestry worker leprophilia look after someone/something chambermaid tiddle Red Cross brand invalidity (down) to the last (or final, smallest, etc.) detail hand-rear midwife jilt facial non-custodial medevac gall plunge literose finer feelings field hospital neat board take sexton touchy utilization review independent retirement home mate default health service impunity go go on platypusary inconsiderate demand darling negligently clinical governance ambulatory curator defaulter corkage skin cream leprophil bring niggle parental leave polite unchristian Big Brother bring sb up rustler dental hygienist paramedic dresser horsetailer NACRO bedlam baby-tender apiculture infirm means-test mental retardation hand-pick spruce cultivated prudence unaffordable guardianship managed care institutionalize lap look out plc babysitting agency companion babysitting service the RSPCA life–care in/into care optometry let managed competition nurses' station collector sequencing no-man's land parlourmaid take care of ilk district nurse responsible residential home family doctor receiver honey kind-hearted choice coronary care unit superintendence provident someone couldn’t/doesn’t give a monkey’s careworn family care snap rye straw thought depot stockbreeder humidicrib business xenodochium lunatic animal sanctuary chamber man equerry cockpit oversee greenkeeper mothercraft upkeep lengthman commission boatswain succorance military hospital peruse oversight motherly care plan overcare sanitarium camp ministrations unsympathetic heir eusocial Ryder, Sue Birkenstock cutthroat Big Brother Movement label personal care maintenance life care family start flight nurse guardian of the poor brood parasite quarter-gunner peculation health centre codependency uncivilized box-shifter God bless (you) care label leper house protectory diligence nurturance look out for number one farm sb out air base advisory period retreat gunner's mate animal refuge in someone’s charge county asylum special care baby unit mission home soldiers' home khansama the lady of the house the NHS lighting engineer the man of the house intensive guardhouse deinstitutionalize baby farming public spending public service someone/something be damned er delicate assiduous cusˈtodianship old quality sweat blood someone’s heart is not in something scribble baggagemaster misappropriation community care roadie take sb in respite care waste negligent statutory trust tent neglectful farm out aged care Gray Lady gardener public charge social service entertain unconcerned get stuffed coddle community home private patient secretary surcharge child benefit residential care concerned good luck to someone administrator wherever not give a (flying) fuck whenever meh it’s no skin off my nose indebted ASPCA SPCA sensitive means testing groundskeeper allantoin universal cat man single–payer marine hospital purser wardrobe tutelage intellectual disability ward bed curate rummage who knows/cares/wants/needs etc fringe benefit please yourself fundholding navigating-officer crook cactus responsibility secure provider wrangler carefree under one's wing gamekeeper neonatal high dependency unit distaste clamor skim sb/sth off domiciliary cofradia yardwork corn–root aphid first aid children's home child care gross negligence due care down fash aviculture (the) devil take the hindmost housekeeping I’m all right, Jack cark clerk purchaser–provider exchequer blessing compassionate macaque compassion blow/hang the expense uninterested dump go to hell berthage to hell with painsworthy wet-nurse ranchero fig too bad for all someone knows/cares shared care case management health maintenance organization advisory teacher use librarian accurate PCP finicky answer high-low bed stepchild brood lookout release -iatry cower NICU watch oneself maternal obstetrics farrier archival parental immunity primary care play at sth Saunders altrices Addams, Jane neglected pregnant tender career break jealousy chiropractic nirvana tree surgeon blow (it) arborist old people's home human service outpatient save fiduciary let them eat cake hang tree surgery forethought tuition politically correct chamber-lye enshrine health insurance HIPAA charity humanism lowage ratchet granny dumping whatever cooperative well-chosen laborious caution persnickety m�nage [or] menage studious for aught I know/care EMS gender-specific mountaineering pigeoneer ground cover mail downcast how tricky pain wayward child self reasonable care self-respect AGI underserved procurator nuisance degree wrap idiot care pathway Karitane ware bean counter intensivist easy baby average defalcation self-pity Registered General Nurse precatory tort dental hygiene cursory con manage pick indifference dispose of recherch� [or] recherche conscientious silviculture ease keep an eye on primp bach it public liability lust wtf ostler valet misanthropy affair interdependent solely telemedicine Clinton, Hillary Rodham conservatism beneficence assumption of risk wreak cult dilapidated superficial kit audience levite formulary enginous assiduously carefully client litterbug funeral ninny sufficient sinecure feigned tract sacrifice litigation dodge kinship lax lovingly auspice pass step carelessly bedmaker high-finished light bailment for hire uncareful sacred Maiasaura airily determinant antique toadstone social care recrimination evangelist fraternity raison d'etre whirl wether paternalism multipurpose not give a toss shoddy see after living will lightsome carve uncared for painstaking measured unconcern council contempt equitably range set secondary care ravening summit reckless assign precisely opinionated baffled mansion indiscriminate Place with precaution unattended niggling half-arse inattentive loving not give a hoot remiss considered skimp sloppy patronage remission especial oodles operate separation remorseless parallelism back burner orthodox underprivileged diethylstilbestrol haggard melancholia reverential impudence contented overwhelm upbringing workaholic psychiatric in loco parentis husbandry accountability this fault ad hoc insouciant practice gripe surely hoot protective procuration power of attorney guardship primary health care c/- forsake tendment cared judgment commit parish due diligence anticipation attempt tertiary primary recherché anyhow soyned LTC choice–drawn care worker sturt goom running ordinary care happy–go–lucky could care less selectedly homeliness affectedly IDC fitter observe weight reckling tendance carelessness heed give (or care) a toss fitted in the trust of diligency periergy think busily kept intensive-care untended ICF give a hoot fit stewardship fitting chamberlain wisdom respite service not give a hoot/two hoots culture consider disassiduity rought not care twopence easy-care particularity worriless orphan in someone's keeping observation devoted couldn’t care less lazy hand crude facialist sans-souci pococurante blithely laxity RSWC sensitively damn healthcare content knowledge artifice assiduity calm perfunctory untreated orphanotrophism overcarking parenting tiptoe not give a fig about/for something security physical therapy mollycoddle kid–glove rough patience not give a monkey's chary vacant fine art soft free–minded shit dress mindful haphazardly unasked unworried dental scrutinize wing make sure geriatrics looking to fastidious exacting gosherd sweat thoroughness discharge paediatric lazily view let yourself go bosom comb strict watch over kennelmaid indolence nursing well tutor plume throwaway scrupulous spontaneous kennelman scrabble screw it cheap hospitalization hold ministration neatress bottle-feed choosy see about not care/give two hoots sloppiness indifferent note pigman prenatal ill-advised sympathetic bung haphazard minute white–glove frankly ticklish disengaged objection curiosity deliberate in good/safe hands preen sedulous regardful heal consideration home carer not care/give a fig diligent inattention don't-carish narrow nurseryman post-op favor fling apathy home care ACA looking after beautiful cause gatekeeper attentive labor

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Words For "care for"

As you've probably noticed, words for "care for" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "care for" are: nurse, tend, groom, care, and hospice. There are 980 other words that are related to or similar to care for listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "care for" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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