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gutter gully race sluice groove conduit canal gullet trough aqueduct flume channelize tideway watercourse GUT culvert tailrace swash pipeline canalize multiplex jersey passage monophonic Channel duct raceway rechannel ditch buoy bypass DSC drain billabong runnel chute Seine waterway side kyle funnel lead glyph runway riverbed strait spillway washout gate scour sow fairway Guernsey stria cut canaliculus Alderney runner river conduct alveus connection multichannel
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trunk COM chase interchannel arterial sark millrace ormer Normandy gat artery sluiceway extravasate floodway levee channel zapper channeling arroyo subchannel Chunnel guideway kill offtake dredge Creek Ci flute excavate intake fret slough dis guide gurt sound flue sinus shunt chan pod stool Santa Barbara Islands quirk course ch. lagoon gote stream excavation roust fuller neck inlet sleeve convey pass inset solen airt kennel thalweg cross talk Avon launder vein drill duplex rill Cardigan Bay shoot the Chunnel icebreaker TNT USA Somme drove kerf window box diversion wadi Maracaibo stop root canal Lundy slide rabbet lay-by cullis tunnel offshoot ramification furrow gorge grip debouch Le Havre bandwidth nifedipine monaural sprue boom chamfer nun buoy C4 branded drum bar bass spottail marketing channel parrot marigot channel of distribution channelling tubule vallecula sewer Portsmouth shuttle striation jurat station Solent bull redfish reef bass channel surfing breaker lane outlet bass tube channelled gas black sough channel–hopping impingement black channeled Channel Islands Dieppe emissary Saint Peter Port Bass Strait Boulogne Saint Helier Dover, Strait of streamflow iceboat bore Pentland Firth Swansea run surf aditus Bournemouth rille Dover SHAPE voice chops Manche, La throat cat atresia breachway ident Torbay public access channel-hop hemiglyph RAN feeder hollow cannelure heart bypass vraic headrace spill Eastbourne back backwater coronary sinus sulcation birth canal Cherbourg the Channel Tunnel Windward Passage spotted bass red bass keyway Ur fang mono CNN derivation outcut lode communication channel wpc Ouse Haute-Normandie waterspout glide rifle direct Eurostar Brittany overflow ion channel reach lade Severn gutted Maelstrom backchannel syrinx Santa Barbara Channel chop rut Milford Haven Barry lacing Eddystone Rocks diltiazem LED blockship clough headgate feather line scarf killesse part verapamil disembogue flush nitrendipine max troughway don't touch that dial silt radio redirect crevice rithe medium main noria Channel Tunnel ferry slot Malacca, Strait of Tamar whirlpool cut-off Minch Mozambique wear Santa Rosa Island lady-crab bet enchannel down conduction reduct wasteway school bass sloot liaison the Channel masterwork link Minas Basin recanalization spray running trench Basse-Normandie channel-graze contact penstock barrage San Clemente Island gool auwai sounding board channel-surf river channel torrent slideway underground fleet air-channel Deal Bristol Channel air channel Yucatán Channel raceline gull gulch Hampshire Somerset chap channel section Taku reiki estuary Euboea siphonostomatous range light dig Hooghly Gibraltar, Strait of British Isles big ditch Ilfracombe operator San Pedro Channel dado lumpy water drain baffle withdraw drainer valley flat Kitamat Plymouth trumpeting telemovie on git navigate Southampton jube narrows bailiff avenue break teat canal Saint–Malo, Gulf of bifurcation slake escapeway microchannel invert lossy Kintyre narrow field-effect transistor broken Belle Isle, Strait of rimiform slotted Santa Cruz Solent, The gaw constriction lumen feedback corona nun bottleneck streambed Poole Messina, Strait of unclog seaway cutting broke open France sublateral Bristol wale cunette hydraulic jump nickelodeon swallow wight guttering Rathlin Island saddle radio network through training wall Kane Basin La Hogue Mackinac, Straits of Purbeck, Isle of sand pipe turn over Channel Islands National Park Gastineau Channel eyeballs Palk Strait by-pass aigues mortes anfractuosity Zambezi Singapore Strait turn over to ice-free horse ingressive lymphangitis roller-race passageway sub-main lens @ grease streamless acequia Denmark Strait buoyage Brighton Canso, Strait of Cotentin Peninsula eel cat head race rebatement sole sports channel deep St George's Channel redfish mathemeg northern catfish perfilograph route lake thoroughfare water channel water gang urethral stricture over auger cos Great Britain annular auger Picardy swim barbican resaca oilway offlet Holy Island gunkhole Kill Van Kull radio station intake valve Calvados Reef Ventura channel partner channel marketing Downs Trouville mill-leat tie line Catalina flash torpedo avulsion sipe sea buoy Simpson Desert Tsugaru Strait sea gate pay channel water-lade whitewater MTV baseband South Glamorgan trunk line Hampton Roads Spuyten Duyvil Creek channel-hopping Aransas Pass jet cross-Channel Beagle Channel Weston–super–Mare geat M'Clure Strait narrowband nicardipine uplink weight box outrunner two-way source through valley downlink Worthing Wight, Isle of fistulize channel strategy attenuate ground sluice herring pond donga needle time multiplexer forum canaliculated module spurn-water acequia madre air drain underneath mouth airway Cardiff Bexhill dial Penzance derive barbel Gower Georgia, Strait of walking crane flushgate Harlem Lundy Island furring strip constipate estero antiarrhythmic lerret meatus gated check dam rip plasmodesma Severn River gang Usk Lyme Regis reigle barrier reef Beachy Head Charybdis ice run English Channel cutoff triglyph moat myth channel capacity leading Maracaibo, Lake resin canal Florida, Straits of people meter CDMA discrete Golden Gate Nichols terrace euripus Inhambane Shaikhi Houston Sussex meander belt Southampton Island Foxe Basin devoice emissarium riggot sonorant pier dam revoice water course comber Bella Coola channel development Kauai milltail rock-worm channel hopping unobstructed two–way turning basin egressive throughput spar buoy runaround way deck shoe groin hydraulic radius Hugli mole plow air wave Torres Strait whistling buoy nimodipine perch shopping channel editorial fine-tune Masan deepen coulee distraction sting boil stilling basin mooring anchor pseudotrachea anastomosis direction channel catfish channel black Clovelly Ambrose flick through chimney flush rim hydraulic dredge air scoop clearinghouse Blériot, Louis clog stitch aloft bank scourway influent mill-tail nullah shutter vestibule trow riprap multipoint stour river capture qanat pound canalis rolling news Spithead ligation mole drain main stem pocket pipe-coupling code division multiple access shear zone distributary Blanchard, Jean Pierre specus watershoot opisthoglyphous booze cruise bug Mozambique Channel track fet combinate turn grooved slip joint flood dam flap gate draft tube Grand Manan center channel wady free anchor ball con block banco Sabine crosstalk superpipe pilonidal apron fipple frequency division multiplex Home Fleet quadraphonic Belgium Baltic Sea Mexico drawstring minefield headwork oleoduct pilot Scylla channelway eviscerate Hastings feed gain hourglass land bridge Pontchartrain Pskov ryanodine receptor halfpipe Lizard Point pipe velocity Devon insipidity oxbow lake Crown dependency universal mill broach murmur plate safety island Bognor Regis dynamic range Howe non-secure quarl uniporter Shannon's theorem Langres Plateau bayou crossover trap reversing falls Mackinac brisling casing Corinth Canal audience rating activate indifferent waft Ederle, Gertrude Spanish Armada pol water carrier screw stovepipe Calcasieu jaw Pescadores divert eyeball air vessel Ireland Cresta Run vascular foul Guadeloupe Cooper Creek concentrator New Ireland vowel red drum Sheppey blockhouse Dorset Pembrokeshire passionate diffuser title telegraph river-wall quantum cryptography Saint Austell swell wonky uptake newscast breasting Kos Menai Strait quadruplex time division multiplex recreation monoplane disinformation norman communication rapid scupper consonant glaucoma undertow pseudosiphon port Lombok across dihydropyridine crucible Rolls, Charles Stewart pivot pallet baud Kent penis tide

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Words For "channel"

As you've probably noticed, words for "channel" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "channel" are: gutter, gully, race, sluice, and groove. There are 856 other words that are related to or similar to channel listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "channel" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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