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count calculate bank on tally reckon bank countess miscount recount bargain number census ettle return re-count tale county granted viscount flightiness confidentiality enumerate account annumerate tell bet marquis palatine landgrave figure numerate teller dependable scrimmage quantum meruit tick off ct Bell upon counter countdown coliform index score Thompson bangtail muster enthralled slight fallibility tide reliable consistently could count sth on (the fingers of) one hand fall Ave Maria
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blood count innumerable prayer beads chicken Balance nolle prosequi compute reference standing count palsgrave invariably pubic hair unreliable reckoning Albertus Magnus dies non comte CBC calorie-controlled perhaps visible mensch flighty bead inconstant remote infirm limited friend unnumbered counting ad infinitum afire wool grade rouge et noir numberless cinch scoreboard coinage Castiglione tally clerk locking plate Dumas leery voting machine Elector Palatine reticulocyte level multitudinous undercount pollen count rowet chemin de fer Andrássy aboard fragrant backward fan–tan countless county palatine on three–point line a untold comital bier compt retell contemplation indictment renumerate countable noun day length tick earl afoot shore moravian contract bridge Horn OD pleading count out rosary zero down Basie marchese Cid, El take Pico della Mirandola single transferable vote social reality quantify cadence numeration overcount basketball askew knockout let polling place death cash up count palatine tabulate RBC ablaze cuff mass noun margrave counted thread count countship yarn number be thereon horseback altogether coliform bacillus pique tot blood test KO Oxenstierna tiptoe whereon headcount myriad cod order atop hereon rime beyond number SL and C tell off blackjack Palatinate count-bishop ahigh year-count without number Rumford point tote rhyme beyond/without number earl palatine differential white count telling told incalculable ashore hereupon epi- count sheep article alight nose declaration miscalculate retally mathematics Nesselrode union rhinegrave tail Cagliostro count down below punctual of henceforth nick quantum valebant -vorous tape thenceforth around au contraire ahorseback or eph- ob- Moltke out non-count despair weigh range more than someone can shake a stick at count-noun sound off description thing-word Károlyi quantity coup counthood endways c'mon aflame burning spur stand over ice sound bait count up leucocytosis redargution countess palatine rowth attendance countly marquess hair count off count heads Babel keep score each anticipate specific Essen affluency backing countdom earldom trocheameter palsgravine equal look both blessing body count dawn Russian deal neutropenia Žižka Tolstoy leucopenia probationer round evermore r hazardous purposely oftentimes along ROI biconcave cos imprest ambient horse dress go book away zeppelin discount seven and a half pump leather pulse count sth out full receivables circulation framing timber hardfish e-voting count someone out several estimate carnival E- baron one graf above the line destiny Ravenscroft roaring game ribble-rabble Qallunaat roture Russia binding knock someone out stocktaking zillionaire counting scales count out something Frederick Henry house property diff knock gas stock orangeade railway stock tropical rainforest muggins not beat cash up (or North American cash out) moving target cash ferry craft below the line abbey land departed heigh-ho nary more renumber spillikin Rupert star gauge Roman uncial full count adnumber rabbitry disconvenience Sforza kip collective noun push and shove count noses for a count of ballot onshore Friday Thursday ride on Tuesday double mounted ahorse Saturday about board Orlov natural number discount house reportative abundancy every mock orange case count environment head cover hep inventory honor score relaxation therapy ring finger locking-plate Scottish Gael rebaptizing rebaptization cribbage physical inventory gas barrel roundure tropical forest Radiguet ravery social space passometer subitize gatekeeper church land short count some the anc few most biowar Leopardi skin resistance phloxine Alfieri past pair muse hinge set pedestrian ana- piggyback nightly plaster inter maritime presumptive c epic petrology opposite fluctuant defensively outside f.o.b. pad deep aleatory entomophagous b handcuff aloft pod informed tap insectivorous banter day-to-day rather saprophagous onto important grammar bring so get dressed griddle come out experiential herbivorous hematophagous concavo-concave get blinker fob upside painting anthology chummy persecution cis once equestrian at sea BMOC fellate fire con DOA afloat w boot Foot COM biconvex aspect syllabic cid rural guard counting–out rhyme sexercise apheresis afterpart rugulosity supellectile headaching beg vingt-et-un toxic waste black vomit scrutineer all two/a few etc doors down/up/along class noun put up population three–cushion billiards pattern-wheel Henry VII russel suburbanism dial wheel cribbage board altar stair accidency human sacrifice coursework business start-up somebody balk house quinze pseudo-classic ear-bending alley bust stocktake pitch count make twenty-one lymphocyte parasexuality blood picture Umberto Ignatiev many carryforward no artificialism away goal credentials carryback Angevin module aleukaemic minyan target metonymy Radetzky Aleppine altar plate clock duplicity Kennedyism expect employment protection camerata Bernadotte, Folke thermoscope travel herrnhuter grok shroff barbotte bank teller excursion rural industry school land little corporal ball-strike innumerous body fluid Caribbean English share jarl table vessel locking wheel long count magic number no ball percentage bridge altarage assiduously blue pill cardinal blood-count mala small grain Bernadotte Initial Series country life box score Tilly roof tile knock rummy parsimonious exception knowledge industry Basie, Count less trust kick onhanger in the saddle inship ashipboard Sunday log in appro winnow with saint-simonian Turkana, Lake Stern Gang Pulaski, Casimir slate parade footback whereupon meta- walking part dock encourage slipover tuned–in gin rummy Markiewicz Maurice grave lowball Egmont lap pip Geiger counter deck broadside on bow on sight ride upward trench era reasonable doubt flame mail human error industrial property market mechanism Eurobeat Hapsburg rest ringal sepsis free verse accountable mislead romance accounting affront angry stride accountant household infestation restate aristocrat strength to-day holidays per contra penalize awash guard punish uphill impapyrated theoretical weekends put epidermically weeknights call set to work subject BB weekdays thenceforward pillion square hound crowd get away from it all detrivorous differential jurisconsult handloomed hocus–pocus homocentric horsebacker corticoline in surgery manacle forest crutch loose inductive needlepoint first en route ep- fleck go down on precarious a-tiptoe aheight amorwe go a bundle on enfire cerograph frontiered hangers-on geoponic gin-soaked philosophy phthisiology physiology seminivorous on-looker stagery sanguinivorous standby abut woodcutter rapacious skater across audio tape at every turn at grade amphi- regionally progress parolee always bestride computerized OJT beyond arachnophagous name block change bludge browse o' cling be- microfilm belligerent landfast complicate demand legal derange pay off multifactorial contingency burn entrance cut up on the blower on tick slantwise accost agate unintentional bobsledding besides big blast bard bear beaver stilted cis- carrion bugle flammable conclude erupt -et empiric do downstairs thereupon stripe shoregoing topside upstaring time undergreen without venesect conservative dimension discourse flat-footed fungivorous fiddle fiducial flyblow geology geometry gaze hack handwoven hunker heading graminivorous skidoo grass impart skateboard solid -let letter up left metallographist microphotograph minutely loom myrmecophagous montigenous saprogenic night ophiophagous parget paddle note pinocytose plan rhizophagous ro-ro win unwritten upstairs triumph trundle stock theoretically superfluent superpose teach tense stylistic saddle ordnance protean scrunch rupestral self-pity protraction qualified running raft trike sleigh small spite woof tablewise superincumbent twice taihoa push on taps put the hard word on today tod rat trade tout coked–up sometime cancrivorous walking come down camelry FROF forbivorous easeled hold horizontal in someone's name geophagous chaology coprophagous merchandise chow down inflammable inactive ice skate in miniature in the main in with hither horseman harp grounded in suo motu continue invade kindle histiophagous mash haste hype superstitious en- baseless cecidogenous in flames donkeyback incite factual Irish dividend nervy ground hang on/upon sth operate forget odds interdependent P P & O plicate pimp spotlight speaking mendicant streak solo tag unbeaten notice rely trencherman often right on track ROCE structure-dependent suck pinyon il- regard overdue roundabout iceskate ice-skate internal sell st settle (or square) accounts with scramble vest ship under foot slobber zoophagous as of waterborne mendacious MOV

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Words For "count on"

As you've probably noticed, words for "count on" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "count on" are: count, calculate, bank on, tally, and reckon. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to count on listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "count on" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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