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autarky hobo boom depression depressed classless capitalism nonmigrant recession common market class socioeconomic economic Okie industrialism downturn neocolonialism economical stagflation EEC monetarism geopolitics socialism econ. expansionism deflation radical econometrics collectivism economics austerity class struggle inflationary migrant feminism statism kleptomania imperialism APEC bust EMU COMECON communism antieconomic cooperative bracero European Union
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cooperate immigrant balance of power internationalism Marxism Special Economic Zone free market the European Union perestroika black power CMEA free enterprise socio-economical economical man Lady ophelimity shakeout unreconstructed isolationism economically market economy political economy macroeconomics OECD lebensraum European Community Keynesian private enterprise commonwealth economy trough dirigisme enterprise slump monometallism indexation PEP indicator inequality soft landing capitalist power politics credit crunch laissez faire mercantilism syndicalism geoeconomics pocketbook autarchy supply-side contraction liberation theology microeconomics communize giveback mercantile structural liberalism egalitarian historical materialism emigrant subeconomic socio-economic industry economism cameralist index right stratum Benelux Keynesianism sustainable development marketplace dollar diplomacy c treasury underdeveloped New Deal class consciousness democratize pressure feudalism Social Democratic party downswing ghetto sharing economy rainy day Marxist disincentive ESRC Leninism cliometrics bioeconomics macroeconomy women's rights society capital apartheid wealth squeeze downscale consume sector economic geography macroeconomic ideology globalism mixed economy reflation furlough command economy E.E.C. European Economic Community a underprivileged Great Depression collegium crisis technetronic planned economy dialectic stratify technocracy women's liberation commodity working class d ECOWAS support effective life economic model glasnost downtrend useful life fascism the proletariat market forces cento means inegalitarian open market classism immiseration expansion Five-Year Plan compound OEEC refugee boom town globalist liberal black economy primitive expansionary New Left Junior League Sinn Fein color line technical upturn deflationary develop compress guttersnipe transient ruin Pan-Americanism containment left wing left means test encamp protectionist mancession sanction the International Monetary Fund developed Tawney produce ESC CED sedens combination leader NEP Tiger anschluss economic determinism business cycle social security expansionist global economy civil rights deal pump priming standing Trotskyist pinko social disease the World Bank market botany politico-economic uneconomic recessive inflate EEZ OEO bounceback ecorat power prosperity the doldrums hawala class–conscious remigrant marginalism supply-side economics smart growth egalitarianism full employment upscale Arab League spiral world power noneconomic the IMF rent Economic Advisors, Council of inflationism recessional economic rationalism landlordism composite index of leading economic indicators CEA slowdown presence crony capitalism EVA Thatcherism the Pacific Rim rent-seeking soft power the EEC client state elasticity resource consumption EOQ hard landing Homo economicus bubble resident underclass stop-go Asian Development Bank manorialism statist liberate Franklin Delano Roosevelt underpopulated emerging demand-driven bubbly woe better–off Celtic tiger minirecession ringster lime pump-priming flounder enterprise zone laissez-faire rational expectations externality militarism interventionism expansive depressant economic indicator economic modelling vanilla system cloudless sulphur rugged individualism the EU big business double-dip bloc superstructure the Great Depression taper parvenu double-dip recession Bourgeois consumer liberalization general equilibrium artificial softness unprecedented corporative depressing Greekonomics human ecology dollar economic forecasting CAP growth control front antigrowth mobility better–to–do estate WEF take off lagging indicator development area multiplier leading indicator social market knowledge industry Reaganomics torrid strength job proletariat deprived psychoeconomic uptrend agro-economic war potential economic modeller lepero economic zone sluggish disparity bullish Americanocracy cordwood economic forecaster economic life PPO welfare to superpower engine democratic monetary theory physiocrat cold war council of ministers austerity measures e driven immobilism issue boomer confidence quantification pharmacoeconomics undeveloped prognosis unemployment bamboo curtain Park trade secret Thatcherite elite quantitative easing margin foreign aid green shoots (of recovery) contracyclical oceanology stake boomy deregulation distressed scientific socialism anticompetitive bearish booming animal spirits recession-proof Chindia best–off economic adviser grey power feather bed fishing industry dual economy state socialism material rundown institutionalism behavioural economics leading economic indicator triple dip recession Steinbeck, John diffusion index ECE ECA stationary state Rukeyser, Louis ECLAC the EEA boom and bust economic feasibility new economics ice crop retrenchment trade cycle shanty macroeconomist home buying lowflation corporate sector contagion close–knit consumptible consumer sovereignty class war the Treaty of Rome blowout ecopolitical bloodbath inflation countercyclical buyer's (or buyers') market ascendancy reform township mastery maldevelopment portend Tory corpocracy unsustainable growth focus condition consumerism redline pastoralism rush twilight zone special development area social medicine civil war development economics think tank social class social welfare lowly Limonius progressivism slack prosperous Castroism cottage period Cryptorhynchus feudal trickle-down theory confederation macrodynamics stage hyperinflation middleman member state Big Mac index ADB cyclicals bloodless duopoly emergent upward mobility mobilize dire mousetrap foe individualism pointer industrial revolution macroenvironment land grab Schedius Smithian advantaged American Dream arcane geld forward third way upwardly mobile out honcho penaeid shock grass roots usance psychotechnics de facto competitor buoyancy Gleichschaltung producer national account ichthyology rise liberalize red book retrench Rooseveltism single currency economic history commodity standard global studies mining geology loss prosper parlous OMB seller's (or sellers') market socio-economics recovery movement recovery area psychic income regional aid pink squirearchy predepression market-based optimize scarcity economics North Country invisible hand economic imperialism hegemony macrodynamic developing country developmental grey economy territoriality austerian dismantle black ivory orthodox slumpflation unregimented empowerment failed diagnose gain herring linchpin outlook seer Senegambia Confederation anti-inflationist capital flight bank letter captain depress stringent might economic citizenship growth area Europeanism free goods inner city grape mealybug hidden tax cooperation monetary stimulus angry young man shadow economy standby marginal utility meat market productivism prosumer quebracho redistribution wherewithal depth use accommodate metallism battlefront urbanism swag institutional economics Giscard d'Estaing failed state ecopolitics Atlanticism rugged individuality liberation flash natural resources IPPR state capitalism b BBIN functional representation status symbol little Neddy puccinia informal right-wing ft edge city Uitlander demand–side Asian flu real oligopsony force the European Regional Development Fund nowcasting diseconomy comprador current affairs austerity max shackle economic geology continentalism five–year plan go-stop social worker Osmia money economy SIFI consumer economy industry analysis Pan-European market capitalism inflationary spiral NEPAD recovery cyclical demand regenerate housing start evolution Ricardian misery index fiscal cliff total utility digital divide Brookings Institution sickness hinterland manchesterism fiscal stimulus logwood EViews™ Holothuriidae economist no-fault petroleum geology upper class country inclusive utile the UK SIC European economic area supply–side second-class citizen sarvodaya wholesale price index coincident indicator Group of Eight foxglove aphid law of demand Eurobabble eurozone ideologically neutral money Pristiphora single market Haplosporidia second world stringency double dip recession development education economic rationalist strategic sovietize the AEA the Beige Book ethnobotany conjunction regionalism money the gold standard oligopoly overclass period rugged individualist perturbation product MacDonaldism base year consumer society economic crime economic refugee dialectical materialism the OECD war G7 ideological Andrena Peronism vested interest drag social history walk inherit burden subvert big Pharma strike austerity program Keynesian economics market society market timer aid money Maoism forced saving game theory housing starts globalization blue Labour Pigouvian tax comparative advantage EEA natural resource Rooseveltian brain drain educationally disadvantaged positive planning political arithmetic personal service buttonhole genderquake Black Friday catchword umland the CACM the Council of Economic Advisers the ERDF exceptionalism Euroroute libertarian CARICOM passbook Gresham's law declinist finance capitalism casino capitalism international relations macrosocial subculture Brahmin Classical school economic war boom–and–bust blip book-to-bill ratio the European Community impact industrialization lobby mineral Association of Southeast Asian Nations pie slum absolute advantage police state ISIC flow of funds eco- European Investment Bank Kondratiev development zone development aid basic crop hidden economy Inland Empire demand Davos CFA family planning diplomat Eurocracy Farrakhan, Louis Friedmanite free world Group of Seven free good segregation scombroid republican repressed inflation reindustrialization lumpen vertical mobility public enterprise rescue package local history recession buster social planning socio-economy jawbone labor movement Kemalism Symphyla the G15 Tory Democracy the SADC arriviste lifestyle bioregionalism windfall tax particularism vertical hold National Economic Development Council trickle-down white-label Pan-American Abdullah II adaptive expectations adjustable-rate automatic stabilizer BEE cameralism corporatism world order base circumstances consumer confidence Capnodium Erhard economic system Euro-federalism price theory Euratom regressive Etrumeus profit quarantine roller coaster select school comunidad Arrow, Kenneth Joseph Aden select Argyrotaenia Pyrenopeziza base period property Brosimum Stagonospora social insurance talking chief the North-South divide trade deficit unsophisticated living newspaper embryo entente upstart false consciousness blitz stress test the Jarrow March euro Adenauer, Konrad cost of production theory of value Laffer curve infrastructure human equation economic development Kondratieff cycle rebetis basket case social market economy share economy South Pacific Commission progressive Crambus New Age Rogernomics social psychiatry retail sales laissez–faire marriage of convenience optimalize Progressive Conservative rebound Socialist labor lima kilter crop crucible chemical Group of Twenty gay power sustainable cost–benefit order Eurosclerosis market indicator hierarchy John III less developed recessionary fact implode implosion consumer prices eco-justice economic interpretation of history scissors crisis good the Chicago School Hicks, Sir John Richard Mansholt economic council Maastricht Treaty macrogeography historical school gab big man Brazilian shrimp agave monetary aggregate penury Philosophical Radical breach free-water Whig the European Coal and Steel Community model undernutrition Brachyrhinus census geography Gracchus

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Words For "economic migrant"

As you've probably noticed, words for "economic migrant" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "economic migrant" are: autarky, hobo, boom, depression, and depressed. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to economic migrant listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "economic migrant" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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