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Reverse Dictionary

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optic ocular monocular eyebrow eyeball shiner monocle REM supraorbital orb ophthalmic macroscopic wink ocellus eyeful blink cheekbone peeper eyed ophthalmo- suborbital iris orbit iritis black eye domino oculus mouse subocular pupil ciliary fair ophthalmology eyewash eyehole visible od eyewink red-eye cast aspect ringbolt cockeyed cockeye miosis see eyesight strabismus cornea optical walleyed darning needle ophthalmoscope collyrium lid walleye squint cheek patch
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brow conspicuous tear eyelet pigsney manifest glass eye eye-server eyesore compound eye lens eyeshot ye overlook moon-eye mydriasis ophthalmia bold ommatophore amblyopia stemma rove bird's-eye saccade entoptic prospect choroid sightly vitreous postorbital cataract look one-eyed thread eyepatch eye-wig glim pearl ee eye speck retinoscopy conjunctivitis survey os Guide view ringle eye eye-fly eye-slip microscopic bonny shadow twinkle eyedness orbital light ophthalmologist refract uvea simple eye crystalline lens macroscopical sightless ametropia hawt glaucoma crow's-foot canthus blank specious lazy eye keep yghe ocellated r invisible monophthalmic kohl plain sight cerastes illusionism eyelid pupillometer ophthalm- red gravy eyespotted whistler scleritis epiphora sclerotic unattractive right-eyed refraction iridic white eyeglass sweeten goggle eyelight cross–eye -opia megascopic third eye ommateum eye lens makee mitey eye-rim preocular sidelong bloodshot lamp pearl-eyed rawk massy 'cept bosom unsightly cycloplegia quiz oculist orful pseudocone EENT sun speculation iridectomy gouge optometry eyewater sclera ommatidium leucoma crystallin superciliary goan rectus facet ugly lunette blench comely amaurosis meet eyen silvereye retina astigmatism pearl eye film Cyclops eyespot photophobia macula lutea keratitis tab viewless ogle displayed blind uranometry pin melanoma eyepiece cat's-eye wanna i supercilium opacity accommodation single–eyed dun sweet eye-point superorbital rose-a-ruby single visual oeillade pupillary uveitis evil eye soft glee teardrop apple eyebar nubecula ocul- silver-eye sight rhyme spy bent dextral retinal shank lenticular irid frontispiece eying / eyeing attractive bull's-eye oculo- bad eye eye–server pouch eyestrain biocellate pickerel pineal eye tuber indexing eyestone bend hyaline ophthalmoplegia bat chatoyant pierce oculonasal eyestalk eye-apple microfauna perspective wall-eye orthoptics dominoes eyeline biomicroscopy Draize test inocular myopia lore eye-shadowed dry eye postocular visualize pink-eye grape anthracnose whistlewing solid love–lies–bleeding eye–filling monoptic catchlight bigeye pupillometry contact lens eyestripe Seeing Eye dog fulcrum abducent gross eye-lens macrophyte twinkling squint-eye rattlewings whiteside mice famous arresting camera-eyed asquint eyne ophthalmitis tiger's-eye footstalk fallacy blindfold hyaloid membrane outer gudgeon horned viper cone blind spot vision abducens optometer aegilops fovea after-image map electron–ray tube blood eye autumn Adonis crusty megafauna garrot pretty eyesalve eyeward marsupium appearance rock bass whiffler focus eye ring bullock's-eye pontil mark pheasant's–eye Frankfurt horizontal eyeglance sparkler strale water a ——'s-eye view gumshoe reely eyebeam needer eyeblack mouf prolly nice-looking wimmin biggen een nuttin' nah wuz acrost observe mounseer muchee ya jettatura oeil-de-boeuf rassle eyesome eye-sketch gang bawn flatter purty chitlins orl feller suh vill uv private-eye az yod ole nekkid arter ketch goggled gawd eye-candy eye–catcher gurt thawt well-favoured sammich da naw nucular oop eyeshadow ophthalmography 'arf eyeing cap bovver saucer eye cotch bewdy ish fella rilly vid cark mudder eyebright eye-speck hawk-eyed supraorbitar big daisy pupilless bull goggle-eye monoculus eye-pit ocellation oculomotor cuppa madid useter stian corner doré bung–eyed eye-mindedness infraorbital piercing rolling muscle chamber discern tail of the eye ohmigod shaddup well-favored macular monops macrofossil supraocular conspectuity ophthalmoscopy dog-blow gimlet eye large-eyed malocchio rivet retinitis the tail of one's eye nemmine slanting eye betcha becoming frog-eyed griddle ocularly wick eye-catching eye–beam picturesque sursumduct scintillation monocule clap marguerite lessee lotsa nystagmus omigod yen pupilla bull–eye one–eyed tail mydriatic loa see eye to eye eye-pedicel oculiform periophthalmic dunno lazy eyemark ocellocular punctigerous eye end dulcet eyewards sessile sclerotal black someone's eye ciliary muscle bird's–eye red maythe large–eyed pop eye red board hafta maculopathy electronystagmogram ophthalmalgia pheasant's-eye sleepy droop cheat becket epicanthic squint–eyed psycho-optical prosthesis lachrymal golden–eyed eye-sweet eye-stone perilenticular eye-lamp embrace apparent anteorbital winkingly myosis pitying eyereach unseeable pig monitor sprig precorneal invisibility askance telescope eye give eye-tracker macroflora quick cross-eyed resplendent zee macrovegetation monomeniscous macroetch air sign synizesis distinct catch someone’s eye caruncle catch someone's eye floater pursuit casting clash eye copy ast eye probe eye shield eye trick display eye-drops eye-straining fishy eyebone -ine lovely enlarge moon blindness apparentness eyestring uniocular viewy whall supervise bird's–eye primrose tear gland irritant occluder fix eye ward eyeable discernible sandy blight downcast orbicularis seem spectacular spectacularly station point optico- pearly eye pinkeny preorbital black light sinistral sleepless scintillescent overglance massa gum cabin hook eyepopper macroform red Morocco orbital arch glint redeye microphthalmia garish bacitracin dawg eye-drop clear eye-memory binding allus eyewinker rack white-eye eye-blink turn eye slit nazar visibility eye case Aleppo stone tear duct retinal detachment eyecup in the public eye eyeshine Schlesinger baby eye-splice bouge almond eye basilisk pin-joint visual magnitude keratoconus eye relief aldebaran artificial eye consensual bull's eye gas permeable lens eye-bite stirrup yellow spot electro-oculography superposition eye socket tapestry needle catch blepharospasm light reaction image glance banquet eye-case irido- eye-panel eye-wattle hippus eye-tipped fluorophotometry eye-gouging macrobenthos eye-biter mascara accommodational eye-beam dismal occur hyaloid periorbital peritomy plumb retinoscope retinula simple shell trifocal red-morocco scleroprotein scar speculum version eye peduncle eye make-up hygrophthalmic corneule eye hospital eye drop upward binoculars bends encauma clarity flash dead display type bridge oculary eyeservice bowline cringle spoor abase diplostomulum one near point quadratus eyelash dilation homonymous orthopanchromatic crow's–foot phanerite sleep harsh manifestly iridian iris scanner eyestrings reeve coarse snap eyebath eye-handle reduced eye retinitis pigmentosa pure-rod quick-eyed eye trap macrography ocular sclerite serving board red campion vitreous humor eye training eviscerate draw background comb grandstander autoscope eye scope imperceptible mace pterygium strop micropsia photosensory candle palpebra twinkie suprachoroidal surround neuroepithelium obvious ophthalmometer outside refractionist dynamic refraction black–browed albatross color breech circle coloboma bird's-eye maple acetylcholine agate eye tarsal wane pulchritude glamour interpose presbyopia colouring hammerhead -ophthalmus eye panel eye pedicel eye candy vitreous humour glad eye feather gemel hinge laugh line microalgae meeting razzle-dazzle compass evil-eyed perimetrical oelet retiform searching twinkler line of sight telescopical periphacitis aqueous humor eye patch concealer clinch dilator blue–eye animalcule bloodshed enucleate eye-sucker weather eye cryptoclastic deform dichromacy dim forward handsome hook longan occult pinhole pupil pericorneal panophthalmitis pheasant-eyed review rhabdom visibly vitrectomy veil unlovely redwing telescopic sweep quadrifocal spot sock motor–minded sight line static refraction the naked eye snotter navel prejudicial myotic saucy wall-eyed Bates method arc eye lagophthalmos campimetry catchline couch brille someone’s good eye/ear/arm/leg etc Great Nebula disparate drawing awl field lens dolerite eye cap eye muscle eye observation doucker eye test eye-draft dip eyetooth cataractous illusionist ethmoidal lizard iridology in the twinkling of an eye piton palpebral right-eyedness orthoscope -ophthalma phac- rough rod trochlear nerve drum diapsid deposition needle-threader smallmouth winking muscle accommodate eye-end eye-popping hazel morillon orthoscopic thimble–eye twenty–twenty test type arachnoid bright chemosis gonna tunic tunica twitch tropicamide week gentoo celestial telescope something meets your eye/ear euphrasia eye wattle eye-cast

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Words For "eye"

As you've probably noticed, words for "eye" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "eye" are: optic, ocular, monocular, eyebrow, and eyeball. There are 933 other words that are related to or similar to eye listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "eye" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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