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mulct dust brave attenuate drizzle fine-grained delicate superfine mizzle ducky mist bully spray Nice braw dandy nicety sconce craze array pubescent hairline gourmet refine finely pilose atomize discriminating subtle filament estreat peachy fine-drawn nebulize Beaux-Arts cashmere keen regalia pile down calfskin leghorn pulverulent capillary lawn tweak hunky-dory levigate duff fair saxony pollen levy batiste splendiferous elegant smoke pinwale magnificent minute oilstone
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tall small villus flour gold dust sterling swell shag sheer tissue hone bray film merino subtilize silt powder topping cabinetwork thread sericeous bravery spanking sharp virtu trump mince exquisite crackerjack gossamer lake fuzz attire refined cosmic dust powdered sugar orangewood finable longcloth uptight puberulent triturate amianthus glorious spiffy neat minion nitid exile union trim shining jake bel-esprit forfeit nifty tenuous gay purchase rich pulverize hatch corking beau geste rare scrumptious sightly punctilio jersey cabinetmaker hairsplitting worsted strigose mulmul spanker lineolate splendid souchong ground forfeiture ash stucco sprinkle fusain raven's-duck beaux arts pretty crackle bumper finespun gross FG downy delaine gradely brag fibril split hairs A-O.K. gastronome finery velamen alcoholize malines mote fining graniteware penicillate cornstarch coarse moted siltstone superb thin gorgeous kerseymere doeskin small print hairnet good gaudy silky lepto- pulverable rattling minikin lanuginous gent filigree screening condemn prickle swansdown dredge f Parian cordovan jolly Limoges lath tough Pima cotton goodly byssus percolate manchet crystal tiffany Berlin hair silk alabaster gauze bawcock deluxe discriminatory unlaw ribbon vellum kaolin slate pounce terrific heroine cracker tint pilous serene grail aplite phonolite shale luxurious broderie anglaise bonny imperial madras fin above high-wrought pencil joinery refinement dainty dolerite bobbin mousseline scintillate OK phrase cambric finical walloping amerce calligraphy tender XF copperplate discriminate embrave fluted undergrowth charmeuse cornsilk finify fume ripper lisle Botany wool microcrystalline insubstantial superbad Queen's weather overfine ridgy-didge King's silver subtlety percale doom balibuntal best art pelite feather grind adultery grande champagne pure amercement royal ticket Paisley boss bull dust fined Orient subtility nacarat woolly petit point finesse Prince PET simnel sauerkraut soft ivory black microfine lithe topgallant tickety–boo diaphanous diatomite subtile prospect discrimination attenuation Mercer grout vermicelli trap fine-tooth comb wally excelsior rad Bristol board morocco fettle creance porphyritic andesite aerosol virtuosity pepper-and-salt assess organdy velutinous low-resolution sarsenet conservatory emery crush aroma come sawdust Egyptian cotton twist glaucous model sleet mercy sly airbrush lanugo smoking jacket rubydazzler restore bel inlay feeling grand Levant morocco rhyolite hairspring t moisten grainy gemstone chiffon micropipette gumbo jingle mill cognac Castile soap grit siliginose mordant daisy smolt swinging euchroic BFA incomparable nuance Mechlin lace fiber optics hunky–dory powdered powdery lept- réussi ripping microfibril cocket budgeree be a box of birds scotch sparkish good-looking choice sniptious MFA duster finance smither microneedle silver paper bakgat searce copacetic tickety-boo kapai conny amyl DFA Valenciennes jim-dandy gaudery needlecord micropore tasty striking super mansion jewelers' rouge bocasine tidy indiscriminate flour gold damask fuzzy plush well-faring upstanding in all one's glory crinet spaghettini confused toothcomb golden microfilament topper wizard fine leg raiment sile stupulose pinpoint peachy keen slashing flour copper bien tartare Böttger ware pillicock masterpiece bloom crumble serricated slack alcoholized opposition powderiness coarse-grained chinois tracery fingering wonderful sarse fuzzed picked fragmentation grain ore sharkskin purga granule 'm hoary sish detailed cheesy fissure moondust jemmy painstaking Médoc were mignonette cochin oil delicacy doomage azureous atomization latakia gallant shell lime coal dust cinder track sumptuous slap misle quaint scintillant teff fibrillate muslin scot fig glass cloth hairline fracture text adatis fineness lawny purverable crow quill blood fine flower lean thready Toledo cnidocil ultra-fine linon meat grinder niceling rock gypsum slime fancy floury terse pet day enrich dissected fibre fine art quit patina ardassine well-beseen pubescence impoundage toilet sponge cloggy maconnais puke subulate spindrift needle-valve Airfoam stipple smooth nephrocalcinosis reticulum multidenticulate silver sand marchpane macon lint gallantry heavy waffle piqué wood fiber tenon tooth sting beaut arenulous lock kid gloves can't complain floc dentelated filmy spread unground warmth haze chirograph be set fair kiaki crepe de chine excellent small chisel rugulose subtilty flitter talcum powder goldstone ganister chicken skin furry courtly rootlet cave onyx dressmaker bracteate cat's whisker sublithographic architecture better break artless high-resolution beech ballast line aphanitic primp plum handsome smashing amende fly netting Canton ginger mohair bristle-pointed rum tomentum mud flowers of sulphur doctor lap pincoffin sewer silkie spicule pall penetrating pelitic bengaline acute violan satin spar Berlin wool cabinet-maker crêpe de Chine arachnoid blood-fine serrulation lithomarge swarf ciliiform deforciant polymer tempera sayette view statuary marble rosaline icing sugar liberal arts hog in armor iron cloth epicure consperse fine-spun flywire flyaway fiddle crepon touch zephyr artisan mincemeat aventurine Tokay Shetland wool silk screen atomizer tea strainer bangkok beauish linen decency millegrain pashmina bug dust practice practise precipitate diabase detail one cut fur sericite French white sindon serrate–ciliate wainscot flax illusion immense ixtle intricate ladyism aerosolize tierras hero arty ball clay microfibre gutta-percha fretsaw strand strength belvedere haute cuisine mirror-plate piliform smart proper primer rale nebulization weaver bulldust cumulus humilis canapina gastronomy gilling thread casting hairsplitter keener Kashmir make pashm cobwebby lanated irrorate mistle à la bonne heure calf cinch wooled art-educate birch china Brussels lace bolt cornflour broadcloth slap with desirable snow dust Sheerness sludge noble poplin tablet tea montefiascone shower incisive conservatoire honey thibet penetrative piercing whiting excuse vitrine trimmer satin-paper carbon-black say pruinose pseudo-archaic spidery queensware traps satin paper seedbed law calf lanate no–fines concrete net–winged allochroite mull dilettante Pulverator action briquette blizzard bel esprit art-like angel hair sentimentalist merce cognizee knurl gunpowder ground almonds cement smitham tricot fine–grain silver threaded glass crow-quill myall coin silver coin gold ormolu ceriph Ghiordes bon vivant diamond game ball percaline goodlike tenon saw stilbene filterable double sole conche glass wool crackled foam rubber fourdrinier wire Honiton lace barathea jigsaw Jingdezhen hazy Henrietta asparagus Kenny, Enda marquisette cigarette nainsook alaskite miniature artist bratwurst idealism Algerian stripe puddingstone Rex rider quies radicel johannisberger ruby-back vicuña silver tree slurry carbon black stylograph texturing thermal printer trachyte Bruton, John a whale of a knife stone lead wool Ladik laid paper lycopodium Amelung glass nanduti nun's veiling organzine paramatta Paris white pin vise Southern Colonial soy flour snow devil either electrospinning buntal black-on-black bole connoisseur clapper flint Sarouk sagathy cribellum argillite aciculate indumentum liner granulite groundmass bone china porphyry plume straight-cut snuff singular archedictyon microfracture microstructure hackly metallochromic photophoresis pemmican penalty pilus sable tunicle under underfur suture mudstone putty rance chrome steel casuist kingwood cultural fog room Frost furring epicurean file complement house sand Indiana limestone lamprophyre Lipizzaner hair–check gradual glove silk hard finish dimity chatter mark moisture gas thread ooze organdie hatching microgroove loess rat's tail file mosquito net needlework swan's-down tulle taffeta Turkish coffee summer house dry–fine sarcenet slipper satin vintage Samian ware scent spray sendal Parnassus vertu stunner lavaliere palpocil penal law phrasemaker Roman canvas Roman cement selvagee betterness capillament aciculated celadon flocculation floran rhetoric rorulent rose-colored rash smitt sipe swans-down abortive parchment villous wastel

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Words For "fine"

As you've probably noticed, words for "fine" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "fine" are: mulct, dust, brave, attenuate, and drizzle. There are 972 other words that are related to or similar to fine listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "fine" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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