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gardener rockery topiary gardening rosarium herbary roof garden truck rock garden garth paradise orchard horticulture kitchen garden pleasance bower parterre pansy cockscomb bed petunia alcove Eden gazebo summerhouse snapdragon alley peppergrass bagh heliotrope gdn gardenize pavilion sauce shrubbery border hedge weed birdbath arbor peony botanical garden trellis thyme parsley trowel gnome hesperides truck farm bleeding heart balsam scuffle dahlia
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olitory knot garden mignonette greenfly garden party herbaceous border backyard fork erf kaleyard marigold balsamine gard scrump gardenly lawn party gardenless verger coreopsis zoo geranium sweet alyssum lattice platband nasturtium stock chrysanthemum pink wall agony terrace arbour polyanthus hortulan pieplant rake four-o'clock gladiolus delphinium villa cosmos pimiento tea garden homegrown labyrinth French windows rosary yard tree of life cucumber fernery haw garden apartment viola polyvinyl chloride cherry pie arboretum kidney bean wallflower pruning shears hollyhock garden-variety path rosery compost lettuce pimpernel lawn rockwork cornflower tiger moth ironwork tree of knowledge pea sprinkler system wrought iron Gethsemane PVC rhubarb bedding plant spearmint culverwort kailyard sorrel dock garden peppergrass mountain spinach plot home-grown coxcomb garden symphylan table garden ZG gardened epeira biergarten flower bed green sorrel herber sprinkler folly forbidden fruit landscape cress water garden edging cabbage manicure hosepipe the Garden of Eden landscaping ironmongery hose bush house rose pergola garden valerian gairden strawsmear beer garden summer house gardeny vandalroot setwall hortensial false heliotrope about common garden common heliotrope French doors gardenage potagerie bird table lay rootery secateurs sunken garden Pole burnet kiosk pest Wardian case pagoda decking summer heliotrope rocket salad butter leaves wild valerian garden wall bond China rose grotto garden centre rustic formal garden potting shed snail edge Covent Garden hardware water feature trug appropriate torii snow-in-summer cloister listing cylinder garden stuff green pepper out horticultor bear pit June bug grey snail garden of remembrance carrot admit ground cover walk brand trench zoological-garden love-in-a-mist live-forever maze goggle mulch plant goldfish spider mite chickweed garden flat spinach peat candytuft geometric spider kindergarten nurseryman mower diadem spider beet neuter beccafico delve wine plant giant fennel gardenesque flax marrowfat French sorrel adjacent ramp row wilderness apparel fountain in begonia garden truck fountain plant shrub garden ache truck gardener gardenia potager garden hose z manure horticultural anemone garden–fresh tea rose verbena dig valerian cauliflower limax violet arugula verdure patch choke bean market-garden shamba button chrysanthemum sass harvest lemon geranium blaze Edenic cottage garden cumber doublet phlox mustard and cress Carmel European columbine plastic flame gun bocconia bog garden zinnia plantation calamint costmary Nankeen lily -etum red-topped sage Easter lily spreader garden gnome yard sale graip crambling rocket passion Smith hydrangea cherry academy fête champêtre truck garden flower garden dooryard lemon-thyme riad Lyceum rose campion scarecrow dish garden set out woodshed tropaeolum rock gardener busket Paris garden grove growmore blood and bone morel hoddy–doddy peasecod whitethroat peach fair–maids–of–France brasserie beetle earthworm matured embellish alpine garden privilege wild garden Saadi Sadi Jekyll, Gertrude yardwork comet aster fauvette garden spider hodmadod overarch shrub rus in urbe killing frost physic garden rock plant hydropult aster allée garden shed chalet compost heap dot plant debug allee carnation spiderwort water mangetout next-door shedworker calceolaria coleus fennel helices leaf blower forget-me-not formally sage hedge trimmers let sth go prince's feather ribbon bed rond-point specimen plant motor scythe pea–stick volunteer tuberose trail table gallery crown-imperial symphilid love-in-idleness winter garden seakale beet parsnip riot white currant herb garden Scutigerella back onto acclimatization garden suntrap show tool shed coil crime beer-garden of aquarium pettichaps sow shed escape orbitelae bennet beet leafhopper fasciated groundsman fountain shell trucker andropetalous flowerbed hand plow fruticetum decked suburb sundial bear-pit neglect English rhubarb lady's-slipper pinetum madwort hellebore toolshed sprayer scuttle become bird bath belvedere star phlox raised bed Japanese iris garden slug corn catchfly walled garden cabbage rose cross spider climbing tea rose garage sale lupin weedy proper pigpecker vase Howard garden house helix green architecture avenue putter unkempt pasque-flower knot commission-merchant victory garden erica laurustinus alpine angelica change salad burnet sweet william root house pocket handkerchief sharpshooter privy betanin bender board allotment bud garden bean croft overgrown postlapsarian conchuela garden centipede slug pellet Shasta daisy green snail echeveria host appurtenance dogwood loan cloche perfume manicured market garden spirea gazing globe well-kept green pea pulse pride care milpa green lung godetia marrow bean Japanese anemone back green glasshouse benzyl cyanide English pea club wall garden conservatory fuchsia freeze okra formal odd-job man miniascape althea Araneus jungle mallow moss rose watering can would Ayrshire rose haybird cut-and-come-again Adamist compost bin red turnip beetle sleepout solar trap showhouse asparagus edging box botanic garden water fountain China aster bloom slug embed syllabic consonant fatshedera heartsease kink intersperse Vauxhall Lepidium columbine lady's slipper zauschneria gazing ball autumn squill hardware shop Byatt conditions disrupt lobelia periwinkle prince's-feather rose-campion verge pyrethrum tulip leek purple–leaved plum plat sea beet wheelbarrow climbing rose day-lily feverfew Grimaldi, Joseph ware emanation Bagnold Doolittle, Hilda mature beet webworm French window futuristic garden Italian garden Malathion Corimelaena ribbon border eruca alyssum anacoluthon loggia flinty marguerite Padua calicoback spade achillea blanket weed burble capsicum Brampton stock sweet violet the Fall Virginia strawberry kneel messuage marvel-of-peru rue rouncival multiplier onion sea orach service charge Gethsemane, Garden of Gerard, John gardener bird auricula whitefly ortolan rocket jet d'eau Byatt, Dame A. S. burdensome Burnett peristyle sultan potato terracing weigela gobo winter onion house snail lilac Letchworth lily of the valley internal black spot root work spiraea Lobel's catchfly pepper Noisette rose water wand clianthus peachery buttercup dry garden brown snail silene weigelia California geranium ha ha chinampa parrot tulip romaine rugosa rose Symphyla sour dock terrarium adverbial monohybrid fall cane valerian oil wild biopark waterhead English garden inapplicable level make ten–week stock the Fall of Man Bosch ribbon-snake precede gates raingarden helianthemum tea-garden piazza incarvillea perron pittite ulterior eve lovage camellia compartment Alpine anemone chime in drench fence iberis hoop–petticoat daffodil loosestrife Sloane, Sir Hans nightshade passageway outstrip regal lily skip chenille plant Johnny–jump–up box Cadbury lounger slither majolica wood schizanthus Tippett Asiatic lily kurume azalea Phyllotreta field slug gunnera gate Argiope pulmonata Burnett, Frances Hodgson strawberry Solti, Sir Georg fringe love-lies-bleeding privet picture-board tomato Royal Ballet lavender clean Dumpster lady's mantle excavate reel bouquet Haitink, Bernard Bunshaft, Gordon concept blackberry lily broccoli rabe terraced sea lavender emergence neanderthal pinwheel painted daisy chervil navelwort tiger lily cineraria rampion giant hogweed invasive orache slope garden eel Adam landscape gardening dibber mazus aethionema nemesia field encourage Evolvulus Lutyens, Sir Edwin schisandra Burton, Sir Richard haphazardly lychnis wild strawberry foul offscape plant-marker turnip Kemble, John Philip Chinese broccoli perennial phlox impatiens Sackville-West, Vita outdoor pesticide end testator soil tree onion wilt perspective auricular clay lazy nerine menace Havel, Václav flat urn four–o'clock obsessive haywire tend propagate carefree chamomile conflict forbidden epicene initially basil broccoli dispersal enclose germinate multiple permafrost pitched twine crosswalk leggy lynchpin granulated aquatic can vary heady dress copse effected encumbrance feast handiwork calque megalomaniac propagation uproot teeming trample bisect espy callus coarseness crushed detrimental deodorant muddy occupy open stony brush curtilage earthy inheritance cull apple

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Words For "garden"

As you've probably noticed, words for "garden" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "garden" are: gardener, rockery, topiary, gardening, and rosarium. There are 878 other words that are related to or similar to garden listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "garden" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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