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patch hard clout vamp industrious harden sweat bodge indurate difficult tug jawbreaker grind graft moil combat trousers gorget botch toil splash belt revamp plaque horny fleck cobble sclero- drudgery hardpan swot crust piece elusive speculum sock scrub wallop slave industry labor sclerous repatch tough pant clobber laborious pour smash slog cap rock-hard cake scour labour solder heavy solidify strive swatch Stern blow paste thicket iron whop beaver
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scleroid hard-shell stiff marblewood hammer flinty grain stone firm stony bash blotch effort dapple adamant beauty spot bang shell rose-breasted grosbeak rain cats and dogs plage overwork hardback semihard patchwise spetch cracknel rub dig arduous blunt easy adamantean friar slug flash pan darn hardbill finicky sidesplitting toupee steely goldcrest big knotty shoulder patch eyepatch hardness baldhead sticker clinker redwing abrasion redpoll smashing nutshell eggshell rap fugitive drudge stout bend soft spar varnish overreach hard-working buckle down whack pound macule crack shoulder hardly facula costive fussy hard-shelled rocky crusty iron-hearted gentle hardship deep wheel horse push painful lick hard-fisted sucker Steel puff brittle deep-set implausible clamp patching Peyerian gland gobstopper screamer patched restive crisp obdurate tonsure Trojan cloud unpatched daub spot rubbing lesion hit dark swat bitter hardish ironstone humbug hard finishing flint elbow grease battered fastidious speck putty skin patch hard-bitten rock bake dog biscuit override chap hardened workhorse fractious bark enamel grit hard disk corn strain cross-grained tonk dure booze wham Hb stalwart travail hieroglyphic scab bush jacket whitecap consarcinate twist specie hrd unclear bone bop hard-baked durous sweats swinge rough HDD uneath sweated hard lyers in stitches taskwork assiduous work like a dog hostile stoor hard-set hard-lying money work like a Trojan plot bib application stark nut overdrive bullock endure polt brawny tenebrous abstract opaque applejack keep one's nose to the grindstone slavery dour plotch doctor vermiculation coal tit stain transdermal goldfinch hack slick plug callous pitiless fast sad chore thrash knock cracker swipe huff unyielding cream linoleum importunate extortionate set crump knuckle down sclerogenous hard drive stumpy pry soak lam trying pungent batch gegenschein sunspot hard hat weigh lollipop batter blood, sweat, and tears hard-earned sinewy severe sweat it out thwack roll up your sleeves iron-headed tireless smack frump pane riffle palter cold–patch turf rodham patchy vervet badge saddleback clamper milk-spot speckle moss mouche graniteware whin rattle lean over backward incoherent iridium simple scarab sharp soften struggle tew rock candy taskmaster Battle red oak slam trouper dangerous tall crabbed unrelenting cold-blooded tense knot barley sugar fracture depressed intractable japan calcium cloud shadow bush shirt villosity repair truck cabbage-patch slash mogote flute budding flocculus patchboard bepatched trainer areola assument platform reef flame glade rush sore nail scler- plump adamantine flint-hearted stony-hearted HH hard cheddar laboursome hard–favored boiled sweets storm bonk one's ass off hardheaded blast great obdured overhard putty coat flinthearted cliff boom rock-solid dear flint wheat hard as a rock short–laid vulcanite orange–crowned warbler red–throated loon bark pocket chestnut macula saddled lilacthroat golden–winged warbler inkblot chink blazer ear covert puddle green cripple conus bleeding heart churchyard epaulette gentoo cold patch dot camp shirt hairpiece soul patch red-tabbed ruby-crowned resolve nebula golden–crested kinglet eyespot superciliary hive purple passage cargo pants chaps kit star 69 red-collared soredium rocky-hard slosh thick give way break break your back doughy cold–jaw thrust Goes like stink knock someone's block off ironbound boot beat exploit split one's sides (laughing) ungetatable marble off-putting prig rigor rigour weighty whomp unbeatable toilingly starch reharden dungaree soft power lamp shellac blown stubborn buzz rugged hardnose sheet peg by the sweat of your brow hard crab siserary grub embarrassing irestone sweat out knock someone into the middle of next week h damnedest hardtack stringer flabby buttonboard moider tore couverte work/slog/sweat your guts out stinging severity squareface short hustle burdensome intent grind away with your nose to the grindstone crackjaw fight heap in hysterics flog yourself to death puck austere rack your brains rolling in the aisles Parmesan piss down piledriver work one's fingers to the bone fire-retardant hardening tor walloper earthen-hearted recondite go ironhearted picky piss oneself (laughing) antitypous soaker tee off swack work/play/fight your guts out abrade challenging concretion hard-boiled petrosal rope tool ruthless seed like a ton of bricks pank leck quisby asperity chuff soft launch clock drive oneself flint clay cudgel one's brain/brains going gone work your ass off heavy lifting deep in thought oracular cram lacquer do your damnedest boardy plodding hardcase hammer blow strait hard–surface Jackson cent hornish pricasour blew unmanageable bullwork gun patch Humboldt ruby–crowned kinglet pseudobranchia repaint firecrest diff comb-over queach safari jacket red-throated whitethroat plugboard sheeted blackpoll beck swab crissal thrasher sea marker rubythroat security patch red-naped sapsucker white–headed woodpecker calandra Egyptian goose pate merkin fuzz freckle slider heal parula warbler donkey jacket rosewing buff-tip oasis king penguin insignia hard-faced iron-hard hard-favored rough/tough going wizen tricky whinstone muck gainful huck woody unwedgeable braze overworked dynamo dig into be chucking it down unsoft jaunce murky like the clappers incredible ensteel laugh like a drain knobbly cumbersome cider wine tag stone-hearted backbreaking billy-o blind cogitate cats and dogs ginger nut difficile diligence king-hit picnic slave-drive marathon stretch credulity thump hard-code out of breath terracotta hardscrabble hard-sell tight grindstone ebonite achieve gun toilsome abstruse stare knock someone's head/block off crease peg away scorcher scraping uncontrollable powder with all one's might inconvenient hyperventilate terra cotta nash rock biscuit by the sweat of one's brow heartless Tilsit spadework nickel pallet gril hard–bitten sclerodermite slugger bitterly mash petrous putamen rusk hard lines glower Liverpool pantile forby cudgel one's brain (or brains) superhard scratch your head red–harden tromp hardliner palatal unhandy well-won hard-core wood pigeon patch test pine marten rind gall garbage patch quickwater plat dunlin northern harrier gelada red-throated diver paper over blue–winged teal kinglet American wigeon iguanid arable circle of confusion bunch lark bunting goldeneye lumber jacket downy woodpecker gory dew rice grain saddle mark konze waybung Canada goose spotted bleeding–heart pigeon black–shouldered kite stone marten cuppy shinplaster white-faced light beard white–throated sparrow red-necked francolin red tab sika paper magnificent rifle bird lek Audubon's warbler brolga bontebok skid pterygium king cobra stun ruby-crowned kinglet pygmy nuthatch debris cone ground parrot red-winged parrot Airedale black rail emperor penguin western bluebird crusted rag roll up one's sleeves for the life of you nankeen studious keep your nose to the grindstone jab put your best foot forward socker bronze dug noggen beat down boner hard chined bash away at anthracite problematic bullseye fruit(s) of your labour feldspar hoof beak granule Colby clunk hard-cooked cudgel bluster concrete dry throe sterro metal thirsty work worn–out work sb's ass off derelict hard-wooded insufflate karri littleneck metal ossiform painless overhit press warlike untiring up-and-coming porcelain throttle thresh snort freeze shard work your socks off land pitch cannonball sedulous bushfighting flat out flat stick (or tack) rum-sucker greasy dunch earn/turn an honest penny fight back tears glance coal hard–pressed hard–shell clam paik encrusted red truffle eyes out pounding bull's–eye drove bashing smash in get one's hands dirty (or dirty one's hands) xylocarpous beaver away clap unfeeling wonk rip bash away concussion evasive delve honest complicated do your very best illegible cushion flat lucubrate pave baseball Barbour patent leather pains scribble raspberry drop obscure rock coal slavey beat up someone drill move heaven and earth plain solid spar slacker stony coral work at sth exacting caliche bucket coco-de-mer certainly Sbrinz crank creaky diffuse do your best/utmost do/try your utmost (to do something) sweat over sugar candy throb hardcover heavy-duty jacaranda luxury cold cash provolone overdo roach trifle knuckleball semolina unsellable untoward urge wicked chrysalis hickory hunt out knead endeavour take (great) pains blooter be at pains to do something cannel coal cheddar forge kick/beat the shit out of someone lean and mean body blow blad drive driven elm hard soldering hard-assed hard-shelled clam boiled sweet clever-clever bust a/one's gut conceity clumsy flaccid stalky horse-trading leather leathery foreby hard rocker epulis fascia hard candy go to great lengths overriding heave notch shadowy locust stoneware quahog rock bit Stakhanovite supple punch sturdy sugar loaf sticky leather–hard loafer rack rammel pile driver shrewd stick of rock wild drop dense encrust encrustation shot take (great) pains to do something

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Words For "hard patch"

As you've probably noticed, words for "hard patch" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "hard patch" are: patch, hard, clout, vamp, and industrious. There are 990 other words that are related to or similar to hard patch listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "hard patch" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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