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Reverse Dictionary

examples: unpleasantly moistusing pretentious wordsinhabitant of earth

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cowardly dig oviform soapy spherical starry snowy ovate papery remiform conical lunate teary crescent rectangular aliform ovoid motherly navicular adore caseous cuboid companionate flaky yeasty fancy gelatinous such spidery hooked triangular amygdaloid flaxy womanlike aciform conoid aculeiform alike arcuate semblable acetose falcate opaline foliate caudal cruciform aqueous papilliform priggish round turbinate gravelly alike-minded adipocerous aquiline creamy
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liquid flocculent dome slimy starchy retaliate stony ropy furry cone sigmoid smoky list filiform asteroid liking care obeliscal chitty an elliptical xiphoid globe-shaped also inimical paradisiac lacy steamy lipoid rocky cubic pokerish beefy prosaic conic auriform vaginate rammy streamy Bohemian testiculate cylindrical hemispheric olivary bony fungiform pediform annular fieldy waterish balmy gluey resiny saponaceous echoic baboonish cuneate pouchy please as ribaldish pily idiotish cheesy oily statuelike metallic glutinous alveolate consonant snow lust wiry spiral fiery waxy pappy coltish semilunar unlike doggish likewise acidic fishy clathrate spaniel coracoid myrmidonian sisterly true-life rantipole slave crystal riggish shot balloon relish manlike v doublet foamy furcate knobby torrential modiolar hominoid gib burble siliceous lenticular pussy fruity portentous rascally larcenous orbicular stubby queenly a surfy oink Stygian waspy rhino-like Lowryish pomaceous hempen Lowryesque y retiary rhubarby powdery gold crystalloid deathly deadly colloid -y semblant raduliform leathery retiform mossy bestial toasty cinereous cymoid amygdaloidal sagittate ooidal fatty cancroid hourglass cubiform nomadic ablaze fellow-feeling bursiform likely counter judasly pardine gigantic painterly antenniform linguiform endearing blocklike discoid boyish belike aeneous duncish hippocrepiform homeo- celestify spatulate swelter timbered IGF trapezoid ball-shaped cruciate meaty cyprinoid babyish likable sneaky bullish cereous animalish moonish rolling scaphoid ungulate cordiform howl lyrate jelly tigerish wheyish pyramid smalt-blue Chosen campanulate babish dusty fraternal brutish comparable tubular lyche lich ratty circular dendroid stone acetous spiniform peachy downy homo- falciform rhabdoid hooded kittenish rakish boxy oval pulvinate stockish ascidiform nuciform crepuscular precipitous globoid cronk rain martyrly buttery make palmate milky saintly tongue gauzy horseshoe h parrot queachy VS colubrine ammoniac foxy plushy -y [or] -ey gritty adeniform footgear s dished mushy CS mulish fluctuant quoit stick -ize global simian earthy ponce US tarry hearted alarmist spiritous dronish spear ebonize taenioid sylphlike carpet bully brotherly ensiform U sugary reedy C embattled fingered leaden dentelle L gamine cretaceous glassy hammer love ferruginous snake renew heehaw spectral t crystalline -ish rocket unique digitate woody take after lacertilian darnel marmalady albuminoid fancied pyritoid of that nature spathic ammoniacal liked quicksilvery bready something like pergamentaceous bituminoid hempy silvery ligniform every inch beaky moriform algoid ribbony argilloid fleshy same featherly ylike fancier canine reptilian endotheloid bronzy veggie semble serrated Rashomon-style LFL clocklike coleopteroid newspaperish retort hoglike fluffy forestlike bloodlike homogamy earlike dicky pomiform suchlike gilded choleroid clavate butterfly blady macled discal pillowy rosaceous oafish argent buccaneer filametoid lirelliform fluctisonous garlicky trochal garbagey gaggle rivering anguilliform baby-like be nuts about (or British on) bead rhomboid choose wheel-shaped flirtatious leaf–shaped funambulatory gossamery hornish luteous yawny nucleiform V-shaped viperlike nummuloidal dragonlike dowdyish dough-kneaded dawish dartingly urceiform damasse amentiform alumish alpine wedged bowbent beastlike basaltoid pepper PLU even globular in common with cuneiform hamate decemberly homatomic gorilloid imitate hooky fabiform hive ironish pimpish pobby doing thundering cameloid trainy foveiform puriform raggy helicoid rhabdocyst cawky ring-shaped musical strobiliform spiny rummy sponge supernacular -phytic sticky tendril withy arboresque labyrinthine scullionly palpiform plinthiform pythonoid rhamphoid decussate crinoid peanutty babylonish pampiniform cervicorn sweet elliptic naviform nucamentaceous serous spiciform thieving soldierlike crocodiloid froth capilla ceous knot does miliary melony mongrelly moony opalish oven-shaped tectiform calceiform bubblegum bulbous byssaceous cribriform clownish circinate clerkly hacky sylphine coenobioid statuesque sickle-shaped umbilicate unciform columelliform wall-eye zany comrade cypraeiform hook-shaped irony gardenly coxcombly minionly allantoid grown–up be the spit (or the dead spit) of mothered dilettanteish flaily saccular infusorioid fungoid araneiform saddle-shaped plaster monstrous honeyed pear-shaped not take kindly to sth horned starlight uncinate baculiform riverlike skunky terrene to the life saily marmorate ringed raniform wispy spat paradisal ogreishly nebular mellifluous mew likeable ghost genu froggy friendlike dandiacal dory chartaceous beacon bankerish acrostical annulate figgy way steely stellate squibbish botuliform pivotal mirrored digitiform chose cauda feathery bristle alopecoid bell-like be nutty about tentaculiform wittolly quakerlike semblably princesslike spiderlike lymphy plexiform nariform goatlike ghostlike gemmiflorate infantlike cavalierish ethmoidal table angelically amphibiously buccaneerish awl-shaped scyphate scalpriform take a shine to sb salamandriform planariform pateriform owly muddy ogived ooid lentoid lozenged spinal ruby spade piggy phantom rutaceous -ic rose subject-like go for sth diamond marmoreal in high style ladylike grenadierly leopard jube geisso- hellish homoeo- evanesce cyathiform go off fury fulgurate cordate feather runny calculiform cellophane dentiform drepanoid dolioform corniform chordoid caruncular digitipartite tinny tubby subereous paleous lubberly sagittal lacrimiform schoolmarmish lyriform like so much sandaled pear–shaped snobbish swinish resinoid egg-shaped eyed bituminous snypy bacilliform beastly spittly spongoid cetacea girlish furtive scutelliform tweedy cream crustose ctenoid coquette coquettish appley honk heroicly lingulate porcelainize prolate placentoid spinulose mazy mammalian managerial peasantly pinniform pasty tyrannish vagient rhizomorphous volcanically nightmarish nodose another -ose valvular vastly virescent wedge-shaped wight cat-rigged auricular astroid dandyish caterwaul choroid leonine desert bleaty cassideous cat–built chrysaloid stringy cinnamonic cankerous down–gyved divine do infantly cappy DOS coniform cormoid damassé hooligan horsey humbug deltoid dead in the shape of goosish graniform mastodontoid pisiform sainted paganize servile skinny sweater peccary handbell-shaped drivel flame snaky pyriform similiter rapscallionly quagmiry setiform scrotiform pruney pyramidoidal domy purry denticular savagely rotiform rainbowy deluginous psittaceous rostelliform piciform done screw flossy ostreiform obeliscoid limacoid leather–winged string satin porcine did vegetate tubercular pyramidal peaty rodded uniform -ly campaniform waxen buttony corallic prawny clubbed peck pally cylindraceous excrementous favor oikish mantle heart cricoid manikin lobate laughy giraffine pedate paper parabolic gelatin fork altrical calvish cancriform duncical dandy cephaloid childly friarly full-bloomed cuppy harish urceolate glassful wolfish velvety glossly planarioid take the shape of pectinated lionly lancely maniform malty rhombic puppyish pyramidally acantho- undulary take on the appearance of vixenly vulturous toadish tragedious stelliform Balkanoid alveoliform almondy dogly butyraceous ethmoid cliquey concertina brute equine corneous cankery cupreous authoritarian silk not go a bundle on something authorish auriculate baccate agedly snail-like passeriform summery ogeed birdy rimiform swoon tympanic feline fleecy vase-shaped anything resemble alary autogamy hereditation corduroy mad rhomb-ovate palaeoniscoid cattish ceiling avuncular crocodile wildfire loverly mobbish dog-toothed apple lovable fuss gab bell–shaped churlish fricassee lemon latewake marble cadaverous wild about something acicular estoile basaltiform C & W vamp sth up vinegary cumuliform blackguard ladykilling aspish chevron outsiderish similarly shacky thready copy rockered ambulacriform striate tart rockish alabaster vespine anthropomorphous towy truantly runty sparkish resemblable maidenlike locusting meniscoid kaliform gigantean fungilliform dovish echinital amoebous catlike pinnate

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Words For "like"

As you've probably noticed, words for "like" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "like" are: cowardly, dig, oviform, soapy, and spherical. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to like listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "like" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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