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immortality immortalize orpine forever immortal live everlasting God eternize evermore eternal outlive always perpetual survive perpetuity ageless exist dwell inhabit soul fountain of youth succulent house for good relive forevermore Be home populate in perpetuum houseleek reside ake aeonian Lodge good cohabit breathe living sempiternal outlast hive processed abide dwelling stay for aye homeless abandoned pass parasitize imperishable rough housing undying liver lodging
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shark best earth place lead den amphibious unending deathless livable toujours tent occupy camp townspeople L residential cabin eternally rapacious mortal rusticate pig bach BFF community ever till doomsday for keeps till (or until) kingdom come indefinitely permanently for ever (and ever) in (or for) perpetuity for good and all room move populace nest townsfolk town population permanent timeless novitiate barrack Erin go bragh rough it vitality habitable haunt indigent world warren abjure a roof over one's head sty eternity freewheel companion range immigrate infest neighbor a roof over your head abbey SIN viable sterilize fairyland dry run Danaides subsist lone wolf village wildlife settle colony luxuriate viviparous fishbowl mislive country tenant nutrient shack up live in in perpetuity livelihood squat stall for good (and all) better to/till/until the end of time household immigrant accommodation residence life expectancy put up with indigence beehive come through neighbourhood experience cloister enjoy seal retraxit broke kibbutz encina liveable cell pigs essential city suburbia hermitage sterile hack spare boarding school marine life orphanage burrow impoverish shack keep support contain pharisaic unceasing endlessly ad infinitum consign infinitely lease barracks board lift monastery garrison shirk viva hole emigrate Sisyphus cruiser expatriate cabaret hang out colonize herd cadge social take settlement age immigration impermanent placement shelter for evermore permanence perish abode doomsday wed interminable exile inhabitable hardy batten survival domesticate flat monastic ghetto saprobic dwelt batch the populace zoological garden saint oceanography ranch gregarious rogue perennate open overlive cinder get walk live in sin dying bum fee go from now until doomsday bread annuity hand-to-mouth bushwhack antipodes it's a long lane that has no turning zoo trailer feed hall of residence neighbour salamander scratch a living people hobo defunct neighborhood lived live like a lord life drawing native pleuston snug slum emigrant won pull up stakes bludge coexist residency Budget aquaculture incomer for rent nation menagerie disco stable aborigine go straight desert island couple vital quarter camera pauper leve harbor encamp bring home the bacon wild convent from now on abjure the realm indefinite ceaseless perpetual lease pack (someone or something) in go native forsake vive liveaboard photobiotic self–sufficient space station creed living space honor table pinch retirement home fauna hutch flock condition survivor nun Cherokee ember vegetate socialize outlier sanctuary dropout dormitory commune naturist Valparaiso oak destitute m�nage � trois [or] menage a trois move in feline tapeworm rotoscope environment mendicant independent harem sand flea sponge hermit boardinghouse a new lease on life mate billet live well Yoruba maul oak green card aerobe Abominable Snowman monasticism the citizenry beg one's bread mob house-sit heaven maul-oak undocumented outreach golden–cup oak drone quick residence order hickory oak alive glede California live oak make a place to call home see canon oak buccaneer primordial cow perdition damn world without end Endymion closure shutter truck scrape habitation dead load redivived fadge hermitize social animals die live-wire surviving drift get along oak nunnery glead performance to/until my dying day on/in the street Wislizenus oak shutdown nob close up shop package shut perdure shut up shop perpetually frontier trailer trash friary slow laving aver iron match competence epicure pandemonium bohemia houseboat gleed flatter live–oaker live at home domestic right of abode endure ruralize on your doorstep maintenance cantonment give up gentilize blessed parish stock scratch out a living stillborn uninhabitable live-weight revive sufficiency holdout postexist bring back bush concert flats bacon livelong live like a king (or queen) tighten one's belt the nation raffle be not long for this world country people on skelder make (both) ends meet the Palace chum last live-action role-player deprived surroundings maxim venial sin odds children’s home either elapsed hell infinity endless etch simulcast necessity live through something house-hunting home address livebox fort YOLT well-off the wilds of... bread and butter batten on sb get by swing yeti patrilocal matrilocal monachize wilderness Western Sahara take in someone stillbirth transcribe owner-occupier Denning beavery camper make one's home needy live the good life livetrap civilized world fish pond bivouac colonial corf company establishment hardship tortrix unlivable wherein adopt house-hunt bone hot in concert live for the moment embassy birdlife county Lorelei nourishing hail from somewhere social science ghost town temperate tenure remote emerge pad run killifish live with minnow crab float nomadize non-residential penal colony psilophyte residence hall the homeless domicile dovecote aquarium lebensraum beat/turn swords into plowshares trailerite caravan beast virome shanty town estranged couple go flatting spartanize street people rabbit warren live out rest home separate cost of living hut provide for someone incompatible till (or until) death us do part marital home hyperparasitize homeowner mingle let nature take its course live high on/off the hog upcountry agree wildfowl earn a crust down-and-out home unit dole-bludge pelagic durwan steam port the country dead flop follow harmony house-train housebreak land lives riot triennial tick sciophilous zander institutionalize live together push factor longhouse number old people’s home mortality grow out-of-the-way priory satellite feed housefly galaxy hood trade nonresident seed weevil digs youth culture hoof estrange azoospermia go-live cosher run/live one's own life beg peregrinate on your last legs mountaineer population centre keep going Chinatown American whereon go to hell and back marine well off squalor hall rub along quarters fairy hillock batten on discotheque cohabitate harshness incompatibility inhospitable credo live-baiting live-stream main line life playhouse antivivisection breadline mobile home park periphyton solitary bee a higher purpose frogland place of work/business/residence the Galaxy reincarnate loaded sojourn rent roost lewis live happily ever after live large epibenthos invade Zulu weather overrun neuston dribble lust for life vice versa hog insectarium frankalmoign lethal perpetuate Hermaphroditus focus watershed finite mortal sin never-never land cess Antichrist inalienable kingdom come lode limited fee simple sluggish white-bread moment hiatus frankalmoigne bilk biodegradable demur seasoned forget inexhaustible reasonable settler uproot hermetic halfway house tribe livebearer accommodation centre back residential care municipality deadhead inner city live a lie groundling Righteous Gentile on skid row nonconformist movement head PX pygmy bedroom community pond life space self-supporting street civic–minded houseowner creature comforts live high on the hog group home lighthouse keeper dormitory town scrape by/along resettle liveness lobster car Murmi motor home practice roomer rehabilitate renter savoir vivre lifecast abort almshouse cooperative been day girl decamp anaerobic chain clean domesticated homeland earn in need Inuit benthos incapacitate live on living quarters flora pull through down and out body move away brook lamprey order generalized anxiety disorder urbanization warming pan apart common cornetfish corral dissipate globe fluoroscope come down recluse sleep xeric viability tenancy sail home (phone) number global migrant inner ring nursing home palynology plantation Manx live off the fat of the land lotus rehouse be lost without sb/sth woodcraft psychiatric hospital mountain sheep shackland opossum generation Main Street blubber homecoming miscarriage mobile home plankton pull factor be alive and well/kicking beneficial interest end council homebuyer domestic partner backyard see out run away with RV race relations visitation come to terms gutter flophouse diaspora home buying crab live off the land kelpfish get one's life together domestic violence marsh snail horse dance eel geo-targeted austerity goner liberty live off sb/sth gill lead/live the life of Riley fulfill maintain ménage à trois meal ticket moving out (out) in the middle of nowhere peace peace-loving perversion brazier readjust dependence subsistence drive day boy urbanism labour under sheepshead take to the bush sand dollar underworld vivisectionist Telugu wombat conversion apartment removalist joint life and survivor annuity waterfowl leave home naturalist make ends meet mark time outpension privation receptacle philosophy probiotic quiddle self–supporting two-family house/dwelling affect villa endoparasite door myrmecophyte oceanaut suburb solitary Xylophagidae warbler webcam improv life-table land-pirate live-in migration mean out-relief anaerobe call-in continue goose stockman transmission unhappily absentee landlord requiem shark stockbroker belt transit camp the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak out-migration oyster bed self-determination prison

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Words For "live forever"

As you've probably noticed, words for "live forever" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "live forever" are: immortality, immortalize, orpine, forever, and immortal. There are 944 other words that are related to or similar to live forever listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "live forever" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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