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fight battle loss embattle battlefield embattled conflict engagement engage crap defeat field charger theomachy Armageddon combat pitched battle encounter victory array clash Buffet vanquish prowess wager banzai bleeding oriflamme dogfight skirmish trail fallen carnage balding fighting lose fray join Hancock, Winfield Scott fall victor unfading combat fatigue retire mart battle cry stake hazard twibill battalion cost dying win ship of the line deciduous Valhalla war dance
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jealous war cry attack battle royal prebattle slogan ARM fault crap out privative long-winded on the downgrade plain discomfit wage risk slump beat bite the dust deploy slaughter draw battalia tactic luff warrior bleed salient warpath find faint down flounder sportsmanship broadax war-horse war paint tilt at windmills gunfight armor battle-scarred chariot Salvo stour contest deficit losingest secure action hedge lossless bloody forgetful BDU concord fought challenge cry tournament craps forfeit Gog and Magog retreat overcome battailous noncombatant struggle Valkyrian Cadmean victory sea legs rencounter love set love game strive strife Valkyrie March flesh onslaught gamble support camp coup deployment stabilizer parapraxis sorehead forfeiture Shiloh outfight trophy croupier berserk muster line risky exsanguination gummy baptism of fire heat in the trenches armipotent triage poleax [or] poleaxe marshal shower hard-fought regroup affair lurch battleground quarter balance give ion the last straw cut deflate the straw that broke the camel's back gallant trophy flag shofar day join battle debate decay melee buckle poleaxe gallantry hauberk cockpit banneret war sword thin on top battled fell reserve battling skid change recapture indecisive victorious mock smite sparth battle line keep one's shirt on drunk armada pitched field crash diet tactics front stand valour standard effloresce bet sweep sideslip Quatre Bras Croix de Guerre rout line of battle charge crotchet powwow naumachia mimic musketry Aboukir Bay, Battle of logomachy cannon fodder burial ground airlift field word Cinco de Mayo unabating depreciation retake MOB degranulation grace period turn the tide adventure back firefight van opponent ground sportsman gambler blow yahoo water-fight judicial combat wager of battle shell–shocked toil cyclorama agonist champion chateau-thierry buffeting marathon shock remount threap star medley ammunition meet shoot-out battle-ax hosting combat jacket battlesome recreant lock vanguard foxhole Breed's Hill compromise stake sth on sth wash unfainting fading unrelenting airborne in–off levant short end despondent dog-throw broken Senlac trip individual Marengo trim down deprivation booby come off fragile disintegration disvaluation orphanship orphandom the jaws of defeat in eclipse dwamy calm unfaltering serene orphancy tranquil get down brain war hard-bitten engaged come on hot battleaxe chivalry Ragnarök battailant armour battlecruiser see action subdue commit war game Missionary Ridge combatant coyote battle station Arnhem discomfiture assemble in the field battle-royal iron hail war note pledge field battle recede polystyrene sanguinary Marathonian lead Buena Vista Otterburn citadel Lewes Granicus bastion Götterdämmerung acquit whoop clasp Palo Alto berserker defend languishing slip overskate tabefaction fumble investment risk stumbling face-saving abridge black downwardly mobile dizziness temperate liquid poor/bad sport mind wipeout behind losing stopper losing/winning record blind senility Ashes ductile traverse retrograde slam sclerotic blank slimming unremitting under arms ready dight duel archery twibil essay worst close with heroism centauromachia contend arrange Actium butcher scalp Belleau Wood Navarino banner triumphant get the worst of it overwhelm on comrade take up die with one's boots on broadax broadaxe bite battlewise defy field of battle magenta Nelson bulge Jonathan spill Bastogne Ipsus anxious herald bring support line furball sea fight battling stick the fog of war rocket frame Santiago de Cuba defeated Salamis crack up lamb patch shot retrogradation alter come from behind roll-out problem child wipe out patience idiot strings hole loss-making exchange risk pull back jaded go to the wall dizzy bleeder hurt engage with naumachy murder dubious Princeton battle police stale slain dream ensign acies field general undefeated beating beauséant afield Vigo play the firing line battle-cry beaten shoot–out courser Geneva Convention discharge clobber loser confound hold up hibernate hibernation portability easy come, easy go be/get burned afaint baldy prejudice exposed buy midway date set gain field fight phylarch sixain front line in the heat of (the) battle battle bill man argue artillery duel everlasting face-saver disgrace scatterbrained jealousy push your luck red regain reducing agent elimination bond broken-hearted money moult vary ligature battle jacket field of honour scrimmage shoot it out cut your losses impaired impoverishment crash horse good sport red ink shirt seal heads will roll concession speech uneconomic kiasu jiggy rope-a-dope semievergreen unsafe retention concede steadfast standing time whitewash pull exchange playable slapstick save face free fall yo-yo dieting bust at a price ignominious save chase the game broach interim accounts rediscover place/make a wager credit exposure hold safety play cleat tumble faltering fall off profit dusk interim contested election receding hairline a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush ace relegate stentor sacrifice compensation mingle bear cheap Ardennes Orangemen's Day battle stations massacre meeting engagement maneuver drake polyandrium showdown breastwork strategy forefront service star dressing station barrage roll of honour centurion pentomic Bermuda Hundred alala Nashville blank cartridge Germantown right killing field bloody flag dugout Monterrey baris battle scar echelon Duncan I fling cumberland boot Southern Cross rebel yell unhorse second line man-of-war destroy drop dulce et decorum battlecraft Chattanooga duke peanism dannebrog mop up enfilade do pitch verse body count protagonist freehold Dogger Bank Gros gall paratroops action stations Prestonpans Tyr Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument underdog limber standard-bearer ragnarok few Silver Star skirmish line slay slit trench Silver Star Medal strike mow monitor battler lost smokescreen dulce et decorum est capital ship end game blockhouse batrachomyomachy Norman Conquest John of Austria Jellicoe, John Rushworth just battle fatigue battle–tested Suribachi Evesham reparation recover recurrence Rostropovich subvital mischance Atkins diet petulantly debt exposure roll greying out health farm dispirited pull sth back exchange rate exposure nip lifeboat press strip poker level fluff turnover drive flagging potential temperature enerlasting clawback cross-subsidization lagging even-money exposure rally long jenny short jenny slough mate consolation degenerate Bader 5:2 diet food combining abasement patient even money run meridian day gape claw back a bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush) rogue trading just deserts presenteeism market liquidity risk low boat the male menopause momentum snipe field-hospital bloodletting trench grave missing in action Harald III refuse battleship trial by battle Tippecanoe River Stamford Bridge bayonet Waterloo Cunaxa Lexington Uccello Purple Heart fiery cross gonfalon Hippolyta phalanx final Chancellorsville bottle certainty life-and-death wastage decimate liner Brian Boru Fabian holocaust inferno valiance battle piece artillery park banderole unabated Regensburg battle it out Louis of Nassau disastrous war room re-enact ghazi Lysimachus reverse discard translator stifle six–ace flats awry accident paratacamite Smith, Alfred Emanuel ineffectual handicap endplay cession raspy loo Great Northern War augury redouble heartache tempo trauma sobriety jink speculator oversteer six-pointer Landon, Alf Spanish billiards lowside gold hedging at sea bottomry Gnomes of Zurich anorexic alchemy obsolescence bargain Styrofoam resign progressive wither high seas fleet evolution laurel dragon carroccio maintain describe battle range celebrate Chickamauga Creek Balaclava butchery Blenheim Agincourt account giant straggle dowdy Villeneuve Roland Killiecrankie Cyrus Edgehill virtue taint Royal Oak civic crown Uriah relieving tackle salient angle field practice rush Lookout Mountain Austerlitz, Battle of Black Saturday Balaklava Castlebar stile concitato war correspondent ambulance bloodlust cenotaph crossfire Ironsides inner frigate offer stoutly class MOBA Santa Cruz Islands Spartacus liaison aircraft Ayacucho paintball Gettysburg Address Hradec Králové halberd brunt Actium, Battle of Antietam Borodino, Battle of Arjuna hastate Gath right wing twelfth MIA steward of Scotland San Jacinto Day decision Milazzo poetomachia squadron San Jacinto River debrief diorama Crécy chieftain Coral Sea Campbell, Thomas active service arms Aristides Shenyang dispatch Château-Thierry crusade missing Taunton regiment Saint-Mihiel Sambre San Juan Hill poleax fireman faithfully Dundee loose journey senior return Grenville grey knight Issus Jackson Jemappes Marston Moor Orangeman's Day Arbela bat le Lützen Jutland, Battle of Boyne Antony, Mark Maldon Hastings, Battle of Balaclava, Battle of Badon Hill, Battle of Culloden, Battle of Edgehill, Battle of Boyne, Battle of the hoplite Dowding Hsü-chou Jutland metaphor great Brutus, Marcus Junius Quiberon Süchow Roncesvalles, Battle of Bucephalus Stalingrad, Battle of round doom noise Cambrai kenning Stans alpenhorn commemorate handle David oppose solferino Bautzen Dowding, Hugh Somme, Battle of the rat polyphonic varnish Cromwell aldol condensation espionage Little Bighorn, Battle of Inkerman Jackson, Thomas Jonathan James Lady Macbeth strategy Mons Pandarus Oswald Philip Trafalgar Styron, William

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Words For "losing battle"

As you've probably noticed, words for "losing battle" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "losing battle" are: fight, battle, loss, embattle, and battlefield. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to losing battle listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "losing battle" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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