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Pt PST transpacific Pacific typhoon PDT tapa halibut sandfish auklet Tonga Micronesia sea lion Austronesia greenling japan South Seas Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Tahiti pink salmon coho panama sarong sea otter sablefish New Zealand lingcod chinook coast South Sea Islands Kiribati surfperch British Columbia California South China Sea bikini East China Sea Australia Fiji pacifical Acapulco Bering Sea Chinook salmon king crab the West Coast peaceful Solomon Islands geoduck sockeye
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APEC taro Polynesia Samoa Ecuador batfish jack mackerel Hawaii Australasia ocean Melanesia Oceania unpacific pompano milkfish nautilus taboo Columbia Guam COD El Salvador breadfruit South America Tasman Sea North America Siberia Pac. Nauru raven Pac Humboldt Current Los Angeles dogfish herring Panama Canal Asia gray whale cook steelhead San Francisco devilfish Puget Sound or Celebes Sea Australoid trans-Pacific Buenaventura Pacific Standard Time Vanuatu Tuvalu API ratfish Golden Gate Chile Caroline Islands American Samoa Oregon Coral Sea Clutha Rarotonga spendy outrigger murrelet anchoveta bocaccio shovelhead ti Colima kingfish tomcod beachcomber blacksmith South Sea Papuan San Cristobal macrocystis skipjack surffish Colorado West Coast queenfish conciliatory tattler thornback bullamacow palm crab balsa B.C. sockeye salmon toty Vasco N��ez de Balboa [or] Vasco Nunez de Balboa Bering Strait Futuna mako b�che-de-mer [or] beche-de-mer yellowtail El Niño makatea kanaka candlefish Marshall Islands Tuamotu Archipelago Port Jackson Washington Antarctic Ocean Bellingshausen Sea jewfish porbeagle Ross Sea the Pacific Rim Society Islands trepang Samoa Standard Time Balboa Philippines Gambier Islands corvina yerba buena Western Samoa Admiralty Islands San Diego Choiseul western dogwood Indo-Pacific Eniwetok Ring of Fire western yew Siwash surfbird Anzus greenback mackerel Northeast Passage Marquesas Islands Rarotongan the Far East salal cockatoo finback Chatham Islands Kwajalein Slough wake Northwest Passage California yew French Polynesia Bougainville Tarawa Guadalcanal irenic New Georgia Leeward Islands bigfoot Upolu Cook Islands mana Transcontinental Railroad Phoenix Islands poacher Papua New Guinea Sable Banaba kava CA New Caledonia Bismarck Archipelago Line Islands Colombia Bismarck Sea coconut Guayaquil tabu Alaska, Gulf of Alaska Saipan Hauraki Gulf gooney bird ridley China Sulu Sea Amundsen Sea California, Gulf of redfish Arafura Sea Mariana Islands Ensenada blackbird Philippine Sea palmyra chum gaper plenty scooter skilfish Farallon Islands rockfish Palau South Pacific eirenic North Pacific Pacific Rim Northern Mariana Islands Kwakiutl Japan Current gentle humpback bicoastal potlatch Fonseca pomfret black perch Costa Mesa Guerrero California Current roncador sand dab tiki salmonberry Viti Levu Tokelauan Australasian Pacific Ocean Gilbert Islands Kermadec Islands blackbirding Vanua Levu Iwo Jima Pitcairn Island bull kelp Fonseca, Gulf of Asia-Pacific p eureka Dover sole giant clam Chimbote dogtooth tuna Kuroshio cascara buckthorn South Sea Islander rhinoceros auklet Volcano Islands bearberry salmon La Niña Baker Island Mazatlán hapa haole Howland Island bonito Niue polynesian Monterey sea snake Jalisco Vancouver pepperwood marlin capelin Kiritimati grass skirt Norfolk Island Michoacán Grays Harbor Willapa Bay Tillamook Bay Coos Bay ladyfish Tehuantepec snow crab Bora Bora Santa Cruz Islands Lewis dasheen red rockfish frontier Vella Lavella Pentecost Lord Howe Island crown of thorns inland sea Nayarit ribbon seal Loyalty Islands cyst unpeaceful shovelnose lap–lap Indonesia snook Easter Island porgy Bío-Bío albatross pollack rockskipper iguanid Honduras stonefish Alaska Peninsula Tulagi Kanton Island Tinian Yakutat Bay Islands pacificity Tanna supple mamamu midway Tubuai Islands manzanita rock crab Guatemala Nicaragua Moorish idol hawkfish Bonin Islands Galápagos Islands Truk Islands willow goldfinch Davao Gulf wedge–tailed shearwater Banks Islands South-seaman rock perch Lobos, Point Pacific halibut Callorhinus Pacific hemlock Panama, Gulf of Malaita islander tongo Jervis Bay Rongelap United States California pompano Baˈnaban Sierra Madre Occidental guyot giant kelp king–of–the–salmon Iquique orange roughy Japan, Sea of megapode paclitaxel Sandalwood English Savaii Sierra Madre del Sur the Coast cayuse maomao peaceable Buka Miraflores red snapper unicorn fish Niuafo'ou Pacific herring Savo Teraina tambor wheat the Pacific Northwest Kingston Cook Inlet fob counsellor seal pigeon guillemot Malden irenical Florida Island green sturgeon trevally Kingman Penrhyn Kure Atoll Suwarrow whale sucker sail Santa Catalina, Gulf of brown tree snake sooty shearwater the seven seas Micronesia, Federated States of ecuadorian Mamberamo Makah Lynn Canal Kuhliidae surmullet tai Sinaloa Peru Ise Bay Hecate Strait Hawke Bay Hamamatsu marbled murrelet fairy palm Coenothecalia Bío–Bío California sardine California laurel California black oak Calaveras warbler creek nettle Boruca Brandt's cormorant brush rabbit big–neck clam guillemot Arena, Point Alsek ass's–ear Banda Sea tahitian mid silvereye placatory the Marshall Islands Suruga Bay Tokyo Tokelau Islands quillfish red cod Dana Point Amami Austral Islands Ceram Sea Alsea South Sea Island prowfish kelp marai cyclone western mountain ash long pig Enderbury coast lily Butaritari Betio California rosebay Hawaiki Chinook licorice sand sole Rímac Revillagigedo Osaka Olympic National Park Oregon maple Pacific Daylight Time Octacnemus Northern Cook Islands Mendocino Malekula Kealakekua Bay Kagoshima kou sea bass South Equatorial Current San Cristóbal Tsimshian tiger fish ronquil OR [or] Ore. white mullet suckfish striped mullet Tetranychus black oystercatcher Reyes, Point rex sole hapa cow poison California wild rose Hagåtña fern weevil Fakarava cutch the Cook Islands therapon yellow grouper Yaquina white laurel machete Lima Niuean short–tailed albatross Siuslaw beshow chum salmon Pugettia ronchil Palmyra Atoll Pacifica red larkspur red ginger Okhotsk, Sea of Paralabrax Pacific kittiwake opelu Mangareva cockscomb northwest shipworm manus Kuitsh tiger prawn broadbill red bass rainbow lorikeet koel maneaba moonfish opah Sagami Sea Shortland Islands butterfly crab carpet-shell tappa Heermann's gull Marie Byrd Land Honiara Icosteus itchwood Japanese mackerel alligator fish Olympia dog salmon drupe arame rock sole Cassin's auklet blue perch WA green cod chinafish Macnab cypress mahala mat Manua Islands Nootka Sound Pacific rattlesnake Pneumatophorus Quinault flathead Peleliu rasher California bayberry sea lyme grass sand borer Rapa Rendova Tosa Bay Umpqua Wake Island Far West Pacific Athapaskan Savai'i San Clemente HI Magdalena Bay Indo–Pacific Malibu Funafuti tuna Johnston Babelthuap Canada flat–topped crab Dicamptodon dorab Flores Sea Jaluit Haida Jarvis maray Majuro Moreton Bay Olisthops Santa Barbara Islands red alder red salamander Queensland trumpeter Plenty, Bay of Puerto Montt Puntarenas Rongerik Rakahanga Big Sur blue crevally brown shark Sur, Point surf fish Tabuaeran Teluk Cenderawasih battle coalfish sierra willow Christmas Island bonito shark Glacier Bay National Park pinacate bug speakhouse Mangaia long–tailed chat toothfish Washington lily shanghai snowy Santa Barbara Siwash sweater Taiwan Strait Mooréa osoberry red emperor Tongarevan rancherie nova Stikine mackerel burro Haida Gwaii rota rock trout Gilbert and Ellice maara shell samoan anchorage combfish bêche–de–mer box crab Gonostomatidae glassfish elephant fish golden chinquapin harp Fraser butter clam Culiacán Forbush's sparrow horn of plenty sea dahlia six–gilled shark shovelnose shark Steller's sea lion doldrums Cordilleras Dolly Varden common seal barbudo barracouta royal albatross rock oyster red–backed salamander red maids Portland Canal Venus's flower–basket salmon grouper spinefoot demon stinger friarbird Balboa Heights coast rhododendron Chiapas Dungeness crab Harris's woodpecker lava-lava greyskin Kailua humpback salmon horned puffin Malayo-Polynesian Cirrhitidae Oregon Country Magellan, Strait of bonanza sandalwood ancient murrelet Oaxaca Kodiak Santa Oregon triton golden pileolated warbler Drakes Bay Juan Fernández boobook owl skipper Futuna Islands derris chinquapin hunter Ile des Pins arre Santa Isabel Roosevelt elk Peru Current Otago Harbour Rogue River blackbirder emperor angelfish Tututni sewellel Rotuma rock-oyster rogue Pukapuka poon New South Wales lesser snow goose borer tubesnout Nez Percé mangrove crab halapepe Juan Fernandez Islands Espiritu Santo Botany Bay flagfish Formosa Strait burrfish purple crab Palmerston Queen Charlotte Islands saddle oyster amberjack bark cloth cobia flagtail croton soap orange Balsas suncup Trobriand geographer cone white sea bass Waitaki gummy shark Klamath Mountains grass shrimp masked booby Hydrophis mangrove jack Hexagrammidae Nimitz rock happy sweeper sweetlips scat Klamath Santa Monica forktail perch palapalai Logan, Joshua Petroica rock salmon resplendence Shasta red fir western red cedar seashore lupine seaside daisy sea–otter's–cabbage salmon boat pineapple weed pritchardia projection smelt madrono New Ireland ophidion rock sandpiper Balsas, Rio bat ray Behring Trobriand Islands Tokelau Bering Challenger Deep arrowtooth flounder cowrie California poppy black–footed albatross blue–footed booby bramble leafhopper grey duck cicada bird taxol carpet shell Espíritu Santo false indigo golden–crowned sparrow hoya kula San Simeon ragfish grand fir horse crab Malay Archipelago rock–boring isopod Santa Catalina New Britain proa Inland Empire mannikin Arabian cowrie Beaglehole Clark bay shrimp Yukon Time aal clownfish Southern Ocean tan oak tube–nosed bat Tehuantepec, Isthmus of Woodlark pothos wahoo honeyeater La Jolla Johnston Atoll Hawaiian crab angelfish Huntington Beach eclectus parrot English sole Dall's porpoise Channel Islands California woodpecker California brown pelican fire medusa Hammerstein II Crago Galapagos Islands Serranus Pacific sailfish Niska lionfish rabbitfish Suva Stewart Island Stanovoi Range Juneau California clapper rail Valparaíso Viña del Mar Russia knobcone pine kelp bass Java Sea California hazel Leyte northern spotted owl Marcus Island petrale sole Pacific mite Pacific salmon paroquet auklet Oregon Trail Rangoon creeper sierra plum Sillaginidae spart grass tufted puffin the international date line Windward Islands United States of America journey Etrumeus harlequin toyon Juan Fernández Islands Ross River virus jacksmelt ipil mu kurilian sea leopard Aleutian Islands Banks, Sir Joseph Austronesian boarfish Antarctic Peninsula carpet shark banca blue cod red gurnard red-legged frog root bread grey whale argus emperor bream Cheilodactylidae chub mackerel California box elder Frémont, John Charles Beagle Channel coconut crab deer's–tongue Efate headache tree black lily hawk owl Magilus black turnstone lemon sole Indian currant hermit warbler noni Papeete Schouten Islands Stockton Talcahuano blue nurse sea krait Laysan albatross king of the mackerels Kuril Islands moano money cowrie maile northern right whale Notogaean ocean whitefish black cottonwood Nuku Hiva Pacific mackerel Pacific time purple shore crab red rock cod sea palm snakefish striped shore crab tiger shrimp top smelt araucaria gunnera Coast Mountains right whale albacore angel shark bull's mouth blue-footed booby boa Antipodes Islands Bankia awn grass garbage patch bamboo seaweed Indian rhubarb

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Words For "pacific"

As you've probably noticed, words for "pacific" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "pacific" are: Pt, PST, transpacific, Pacific, and typhoon. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to pacific listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "pacific" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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