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SF sci-fi cyberpunk scientifiction Martian earthman steampunk Venusian time warp earthling ray gun scientific romance earthside spacewoman humanoid spaceman starship alien robot android hyperspace H.G. Wells filk Terran Star Wars sapient dematerialize Clarke cyborg Bradbury time machine hoverboard droid fanzine psychotronic astrogation bot science-fictionist science-fictioneer Herbert SDI Strategic Defense Initiative terra sci–fi fourth dimension science-fictioner electrogravitic teleport
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science-fictive science-fictiony future history sturgeon force field tellurian atomic engine Lunarian Whovian death ray ant-man rocket ship con cybercop the fourth dimension science-fictional dick scientific beam up laser gun earth day Earthship earth people Buck Rogers Trekkie rocket man hard hyperdrive fangirl spaceship time travel kick kryptonite filking transporter sickbay fanboy beam bionic cyber kid ectogenesis space fiction earthwoman filker fictional Asimov, Isaac shape-shifter literary genre subspace carbonite empath space rock earth person blaster egoboo replicant beam down fantasy wetware cyberman invention Aldiss, Brian pop art holodeck exhibition vegan Hoyle hive mind ring wall subjunctivity tractor beam fen Clarke, Sir Arthur C. datasphere superhero shuttlecraft Burroughs, Edgar Rice Bradbury, Ray Afrofuturism dalek terraform Phlebotinum Ford, Harrison hypospray Banks heroic fantasy fictitious interdisciplinary Ms natural philosophy time-warped digress lightsabre jetpack fable genre Roddenberry, Gene similar Aldiss Scientology Le Guin, Ursula Spielberg, Steven subculture geekspeak Ballard, J. G. psychobilly Chayefsky, Paddy connection unearthly subterrene triffid earth girl astroengineering deathling As Lucas, George promiscuous Lessing fictionalize subhuman fanfic Sc sci. metafiction portal voyager specification entomology cyberspace resurrect porno laser nanotechnology plausible possible diversity throng jurisprudence psychology geoponics taxonomy science CS DSC logy forestry short story feuilleton s medicine magnetics nomology informatics anesthesiology fictioneer sciential -metry pretense BSC story horology didactics scientist fiction metallurgy botany category electricity fictive architectonics astronautics tectonics aviation Law artillery subplot craniometry zoology cameralistics ScD MSc rocketry technical bacteriology astrolithology finance magnetism fic mystery robotics aeronautics bioscience flotation systematics Sm missilery politics metrology pedagogy orology anatomy agrology seismology government fict. aerostation husbandry ology figment real life scienced BS gemology [or] gemmology subscience ballistics fortification antiscience exegetics Church of Christ, Scientist phycology membranology fictionist physics mythology architectonic chronometry cartography scientifically B.S. Sb geology photics geography -gnomy noology novelize phoronomics forester crystallography optical DDS economic technology biochemistry hygiene life science alphabetics arithmetic gunnery balneology hypnotism sci-fier meteorology civics hypnology utopia nonfiction lie melodrama personae novel Ernest Hemingway penology baddie halfling character d Ba -sophy BSAE phonetism mineralogy -iatrics plutology cabala fossilism scene philosophy anthropology M.S. electromagnetism gastronomy oceanography phytopathology symptomatology -logy [or] -ology ultrasonics mathesis stem beta dialogue legal fiction romance horticulture agriscience fict criminology semiology unscientific runology ecclesiology ideology analytics sophy physic harmonics supernatural thremmatology economics pedology viticulture MSD metrics catechetics oceanology goniometry cinematography oncology eugenics zymology geomagnetism crystallogeny audiology agronomics agriculturist chemical liturgics strategy architecture otology rhinology SJD herpetology hard-boiled romancical JSD art gigabit kilobit algebra MSN processor MALS symbolism electromagnetics trigonometry chromatics BSN megabit trophology microseismology geometry logic pseudoscience faction retell slash Coloured steel obstetrics ethology chronology gemology antinovel imbroglio STF villain pure fictious deontology scientifico posology humorology pneumology sci-tech creative writing geologist phonics BSEE rheumatology display anacamptics numismatics DES m -logy ornithology archelogy pseudology supersonics cryology philology applied Chandler make-believe theoretics process aerodonetics empiricism organology cambistry dynamic hermeneutics education catallactics fossilogy pomology genetic electronics economist rhythmics fossilology agrobiology myology telemetry nonscience literate chemotherapy format grammar antiviral magnetician dogmatics library school autography aestho-physiology pharmacology stereoscopy prosody climatology algology pedagogist hermetic poli–sci sci dichromic nomenclature pneumatology methodology run physiology paranormal toxicology radiology astronomy neurology pandect electrotechnology acoustic sanitarian medical diplomacy perspective animal husbandry arms engineering dermatoglyphics harmony divinity agonistics blood and guts fabrication subliterature story paper space-fictional literature pulp fiction MSLS noemics metascience heroine fruitful chapbook crime fiction Christie diablerie duology protagonist confound magazine Prix Goncourt spine-chiller post-apocalyptic ygdrasyl fiction writer gemmary bromatology SD LS gemmology rubification hero superpower spine-chilling bad guy pyronomics Sc.B. net peptics loxodromy pseudoplastic aristology router mateotechny -graphy oenology biochem geopony orography galvanoplastics forensically prudence sab soc botanology thermotics NSF documentation technology park astrology agonist phantasy counterfeit metaverse page DLS universology path medics aerolithology photology anaesthesiology cosmetology ScB RCS BEngS hotlink BMS aerodromics BAS creation scientist slot DDSc truth moral healer add-on MBSc surface science board science master MST BSB BSFor BSL assembly heuristic noetic phytology utility plug-in sage fluviology pyritology BCS BLS BSCh BSEc serology MLS economically methodics bay heraldry BSArch love philiater pharmaco–oryctology bps physiography theriatrics engine parity phytolithology social-science chrematistics altimetry metapolitics anemology hygienics server virus nanoscience card pharmaceutics BSEd creationism oreography splatterpunk speculative fiction munchausenism Cartland magick myth straightwashing wuxia poetic justice article shocker flash fiction tartufe cli-fi Cartland, Dame Barbara dirty realist fictionalism historical hysterical realism storied thought-stream picaresque parajournalism superbeing fan fiction roundhead auto-fiction psycho-killer fabulously crossover hoax intimist shipper sword and sorcery noir pulpy submission make terror scumble donnée computer-science enzymology petrogeny mind rocket scientist viniculture space scientist Eucharist earth scientist aretaics unscience acuate etiology acology allegiance bromatologist astrophysical radiometric morphography trichology theory programmer linguistically noise agriculturism tidology terminize orismology bootstrap biology idea sports scientist sitology critic garbage life ma cephalology hematology optic phytography quasiperiodic wordlore food scientist promorphologist angel nautics computerology kabbalah qabalah graphometry electrology practitioner genesiolgy paleomagnetism physiologically plutonomy phonetic psychic pyrology BSME cabbala agriculture andragogy electrologist advancement agricultural scientist home economics chondrology esoterics epigraphics entomotomy desmology father lettered mca biocybernetics genesiology tab string technically hydraulic winemaking evangelistics endocrinology scientician quit photometry endemiology metempiricism AAAS testaceology aerostatics dogology physiological BSCE vaccinology poliorcetics BSET sociology psychopathology scientifics conchology dictionary carcinologist social scientific spirit surface scientist musicography paideutics aerostatic polytechnics climate scientist lichenology barology cabalism meteoritics mathetic bookwork malacologist function information packet science-bitten sonics marine scientific SSRC propaedeutic holography Symons, Julian characterization yahoo Richardsonian Highsmith conflict graphic novel airport Cookson, Dame Catherine Mary Sue living dead book sound documentary Leacock magic novella serial technobabble Nordic noir scientifical Bachelor of Science phenomenology computer scientist instrumentation OTP suspend disbelief suspense urban fantasy Dexter, Colin great tradition dystopia everyman moonshine haptics selenography melopoeia geoponist cosmography pen-based morphology node numismatography biocomputing offload osmics radiopharmacology upgrade soil science culturology bedrock ANZAAS anemometry sociological hippopathology craniognomy entozoologist cristallology cardiolgy atmospherology electrocardiography micropedology ergonomic UNCSTD biological botanical bryology technician scientific journal psychometrics glaciology relaxate cryptanalysis descriptive paediatrics teleoroentgenography innumerate apodictic geomorphogeny hydrotherapeutics analogue eremology informatical initialize clinically -ist psychodynamics pteridology statement misappropriate diagraphics atonement break through cultivate armory arteriology astronautic anthropological aerospace ecological eddy execute theoretic virtue volcanology avionics cytologic geographical informatic tactics microelectronics negate multiscience nest network geoscience operation optician palaeontology Kuhnian pathology marine scientist war semantic semantics pyretology skip softa mechanics nephrology philosopher philosophical rhymic mathematics psychiatry musicology phylogenetics physicist hygrology statistic metaphysically dynamics morphologist onomatology mechanurgy Système International aerodynamics biomathematics flesh chemical engineering kinesiologist pharmaceutical Grundriss thermostatics geotechnics museology the paranormal photointerpretation pestology phenomenon demography savant scan mechanical engineering decathlon electropathic electrothermy emulation energetics muscologist sociogeny semiotics proficient flush -ics metaphysiology midwifery application aerodynamic boot code clear tag technoscience tribology

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Words For "science fiction"

As you've probably noticed, words for "science fiction" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "science fiction" are: SF, sci-fi, cyberpunk, scientifiction, and Martian. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to science fiction listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "science fiction" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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