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slightly tabernacle hut waspish tipsy damp ajar moist budge shade touch shipyard indisposed faintly tiddly touched singe stir custom-built substantial dampen lukewarm jerry-built char potty viridescent repand stalwart squiffy lapstrake structure moisten camber sturdy robust a trifle acidulate shanty scorch strip planking cool funny husky taint subangular bonfire slight burly joggle peckish chalet construction mastaba built inbuilt little tinge snick dotty quiver Stout brackish
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miff light-headed framework mildly hunk well-built jog tacky tint breezy reddish dip light queer alkalescent unbuild bluish levee trifle subacid construct snug masonry under the weather UP shack tremble acidulous mellow window seat merry thickset go up dockyard strapping high peep semisweet superstructive beefy woozy strawberry mark warship racy sprinkle virescent brownstone stocky timbered spit prickle scotch shimmer terete indispose marginally a mite annoy building loose-jointed paling peer rose tremulous redoubt brownish casemated clinker-built tangential unimproved podgy Pole cote gangling wall tumescent variant rove subconical nick tip tweak greenish spicy gabled insecure andantino peek off-colour low spot eggshell development chenin blanc scant bulwark crème fraîche monument superficiary jetty low-studded jerry–built bit niggle mite vaguely a shade hypo- brown engaged skin-deep minimally Zion built-in hive fitted promenade well-made doghouse breastwork double-decker bullhorn quay roundhouse build B-1 retouch take the chill off godwit ovate slub annoyed low relief acescent batty rattish yellowish deck bull fortification custom dragster built-up staunch he-man unbuilt shed acuminulate wave have a screw loose nervous groined sunken rise purpose–built inground gatehouse carvel-built bruise give tepid dusty crimson musty pinkish twisted modification unfounded laker buttress new purpose-built mischievous lightly plump annoyance awkward peaked adobe hovel skylight made fieldwork vaulted landfill superstructure bunk coach-built cabin site buzz graze coolness crease wicked jar badass rick graham cracker latescent poplin accurate squeamish queasy mawkish spinet campanile building site under construction frame project undersetting up- carvel–planked Bi brickwork plan clench–built clinch–built scratch elevated quizzical asperulous sl umbonulate misty small eccentric stall tired ropy snacky semilustrous sallow dent brioche clammy perturb rehash croon subconcave fey subtepid gaga tubby variation juicy sublethal prick bemused happy not up to snuff newish portly anklet tart hypodiploid risqué cottage cheese ratherish snub–nosed fruity pumpernickel unnerve sweetish bitter blink squiffed crackpot quirky semimoist pudgy greeny indelicate lekker humpy boardwalk Aventine haystack campfire rampart teocalli roadway grotto barrier boatyard aqueduct castellated ribbon development biggit stalagmite bow window ch�teau [or] chateau booth superstruction custom–built thick stodgy cofferdam alcazar igloo foreshore cat–built sandcastle dedication citadel Esquiline square-built Lakeland terrier homebuilt retaining wall Quirinal Cenotaph set up clincher-built erection well–set in-built compact canal–built red-brick be out of sorts clinker boat rugged rude hulking screw–pile squarrulose cursitating semielastic shift subreputable gently hirsutulous tomentulose out of whack a tad all–overish vellum crack unworldly sun thrip pique agitate semiacid glaucescent piqued have one too many fossulate semicrisp acquaint battered screwy U.S. Army dark blue subindicative a passing resemblance be on nodding terms semigloss goldish crack a smile furcellate apprehensive spotted ripe fuzzyheaded left-of-centre jittery bemuse jolly faintish tad ropey miffed fillip feel funny creepy off colour dull greyish luteolous scuff cock-a-hoop -ulous unfortunate jarring dicey brick-built beaver dam redbrick strapper rising sharpshooter encastre sthenic stiff substantially ticky–tacky dry rosé CBU gurk bulky meaty earth–sheltered underwork made-to-order dun iron gray not feel yourself hack on the fat/thin/heavy etc side waxy concerning a touch suffrutescent chaff fiddle peaky soft superficially palpitate wacky loopy lay a finger on sb something like kiss jiggle sort U.S. Army silver gray riffle ivory uncomfortable piquant snicker sort of whimsical tauty pixilated rare out of sorts edification expressway rock-built log race car highblocked subdominant squarely tonic recessed rock cut self-build low–studded CMOS bogie crufty termitary boukit speedboat king's highway sardinier cob express car engineered seafront regular-built deposit solid ticky-tacky gorilla bank barn CABE diner cutter yacht facility heavyset masonried sea-built new build supercolumnar unsound set fixed beam crib tight brick veneer colonial built–in rock–built dominant strong spec highset off trenchoscope peacock blue minorly a stubby short of a sixpack perciatelli Sally Lunn percursory a brick short of a load (or two sandwiches short of a picnic, etc.) platinum be going soft (in the head) demi- card creep malossol subparallel smartly be not all there remotely crackers nervously pink semi-solid the willies staid scarlet upset slate black subglabrous footy twiddle vermilion take the chill off sth elevate brush cuckoo bedazzled balmy al dente weak aspherical donsie sharkskin sulfur roman somewhat fresh a shingle short litate moody get homage blue jogging drat -escent near the knuckle jersey nappy pea-green amphioxea Anthraflavone GC flighty U.S. Army black startle swarthy lituate diapnoic trenchscope indelicacy cracked right-of-centre nettle subarcuate sepia bemusement steel grey charcoal gray flip graded lake dwelling property development Roman arch annoying fractionally ish subdued have a few weather nearly retuse be browned off ripple canary mental disingenuous rose-red fireplace shy of something jelly quaker blue quaker drab Doric newbuild abbey cloud-built temple mansion barbican body-hoop bivouac encampment vanity settlement test pilot state house open draft log cabin housing scheme icebreaker Colosseum bathysphere chunk bunker Borobudur cupola clipper–built gateway carvel–built drey tandem folly beefcake batter trap weir shell road takin roof light drystone tin brasero drop safe flimsy bluff-headed lightweight hyaenodon floodway frigate–built chunky rock fence lift intown building block Clumber spaniel racing car stopbank company town joggle beam road pillar perpend wall restrained beam post-pyramidal pulley root shipway structural Covent Garden snowhouse stonework Yakutat hut Enoch camp box couch base go tower loud-hailer floodplain gabionage inflatable bay window french beige cellar stairwell vespiary presale fill to–fall subdivision well built retired flank metabiology space at-grade brace comb building slip buildable classic car house hunky intelligent crawlerway kurgan Liberty ship house of cards honey tree Indian fort old ivory scotch blue vanity unit cinnamon brown national flag blue lockbox jury-rigged binnacle construction site saddle tree fanlight concession road skew bridge dungeon cantonment bluff-bowed rubble tithe barn root-house rock house self–contained four-square engineering rooftop A-frame avenue navy yard concept car chhatri freeway oakwood rigatoni cookie spoon digestive devilish flatter minus scorched shimmering moisture pearl in the fast lane rideau discomfort dampness make your skin/flesh crawl jaundiced dessert knife orangey marathon sleight of hand chubby concern patulous shocked down-and-dirty ostrobogulous gold strain soursop toft wriggle gilt subequivalve dolcelatte uneasy shiver return scantily paucidentate botheration peristerite colourful cross-eyed apricot plum chenille bloated col louche dabble pug nose go to someone's head open a crack flats quake cotton-picking jingle onionskin pink impish irritation inflected pinko puffy prang shivery little better than beige muddle ultramarine sear satinwood standoffish slider handlebar moustache suppositive straight bun foot blinky dawn gray humph lunch box jam piddle kinda maraschino semitranslucent amaretto at (or to) heel blooming strange walnut medium dry moonpath aureate ectomorph little more than diamagnetic frank london smoke snippy roving milk-white blacken parboil pally unperturbed dame tumid scruff golden gold foil kiddo dim fairy incline intoxicate plain chocolate jitter dabbler antique bronze cheesy hearty cigarillo draw purplish nervousness nuanced raffish sweet potato shrub sponge cloth something bister green mocha bisque straddle frost gray ecru liverish mulberry fruit nod silver simmering faille cold spritzig subplinth specky sika mesognathous rigger three-quarter kiwi self-satisfied falchion inflect fen flint corn dessert fork dropped seat whitish crepuscular light crema flat simulacrum peaches-and-cream ankle sock fender-bender boot-cut brisk adjust limbous ding pinprick plaintive rigidulous saber cameo yellow continental heel old pink chaetura black row back Khafre catwalk greenfield dark cardinal chimney breast toast tan spice brown apple red copper brown harvard crimson amber brown windsor tan sepia brown prairie brown microcline green golden yellow argus brown nasturtium yellow mustard tan English oak old silver blue fox

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Words For "slightly-built"

As you've probably noticed, words for "slightly-built" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "slightly-built" are: slightly, tabernacle, hut, waspish, and tipsy. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to slightly-built listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "slightly-built" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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