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empty half glass void half-moon temperament gibbous half-price evacuate full hemisphere inane hemi- space HF hollow brim split glassful halfway drain majority vacuous glazing purge top demi- half-length en brimful semi- braggadocio tare semicircle fill crescent last quarter seashell blank clean glazier crystal sharp vacuity southern hemisphere plurality emptiness pessimist backcourt flat vacancy glasswork bottle bank sear plenilune two-way mirror vacant vanity Minotaur mordent semitone
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vitriform deplete downstage Northern Hemisphere midway bottom mediety dimidiate fullness glassworks cant toom leer exhaust desolation negative table chimney clear gainer refill glassy down minority squireen semicircular bumper halfpenny teem leg bastard kaleidoscope whole hemiholohedral silica devoid window punty full-length unpeople minim chuck-full forecourt bluster windy glasshouse griffin dichotomy d hemihedral optimistic cuvette frit buzz bass rationalism calx plenist avoid centaur ullage coupe upstage good addition nelson siege double nothingness phosgene topological space empties wide minor screen half-mast dump minor scale sound chock-full fluorescent lamp dome scoop cenotaph duodecimo stone dead high Seven Cities of Cibola ejector half–moon assurance photochromic hourglass squat moonshine bare werewolf barren lune emptying frippery preterm semi first quarter sabbatical leave hot air Harpy hemistich hypnagogic half-holiday nonempty half price -ious talk overblown vaporing faceplate amount foliation plenitude hearty nadir bocca opal glass pumice overflow issuant glassmaking back sham mustang chromatic semisavage inanition incurable Sagittarius enamel brother sinciput looking glass dot moiety half-life sandiver full-scale haversine coaster silver goal queen closer vitrify e vomit half-size enema paraplegia pablum lunette hemialgia full-size protractor harvest moon watch-glass halve reformado top-up dumb-iron inflated Rupert's drop frothy snifter bottle disgorge trace semibreve seam summer desolate butt caste system height demi-rilievo fuller ferret gorged packed shingles grenade idle cut-glass semioval monotype gather mode wasteland Newfoundland moonscape three-quarter blinking stark tumbler flyleaf quarter watch fully satiate plenilunar semirecondite content cottise flush Michaelis constant gap caracole fluke platoon twilight phalangist French door entirely halftone farce blind cock at full/half throttle sum silicon bloviate manganese pageantry lere cupping hunter's moon wind Head sentence acciaccatura filling full moon live empty-pated free empt empty out parasang hip bone total ravelin near sister diaphanie thoroughgoing cold pit bulb Gill implemented Burne-Jones, Sir Edward reformed empty–cell process drawn glass ghost town working hole dustman half–one half-bottle chicken pull semivitrified deadweight tonne wordster strangury sanitation worker deadweight garbage man vestibule standoff half Florentine glass half as big/much/good as cistern moil pot fisherman's bend parison chockablock lunation reshipper drip mat pot metal kirtle halfendeal top something up top someone up semichorus twist Elijah's chair half–integer period carcass go gut marine opinicus octave recessus jack-in-the-box snakebite staff panisc hircocervus hapa word–mongering plagiocephaly flank speed doff move nullness vest reduction bi- rubidium fly-half blow-over radiothorium colon major critical flicker frequency Assamese stepsister by half windscreen half off stepbrother eighth note semi-elliptical latte jigger middy en dash half–length alderman Allihn filter tube succinamic acid sixteenth note dital hard glass BOGSHP south half first-half deposit bottle/can talking head bleakly fine words butter no parsnips semilune hanger mezza orchestra halfback jabberwocky merman half nephew half niece puke half-back rain glass globe lamp rolled glass east half cerebral hemisphere half cousin the southern hemisphere seed blowpipe chink rhetoric Dutch light eglomise potichomania accordingly mermaid plate glass crystoleum Pilsner gold glass overtime crystallophone bottoming hole demitint fussy pie doffer blue book gamete consequent magnetic latitude median the eastern hemisphere gall half twist lift vacuum sandglass crownwork value brother–german sister–german redundant pallet clink adder quay punt choke-full tinted smoked glass slushy cathartic spicule half-baked stanch to the gunwales summer solstice curve of areas winter solstice Hancock, Tony quarter run top up half-hearted half-time carbamic acid little halves profile stem minitower starfruit bifocals freshener above/below the fold chock–full hilt plurative flight slop shuttler semester mid-session concentration cell journey sash even winter hold empty-headedness cavity population lickspittle point gauge glass mesothorium panspermatism typical bathyal zone hollowly black velvet renversement understatement loose head satyr field-glass complement cytoplasm pegacorn nester shiver green glass flapper definitive cruet optical crown elver intersertal pitchstone silicate paint half aunt hemicerebrum concha semierect uraeum hatch pill tile zirconia debris punt bunting iron greenhouse magnification exsufflicate hemianopia more often than not alternation part-time box semispherical semitangent evacate nothing concave empte quarter-tone sea horse Esq. utter barrister kiwi main-and-tail bleak casualization tantivy bunce translucent half-blue half–time nut semiglobular midterm break night half uncle dim halfness deminatured often verbosity emptied boss apse gross weight art full-term esquire apple turnover nardus phyllosoma emptier not know the half of it semicircular canal back end of a bus animation patriotism dust bowl pleura Mach angle safety glass ramshackle engraved glass Rub' al-Khali piper creampuff stink bomb brogan firing vitrifacture half-title sprat half-crown long appoggiatura half–silvered partition reduce tube trig chocker forequarter turnover mule cave platen plene replete depression slide gasbag cup crystal ball handglass glass-sponge crystallo-engraving husk above (or below) the fold half-breed sweep quarter foam glass hostage quarter moon thrombosis globular projection brimming naily full colour pieno shelf stand-off half strength surbased polytunnel bisulphate offside eyecup harmonic minor scale middle midsemester rouse admission lede tank furnace topology dingbat subgroup lacuna picayune algebra dramatist diamond appreciate -filled saturant et cetera beanie near point boob tube wilderness mess tale free-living back focus bubble heaped full-blown Dagon quarter-pipe cesium 137 pycnostyle halfalogue coral drops pygmy marmoset the international date line polo coat tabloid quarter section paraplegic in full franchise strain registering thermometer newscast note card bourbon vacuole glass cutting frosted opaque sounding tube smoother lading etalon law of tangents glass-snake rarely flint glass wire-glass syllabub flute soda–lime glass gossipy overbrim Carmenére the man in the moon domino rhatanhy public–key axis pond-apple Charon muffin shortcrust pastry annat rhatany alto-rilievo leg-of-mutton sleeve nullah obsidian cullet omphaloptic bull's-eye lucent supermoon cash discount deficient lightroom stereochromy reflex camera griffon history blower kibosh vaseline atrium pachymeter antecedent sash-window eudiometer quarter nelson sublimate curtain–raiser tenuto altogether three–quarter nelson quiet vacate rolling-chock clearing half-cracked vitric bishop suffragan wholly totally spring tide floodplain pack drill mount margin breakage porosity come of age pardessus utmost good faith vitrescence lead tear symmetry reticello ambitty bullseye vitrification berkelium tape guide one-way mirror palagonite headspace float glass watch crystal unglaze quarry glass alb scant completely utterly blast pucellas precariously can perspective vase hurricane tape worry top sth up rejuvenation sit be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageant all Brunello cartoon anticipation declare cartridge pen emblematic Torricellian tube telegraph plant opacifier camera treble oceanarium electric light bulb flytrap potassium pattern mold bottleneck French paste founder air-twist marquise pampas suction drum-headed bombsite creeler lacunar turn out shirt prevelar pall colour twist action at a distance coronation bottle glass apotome spangled albam parallax turn sth out notionality wax extractor hollow out sixain epivalve eastern hemisphere equal temperament halfhearted wall immensity toilet vestibular blow ghost estate unline hermit crab sheet bullion teeming Lehár, Franz nonexecutive director bursting thorny cloudy undivided inner table half-sword semipyramidal half-note walnut shell buttery hatch stand-off cafe curtain barrel vault semiannular semiamplexicaul rathole underflow room track scale bull form conservatory idler crowded side halfway through in the majority scattered clouds semiangle semibarbarism stoop brise–bise interval half-year glow semiproof Medialuna quartile deviation most hypovalve hemicylindrical quarter-watch drowse heel hemicycle hemiparesis interlace halfling say minatory path Plimsoll line limma antinode equipoise loquaciousness vexation non-empty purgative phenospermy cavitation tabula rasa tipcart medium sash window semiorbicular cope bunt demilune semitrailing semi-pelagian bronco nicker semicylindrical dangerous semicircle afternoon filter intonation offcut urn half–sword in the minority semiprostrate mandible hemicentrum half-tester snipe frontcourt fan white sturgeon demo palaver flood Fleming, Ian concerto graphic abbreviation hardening skin zygote sediment double-hung window bank–full string Portacipher half-door meantime arm black stock sesquialteral sesquiduplicate half-page slender skip Grand Central Station razzmatazz jazz prittle-prattle

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Words For "the glass is half full (empty)"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the glass is half full (empty)" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the glass is half full (empty)" are: empty, half, glass, void, and half-moon. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to the glass is half full (empty) listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the glass is half full (empty)" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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