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portraiture POP artless artful artistic calligraphy perfumery sculpture topiary design cinema cookery cinematography dance statecraft painting choreography minstrelsy dramaturgy gastronomy paint oratory critique versification song cartography oil painting rhetoric mime campanology puppetry pedagogy drawing represent horology techno- penmanship didactics art architecture aviation embroidery erotica critic drama collage fence nonart magic gallery artly leechcraft equitation confectionery
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statuary physic pyrotechnics narrative basketry miniature epistolography enamel deco poesy wizardry lied engraving dentistry falconry watercolor caricature geoponics witchery punnology songcraft ars gratia artis ceroplastic psalmody typography schmaltz quattrocento diplomacy bookbinding -ship tectonics salon artificial dramatics accountancy symbology xylography phototypy graphic Last Supper intarsia histrionicism polity waxwork fine art boatmanship iconography mimicry petrography sophistry Gothic literature chirography mantology masonry bicyclism manège plastic art piece artist encaustic construction counterpoint masterwork oeuvre glyptography minimalism horticulture literalism masterpiece -ery [or] -ry stenography cunning skill carving practice build technical artisan stage direction physiognomy printing artifice horsemanship photography woodworking ad abstraction grantsmanship simply abstract maestro comedy farriery op printmaking music mensuration orthophony autotypy macram� [or] macrame pencraft press texture clothing pointing composition tannery photolithography man�ge [or] manege tauromachy declamation melopoeia oneirocritics iconology acrobatics vocalism trick pastel theatre picture virtuosity historiography decoration manner nude representationalism manege equestrianism ship joinery fortification art-for-arter tillage studio artistry artsman gnomonics necromancy imagery education Grecism kidology origami lapidary tatting -gnomy art house conceptualism makimono polygraphy augury polariscopy cinquecento playwriting arithmetic pottery mannerism aesthetician [or] esthetician conventionalize eristic quatrefoil midwifery radiography exhibition longhair lettering metalworking stonework Master stitchery relievo opus war foundry chromolithography genre weaponry fencing Parnassian objectivism pharmacology print shop housecraft craft homiletics witchcraft bibliopegy RCA gumption crystallometry oneirocriticism illumination Jugendstil bonsai inartistic illustration execute commercial art mythography motive production ceramics high-wrought natation improvisation needlecraft needlework rubbish numeration right bridgework r poliorcetics penology alloyage state-of-the-art rhetorician ikebana light abstractionism politics ichnography poetry haute école semiology altimetry arty trinity lithoglyptics craniometry witcraft aeronautics spelling RADA cartomancy DipAD chinoiserie artistical mixology graphical -metry palette wigwag tae kwon do monochrome tachygraphy elocution cosmetology classic paleotechnic mojo dissemblance scrimshaw pianistics work archery rhymery entertainment interpreter gymnastics monochromy etch arˈtistic cultural textile film fishing Tatum cultivation pastiche antique moderne workmanship pugilism junk sculpture naturalist French Impressionism New Art damascene art brut techno-mechanic veneering pastoral decoupage poetics jugglery echometry presagement first lady photochromy French Impressionist sketch op art chiropody phonography gloria aestheticism kendo orthodromy cozenage polemics conversazione holography gilding lexigraphy agitprop blunt renaissance dyeing canoeing stereotypy writing radiophony conservation handicraft tondo idiom inoculation grotesque industrial design Heron shipbuilding naturalistic enginery bronze skiing proficient statism dactyliography haruspicy art moderne nart rejective art kineticism tragedy reductivist discourse chef-d'oeuvre skating sureseater kunstlied science illusion imprimery painture steerage draft -ard sec art sea mist graphics art-critical symbolic DA sciatheric MAE rhythmopoeia representative list mechanic art of self–defense shape -ery arts master art-house macrobiotics enigmatography cyclometry reductive comicry airmanship mister phelloplastics airport art art master microphotography costumery culture pearl oenology oneiroscopy -ing orthometry geometry cathartic hypnotism computer art stereometry decorative art BAE naturally art therapist unartful screenwriting storytelling package fictile mixed media art-critically artow theatrics maistry photomicrography show chandlery trash versecraft orcharding Romanesque psychotherapeutics retouch underground primitivism niggle enclitics opera micrometry heliochromy phonics aesthetic macramé balladry founding anamnestic stage designing cynegetics Sa martial artistry lyricism Malraux homiletic cryptography needlepoint coloration winemaking static hymnography ceramic melismatics fibre artist jockeyship deeply saltatorial fry uncultured bibliopegistic ferrary methodios practicer proplastics thermotypy thymiatechny art school art-for-art's-saker bas-relief andragogy compose home economics cacotechny ryu painter optical phyllomorph rushwork sambo web design stereomicrography academicism glasswork mimic aikido confiture landscape cooperage pinacotheca hyalography philistine photogravurist photomontage skilfully galvanoplasty glyptics unreal gunsmith ing uncultivated intaglio harlotry thespianism verism guerrilla artist kinetic paideutics silat musicography typesetting wiredraw ninjutsu art-historically buskin colouring manticism secco cutlery shoecraft sumi–e whittling realist cabala propaedeutic architectonic distill cameography cabinet bookwork coarsely theory gallerygoer confectory domiculture ceroplasty footmanship gladiatorship goniometry metallochromy Annunciation acting art direct classical classicism preciosity diablerie chef d'oeuvre effort emblazonry forging vaulting ready-made technic balsamation pastorale parquet philosopher pharmacy sleight plastic agriculturism arter distillery treasure salesmanship gesso conservatory capoeira Vasari wordsmanship primary structure lithochromy linebacking kingcraft riding physics forensic calcography archership performance loom installation International Gothic escapology farming fresco jewelry hand art dramatization cartoonery seamstering plasticism unartistic teaching Terpsichore rosette rose surrealism verse piscation phantasmagoria oratoric mystery nautics locksmithery macrame heuristic hypnosis conjuration electrodepositor charged agronomy chronometry carpentry appreciation textury polyacoustics pedotrophy gladiatorism chromophotography dactylioglyphi crabbing ekphrasis anatomize neoprimitivism art-educated art book anti–art Gesamtkunstwerk Uffizi artmobile mechanography neoclassical classicalist dilettante glass cutting abstract-concrete art for art's sake stereotomy secession collection fibre art stereochromic necromancing necromantically flair folkish liturgics zinc engraving theater adultery advanced electro-engraving direction proleptics deaccession trickery turtling institute perspectography inartificial marble relief telescopy professional harmonist art museum sailing sciagraphy surveyor telemetry vermiculation videography water-gilder art-educate animal piece foil barbarian aesthetics art theater alternative investment piping haute cuisine venery calligrapher fancy fashion student dynamometry Etruscan public relations encephalotomy modernist re-rendering reimagine rhetorical cosmometry chorometry statesmancraft tukutuku style deal galvanography enchantment jury penchant layerage furriery potichomania psychometer diesinking ashcan the avant-garde chaste chastity mangonism kinetic art gasometry gem great seicento cultured high art kung fu italianate grammar nomenclature wearable cabalist dressage curator earth artist primitive codology dialectic careless highbrow Terpsichorean execution Victoriana virtuoso art historical beauty create algorism law of frontality monoprint moresque orchesis physicomorph Pevsner Panofsky pharmaceutic practise provenance elect oneiromancy seascape husbandry body art smithery escapologist historicism -ics kitsch transcript artspeak baroque bric-a-brac black-artist book burlesque curiously cycle gunnery gabber technique theorist washi amoretto aesthetic [or] esthetic thaumaturgy aerosol art psychiatry stereotypery stelography longimetry photophony photogalvanography enigmatology culinary conchometry chrysography aurigraphy balloonry artlessly anaglyptics master builder media medicine stagecraft punmanship telegraphy quattrocentism symbolism tivaevae skiagrapher ceramist cellocut theatrical theater [or] theatre figured Diaghilev modinha nickelage old master oleography private view process pseudoclassicism pythonism scherenschnitte bric-a brac barometry deposition from the cross apomecometry folk art dressmaking horologiography found calisthenics plastography polyphonist manoeuvre smithcraft woodcutting textrine aesthete attack basket-weaving book-building carafology Brookner classicist cheesecake mode custodian sphenography train varnishing day zoomorphism Winckelmann fighter architectural agrology featherwork building cheesemaker doldrums gallerist forestry idealism illusionism hieratic judoka magnanerie locksmithing mosaic optometry physically paste-up phonetization painterly printmaker pomiculture practitioner prosody culture vulture line engraving sportsmanship restoration windlass theoretician goldwork calligraph laureate draw splatterwork cutling aesculapian algorithm gravery japanning lady-killing modeler polarimetry stereotypography stethoscopy progressive archetype anthropomorph anaglyphy astrogation armory cyberart linocut depict etching oratorical crossover genethlialogy ceroplastics from nature chromotypography gusto forgery exposition hammer goldsmithery imitation kala inscription Morgan perspective middlebrow review sculptor swordplay thorough rehang artfulness rupestrian viticulture uncouth kineticist macrography psychometrize public speaking pianism draughtsmanship steel engraving empiricism fast faceting balance comic cybernetics diplomatically artificiality -ist lens guilloche psalmography strategy steersmanship black art sugarcraft photogrammetry

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Words For "-art"

As you've probably noticed, words for "-art" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "-art" are: portraiture, POP, artless, artful, and artistic. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to -art listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "-art" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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