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motley polychrome palette coal-swamp color rainbow iridescent variegated tricolor polychromatic prismatic checker emblazon tincture colorful dichromatic chromatic opalescent panchromatic trichromatic contrast primary color coloration varied mordant pastel mottled oil painting dichromic paint orthochromatic carnation piebald checkerboard pansy vivid enamel kaleidoscope patchwork jasper varicolored argyle pied aquarelle neutral tartan clash colorist loud bicolor gouache chromatography prism
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purple achromatic tweed snooker colorimeter run color–blind plaid parquetry multicolored palette knife opal distemper agate illuminate irised calico orchid polychromy red hue onyx two-tone pinto parti-colored shade fauvism primary medley warmth coloring spectrum bunting stripe daub tattoo earth tone light black-and-white variegate dichroism secondary color chintz cool iris anneal monochromatic gradate baize impressionism salute budgerigar dispersion chromotype uncase primrose psychedelic encaustic photochromy opaline flag embroidery zucchetto register blend sunrise gumption dichromatism colour fresco begonia Bright color scheme pleochroism sunset check gros de Londres tint anaglyph tinctorial grave cyan strike two–color dark blue-blind tetrachromatic muted standard garish blue Sable madras pavilion fast imbue saffian leather four–color microcline secondary heliochrome dirndl Day-Glo footman relief map monochromatism gloxinia cyanine striped color phase melanin candy-striped wallpaper sad gay pattern complementary chromatics white olive marble glazing sematic marbled construction paper topaz chromolithograph quiet Day–Glo shrill Persian rug soot ensign tulip dahlia art deco fuchsia angelfish prismatic colors cloisonn� [or] cloisonne mildew spumoni [or] spumone coquina ornitholite abaculus painted violet tertiary color stream azalea sfumato pearlescent bugle various color-blind checkered fixative old go gorgeous warm riot stain water lily picture labradorite rose opalesce complementary colors chromolithography Glen plaid mosaic op art symphony two–tone chambray poecilitic vibrant garnet shot photochromotype variegation chiaroscuro lightness tawdry miniature play intensify opah algerine soft chromatograph subfusc tricolored flare glare against saturation cherry painting gray iridescence medium impasto orange septicolored chromatology bicolored bicolour VGA pavonine deuteranopia saturate indigo colorblind moutan heterochromous metallic armory discolored photochrome appreciation mottle tortoiseshell positive gaud andalusite eglantine pencil xylography flake hollyhock underwing colorative flyingly spectrophotometer saffian hot shoot filter pigment trichromatism parhelion douc dimity proper spectator rhythm spumoni complementation gaudy muumuu matrix resolution fig technicolor parti–striped varicoloured Columbine match hooded chromophotolithograph list scumble argillite metachromatic amassette monographic finger-paint multicolor deep trichroism the Northern Lights stipple dichroite blazon perthite faction diamond cloud fireworks club tie chameleonize trichrome metrochrome spectral gingham megilp Indian corn green squash sunbow pink fluorite lovebird hyacinth budgie wear livery color subdue accord morning glory carbon-print odd–eyed versicolored colorway subdued lurid brown guppy anemone gladiolus arms depth Joseph's coat blackwash color print achromatopsy ablaze sadly streak MOD breccia cestus balance old school tie muffle fugitive tone underglaze aquarellist heterochromatic reisner work water color irisated frontignan impaint boatswain bee-eater water-colorist mellow faience heathery decorator duotone end–of–day glass double–and–twist chromocollotype chromophotography rainbow–colored ombre cambric trogon abalone daltonism petunia bornite crude peziza xanthic noisy allochroous chequer color salute pentachromic flying batik desert brightness naturalism photochromoscope ring-tailed morocco splendid fluorescent ingrain stone color blindness colorman mixture party-coated flamboyant dappled bayadere jacamar spinel wild depaint annealing marbler coccolite epigamic color guard Kashan Oxamine dye somber testaceous flown grandrelle girasol opaque foil satyr colortype induline currier spectroscope harlequin overprint color cycle clouding piedness ground chromotypography skewbald lively tapestry binary color limn dichromat flyfish impasting magenta monography chatoyment buffalo plaid camouflage pointillism hydrangea pottery orchestration colorbred colorbreed fuscous immie orange–tawny ring–tailed discriminate nigrosine smoke marble-paper ticking thunder–and–lightning aniline colour-blind violent parti–color psychological bleed polychromate color chart three–color additive receding color labradorescence fondu available chalcedony chessboard chromoscope color collotype color diagram color model color slab goldfinch inkman iridian gumdrop Kazak kettler livery buntine prismatical achromatic lens Aubusson Bilston cornet butterfly wedgwood blue gibbsite kilim mantle motif registration strontianite in living color Oushak oil marking majolica Jordan almond Kirman busy blond Axminster carpet trichromic stenciler soil hernani racing colors grackle scream ponceau conservative color sergeant steel blue cameo glass handsome peacock-copper duplex magnolite lacquer impression choice drawing quartz self Bohemian glass camo column Quimper ware enamel painting gaily color wheel Sarouk antagonistic purity black-on-black achromatopsia moth motive moderne black wash heather color company blazer porphyrize diffraction ophthalmoleukoscope make polychromism name inharmonious grain troop jewel tone description iridal spectrolite pantochromism variation pure color chromoxylography direct adjective color weakness weroole marble-edged key iron red color printing marquetry Kurdistan Holi reisner ribbon negative serape japonica overglaze ornamentation swatch sweet pea leisure suit chrysanthemum three–color theory ticked block swear tum reentering bole checkerwork club stripe jaspé Newton's disk sequential system apochromat comparator four-color awning cloth depict strong black–and–white reserved delaine Pyromorphidae substantive bombazet bombazette strain shadows perrotine light-horseman neo–Expressionism salpiglossis Cortinarius Damascus ware episematic eye shadow false wash-off Black Watch madras handkerchief chroma–key tapestry carpet black-and-tan fly Yamato–e evanesce disposition urushiye trophy-money hard-edge Limoges enamel Holbein stitch puffin blood-red carnelian burning permanent Magic Marker ingrain carpet chaetodont andradite amphichrome color balance color–sensitize rainbow-wrasse millefiori a la poupee stare legitimate affinity enamel kiln filler–in pyroglazer Rochea orange–rufous Nessler tube washed brighten beige bice colorific trichromat diagonal dapple gillyflower pallet yuruk dasher block brilliant fondus bizarre boce color-guard damselfish azulejo mousseline-de-laine drum veneer moth lantern key form saturated nub megilph strength platy odontoglossum kakemono divisionism coordinate cap black cockatoo bivisible anomalous trichromatism amazon abstract art slash amphichroic sea anemone Rayleigh scattering oxide red Maxwell disk Karabagh reverse video SVGA Thompson gilia de Stijl damage repose swordtail ultraviolet cask interference colors India print chromatrope intermediate anthocyanin honors of war evasive cyanic warrin concordance jaundice pine-oil uranography twist tailing suffuse handle checkers coupler color constancy koi lamba minimalist point d'Hongrie pigment-printing centaurea aster marbling vary lumachella plastide Cleridae typical crystoleum Coston light direct printing methyl-violet mi-parti kaleidoscopic harmony sunset shell carnival glass colorpoint shorthair linoleum phlox display mineral brown natte wallflower pousse–café collotype process printing cloudy cameo urban posterization cocker spaniel gaillardia ammonium dichromate cretonne walnut oil tawny aposematic print scarlet pot metal pink salt blood pheasant Carneau chromatic aberration Etruscan ware Ghiordes pinta dye directional taxite change Chihuahua concord tabaret ware chameleon haze leucoscope granite allophane skyrocket nonpareil Oriental shorthair parrotfish passglas absorption printing quadrille rag-dust rasta cased glass corporal chine decry fix flat aquatint borax benzidine chemigraphy drop flurry joseph minimalism marzacotto masdevallia rainbow-darter Ming mania landwehr rotatory dispersion range bird of paradise buprestidan flower-de-luce Flemish cancrinite Adam belton color separation Bezold–Brücke phenomenon Tricholoma copperas ice-pigeon painted daisy Otitidae posterize neon duck aposematism apatite ivorytype imitative Indian azalea duotype scabious logo notwithstanding cissing sand partridge temper color trade dress art drop box job-printing rosetta-wood tape quartermaster blondinette counter-paly hollow square Memphis scanner Florentine mosaic evoke aplysia aquatinta incompatible stereochromy animadversion after-chrome black doily firing obsolete wash sadden sgraffito sensitometer progressive proof Liebermann–Burchard reaction jaune brillant baltimore oriole dispersive power effect CMYK decorate symbolism complementary color English primrose mask infrared Venetian Liguus paisley olive brown range pole pre-nomination camera obscura diversify displease stanhopea yellow ferret illumination brindle transparency vehicle ranunculus sort ochre chromaticity diagram rich lark leaf phantasmagoria lick show Brocken specter altostratus pitta magpie vision tertiary Indian yellow khalal gorevan Dutch spinelle tarsiatura Buprestidae Müllerian mimicry raku morpho Gmelin's test corolla kakapo sketch umber fixation sand-painting ruff rod pyrrol thumb box pipit contrastive

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Words For "colors"

As you've probably noticed, words for "colors" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "colors" are: motley, polychrome, palette, coal-swamp, and color. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to colors listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "colors" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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