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die starve expire predecease croak exanthema go perish decease dying mortal depart suffocate stamp stifle give up the ghost backward drown return pass succumb kill dice kick kick the bucket back pop off ace fey bite the dust retract nape repay pass away end piggyback horseback fall peg out flatline rear demise retrocede snuff OD burton trey hang conk depart this life dye forbear extrude behind quell famish credit insurance carry off ghost ana- refund drop snuff it
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maker refluent strangle cube redux recover regress remand breathe Sexton, Anne reflex exit breathe one's last shuffle off this mortal coil check out deuce oc- retro- re humpback fail swage cash in cark freeze part bucket check pass on hub OB addorsed repulse asphyxiate roll reverse recoil reflux punch meet your maker s.d. fade backache reflow SD pop your clogs will not long for this world rebound retrieve retro recall swelt cash fallback choke retrograde constrain redouble estate kick off reflect vanish remeant repulsory retrude retropulsive backing gone six burn backless render countermarch restrain backwards withhold swallow WB keep notum result retake forgo hand in one's dinner pail prong die former go the way of all flesh go to one's reward throw (or chuck) a seven intaglio quail flatter cash in one's chips bite the big one go bung up finish buy the farm fulham death turn up one's toes ebb reconduct retoss sass revoke resuscitate revert reflectent deathbed ritenuto mortality smother killing boss throw drop dead lay down your life death wish last pace re- gourd fro retreat hazard leave buy cease moribund print before belly ana resilient remindful recurvate restore BRB recarry recessive stop lip resume pendulous swing boot reimburse unbacked repel resend regain postern again humpbacked draw intestate refer hangman doomed legacy puncheon on last legs blank dead retraction regurgitate recline back-to-back relate retrospect ridge shrink reverberate repercuss backcast regrade bounce resurrect revulse resort revel wigwag retaliate retroduction someone's number is up memento mori come to/meet a sticky end back off rear yard b.o. step out died deye dies meet one's doom going breathe your last Goes bung go to one's grave knock checkout lose one's life tessera slur Fry prop at death's door make it snuffer dee buy it cark it linger make the final/supreme/ultimate sacrifice coup absquatulate flesh hop go to (one's) glory meet one's fate knucklebone breathe your last (breath) give one's life for dorsum backchat reclaim hindmost backmost reconvert high breast repossess backed revehent retort do inheritance goner blight lose your life overdose expose rest review give hunchbacked rearward go back on BO redelivery alley renvoy regive lay revertive opisthodont irrecoverable dorsad outright regressive beck aback shy retroverted resile remit reflexive turn back frank retire half withdraw reflective untread regrede relapse regorge replicate supine rebuff restitute holdback retrace shunt return fire reject make up redeem hop the twig (or stick) peg die in harness multiple press restrike mullar pass out testate slip bleed four hob whirtle aleatory wither rot done for die–cast kick in pip terminal five die-stamping slip away revolving die holder matrix burn to death rack punch with your last/dying breath die off evanish immortal gang press kill yourself fatal cut beat retortion recurrent throwback ham remigrate hold retransform recidivation revive backrest meander o resupine remission scruff reflection refly retransfer control tergum reredos raise sterve first goad meet one's maker fullam freeze to death take the (or one's etc.) secret to the grave on your deathbed drop-dead clam lessen langret subside die chaser parallel loan dos–à–dos bleed to death die in one's sleep starve to death extinguish abort force grass gather meet (living) on borrowed time die with one's boots on peep meet your death/end/fate death sentence at death’s door casualty be cut off/cut down in your prime crimping iron die in bed die (or drop) like flies give up life-and-death lost make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice pop die intestate strike down coin life-threatening failing die casting for dear life drive/send sb to an early grave come to a bad end froze freezing frozen bobsy-die forming die at the hands of someone swing shift master leaf againward tucking–comb cumber forward mutation hop jack backhanded an- riposte end matter fivepins un- loop–back b encumber sling revenant hearken back rejoin back trail spring back rearmost rear–fanged cack-handed backswept climb down hang off open back scratchback back tendon back arrow smoke explosion dors- revolt sizer die book stamp drawplate be left for dead drive (someone) to an early grave be living on borrowed time circle glory die before one's time make an end of chip infant mortality in extremis mortality rate pipe die recess–print quatre spill die in childbirth critical condition Meistersinger number loss swarth be killed outright burnt fatally bumping die taisch mortify die proof killer chipper dry up disappear hubber majority fizzle your number is up die-cast sacrifice one's life momentary t.i.d. must winter–kill afterworld die link inferno fight for your life beat/thrash someone (to) within an inch of their life afterlife diestock lay down your life for sth Judy forming punch counterseal someone’s number is up pestilence touch let nature take its course dinky bereaved drawing punch farm one put an end to set napoo death camp burning make the ultimate sacrifice last words go under blanking punch chinook fuller rope q.i.d. live on borrowed time gall ace-point sprue harken shun backer chill back up BBL retrovert exit charge punk out rehash reflux valve shier resurge stopping reimport reply resail rollback tergant reconnect ennog respectant posticous boat bug chined remise regest water back resuspend gulp hindside rebuy taw wholehearted BBS irretrievable bacne riband back recede fink out high–back repellent shied loose stopped to and fro repurchase backloading second lippy stake straight–backed roost returnment tease front-fanged back number front burner scotch ayeins pickback repercussive back gray backrope bound cornerback shiest unbounded reecho backstroke dwell laggard reposit reinvent screw static retain restoration B2T backyard around restitution loosey-goosey harp spring red–streaked spider cast back early cutback hang behind unreserved refluctuation ledger score recarriage recalcitrate dorso- diamond die tragedy fated herbaceous border hard–core paradise blanking die three compact conditional poison reprieve heart failure draft sine critical drew biennial be curtains for clickable game take bury be fading away/fast sise spacelate eddy the hereafter deep-drawn dab be the death of cannon fodder danger list lock heritable drought deathplace be curtains for sb dulce et decorum est lose the baby strike sb down shearing die hard-core fay push-up drawing brass entail make it through something life insurance box die break die set die stamper diewise dog die out exposé die from/of hunger last rites life pay the ultimate price the Fates two suffrutescent do-or-die Valhalla sice snapping tool foist chance doom afraid cinque fit satisfactory on the critical list piercing punch parting line underworld girdle die like flies death duty estate planning legator apocalypse claim pass on something eternity anthrax pultrude chair lay down one's life lose plot dulce et decorum herb settle someone’s estate infernal execute that (great) the sky euphemism death toll days are numbered bleeding bolster die of/from thirst cutter death day testament critical list trespass tympanum spot dado drawn your hour has come hellfire write (someone) out of put to sleep give sb up bull block poison gas dirt nap linger on patrix have one foot in the grave ago repass Canadian bacon retractable rebut backsliding flat square your shoulders disadvance low-cut recuperation rump relive snap repour resurgent reserve revolute rebounce rebring occiput reel posteriorly retrogress rise again posticum repedation backstretch catching caught bate refloat slum rappel reionize razor-backed vertebrate nuchal supradorsal to–ing and fro–ing backfire backstreet funk realign recuperate nuque lumbago unsparing curb lively fall back dormant whettlebones funking unchecked reprive trammel blink anaclastic detain meet someone's gaze camelback reconvey backchannel chink clawback mellow right-back retransmit heartily revocate recursive recurve recidivate repatriate scrumple unstayed horn alligator re-stream redrive recumbent lag dorse counterbuff bolt upright harken back to retroversion redeliver redivivus redound reget elastic retrally resound retrospective muleback razor–backed return someone's fire suppress backcross foil crab lapse pickaback trace recession hinder razorback regather surprise reassure crookback detrect hamper backside en arrière manacle govern poll stay reintegrate dorsibranchiate repayable notacanthous recycle piggyback ride bad-mouth centre half catch dam dorsi- back-end backasswards

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Words For "die back"

As you've probably noticed, words for "die back" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "die back" are: die, starve, expire, predecease, and croak. There are 936 other words that are related to or similar to die back listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "die back" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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