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shrubbery brush hedgerow brushwood scrub thicket bush topiary shrubby chaparral underbrush cinchona boscage currant blueberry browse hedge alder citrus jasmine arboriculture arboretum buckthorn undergrowth heath dendrology snowberry elder viburnum arbor balm ilex dogwood brake bosky huckleberry thorn rhododendron veld wahoo coca broom buckeye cassia weed rauwolfia daphne arbutus croton cornel laburnum bramble ground cover gardenia box bay landscape evergreen
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underwood rondeletia hazel willow myrica mahonia deutzia hackberry balsam cotoneaster tragacanth mock orange andromeda azalea bushy ficus redbud hibiscus salvia fuchsia amelanchier woodland deciduous bougainvillea candleberry aucuba benzoin rose hawthorn camellia conifer laurel oak gorse honeysuckle poinciana brush fire gooseberry chimonanthus paloverde bayberry barberry myrrh whortleberry paliurus stephanotis holly rhatany yew hornbeam tamarisk cytisus manzanita bottlebrush spirea melastoma melaleuca maple mangrove mesquite fruticose ligustrum ephedra syringa privet hydrangea espalier border frangipani quickset photinia forsythia oleaceous eugenia pinaceous furze bridal wreath smilax chinquapin tump mudar milkwort pieris cowberry potentilla mimosa berberis copse bonsai cherry kumquat lavatera burning bush storax oleander winterberry cistus pyracantha japonica tree custard apple beautyberry euonymus garden palm grevillea undergrove germander sumac serviceberry guava greasewood geebung guaiacum jaborandi witch hazel kurrajong filbert nut proteaceous styrax morinda retama lilac fynbos erica boronia parkland bladdernut gelsemium rhamnaceous phillyrea banksia shrubless skimmia casuarina magnolia birthwort malpighiaceous prosopis unshrubbed cranberry briar wattle maquis grassland cleome brier forest acer green thornbush umbrella tree mulch greenhew poterium plant snowball wood nursery silverweed arbustive ruscus globularia protea elaeagnus allamanda corkwood artemisia saltbush windbreak convolvulus ceanothus retinispora ribes rodwood hoya sagebrush coral spot acroclinium amorpha honey bush acacia coffee acalypha vaccinium sorbus quenouille training Malpighia natal plum arbour juniper gesneriad meadowsweet ephedrine strophanthus bilberry lantana Myrcia osmanthus shrubwood cockspur Shepherdia orache spindle tree pleasance shrub garden sarcocolla cornus alstonia clianthus rockrose peony browsewood tobacco brash pyracanth erythroxylon pyrus shadbush Trema hedging lavender philadelphus nerium chokeberry bearberry rhamnus Alhagi leucadendron pimelea coppice kalanchoe capsicum pittosporum polygala tundra bauera plum reprune busket Echinopanax olive rhus arbustum Cotton ailanthus raspberry abelia bauhinia shrubland blind trimmer stand bushwood summer lilac camel thorn allée petunia myrtaceous eucalyptus schefflera Goodeniaceae alder–leaved buckthorn timber cottonwood viscum hardwood tea olive timberland sambucus Peumus Decaisnea Hydrangeaceae spiraea bush tea bracken larrea mountain cherry candlewood tree myrtle albizzia Callicarpa dendritic piper podocarpus she-oak zebrawood rumex black sage Batodendron dog bramble goji berry cottonbush Romneya figwort boxthorn Sarcocephalus dendrite tree mildew intersperse trainer mallee mistletoe vinca scrubby raddle ironweed pilocarpine Chamaesyce flowering plum field briar Hippophaë macchia crowberry white dogwood leaves red-twigged purple honeysuckle tuft koromiko nurseryman Oxycoccus Putnam scale Quiina braky strychnos Tremandra clearing bushland caatinga Anchietea Amyris bluebush Elaeocarpaceae Euptelea Fouquieriaceae wild honeysuckle phytophagous leaf cenizo golden cypress Pinales Microcitrus spinney alley crop dryandra pleach browsing flank hag moth fruticetum hedge clippers base wallflower aliso vert castanea boobialla Christmas tree potscaping Cerasus Duranta dyer's buckthorn Hercules' club greensman supplejack red bilberry red withe ribbon bed shin-tangle softwood Opilia caulocarpous Pyxidanthera redberry pelargonium parthenium snakewood softscape wild peach twig gall allspice gallery tussore anilao walk Lawsonia Chloranthaceae dwarf birch fisetin Capparidaceae carissa hedge trimmer Gmelina heliotrope Aronia currajong Boraginaceae shelter belt Cinnamodendron Lippia lopping shears Malvaceae spurge treehopper bdellium black-haw frostwork Xylosma Zygophyllum plumeria restharrow scrubland nicker-tree Lycium Pentaphylax Salicaceae Hovenia Rhagodia oleaster oystershell scale palo amarillo tree wax Opiliaceae Tiliaceae Melianthaceae native cranberry Hippocrateaceae echium Loganiaceae dead finish Cyrillaceae Callistemon mountain mahogany Salvadoraceae Diervilla Rhodotypos shelterbelt adragant akia Christ's thorn hazelnut Baccharis Batidaceae Catesbaea drimys palohierro Christ's–thorn nightshade cedar agroforestry wild lemon tabernaemontana brown mallet whitten tree Pernettya Pittosporaceae rue needlebush Myrothamnus Mutisia redroot Guarea lacebark Exostema fremontia dirca Dioscoreaceae Cistaceae rice flower quassia Psilostrophe Plagianthus shadblow Ocotea Miconia Maytenus lotebush pomegranate helichrysum Verbenaceae Theophrastaceae swamp tea yard bloom poison Boehmeria arrayán ardisia salix ironwood mahoe genista Empetraceae fustic Calliandra Dodonaea spiderflower savanna Physocarpus Desmanthus Connaraceae Colutea Daviesia espino false cypress guarri mulga Corylopsis correa Lythraceae Christmas holly Myrtus Notelaea Coniferae Phytolaccaceae Styphelia whitten daisy bush Bixaceae ti crown beard cineraria grub coppice with standards Anthospermum guttiferous bumelia Sapium Fouquieria Taxodiaceae Styracaceae Sonora lac Torrubia uña de gato Codiaeum Colubrina Corema Cymbopetalum yellow sanders zinnia Thevetia valerian Escalloniaceae Unona Violaceae jacaranda Evodia sloe snowbell pomology fever tree ehretia Gaylussacia Grewia Grossulariaceae maple-leaved Hypericum jacobinia Cassytha arbute halesia Chamaebatia avens Cercis Anagyris gum Cichoriaceae Baloghia Barbados flower fence Brya bouvardia decorative derris quinine bush rue family river tea-tree forestiera kolkwitzia Lavandula michelia Malvastrum Monimiaceae Moraceae Ochna Ormosia ouabain Phyllactinia Proteaceae Purshia Quiinaceae Remijia Leonotis Calotropis Meliaceae Melianthus panax Penaeaceae Knightia Rollinia rusot senna Sterculiaceae stevia Willughbeia firethorn fig Scytopetalaceae Trigonia coralberry speedwell Ternstroemia Tetradymia Saint John's wort itea indigo Japanese quince snakeroot spider-flower mock-orange hibbertia oxytropis salmonberry Cotinus cinquefoil Chrysobalanus Casasia bignoniaceous Amaranthaceae lauraceous epacris Lagetta Butea Condalia Connarus Conocarpus deerberry Empetrum flowering cherry Gompholobium Myrtaceae gordonia Helicteres ground hemlock low-bush cranberry Humiriaceae Hippocratea understory Jasminum snowball tree hamelia goat's thorn Maba natural pruning Papaveraceae Psoralea Pycnocoma robinia Royena Randia Saint–John's–wort sesbania Gymnanthes hibernaculum krameria lignum rhodium sapindaceous Guilandina water vine angiosperm apple bush Aizoaceae ajmaline Aquifoliaceae Audibertia guettarda dogberry coral tree Staphylea torchwood Syngonium Suriana Trigoniaceae Triplaris Triumfetta hedge-laying escallonia beefwood bog blackberry cypress Embothrium pachysandra dalea Cestrum Chamaecrista Carpenteria Carpodetus caryopteris Clethra Citharexylum Cunonia Crucianella Corylus Dillenia Dilleniaceae Convolvulaceae ericaceous Cyphomandra Hirtella Appalachian tea scaevola Richea Celastraceae Celtis rhodium wood Citropsis Crataeva diosma candelilla wax burbark Calycanthaceae calycanthus Buxus Coccoloba clusia Dacrydium encelia dwarf juniper Elaeagnaceae garigue Globulariaceae landscaping Gutierrezia Hakea Gomphocarpus Holodiscus Rapanea Jacksonia penaea kalmia metrosideros xanthoxylum algarrobilla Sonneratiaceae aspalathus Asimina Australian saltbush Blumea buffalo berry Borreria clump Taxaceae tea tree Thea timbe Stewartia Suaeda Turneraceae Treculia pavonia Tremandraceae Wikstroemia Vochysia osyris weigela mountain ash Monimia mintbush Millettia Menziesia Melicocca Myoporaceae Leptospermum ledum subcanopy thyme Sorbaria cyrilla eranthemum Euclea flat pea Gomphrena Indian tea Heliotropium low-bush blackberry Indigofera paeony quince tree ribbon border rock candytuft Lagerstroemia Magnoliaceae Litsea Lonchocarpus Malaceae native myrtle Ochnaceae Olacaceae Oleaceae Othonna Parkinsonia Pomaderris Portulacaria Polemoniales Pterospermum Pterostemon Picramnia Picrodendron pipe tree Piptadenia Pisonia citrus canker plantation silverberry Zygophyllaceae Vochysiaceae thuja Templetonia bark witchetty Berberidaceae bush swamp Casimiroa Chionanthus Dombeya Dichapetalum Buxaceae Byrsonima Colletia Buckleya leucothoe Guttiferae inga iva poison ivy Campanulaceae American gooseberry brittlebush Fraxinus fly honeysuckle buddleia Burseraceae Crossosoma thunbergia Lobostemon Myricaceae Pachistima Raphiolepis Pyrularia rabbitbrush Saurauia Salsola Sabiaceae silver bell snakeweed Selago Tamaricaceae Trichilia ulex buchu monstera Xanthoceras Varronia Thymelaeaceae Cupressus acanthus twig borer Viminaria Chrysothamnus Eurya Coriaria Chiococca Excoecaria quinidine Annona blue huckleberry Asclepiadaceae Bursera dicotyledon Brazilian spiderflower Caryophyllales Clerodendron Cupressaceae Calluna Calyptranthes Columellia Cornaceae daisybush Epacridaceae aralia elderberry gastrolobium Gamolepis honey flower Gnetum lignotuber mountain laurel Annonaceae akeake jumping bean Loranthaceae monkey orange Malpighiaceae Olinia Nyctaginaceae Primulales Ptelea persea Rosaceae Russelia Rutaceae Simaroubaceae ziziphus Ximenia fringe Schima Salvadora Ulmaceae mucuna manna Amygdalaceae dracaena flame tree caper Caesalpiniaceae Enkianthus erythrina Exochorda Ebenaceae Garrya Indian plum Guiana plum grossularia Gossypium Hamamelidaceae honeyflower lotus tree Malus umbelliferous

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Words For "shrubs"

As you've probably noticed, words for "shrubs" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "shrubs" are: shrubbery, brush, hedgerow, brushwood, and scrub. There are 993 other words that are related to or similar to shrubs listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "shrubs" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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