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note sharp d quaver flat semiquaver mark demisemiquaver jotting tenner fiver semibreve rose minim crotchet hemidemisemiquaver sub-octave tonic notation c pizzicato suf- eighth note F g appoggiatura b annotation quarter note a e upon sixteenth note minute natural jot half note maker subdial chit clinker value subversive sub-deb acciaccatura fundamental re whole note compare notice tenuto subdominant lah stepwise sub verbo notelet supertonic single
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ti MOT billet item acidulous shake n sv nota bene hold Grace pitch memorandum breve do quote thirty-second note call subrental middle C marker bank note subtonic sup bill la subenfeoff ticket sub noteless line sub specie temporis maturity keynote sol mature subsemitone presentment chirp grace note notable root postil T–note sforzando doh prestissimo noted flimsy mi accommodation memo cognovit note recitation note tune remark fa billet-doux bread-and-butter job sheet Sub-Lt. submarine soh stem comment banknote drone black sub-zero pavonine sug referendum scholium distinguishable te excuse floater long tone fah time note ray prompt spot off-key postscript demand note triad sixtyfourth note submarine sandwich Lion so ut somebody figure discriminate ours accent scrawl under the rose turn Sten gun machine-pistol sanguine false double sharp inflection observe protester tan oncer sub-branched chopper promissory note trill bushbuck forte agrology stop fortissimo fermata mention Scotch snap distinction treasury note yours large pipe headnote sub-prefectorial pause mesosiderite scholastic sub-editorship subsystem Sub-Atlantic rosé baryon spinet regard paper noteholder witness footnote burp gun Sub-Boreal fifty point bank bill preparation staccato shave log slide collate noon NB labyrinth tick greenback richesse count hers hiss orthodome in view of quits -in golgotha immediately advertise admarginate final divisional stylobate Thompson sub-machine-gun double flat tommy gun sum place drop plica memoir sub–bass sub-chantership sub-mountain vibrato sight draft chervonets shellac flats cosigner h flam driven note ill-omened échappée patent note bull note p.n. marry frank locust note of hand sixty-fourth note pease tend forget shaped note neighboring note PN buckwheat note bought–and–sold note character note hum tone clarion cousin-german cent dog-fox glide high take up subsalt ungulate key submediant post-note exchange note P-note neighbor tone packing slip noting love note appreciate auxiliary tone credit receipt packing list neighboring tone Cn sug- bank discount poulet sub-chantry sub judice marabou sur- sub-shaft sub-rented subvarietal sub-treasurership subconscious calomel mezzanine sub-postmistress subintentional sub-plough sup- grass hand Far North sub-postmaster wool sub-lieutenancy sub-freshman e- note payable anacrusis open grave trumpeter bearer suspend endnote sixth poorly citation garrulous prime counterpoint collective changing note parallel perfect pitch tweet pass noter see pry open tone marking thirty–second rejection slip coo tempest muffler tax anticipation note multiplier utility pharmaceutist novel mensural fifth fingered accidental me gl. mort sore alamire redfish mechanical among receipt ornament mash note representative sampling pedal close eighth bearing post-it S/N in sawbuck cack serialism notabilia name five noticeable unessential undernote recitation heft on pitch ran flim semidemisemiquaver sixteenth note–perfect honeybird waterbuck s.v. ladyfish sub-sovereign lieutenant sus- boomslang subclavian gambo-goose acaridan black African Kalashnikov subclass pence horizon drainage humerus coly Diaspora sub-renting eparchy topside sub-cheese novelty township Pullo rainland suc- crowned eagle Buccinidae subalternate sub-treasurer phylum sub-prefecture rockfowl Cape teal scimitarbill psychology bushmeat kori spirobacteria blue swimmer marcato tone cluster driving note E, e C, c ponderable tartini's tones extraordinary A, a G, g notify T–bill cyclop subtone D, d prenote dodecaphonic recognition F, f FRN spherobacteria semiminim sticky row note stick-lac B, b white note touch NIF pineapple mind remarkable pentaquark NLU sixty–fourth note thirty–second note grey duiker discipline ani sub-etheric scope malachite kingfisher Cape buffalo concertmeister type assault rifle snake mamba zebra Owen gun side-note superoctave pellile B–flat true monotonous quarter tongued shook forte-piano stopped gamut apostil twankay G–sharp renew punctus repetition C–sharp torturous quantity sawyer smacker notability discord doggone A–sharp misplay peso observation whenever spigot distinguish groundhog letter implication sign dinar dollar beside track tie side note scythewhet aide-mémoire stopping harmonic unequal connecting note erminois semidemiquaver E–flat whitsunday water opossum hint angolar diarize descending diphthong D–flat ermines inflect G–flat kite healthful D–sharp ourself peabird F–sharp record salient embellishment impractical chroma whole-note yen flatter delegate turnaround suboctave time-value notehead helmet-shrike Eisbock sub-treasury sheathbill sclerenchyma stock Magosian Pipidae fellow bombard mousebird double passing note black rhinoceros sub-optimal ice beer Jivaro savanna elephant hypo oxpecker c-note dove octave PPS subgroup topi fellowship secretary bird tertiary d. complement respect eldest parentese observator observable mugwump principle sensible queue lightwood importance effect durn barbarity unexceptional grinder bend absentee drop someone a line aide-memoire psychological reeler f [or] F flatten drew redemption tare sustain grease gumbo stanch spindle flag connote post plumb less whomever tent torpedo separation slip partner historic hi concerning deaf-mute comprise difference dominant encash advancement mayn't listen margent mankind theirselves announcement murderess nauseating hardy boulevard brook branch aren't square notation retire syncopation boatswain's pipe subdepartment skirlcock eroteme herewith d [or] D drawn frogskin wedge scroll spotted calendar relative pitch strike c [or] C ten woof due echo firedog everwhich businessman chief chromatic freshman cyber- discern alt adjutator admittance adulteress haole it's psychologic skeeter sostenuto standee sport minimize patroness payer drawing swoop unawares seductress seldom semi- whippletree chart enrol encashment half-note wainbote paragraph blast dotted rhythm open note white prepare plate letter authentic post note hemi-demi-semiquaver mordent meet media lend draw double appoggiatura staunch whistle unison tilt thence half-rest temptress sculptress semiweekly G & S keep count (or a count) lift e [or] E obscure state dollar presentation motoric sharpen inhabitable shilfa shrill-gorged suckanhock suigothus independent gourmand ursal discomfort wood-note visigoth a [or] A continuation attack b [or] B shoulder note suicide note ambassadress bimonthly biweekly charivari oral coda collation springer fundamental note stewardess subjunctive teeter under tsar unimportance whom woke songstress dandle businesswoman denote badly redeem potato historical awaken biyearly elucidative laxative seed-lac aeger teeter-tail bugle bichord spokesperson drop (someone) a line atonal ekuele articulate fundamental bass government note loco-spot argufy g [or] G median monotone motherese retrograde reˈminder missive syllabic counsel stumer note receivable peckerwood serenade archaeology pedology commissioned officer pennant canon pralltriller Atlantic peul pica transit regolith flocculus blue tick tragelaph bushpig pulmonata submissive dubstep subordinating conjunction tsetse fly -ful neighbor note shuffle inverted mordent reveille gun letter-paper leading note transient mortgage anticipation reciting note Pythagorean comma super-octave homophonic quarter-rest long appoggiatura arithmetical discount homophonous advice note afterbeat bond short appoggiatura note verbale Swanee whistle resolve escape note c. dotted note seventh musical sand meter soldiering stag savor undue personage vellon wot pro memoria book black mark cross reference C & G breviate bordereau quarter rest all altissimo adventuress bobwhite attendee company buy career brung clever epicure emigrate dismal distinctive drunken expect short–dated whole rest credulous crick sixty–fourth rest ill-bred intensive cf. might minority major mulatto not engaged tone conjunct tetrachord parkway power pricket returnee respecting waitress waver compare and contrast unanticipated unguiculate triclinic plastid read gloss reduce tow terrace theme several quotation-mark sit denomination spokesman spokeswoman squeaker soda inscription sorel shrift yourself inverted triad obˈserver pedal point play babbler demicadence electrotypy deem cephalic flute the spider run round change C & M in/out of tune plastide codicil degree hart indorsement ill-looking string unaccented uncirculated chord over–the–counter redback single–name paper chitty cite heiress meridian monophonous

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Words For "sub-note"

As you've probably noticed, words for "sub-note" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "sub-note" are: note, sharp, d, quaver, and flat. There are 990 other words that are related to or similar to sub-note listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "sub-note" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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