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bone bony bare bones bare Bône denude naked nude skeleton bare bone barefoot buff tarsus jaw gymno- boneless carpus carpal denudate bald ligament strip boned ankylosis phalanx uncover fistfight crossbones ossuary symphysis upholstery fundamentally fillet osteology vertebra marrow bonesetter articulation osteopathy tonsure parietal bleak periosteum rib flesh wound interosseous halter joint fibula palatine unclothe bareback cuneiform pelvis expose barehanded arthrosis
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stark dib nasal osteoporosis boner debone nudi- metatarsal flesh metacarpus deplume scapula raw hyoid charnel backbone suture osteography osteomalacia skull malleus osteocolla postpalatine bonemeal sesamoid syndesmosis metacarpal scalp uncovered tusk talus ringbone open sagittal scar bone meal pubis big-boned shoulder blade fontanelle tibia Paget's disease stapes meniscus barelegged go bare very withers jawbone spaghetti radius bare-knuckle ankylose osteocope fillet [or] filet clavicle sinus thin ischium exposure turbinate fontanel fisticuffs shrine spine ilium synarthrosis redshank lordosis kitchen midden coarticulation shave tarsal knit osteotomy pyramidal tor arthrodesis innominate bone out simple muffle incus dog biscuit orthopedic syssarcosis collarbone pterygoquadrate cuboid rhinion ossiferous hook barn blank navicular synchondrosis stock knuckle joint ulna ablaqueation astragalus stirrup bone mangy scatter rug tube top turkey intersesamoid metopic self-evident bonfire astragal ethmoid HAND hirstie stark-naked psil- sunbathe bare-assed barehand bared clean waste GUT low premaxilla open-headed baring skin dislocation malacosteon articulate anvil oven glove barren moon brass knuckles oven cloth dene royal palm threadbare capuchin pad coronal suture knitting caries oven mitt multangular periodontal fumet worm calcium neat's-foot oil bone marrow temporal bone charnel house dysplasia wrist intermetatarsal subluxation boneblack pin nasion homophone splint cheekbone lean Bridge mesocuneiform sacroiliac rawboned holorhinal pectinal hipbone excavate grass fighter nasofrontal rheumatism triquetrum boning bushless unbare let scarth barefooted bam boneset sparing barenecked gymn- rickets prepubis pinion middle ear arch lambdoid craggy marsupial astragalomancy intertarsal long bone kickboxing mere intercostal gelatin skeletal synovial fluid diastasis ride synostosis brainpan rames skeletal muscle unclad hungry rugged buck-naked pioneer osteoarthropathy mitt hairless rifle slugfest midden denudation afforest five-star raw 'uns bareness doff filet feel quadratojugal pycnodysostosis griskin phalangeal pharyngeal condor bude decalcify traction osseously dry-boned bare one's fangs disclose beaten flat widow clinically barely nudum pactum cranial index bite stonecrop intermaxillary ossiculated rotten-boned scant detect glabriate cut (or pare) something to the bone pubes ossein canaliculus disc frontal ungual ache premaxillary fossilize articular mons veneris sagitta nog musculoskeletal lysine mons pubis nake bareheaded dog's chance rock face osteopsathyrosis scapulimancy break down decalcification scapholunar table boneache pterygopalatine intermetacarpal osteo- polyostotic coccyx muscle casting girdle orthopaedic triquetral cast slide rheumatic fever brittle maxilla sprain disk pneumatic metatarsus lamina medulla hinge joint epipodiale intercarpal carious disarticulate tarsale ossivorous osteogenesis imperfecta orthopedics scizorhinal commissure cubitale collagen calcium carbonate galantine skin and bones spinal column arthritis cancellous bone phosphate osteomancy pedicel osteomanty stays empty austere horn shirtless minimalist cutbank lithophyte sledge nudation ablaqueate shear bleakness fell sheer rampiked sleeving bar clinical gout rheumatoid arthritis pinion-bone tarse postpalatal pubofemoral cartilaginous parietal bone bone ash -boned on/off the bone pubic symphysis intertrochanteric escalope dibs cancellated exossate ossifragous hypohyal articulator catagmatic sinew scrawny demineralize little corella osseous calvaria exosstate rabdology mattress rook swimsuit key map drylot red-eyed sea egg sterile verbality barish dry point subsistence level hog-nosed skunk cat–haul estrepe bateleur black vulture mankle kick boxing mooner upward apterium pure turkey vulture robeless malpais crawling chimpanzee monokini scud mud flat rhinarium hardscrabble flash (or chuck) a browneye rat-tail intervertebral mend distale face bone cervical head bone interpubic bag eyebone avow osteopterygious mesopodiale nasethmoid ivory boneyard medallion carpometacarpus mesoplastral radiocarpal subcostal subpubic french marrowbone sacral lay bone osteopetrosis entocuniform marrow spoon off-white metatarsophalangeal sarcoma growing pains prenasal stay marrow-spoon pearl ectocuniform unbone scrimshaw rugine knuckle mesocuniform on the bone transverse suture cockal off the bone pneumatize roll rongeur dig avouch trapezoid metapodiale interparietal perioptic raw-boned binding post eke pelage pelt-rot sound succula paramo snarl jigger think piece bastinado bare–root bend crown imperial grey matter interrupted limestone pavement prisere harrier hawk blacksmith rip kick-boxing metapodial alisphenoid make chiropractor temporomandibular metacarpophalangeal fish bone roche moutonnée spank francolin caracara usus land yacht white ibis dew poison macaw exposition noble down adjutant cissing event red-necked francolin naked fallow chronicle rasper chiller crest costal axonost temporal facial suture animal glue aspic palatal acromegaly Ctenodipterini trochocephalia tendinous channel periotic platyrrhinian sphenoid ear bone fabella cuniform pharyngeal bone osteopath bufonite osteochondroma Jolly Roger lupus ligamentum flavum intervertebral disc jelly raspatory rockfowl wrestling ostrich lichen vulture dispense masking paper bone spirit bone bed bur hip bone tarsectomy subcaudal spongious actinost sharp malleolus interphalangeal Hyperoodon head-mould-shot carpometacarpal felt millet disease radioulnar myelocytomatosis spondylosis porosis mesopodial interspinal join basihyal ethmoturbinal mons bioarchaeology occipitofrontal pachycephaly osteometry cleaver pericranium pecten anchylose scalper hypural ischiopubic malleolar iliac malalignment calcaneofibular scraggy chorda coccygeal yaws manipulate osteoarthritis radiology occipitomastoid sphenoparietal kinesis drum and bass spartan flume box imperative nudity roast roseate spoonbill Thai boxing potholder uakari noseprint mudflat autosled corella emu parial tablature incisive barebone angular condyle feeling deep-set ligamentous taxis thoracic vertebra spare ribs spareribs sutura sphenofrontal thoracodorsal vertebrata coronoid antrum stop mammal nasoturbinal osteoclast scintigraphy pick concha pneumatical synovial screw emaciated nasopalatine sphenosquamosal frame jump irregular lamella ossicle tambo aponeurosis desquamatory bone-black confluent turbinal bone china -osteus roofing bone bone conduction cranial bones cranial segment X-ray ASIS bone breccia remineralize rib cage compression fracture fused body bone brown lunate sternum interhemal radial orthopaedics gelatine bone structure lacunar phalange interosseus epipubic suprapygal x–ray occipitoparietal otolith bi–iliac callus biomineralization cubital death bone axis death's–head hyperparathyroidism greenbone legged proximal radii hand-winged carpale skull and crossbones sternocostal calcaneum osteotome union cancelli abdominal rib ala fiber of Sharpey ammonia liquor leprosy bone picker chondrocranium ginglymus internodium lambda loin thumb drill rollmop Colles' fracture the malleus synovectomy marsupial bone amphiarthrosis palatoquadrate temporomandibular joint disorder basitemporal archaeology cornu back sinew sagittal suture splice fat–tailed sheep neat's–foot oil the Jolly Roger clapper brachial achondroplasia otocranial knacker shin harmonic suture leg hamstring desquamation pterygoid spina biocrystal craniosacral therapy palaeontology hammertoe break malleoincudal ague multiple myeloma pantie girdle pharyngobranchial sinusitis matrix spinae glue cranium divaricate supracaudal supramastoid process pterion pubic double-jointed acromio-clavicular resection rounceval battered child syndrome frontal bone cetotolite fenestra hipped pellet laminectomy quadrate mollusk rigor mortis pharyngeal tooth planiform urn burial degrease notch interarticular tendron tibiofibular capillary supratemporal tarsometatarsus pharyngognathi fairy tern thing-in-itself sled cassowary motley etching spoom maleo hamadryas baboon submerged-arc welding black–billed cuckoo scrub crane forsythia free sacred ibis obscenity clear guinea fowl thong rat's tail fescue mossed bark antiseptic baboon campo slipped disc cuiejo frontal nasal spine resomation vitamin D hyperextend interneural myeloma ligamentum

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Words For "bare-bones"

As you've probably noticed, words for "bare-bones" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "bare-bones" are: bone, bony, bare bones, bare, and Bône. There are 890 other words that are related to or similar to bare-bones listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "bare-bones" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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