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bear carry claw talon devil's claw unguis borne bruin bearskin bore fruit ungual cub grizzly sustain chela fructify bearish endure pounce support Brook dewclaw teddy bear Berry stomach testify comport overbear sere hold crab bare press born ursine witness polar bear teddy suffer black bear clee grizzly bear stand unguiculate burdensome scapegoat thole monodactylous attest bearing push bull port insufferable cloy burden crop give have clutch main en griffe
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depose weigh nail clawed wear fiddler crab Digest pay breed acquit Kodiak bear throw Malayan bear exert bring heavy koala birth yean produce tolerate pincers abear charge lift great anteater giant anteater accipiter sway armiger seed bitter mind brown bear tough lark nipper intolerable behave message bide overpress withstand scrabble weather compare convey sow consider wrecking bar acuminate defray bruang unbearable cross millstone arm pincer hard bed stiff ice bear undergo teem sheathe musquaw white bear hostile crow she-bear oversway treat sea bear Callisto homonym spiderwort receive remember falcula unce positive clutch clawing ungui- crapple unicorn plant gooseberry goosefoot vouch cypripedium groundsel tread deinonychus pod bloom outbrazen stood exercise kitten depone standing leaf gripe honey bear yield single beer forgetfulness grievous rifle bar dog downbear oppressive swallow cleuk crowfoot black–bead turnkey dactyl chelicera chely uncus main-en-griffe bird's-foot cramp ball–and–claw foot Florida cat's–claw cheli- clawk correlate wolfsbane bignonia rocket bellflower poinciana jasmine cymbidium stay bridal wreath vervain delinquency hepatica figwort buckthorn infant adduce campanula train grudge tritoma campion turtlehead Samuel resemble coreopsis ursiform patient analogism linden blue flag paloverde sleeper longanimity fray floribunda bindweed hellebore candytuft translate sit Kodiak afford stretch protest hang coucal autotomy bhalu hammertoe kindle hardship owe upbear claw-foot sclaw rake clapperclaw ungula goll Solomon's seal elder madder catalpa motherwort wahoo earthnut pimpernel cyclamen basidiomycete chokecherry lady's-slipper winterberry sand verbena tuna oleander aloe thorn apple oca speedwell Indian paintbrush gentian redbud souari nopal four-o'clock spurge surfperch cryptogam scabiosa saxifrage arct- dree piper apple California feverbush chaetura drab jungle bear labiate bear perk revegetate overbearing hardy blue bear isabelline bear bear caterpillar snow bear black scrub oak Down abide bait unendurable put pedipalpus biunguiculate onych- tardigrade scorpion neonychium barker jaw clutch fang claw–tailed yucca intolerant wash record cinnamon bear marigold jim-crow branch concentrate dubb cheliform stand for bred moon bear woolly worm eyestalk bear-baiting impatience car tassel bush breeding clover resent Twins skunkbush washer bere Himalayan black bear fetch get barren oak pose bitterbush twin bearward yellow bear shoulder sack soothe carl jersey cream holding Kadiak bear tamanoir bear's–bush weighty salamander mouth maintain held American black bear ungular shoot peg crab claw clawless lark–heeled mononychous titlark unguiform unguicular import cave bear load spermatophyte transport tote strong fill ursoid loaded smile pregravate spectacled bear brunt antbear give birth fawn spore proliferate hack panic barren outbring insupportable cottonwood rose has circumfer had bear pit bethink consideration fyrd paw outface cynarctomachy parent reget bear in mind dentary claw foot ice claw ice tongs Governor Winthrop desk digitus pipit claw bar collet dactylar bird–claw digit claw–foot spur–heeled heron falculate unguiculated fiddler cat scratch fever tusk bearherd woolly-bear grind sprout aswail cone blasted parturient male grape hyacinth jujube bear–hug woubit favor pole refer pup severe cast infer bear's grease date cruel blow have something against someone longanimous murderous trying brandish bearishness foal flower undercrest subhumerate brave carrier fetiparous irresponsible eat red panda bear animalcule sand badger horse stew royalize ephraim ca Cabassous lobster claw rat–claw foot hammerhead sugar tongs farrier's hammer claw–and–ball foot empodium grim tyrannosaur weapon hammer palmarian wombat stand treat kid siliciclastic as bearable bear squeeze no easy thing pressure wing whelp caulocarpic relieved pertain lug dominate distrain grape get on top of nurse tangent proportion twist euphoria lie lenitive fruitful alleviatory heraldry tribulation Paris garden send bear raider siliquosa hedgehog caterpillar bearcat plough stick leviable currant moderation peise assimilate bearbaiting exceed cutover sport reproduce bear hug light lime palliative parity ball unwatchable deport alleviate Alaudidae giant crab dibber longspur plantula Megachiroptera tarsus dig pectinate claw churn sheep's-foot kite eagle sheep's–foot utahraptor hand-flower falcated ripping bar dromaeosaurid sting backing hammer uña de gato bird's–foot trefoil Goldilocks Barren Ground bear homograph browbeat Asiatic black bear mountain misery fishing bear white yellow woolly bear Albert I caulis caulocarpous grappling tardigrada tenter churlish bearer bear garden groan convergence broom discharge arctic grin implicate jargon aphasia guarantee shooting star tide spruce power play rank scent overpowering diallage fix can't be doing with sth Syrian bear earwitness tensile strength -worthy vanaspati verso undivided migraine be (like) a millstone around your neck blinking shore short-winded share Bernard buckram working load crowberry ill bachelor's buttons Melursus linkboy put forth marmot major Sulphur Yakutat bear perjure passive Japanese bear identification propagate tolerant tiger moth mulberry chipper bee orchid mustard Amentiferae hazel guava osteoarthritis conifer hemlock female frog's-bit plum pink bull market nolina overpopulate red bear atlas bejesus foster difference tolerance homology sour shady unbacked reverse waft pavement sterile tamandua parapophysis traverse mutular mylodon quinine bush silvertip frogbit kumquat amomum allamanda honey-bear breast drill carline weigh in carpet beetle exclusive livable eyewitness application detassel orchid chip concern egret Latinize hure lima bean sloth bear fyrdung recarry take peony pine ride down funicle tamper Thalarctos long-suffering puberty malice calver catclaw acacia logistic escambron velociraptor muticous subchela spur hoof Pithecolobium hoatzin signal crayfish deinonychosaur claw tool prosauropod griffe prong Texas catclaw rhodoplast bumelia larkspur relish pea respiratory trumpet Macrobiotus bruise bearberry fortitude Ursa Major shot ant-eater larch glacier bear hibernate yew water lily Myrmecophagidae bay gree a turn of the screw Abominable Snowman bend petunia calculation carnation nightshade inure sb to sth try prickly pear hydrostatic arch goldenrod tail reciprocal pronoun satsuma sacahuiste Simon Selenarctos charioteer checkerspot another otter utricularia Great Bear Lake bag bugbear bearwalker spindle tablet conscientious objector glow-worm ice bridge domino have had it (up to here) with go steak knotted wrack interpose quinine-bush moose squeeze sound koala (bear) fur pinch conch beast spectacled Myrmecophaga cherry canvas gonk disclaim alioth anastrophe act harsh intolerance smart mask stop peloria Russian bear hyacinth heavily infecund geranium modify musketry inner tube ammunition analogue apteryx fan–footed gecko scale stopper scimitar woodruff Lepidoptera mango trick bulk bill caveat emptor loosestrife meadow rue portulaca sundew thrift sweet cicely syringa verbena boneset wood sorrel yellowwood eye-bite pteridophyta rear leguminous kinkajou scenario cynosure charger gold-stick growl Gastrotricha deer oak

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Words For "bear claw"

As you've probably noticed, words for "bear claw" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "bear claw" are: bear, carry, claw, talon, and devil's claw. There are 852 other words that are related to or similar to bear claw listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "bear claw" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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