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clap hide eye hidden goggle blindfold squint blink look flatfish binocular sloe-eyed stare twinkle applaud wink thunderclap visor goggle-eyed oculate see stargazer eyed blear convergence cross-eyed spat open-eyed forehead handclap downcast bleary rest beady squint-eyed eye contact ocular glassy brow fix blue-eyed crab fall face seel bug-eyed clapper wide-eyed green-eyed optic light clear-eyed Bug eyer mist sunglasses almond-eyed ox-eyed bird's-eye gaze avert
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red-eye flop blinder hollow-eyed bloodshot sight peeper eyeless moist eyestrain stool stalk-eyed bridge popeyed bleary-eyed fasten eyewear eyewash feast cast walleyed pink-eyed daylight cheek upon pop-eyed baby blue eyeliner red pop hyperopia dry water hammerhead fixate blinking slapstick connive ocularist roll hoodwink blind multocular shine head clapped put one's hands together clapping glint moon-eyed tender-eyed tear black-eyed squinch eyewater ray watch teary nail gleam deep-set glitter Himalayan mole-eyed beady-eyed ophthalmology eyewitness goggles tear gas peel owl dark hooded supraocular pig-eyed lookdown contact lens gonorrhea sleep ophthalmic highlighter ophthalmologist kajal albino nightjar ovation vision optometry baby blues brunette cockeyed shut bright-eyed eyghen octonocular binoculate eyen eghen kewpie ommatidium focus Podophthalmia glaze frown clapometer round-eyed sparkle liquid upcast dim misty–eyed humiliate eye level wink at optokinetic spectacular biocular hungry prick eyecup gastrolith heredity arrest clasp pretty lobster piercing hazel vergence oculated agoggled fire-eyed red-eyed standing ovation a misty hand barred owl postocular seeing autoptic cry rheum interocular eyelash lock-sill cross–eye shrew glare tetramorph sting sloe–eyed podophthalmous tarsier fall on/upon sth wide-set argus feature abacinate Russian Blue lachrymator behold unblind misty-eyed handkerchief the sandman ardent eyelessness rake open–eyed sweep line disk teary-eyed anisometropia doe–eyed dewy-eyed haggard ländler askance facet dry-eyed wide acclaim lace bug–eyed lighten speak starry clear lippitude goggle–eyed closed optometrist settle Ross seal hollow -eyed eyeshade dwell cheekbone off affix glue eyes out on stalks on flathead pip glazier settle on temple sessile-eyed unfocused sinistral stalk–eyed easy glimmer collyrium colouring start discern asquint cuatro–ojos ogle shiner strabismus snap beaux yeux the windows of the soul weep kohl blaze rove twinkling stalk glib melanism wall preocular cowfish intently dichoptic large–eyed techno color eye-lotion red–eyed hideous flash open wrinkle beholder bag eye-gouging wild–eyed stalk–eyed fly blinker eye socket goggle-eye trochlear Kawasaki disease close-set bleary–eyed darken glass clapnet goatsucker hypnotism clash glasses harsh optical eyebrow hay fever skin tag eye gaze puffy American plaice funnel MEGO brimful octophthalmous autopsy jaundice dove–eyed pinky nictate senocular alipata squeeze one's eyes shut (or closed) compound eye poison tree brunet gazelle incensed neomycin bushbaby drop spectacled Redding lamp blinkingly make hood blonde eyedropper starry-eyed domino slit–eyed wild-eyed small-eyed exoculate optic nerve korat yellow-eyed grey-eyed fire–eyed eyeglass milky mangrove cross-eye blinding tree blue–eyed big-eyed polyommatous googly gangwa rousing palm slow handclap all eyes are on sb/sth Bothidae blood clam Turkish Van flap give (sth) up rest on sb/sth heck dreamy head-up display right-eyed flounder be riveted on/to someone/something rex sole black–and–tan bull's–eye rot stealth bomber forecastle gecko bull's-eye saccade Siamese cat fruit bat come to rest heterosomati fix on fasten on Malacostraca ring-tailed lemur Pipunculidae telescope fly io arrowtooth flounder pince-nez spit curl sweatband make-up cicada kiss curl horopter elegiac obstetrician clack lidded dimmy seen skive slit-eyed gleaming copepod agaze wandering gazelle–eyed buck-eyed wishful Argus-eyed moon–eyed ophthalmo- rose–colored glasses pig–eyed knuckle joint Pleuronectidae cynosure look after owl-eyed eye-watering saw eye-spotted oculo- bring the house down gonorrhoea personification clap sb out afterclap patty–cake bang curtain call side–eyed vertical gawk right-eyed Eucarida radiant flea weevil hot cockles hypercorrect Magellanic penguin sincere smile corpse pose gunter iron hoatzin frog invigilate swordfish sentimentality dioptrate big–eyed bug hagfish welder's helmet nephrops Rissoidae Limanda snowman flounder peroxyacetyl nitrate impersonal lacewing desired ragamuffin whirligig beetle Cynoglossidae shaken baby syndrome follow boarfish slit square eyes glassy–eyed drier microphthalmia odd–eyed civilly dead squeeze one's eyes shut piggy laughter lines in tears ox–eyed exophthalmic oculofrontal almond–eyed aphakial swimming bedroom eye-bugging dull-eyed rivet open-mouthed bird's–eye mad-eyed limpid hid view rolling eyed agrappes hiding isometropia lacrimal slitty line of vision languishing cloudy oculonasal mydriatic oculocephalic dried cat–eyed greenhead eye-straining vacant thick drying have eyes like saucers dryer large-eyed intend revert driest eye lotion ommateal observe sightless visual expectation try focused sparkling blear-eyed cloud lock eye-opener eye-soreness cave beetle eagle eye delacrymation white-eyed clapboard Heteromyidae meet scald clapperboard ataxia–telangiectasia sentry videofit scan identikit fleck mace rose pop-eye gastropod descry film color Nereidae pang onchocerciasis interobjective distance gimlet lit bends auto-ophthalmoscope screw up one's face/eyes pull escolar binoculars believe eyeline oxeyed oculist eye shield owlish dance crow's-feet cat's–eye dust screw up carton perspective savasana glazed forswear flood periorbital get (all) misty knuckle cross goo–goo lighting eyelevel cyanope eyedrops eye-controlled swim pseudocellus age baggy almond eyes crow’s feet bend undine steely first-person greeneye swollen spy eyewards fall on (or upon) goldeneye glaucope holoptic lacklustre love-light lightness blinkard eye pencil tearful bent a twinkle in one's eye dazzling mist (sth) over/up rheumy spintherism nictation penetrate prominent stemma lateroversion a light in someone’s eyes cover refraction ring-eyed unblinking round–eyed squint–eyed ern delicious screw one's face/eyes up irised postorbital big–eyed rheumatic superciliary squeeze eye doctor eye sweep chihuahua pierce yama infraocular glaring heads-up sunglass nine-eyed water-pump nictitation pink plat–eye ocularly stray turn refocus young-eyed liner lights eyecraft eye guard doe-eyed wall-eye mash crow-trodden dove-eyed taxidermist garble domicile sitcom fatigue bird–eyed googly–eyed onrush jack-o'-lantern drama virile clapperclaw ana- lecturing responsiveness hereditary melt staring sightseer somnambulate transfixed furious hyperkeratosis enchanted gene imploringly Decapoda phylactery circadian filmy fawn improper madly mole Polychaeta attitude recessive pseudocone shuttered hendiadys amber bulge albinoism eye veil fix with horned toad polymeniscous eye gel unclose agate-eyed bat your eyes/eyelashes crow's–foot hold someone’s gaze corn snake lift binoculus blindfish bull's–eye window slowworm optician rhabdom cephalopod display douroucouli the sun is in someone's eyes protocerebrum walleye fish fleet REM sleep hawk-eyed -ophthalmus hemianopia goo-goo minister's face light-haired lineament neck ophthalmite throw temporal run sensitometer heddle light up intent eye-rolling astigmatic streaming eye-play bandage anime eye panel exoculation sandman eyeshine peak stony pupilled rheumed swivel-eyed kotuku craniofacial implant lamella look through Oonopidae -omma planaria prestige enseel ferret-eye eye-saint peek lidless eye backer zosterops acrid blinkers binocular vision dejected expressionless eye strain heavy cross eyes dark glasses toad bug coma vigil wraparounds far eyedness eyeshadow look right through someone eye shadow eye worm fusion hippus flesh lorgnette poisonous star bat sunken screwed-up float eye make-up crow's feet crosseye eyes meet cat-eyed devout edriophthalma euphrasy extra-ocular soft foreface uphasp blind snake attention glassy-eyed dazzle input bird's–eye maple black cave fish frog-eyed sauger rain

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Words For "clap eyes on"

As you've probably noticed, words for "clap eyes on" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "clap eyes on" are: clap, hide, eye, hidden, and goggle. There are 871 other words that are related to or similar to clap eyes on listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "clap eyes on" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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