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die posthumous mortal mortality crucifixion decease demise croak expire martyrdom kill death execution autopsy obit moribund fatality purgatory coroner end hang deathly dying stamp ace reprieve fay dice knell obituary retirement income insurance trey life rest deathbed bereavement tontine mort agony estate postmortem dead death knell inquest deuce necrosis declaration fey euthanasia quietus eternity passing macabre depart extrude grave bereaved lose loss fatal
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necrology deadly monody in extremis rigor mortis kick the bucket punch survive OD SIDS mourning exit mourn rattle fatally hub pip electric chair mortally crucify succumb matrix paradise departure hanging capital kick heir bleed transmigrate sudden infant death syndrome killing ghost death wish expiration swage go capital punishment dado behind viaticum for dear life Thanatos thanatology spirit expiry pass away will bequeath death's-head post-mortem kaddish deathblow strangle resurrection hazard mortician Cross curtain asleep predecease life insurance passion snuff death certificate medical examiner roll the death penalty six double indemnity doom cot death burton pass utterance tragedy respite drown flatter open verdict heriot other world restrike Kali perish quell bucket hereafter death bell reversion feticide flatline gladiator throw depart this life give up the ghost lethe peg out necro- mortify terminal reincarnation conk fuller bitter end dispatch passion play flan former fulham testament anabiosis mortuary crib death thanatopsis token boss necropsy slur devolution sarin pop off deathward finish snuff it expose last dye gourd necrobiosis leave pass on assurance burn Dutch elm disease banshee do print rope living will cockfight Purple Heart aleatory mustard gas night heart failure starve breathe one's last shuffle off this mortal coil abator check out stake death warrant megadeath suffer hangman draft draw Judges puncheon blank fate trust account winterkill bucket list bereft cirrhosis cube sleep die chaser death-bell killer deathful skull scaffold hour dissolution die off tomb afterworld dirt nap prop gasp crisis suttee fail Good Friday diestock tessera knucklebone lapse fade mourner wrongful death die-cast part landfall the holy grail death camp casualty heaven float meet your maker s.d. maker force death toll pop your clogs SD omega dormition regicide misericord stepmother stepfather reincarnationism fetch inherit dieback sword asp death march Goes great divide an early grave deathling rebirth amanitin infant mortality executioner intaglio cadaverous judge blight deicide gravestone two overdose toll poison elysium life cycle lay down your life regret metempsychosis memento mori mortification hero memory beyond Lynch martyr reversionary bonus sepulchral bull post-obit burnt burning pathologist attainder death futures execute immortal intestate inheritance passing bell stifle hob endowment five four mullar die-stamping suggestion winter whirtle done for mortality rate abatement revolving die holder catastrophe drawing punch counterseal ace-point interregnum sprue survivorship overlie lethality preterminal hand in one's dinner pail throw (or chuck) a seven go to one's reward cark cash in one's chips go bung bite the big one gall check turn up one's toes buy the farm freeze to death mortal combat goad fullam take the (or one's etc.) secret to the grave langret die from/of hunger linger dog herbaceous border sise die break push-up spot drew change drawing lock dab herb box chance sice drawn write (someone) out of cinque conditional deathplace do-or-die diewise exposé last rites tympanum death day bolster parting line underworld death duty death dance big sleep yahrzeit death's gate Pale Horse alamort jaw soul bell death trance grass peep Gehenna sentence slayer capital crime translation deathday death-wound life-and-death siblicide last day capital offence meet your death/end/fate crimping iron die casting coin die intestate make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice the pipe-die Twihard ending defunction thanat- reaper parting endotoxin earthworm forming die opening die bobsy-die raven's book guide pin at the hands of someone doublet impression plug tableting disincarnate plaquette bark beetle powder metallurgy trussell death throes the Pearly Gates critical care juramentado death bone Kirchner hamadryad Mors never-say-die curtains deathy lethally Small-Back from the dead passage unto early grave poison camas last request feet first pseudocide deid remains majority suicide accidental death dance of death gift causa mortis flurry survivor life tenancy nonage danse macabre top necrosis die proof swarth death-fire the Grim Reaper die shoe farm last words buy give die link touch sicca polyptoton one set blanking punch incuse forming punch pancreatic mass death benefit caliph death sentence death tax kamarupa cell lethal cavity empalement damping drawplate quatre pipe die book stamp sizer die die before one's time backflash monopoly blind die in childbirth bumping die taisch the bereaved die-off fatwa skeleton dance aventure life cast trust world fizzle t.i.d. proof Hinduism myriologue caries cash refund annuity live on borrowed time q.i.d. go under dinky recuse attrition winter–kill Judy swelt pestilence untimely samadhi dower probate come to terms with sth downswing empale tragic asphyxia sticky end dyingly Somnus cell–lethal coup de grâce ash date nothingness SMED broadstrike split die somatic beyond the veil genius swan song rope dance happy hunting ground natural life variola death flurry carry widow misadventure endura martyrology affair deceased ka ruckle Book of the Dead natural death feud smallpox ordinary end-stage devil starvation donatio mortis causa Docetism bed piece vermifuge sudden adult death syndrome Lamb of God deadly agaric death song solatium abscission agonious pain necroscopy sandman postmortem examination genetic drift Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika reverberation time teetotum deye gone dies going step out meet one's doom died go the way of all flesh checkout knock lose one's life breathe your last bung go to one's grave kill off checkpoint decline nether world à outrance dee buy it snuffer cark it Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease status asthmaticus choke meet one's fate kick off bite the dust breathe your last (breath) go to (one's) glory give one's life for hop coup make the final/supreme/ultimate sacrifice absquatulate flesh right to die pull the plug Freytag perimortem carry off atonement agonizant morbid ghastly death wound amort lives obstruction bloat eternal life do or die orphancy cell lethality necromancy neurodegeneration charnel ghoulish life's end (to) within an inch of one's life lapidation losing IUD cytocidal fine orphandom orphanship lost thirdings life income policy bowstringed death worm supreme charnel house effect bury extremity corpus delicti inheritance tax ash dieback braxy tyrannicide passion-music death's–head death chair joint life insurance digamous door badge anniversary Caiaphas Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease goth pang wake death-trance Piast tumbril revivor Tenebrae desolation Plantagenet Malthusian parameter exequy condolence rabbit punch number wraith lantern brush life sentence antonym cycle odor of sanctity funeral corpse candle heart attack juvenile delinquency suspended animation senescence family history trunk come into something bone–pointing cholera beat/bash someone's brains out/in obiyuary siren ejector burnishing die artefact self-preservation pine death feigning redeem wilt proscribe Deianira testacy exitus violent death-fetch civil death canker apology systemic deathwatch dramatic irony inferno cadaveric apoptosis artifact Erl King leukemia postmortem dividend curling dies secret mark raised band presumption simultaneous death act death-stricken clicker face discretionary trust after-death lethal resizer wiring press asphyxiate drawing die endowment assurance chair stiff–mud process snapping tool brass joint tenant tenancy in common tenant in common joint tenancy take dulce et decorum est blanking die hard–core three clickable game hard-core testate shearing die fall Valhalla the Fates prognosis spring die that (great) the sky infernal die of/from thirst hellfire estate planning dulce et decorum suffocate sepulchre melting out patrix cutter piercing punch girdle pultrude plot lay down one's life fit satisfactory commutation adeem life assurance compact fated biennial swing lose your life eddy the hereafter sine diamond die danger list strike sb down wither make it deep-drawn drought perishable eschatology death rate murder satisfaction common disaster darkness resin-flux foist suffrutescent die out die set make it through something die stamper Struldbrug extinction posthumously critical list poison gas put to sleep bleeding linger on bull block trespass euphemism die like flies pass on something apocalypse claim anthrax life after death Tophet round heart disease sophistry ketubah term life insurance plank vital revolution life event stroke mystery play koimesis hell business life insurance point miscarriage Roncesvalles broken heart beneficiary leiomyoma death rattle Etzel imperishable capital murder unhouseled death-dance certificate suus heres heritage guillotine cotton wilt minos obsequy Miller donor card cosinage grief d. resting place agonal electrocution oblate damned vigesimation damnation extinguish danger do for needle crossbones hog potato sub specie mortis peril blast death-throe sparing death blast

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Words For "die a/the death"

As you've probably noticed, words for "die a/the death" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "die a/the death" are: die, posthumous, mortal, mortality, and crucifixion. There are 928 other words that are related to or similar to die a/the death listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "die a/the death" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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