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contagion prophylactic sickness attack diseased infect pandemic pathogenic pathological infection virus VD malady illness pestilence STD asymptomatic patho- contagious enteropathy pathogenesis epidemic preventive pestiferous cardiac epizootic morbidity cardiopathy morbific psychopathy diagnose dermatosis ill pest germ bug morbid -itis canker idiopathy paralysis agitans endemic aseptic plague cure shaking palsy intercurrent stricken sequela -pathy case arthropathy
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blight venereal enzootic curative nephropathy bacillus lysis crud CDC loco neuropathy social disease CHD avitaminosis transmit pathology murrain complication PID CJD antisepsis remedy -ia Mal antiperiodic prophylaxis symptomatic scabies hookworm trypanosomiasis complaint affection distemper balneotherapy morbose arthrosis pathognomonic pock chronic contract access paroxysm seizure trouble aetiology sicken therapy coeliac ailment peccant immunity medicine wildfire analeptic germ warfare outbreak dry rot lues hypnotherapy vCJD electropathy virulent languor path qualm smut Hale tabes emaciated GERD sprue communicate decline sick incurable pathogen chlamydia symptomatology get etiology nosophobia parasitosis lazar white-water antiseptic pestilent aphtha parkinsonism focus specific osteopathy intermittent grippe hoof-and-mouth disease coxalgia sound nvCJD blast measles consumption adenopathy Jack helminthiasis medicinal progressive health celiac unhealthy oncome emaciation froth succumb country distemper myxomatosis sleeping sickness pip cd encephalopathy inoculate rye diagnostic coccidiosis leprosy broken-down acme transmissible invalid polydipsia psora pectoral pd sickly Paget's disease ergot vaginosis flap give hygienic mycosis roup bend prodrome malignant morbus maple sugar urine disease radium therapy maple syrup disease COPD acariasis grudge hoof–and–mouth disease touch insane pharmacotherapy unhygienic therapeutic peroneal muscular atrophy GVHD marble bones disease noso- vaccination latent cachexia electrotherapy rust refractory parkinsonian bane nonresistant giardiasis chemotherapy amoebic transmissible spongiform encephalopathy grease disease-ridden marble bone polyadenopathy epiornithic infirmity myopathy nephritis ALS catching mastopathy sign clap aftosa blotch swine fever mimesis ascariasis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis redwater evil new variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease nosology neurotic inactive cysticercosis lurgy fever cryptosporidiosis Dutch elm disease affected nonpathogenic foul filariasis heal rot waterborne bleach melanism purple mildew taeniasis solution leaf disease pathologize rickettsiosis myelopathy chemoprophylaxis farcy psoriasis scab terminal contractable tuberculosis burn benign strike furunculosis affect curable taint microbe prognosis ringworm venereal disease asbestosis ichthyosis incubate acute immunoprophylaxis rage hyperpyrexia hepatitis Surinam disease Japanese flood fever bran poisoning California vine disease coffee disease corn fodder disease Kimberley horse disease anorexia necrosis pox muscular dystrophy varioloid enteropathogenic pestilential pimply gut old ewe disease acrodynia legionella Ranikhet disease Philippine fowl disease con idiopathic abdominoscopy amend spirochetosis embarrassment vanquish self–examination dropsy rachitis croup degenerative radiotherapy anabasis sexually transmitted disease treat hives pasteurellosis Bright's disease babesiosis diseasing Japanese river fever gum disease Huntington's chorea pearly disease avian pneumoencephalitis knotty gut relapse immune infected consumptive etiolate amebiasis life-threatening grade asepsis zoonosis serpigo tetter fatality contagium Anaheim disease insanity prodromal communicable Australian X–disease pseudo–fowl pest malignant lymphoma banana wilt Pictou disease sugarcane gummosis infectious necrotic hepatitis dog typhus congenital defence mechanism extremity diphtheria disinfect unhealth coth sweet–corn wilt hd NAD foot–mouth contraction sorance healthy potato disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease liver-complaint black speck quiet disease belt pathography CWD leptospirosis parangi slow virus decay epidemy liver-sick yellow–red virosis blood decompression sickness infective malign little potato halt pick-up pad vernacular nutritional encephalomalacia phylaxis lockjaw russet scab bobtailed disease scrub typhus bilharzia goujere clover–and–alfalfa disease elm blight rosette potato mottle psittacosis cad rhizoctoniose phylactic ad zymosis graves' disease otopathy metropathia bang hydrophobia black scurf disaffected cold mule scurf aphthous fever pyoderma palindromia moldy corn poisoning botch cowpox lyterian autogenesis stem canker enphytotic water brain yellow leaf blight GORD CKD phymatosis bacteriosis TSD VDH indisposition nephrosis the devil's grip aggravate EVD sore shank cancroid leprous rubigo heart disease pathophobia acrisy dipsosis nonmalignant beat York spot braxy pathic scald pinkroot prophasis alkalied death-sickness fowl pest exophthalmic goitre celiac disease trichosis rhynchosporium Texas fever the clap sleeping-sickness micrographia mosaic ancylostomiasis unaffected harbour cucumber mildew coe insanitary lycanthropist semiography breakout knotty guts rose rust stifle stunt suffer rickets pulmonary psychotherapeutics polymyositis syphilis transmitter restorative pertussis emphysema beestings amoebiasis morphinism ball smut mono tinea respiratory distress syndrome pass sth on spotted fever schistosomiasis sentinel Lahaina disease salmonellosis sanitary semeiography sclerotiniose zyme syphilitically Addisonian parrot fever attaint cofactor flu exogenous antibacterial ataxia avirulent climax dread lymphadenopathy nirls osteoarthropathy red-gum surveillance septic zymotic run ataxy ADPKD impetigo eˈruptive goggle frog-eye toxin die in bed fire paludal leishmaniasis latent period flux sane unnatural causes animalculism taking tellurism ague heave chorea rötheln animalist bronchitis lepidosis condition light sickness susceptible treponematosis pesthole corrective foul brood influenza chytridiosis strong marble nephritic -osis phrenopathic watery hide disease retinopathy vector struck shingles pulmonia heart trouble backworm hypostrophe angina bilharziasis cardiomyopathy mild develop brucellosis comedown diffuse chesty death-sick bacillary white diarrhea BSE apathogenic ARPKD head affection antidote catch infectious black wart agent acquire prophylactical palliation foothalt insalubrious erode psychotic striking revaccinate smite uninfected pyelonephrosis salt–sick piedra palliative postnatal psychotherapy ravage recidivation nagana secondary immunotoxin moon-eye analepsis better frog-eyed gid unsuspected carcinosis respond carrier actinotherapy paratuberculosis echinococcosis neuroarthropathy virus x phrenic Addisonism symptom clopidogrel immunopathology pine oxyuriasis myelopathic preventionism maculopathy madness masked elephantiasis immunosuppression ornithosis osteolysis vulnerable death-struck decompensation keratosis infectionist pintid pear-blight premunition remission remittent tick-borne preventative prostrate pulmonic raptus phytosis rose superstrain strangury physician risk sand drown prurigo sequential pleurisy regression self–limiting unclean cattle-plague systemic gaunt stage dwarf bunt rabid shank protective essential break out facies deficiency disease vermin exacerbate mangy antibody wasting biotherapy arrest anthracnose exanthem arthritis invade gregarinosis tabefaction semiology stimulism scall magneto-therapy proeguminal popular closh help broken dermatology glaucoma medical geography neck ail onset resolve food-borne streptococcus bacteriology etiolation chicken pox cardioprotective gout hoven limosis pocky premonitory quiescent ankylosis bush sickness cholera infantum vitiligo celery mosaic disease-resistant contact dysphagia pseudotuberculosis slimesick sarcomatosis tulip mold well ear mold galloping eruption hygiene black-quarter indolent immunotherapy incommunicable inoculation gangrene jumper metallotherapy muscardine neurovirulent physostigmine picture infectress l-dopa palliate pantas recidivous predispose protopathic kissing disease white-leg wasted vaccinate syndrome sclerosis TB -iasis herpes jaundice cirrhosis paraplegia take recoveree diseasedly therapeutics rosette virus rhesus baby modality pathologic invasion virulence scrofula palsy flesh-eating canary pox milk colic cutaneous typhus dysentery histopathology dose Lou Gehrig's disease non-Hodgkin's lymphoma obstinacy obstinate go down with sth Q fever radical semiotic sporadic rax relapsing fever rust resistance disposition downy mildew latent mosaic liver generalize powdery mildew pickled brood Burton–ail recrudescent erythroblastosis X virus wasting disease virosis endogenous drop bony blood dyscrasia tremor unsanitary delicacy exanthema cytopathic smittle atenolol autodiagnosis actinomyces abort haggard histiocytosis helleborism ictus poitrinaire polycystic pneumoconiosis steatosis metabasis passion rind-fungus toxoplasmosis coronary heart disease nanomedicine myiasis neuromimesis quarantine scale wall whistler crown gall degeneration disease foot-and-mouth disease Alzheimer apple blight recrudescency lectual morkin healthiness favus worm scrapie fulminant sickle-cell anaemia cholera splenic collapse insulitis locoed dermatitis hard malaise materia medica killer immune system panacea antisplenetic diseaseful entophytic epitasis gode-year psorospermosis morbifical accession antibody-negative bleomycin blood-borne anthracosis chicken cholera rust-resistant cut cryptogenic rheumatic-like blackheart be/fall prey to adynamia cachectic cadaverous fastigium rheumatoid exasperation undertreat whooping cough hypertension hypotension heavy laminitis infectant melanose myoclonia mortal pinched potable preclinical procarbazine semiotics roentgenotherapy resistant waste unwholesome turnabout pneumonoconiosis polyendocrinopathy transmission test prospect screen radiculopathy pyodermia skeletal specific disease visit cavern lupus clinical have operable fulminate anthrax sufferer domsiekte favose entastic screening

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Words For "disease"

As you've probably noticed, words for "disease" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "disease" are: contagion, prophylactic, sickness, attack, and diseased. There are 964 other words that are related to or similar to disease listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "disease" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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