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stride leggy longish longevity long-lived sesquipedalian lengthy old slit age comber enduring Long overlong slog the long haul short macro- lasting shaggy marathon yore toil prolix slow trudge l streamer lately rangy strip long-distance forever longicorn canto far long johns donkey's years chronic macrobiotic maxi runner corona lope gash langsyne long-range at length by and by screed erelong overdo heron rambling spindlelegs late longevous howl trek Li LW shag stick
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hone inveterate perdurable lifetime tirade line overdone wail length tedious interminable roar stem other ribbon long-legged pant lengthful bodkin lg. panatella taper country mile anciently grandevity fern suspire julienne cycle hike long-haired persistent broomstick long-term yak [or] yack the short haul gabfest perduration peal eternity slicker durable swig macropterous on and on old-line lank long haul permanent finally spindly churchwarden ringlet crave LP slip sweep squeal macrobian LG long-lasting form rumble desiderate saga tress yardstick capote linguine panetela erst nightshirt olden long-winded fly-by-night panatela sedentary longhair year LTP newly mortal gaze mane elongate side soak great patient mile bound long-drawn-out Odyssey daybed slash bomb spinny soon rip pennant stare macrophyllous a far cry till/until the cows come home moppet long-running spindle ridge long-sight footlong extended roller March shaft LWB frond rigmarole longiloquence long-standing long–lived wear laundry list gauntlet perpetual shoestring dirk endless ramble vimineous monologue dieldrin Prince Albert comforter day at last bootlace everlasting bolster liny string stogy [or] stogie systole swath spaghetti longing longeval far-sighted lt earn ragamuffin trench fang recent dree lang broad jump overcook oversleep routemarch LTM diuturnal macrodactylous duster long-suffering month the broad jump auld lang syne drapery dog's age sermon Long Island ice tea kaftan moan many moons ago longtime longboard long since bush cricket hour longies stogy camisole for years bay longwool transient blizzard bullock primer macropod secular schlep a month of Sundays bullwhip peroration Swift refectory table way attenuated punt the year dot long–standing prescribe safari flute long-haul prolonged sigh trunk call spindling best wish stringy pine plume much weeper lingering former overkeep pants newmarket inchmeal now overdue time-honoured blood ancient baguette farther book bank furthest swathe trough contemplation eternal tooth farthest batten long-awaited tongue thread newcomer epic pikestaff villosity desire groove aeon voyage as streak veteran novelette vespertilionid deliberation whip serotine meak banquette drawn-out rod eon time viper perennial mopstick litany cross-country maxi- keep long–range tail stuck afghan cloak moo recently tambourin Ulster tenpenny nail while twopenny robe swell long-headed durative long pull long–sufferance mec- macrocephalus la longa as long as one's (or someone's) arm British ton age-lasting long fold lm aeolistic longsome stark dolich- drape hypermetropia longed macr- macrognathic lost in the mists of time vivacious narrow pennant deep field gross ton (as) long as your arm old-standing eyra jaguarundi eventually long–staple mumruffin spike rand feature-length sticky flop–eared erstwhile to the ends of the earth elliptical Chinese long bean lifelong LTC longitude rigamarole NLT passing faraway spindle–legged blacksnake chain sea pheasant swallow–tailed duck donkey’s years long-hop agone prinpriddle spindle-legged scarf blade crack scoldenore sesquipedalia quite a while VLR presently LMD lip–lock ltr lounge kerana lats XL spire tortuous sharper toodle–oo big–eared fox ululate caterwaul asparagus bean spindle legs gerenuk pencil skirt crevice a list as long as your arm tough fixed liability coween punt-out far cry gangly skillet stalky glare long-sighted jack–in–a–bottle quill bit buzzard curlew longs and shorts LDR many moons windy megillah yawl an hour after/upon hour long-sleeved age-old lengthen diuturnity long–eared mufflin yonks spindle-shanks slim jim long-tongued maunch long-drawn niner spindle-shanked lantern jaw millithrum spidery battle royal tack scissure a way off spindleshanks toward old-time hours (and hours) LTNS LD a dog's age topcoat cockawee aged ageing coachwhip all the hours God sends deep-set peregrination quest fox dog brief bottle tit hareld eviternity welcome fissure chaise longue green south–southerly indestructible snake turtle jolt musing stave quandy reedy old injun long bean clink gaberdine horseface trunk longirostrine Robin Hood's barn longimanous sari callithumpian duck short sweetening dragon old–time heavy winterlong LPM jimswinger distant dundrearies imprint fain lag regard greatcoat channel overstay outstay threadleaf scimitar long play crying scorzonera cleft cry gully-raker billy gar ages hour after hour stalely long–drawn–out spinous long-armed long-on darning needle before (or since) the rinderpest long reach pilose long-off shot run longtimer macropodal to/until the end of time mountain range belt high bistoury better deep all-day sucker unit sound so longstop to/until my dying day drone take toby from/since the year dot gone–by for (quite) some time further fauchard steamer hogfish hard pennon overrun so-long spaghettini schmooze eel field flyer mealy bird musty swaddling clothes smacker streaky scraggy macropetalous macropodous sowback afield deeply good suspiration of old wood owl long off butcher reachy decade for the duration Canterbury tale longs flier long jump jawbation fortitude master plan jubate Bombay bloomers abiding chibouk boom breathe to deep–grown till the cows come home macrurous long–distance long–jawed reed wren quite some time short–lived geminate long-ago threepenny nail epistle jeremiad howling shagged rare waft long run STP pro tem shift jezail leap sustained gestate before the Flood traipse dolichopodous pigfish overbake gambado pipe longipennate patience ache mothball gape a laundry list from/since time immemorial boa blast chaise tenacious since time immemorial to shreds huck trucker sloppy joe antepartum bar pin big–gaited customary short and sweet go the distance foot rule readathon column strode repine till/until Doomsday saber–toothed prosy wire diver cylindrical immemorial gig long leg clout long on filament in a dog's age long ess ibis livelong standergrass rabbit-eared bandicoot crane long-horned eon [or] aeon contemplate jobation ruminative leg macrencephalic lobster roll neigh ombrophobous prawn pingle rock river stole sobeit victorine breadsticks epiphysis crane fly iced–tea spoon backcast backwater bunk careworn classic farseeing whine dolichocephalic pheasant canal boat blather smoking bean temporary time–honored string bean incessant ligulate hard-wearing stretcher slant long-limbed molossus pinched overtrain revenant reverberate row hairy rat ageless transporter tuck overcast shank unremitting stroam silky splinter polychronious macropleural bougie rant standard swallowtail ranting hirsute finger roll gantlet Punjabi familiar slitty step dry mop draft rein to seek tube-shaped lucubrate corridor beaver away stable Moon time-honored jones trichosclereid DX diaphysis dot footslog routier ridge pole trapes road driver step out string out tubular reflection round carving knife ramp prescriptive sight snipe fly finger biscuit catch on way back conger eel ellwand feud laugh oneself silly (or sick) it is only a matter of time long-life nominy perciatelli since when sea rod sharp–tailed duck savor styloid biflagellate crane's-bill lady's finger lathy loy spitted sea-gait vimen long-lost bred-in-the-bone du jour fluted for some time barbastel beam gully artillery pieces em rule praying mantis cuckoo sitao sixteen–penny nail strong suit shopping list surtout tresses yen flagellum appetite arquebus albatross bucket boubou bolter circuitous hard time custom ditch kirtle one-shot permanently palpicorn pace ponderous poulaine since/from the year dot stewed worsted yomp unalterable unceasing tracheid sweat scream screamer setter green bean sleep through neck stringer circuity of action chinwag sixtypenny nail fibre bureaucratic go round gallery jibba from now until doomsday light year mare's tail long tom hunker long list in years pickle arcade chinchilla tretys wellingtons viticulose thurl to this day bootlaces antique barracuda barbate coil cos lettuce bench herring hours/days/weeks etc on end in time longed-for dolman shabby quiver flag reflexion infrequent resident rover scoop tusk sword fern skivvy spin spin a yarn spin something out shagpile flog ladder long–stemmed red flannels saeculum sixpenny nail cope sea willow tele cam midiron bell linear yesterday due dhoti never-ending overwatch unbarbered langur hunger ovenbird sling southwester settee tenuous tunic pudding-bag raging ray salsify ridgeline firth straw villous tedium come out in the wash surfboard thrasher tagliatelle running rigger taiaha rapier virgate slow-going stocking usage rancour koto screech lop–eared longbeard long distance macroscian overpole prate rolling pin shortish sea–gate

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Words For "long"

As you've probably noticed, words for "long" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "long" are: stride, leggy, longish, longevity, and long-lived. There are 990 other words that are related to or similar to long listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "long" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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