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wiry wired filament line cable staple filigree barbwire string snare gauge pin cage stay ductile screen coil barbed wire haywire chicken wire tightrope tripwire wiring lead ligature solenoid winding purl wirework jumper Strand gimp trolley electromagnet gauze guy whisk underwire cittern paper clip garrotte mesh spool garrote [or] garrotte cord fence fine-drawn pliers reel suture kink wire-worker draw clothesline news service live wire hammer barb loop file tap griddle stylet concertina
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abatis hanger ground wire cordless hairpin rope razor ribbon lanyard piano catenary magnetic wire wire gauge copper earth wire telegraph sieve safety lamp comb wireless bobbin wicket brace razor wire pick snake cowl picker antenna screen door riddle transmit pipe cleaner drum fret stabile terminal tie lead-in card neutral snow fence spaghetti muzzle pipe pith fuse ground wire-working hutch crystal detector mil LED bale sheave net network wire recorder quadruplex wiredraw fencing agate fescue newswire wireway hedgehog viola d'amore swg basket brush torsion balance pendulum Gage plug telephone rheophore bullion wire netting live coat hanger Muzak wiretap shifter lath Wirephoto trolley car turnbuckle duster bustle thread chain-link fence pierced gig serve birdcage pot netting mask bonnet popper element wrong side couch tel. agraffe cyclone fence cloisonn� [or] cloisonne brad wire vine wire agency maidenhair–vine earth current incidence wire tension wire-haired fox terrier twist tie magnetic wire recorder steel wool poultry wire twist stitch wire wheel bob wire dermabrasion wire cutters Cyclone grid WNP resistance thermometer helix cheval-de-frise faller torsion mobile bristle deckle ga. clippers knout grommet telegraphy cat's whisker magneto thin aerial fly-by-wire taps carry BWG English bluegrass AWG ISWG thermal ammeter standard wire gauge connector Canada bluegrass ground lead wg right side wire-edged wiresmith newspaperman gittern resistance coil teasel MWG mulga platina scratchbrush cither wireman slack wire wire gun paperclip Race wirehaired terrier NWG wire gauze creeping spear grass silk wire straight pin rip cord whip garrote leading hog wire billy dipole coop unifilar eureka dropper jump ring needle chain–link fence cloth hot-wire tightwire surface winding untangle wire–tailed Bangalore torpedo turn armature wordle jack live-wire radio satchel charge main bridge croquet spiral-bound drawbench splice jacket ledger octuplex knuckle television toaster cloisonné entanglement rib connection coaxial cable acrobat spring gabion pylon pannier suspension tram flex saddle stitch tensile wire lath wire solder Mohr pinchcock pandurina bait mobile phone spiral notebook serial pin wire thermal converter telpherage dandy roll trolleybus flashbulb fuse wire wire bridge open pile-wire wire tack bridle wire–record wire-silver wire ropeway wire-drawer trip wire aiguille sprig bond shopping trolley cymbal keepnet bite pantograph puppet swingle drawtongs tow needle-wire file card telephone wire coil spring music wire vertical–fiber brick side–cut brick crimper gong heddle tungsten parallel port messenger-wire fish tape wool card filagree woven wire strandman cocky's gate vent wire fence strainer drahthaar fraise Berlin Australian terrier magnesium ribbon fax iron cloth intercept supportasse flywire iron-shears sleeving wireworker wire–feed facsimile telecontrol wire cutter hot wire-glass wire-stitched Sealyham concertina wire hole kinky nett snarl balloon whisk hard-drawn frame aerial bench hardening bobby pin box nail tied sounding line bug lametta wirebar wire cloth wire stretcher underground tag strainer magnesium flare fireguard neutral wire hook chain-link land line roughdraw stock card wire rod wire–shafted run grass nanowire wire-dancing Brillo pad extension cord pull-down milk side stitch piano-wire flatter resistance wire wire nail dull preformed wire rope Bowden cable flow box stapler electrocute wire brush radio link linemen's pliers sitar inlay lifeline telemetry feeler gauge cake cooler desuperheater diamond die goal cage drew bend cooling rack span spit grinder goal-cage cavaquinho microwire leg wire line stranded telegram bull block pipe-cleaner control line barbed selvagee neutral conductor piano wire saddle tensiometer griffon cellular coiler frame door guimpe clipper Strimmer drawn tunnel trainer tight pin-wire landline grillwork dent whistle punk welding rod saddle wire magnetic reproducer molded brick morant hutch Sealyham terrier safety net bar screen guy rope outer crimp ampacity looped pinion-wire pitch wire-cutter trolley locomotive Lakeland terrier deep-sea lightning fence loading choker dancette file-card bow trolley electrify brazier bifilar equilibrist jockey ferro-cement flyscreen card grinder spring stay patch cord music-wire mouse Fourdrinier machine shiny Wollaston wire bent meshwork gripe under the wire strain insulator spiral spring joint wire signal line outlet reinforced concrete perch dragline aviator shackle lobster pot hard–drawn end–cut brick gin cardiac ablation conduit eyewire card setter filler wire wool cloison chain wire casing nail drawing pricker bell wire pendulum-wire pickling sag rub fourdrinier wire oscillator wire-stitcher work kirby grip marlinspike patent cold-drawn stuff pick a lock lineman platform tennis rock fastener spring lay rope wire copy wire–cut wirehaired power line fleshing knife citole clothes line cryotron hairgrip baling wire grip gun priming-iron dip dispatch Biot–Savart law wiring die post split pin wiring press aviary cannulated balloon apron basketwork armored cable bee veil bead hardware cloth bascart furring insert roadblock radioteletype sympathetic string metallicize plaster base plow steel priming wire palisade meat-safe tea ball table roll attenuate sultana toast-rack eye Aberdeen hook extension stringer electric wire blue grass resistance-coil wire service duplex cheese cutter seize party line hard drawn french fryer Pirani gauge mechanical binding heading ligation strip strung torpedo net fuse-wire cheese-cutter regular–lay rope sparkler rope clip spoke Spinone guideline flattened–strand rope fraud hot drawing incandescent light bulb gondola land sliding bow audivision clarsach grille anchor chaplet thermoelement stitch watermark underwired devil constantan monocle fine joint leader spinner litz wire chase weldmesh tantalum gauze Heligoland trap Mailgram headbox wire–toothed leather haulback telex Varley loop helmet angling rabato clothing pigtail queen-cage cold–head step socket mat keen telegraph editor core Calder berimbau cable release quinhydrone electrode carpet tack wire-dancer combination pliers fascet frameman sift gange hot-drawn high-wire act prestressed concrete reporter shark fence plain concrete supermarket trolley scouring pad magnetic pickup cell phone carding saddle-bracket slip voltage lay local multiplex multiplier telharmonium ferrite-rod aerial dynamic microphone come-along guard switch flash house trap ice guard insulator hog ring grave blanket lightning conductor hoop jackstay chairlift nail dynamo plier cordage point Davy lamp necklace puggle tip-up ordinary lay marline Roget's spiral spot-welding lockwire set gun sextuplex lang lay balance coil stagger wire spiral–bound thermophone shank wired radio wire glass wire mark wheel trolley earth-plate assemble bail pinch roller forestay hairspring jump-ring return railing tinsel search-coil shrike press remote control Rowland ring hammer throwing extension lead heating mantle dulcimer closed–circuit finishing nail climax basket safety pin flame trap seal resistor fuze fly alum basket angle of torsion balancer set electric kite ear wire aerialist osmund furnace binding electrocautery shoulder knot ring winding wire plant window screen count ring-armature riser trellis sew stabbing wire-edge ski lift saddle–sew battery cat whisker counterfaller crosshair dress form drip loop bulb aphlogistic crystal diode Ellet, Charles jack plug hand rope schnauzer porch Thomson effect marlinespike side run flexible shaft trench warfare button entangle mold wire reducer wire side hurdle sickle threading flyswatter salamander screw-plate swab couch roll cheese wire clear–hawse pendant former barley reel induction loop cradle electric light bulb cheval–de–frise coil antenna cooler nail flytrap hanging basket insulating tape machine carding streetcar umbrella Stokes litter spiral binding cerclage go-ashore transcribing machine transmission rope transmitter jack-chain sling safe roller touch save-all shroud wireline jigging mould wire–strain gauge wire–wound gun potentiometer right-hand rule drift indicator thresh three–wire generator teleprinter printed circuit broadband blow ampere–turn rheostat scanner astatic pair torsional machine direction dog slide–wire torsion head cableway telltale flow bar flip coil carding machine jack chain helicoidal saw Hooker cell spot-weld tangent galvanometer laceration search coil crystal set taplet three–wire system vachette clasp bow coal-screen commode dead lap torpedo-net transformer noose Munson system magnetic head outscriber phantom circuit silver lace Gunter's chain Foucault pendulum continuous mill feed

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Words For "wire"

As you've probably noticed, words for "wire" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "wire" are: wiry, wired, filament, line, and cable. There are 921 other words that are related to or similar to wire listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "wire" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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