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endowment mortgage foundation TEP MIP patrimony paid-up underwrite chantry dowry militarism disendow dower insured apartheid floater imperialism isolationism anti gift expansionism jingo glasnost jingoism containment Grace autarky principle endowment caucus colonialism volte-face neutralism politic backtrack policyholder flip-flop beneficiary insure line coverage polity revanchism faculty Long surrender claim geopolitics tokenism prebend gradualism cap endorsement
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open door heir option benefit globalism appeasement underwriter hawk censorship insurance editorship neutrality perfection statism mentality Politburo policy segregation internationalism laissez faire nativism doctrine subvention political nonintervention satyagraha deductible dissident party line talent U-turn courtship programmatic govern realpolitik appanage double indemnity republicanism feeling segregate revanche endow protectionism premium desegregation brinkmanship interpellate dollar diplomacy endowment assurance indowment obscurantism hidden agenda impolitic binder deliberative priestcraft activism deterrence inflationism deficit financing surrender value trenchant stand pat queencraft part expediential kaupapa cui bono paternalism statesman restrictionism obstructionism affirmative action bonapartism turnaround nationalism RIE rent family allowance time policy courtly hard line geoeconomics waqf carry trial balloon umbrella support lapse stand natural quantum jump nonproliferation nonviolence open admissions platform neocolonialism brain trust policymaking [or] policy-making stateswoman foreign office jim crow kingcraft assured fiscality dividend pluralism particularism opportunistic reconstructionist Neh dote intelligence slip government altarage austerity policymaking revisionist valued policy laissez-faire desegregate rejectionist revanchist regionalism hands-off democratic centralism party waiver keynote zero tolerance isolationist operations research linchpin fine-tune school board perestroika policying voyage policy budgetary policy democracy rider chantry priest NEA Trim hawkish centre entente cabinet voice pacifism somersault racialism policies contract of insurance policied provisional globalist viatical settlement public opinion big stick set-aside jackboot mercantile editor in chief clericalism floating Finlandization protester insurance certificate chain store civil disobedience gun control Pan-Americanism convictism ill voluntarism inaugurate plank bonus ingine college disendowment well-endowed qualification equipment mispolicy life policy controlling interest contract non-intervention racism annuity cahier tack posture approach employment equity industrialism zig expansionist advocate acquiescent dissidence business cameralist trimmer pap NEP regulate oppose Axis deal life insurance backflip tight money policy unilateralism policy maker cover note splittism reversionary bonus wet breakaway Mikhail Gorbachev counsel promissory apologist advocacy group insurance lock revisionism survivalism foreign policy assimilationist linkage boycott control VOP warmongering allocution opportunism rent-seeking canonry induement homeland manifesto Chamberlainism eliminationist supranational inclusivity turnabout investment bond unilateralist redistribution unionism noncommittalism edifice benefice lectureship dotation prophecy will well–endowed re-endowment benefactor self-insurance chamberlain middle way twisting central bank instrument charter excess social imperialism aggressive review editor cancel loss adjuster wonk proceeds bumper-to-bumper grangerism bald thatcherism solid summersault laager write Semitism effective reformism soft line big business Aid prohibition father estoppel insuring clause Bloody Sunday discharge imbizo be in agreement parnellism superpolitic moderantism oppositionism interventionism annexationism about-turn actor non-aggression pacification life insurance policy prudence turn volte–face high-church investment pathetic fallacy reciprocity steer (or take) a middle course liberationism autarchy retributivism pronatalism say mandate average clause power rejectionism off-message incrementalism life settlement disparate impact establishment open-door policy enemy scorched–earth measure retreatism incontestable clause gig guideline found title exception tune toughen middle management Napoleonism interpreter destructionism stateway cash-and-carry company man take out insurance on reconstructive get your sums wrong co-opt coup relevance biopolitics dissenter excepted peril full reporting clause anti-apartheid all–outer moderationism proponent center regressivity life-rate avoidance stake protection policy slip all risks preventionism trace versatile do-nothing institute fine print omnibus clause churn presidency founder irritability almshouse direct-grant school scholar pure endowment sanitation genocide extract oblige put one's foot down fire–eating renewal premium monopolism natalism perils of war Russophil Russophobia Afrikanerism vindicative bite buy-in ca'canny sinophile hard sell contestant deviation friendship intervention standstill Liberal Unionism ecopolitics ticket Ribbonism pursue scrap satyagrahi pactum illicitum codetermination imperialistic inauguration namby-pamby tickets be set in concrete coherent bias bankrupt centralism term rate interference objector spokesperson assurer russophobist determine institution immobilism careerist committed overrule antiracism Ghibellinism nonunion cash–and–carry scalawag economic adviser Reconstructionism preferentialism right–about–face representative brain ethos premium loan equity-linked policy face amount interest policy empty chair policy proof of interest defund hereditary single premium policy loan subject terminal bonus philanthropy fiscal policy immediatism insurant loan value washingtonian belt and braces cash something in (or North American cash out) bind protagonist hard-fisted blanket flip-flopper dissuade call exclusionary unified European Parliament genocidal germanophobia emotionalist get-tough home and contents unearned premium Indianism cover defiance reflation debut pay freeze fissiparous supporter destructive navalism influential microcredit national separatist tortuous retreatist open door policy eco-politics elaboration elaborate non-proliferation knowledge management Graccident commit cash axes russophilist jacket flow from sth Little American joined-up expansionary question for détente half measure unaccountable tax and spend strategist master policy preemption retentionist changeover militarist comport jim-crow plan separatism prompt carrier tighten up effect extemporaneous interest combine consistency demoralize municipalism nothing gunboat diplomacy oliverian politico reference ultramontane insurance adjuster laissez–faire market-socialist paternality require adhesion jeffersonian Little Americanism insurance claim small profits and quick returns average eddy result exclusion clause rogue state CFO rebate package policy Drang nach Osten eliminationism bureaucracy intransigentism standard policy coexist sterilization pissant ostrichism let-alone trust non-violence cultural terrorism amount at risk cash in anti-racism accord secessionism lapsed Little Englander front office green paper contributor thrust policy-slip exclusivism exclusion Forestry Commission file flip–flop dehort stand firm ecological scatteration pushback reinstate paid–up addition may scheme shot reconsider uncosted réchauffage transformation limit of liability multiple management manifest destiny mean reserve beggar-my-neighbour short rate U–turn apostle on-message waiver of premium augur Atlanticism coherently convert fundament suspect chicken bonapartist English disease cestui que vie council of state capital sum denominationalism careerism conservative confederationist commuted value dragonnade jingoistic home contents keystone lobby indictment household policy perverted pur et dur safeguarder socialism switchover tough love tsar juste–milieu limited policy jusqu'auboutisme hymn sheet FUP root and branch policy mortgage clause conciliationism anti-unionism care in the community comprehensive protest free market courtcraft disarmament IPPR incomes policy influence iron safe clause pragmatism Staffs social cost joint life insurance modified life policy pacific reclama unconscionable pay-as-you-go nimby military–industrial complex consumerism anneal energy special interest unvalued policy vote along party lines manchesterism benign the CAP crack white paper earned premium foreign relations contra bonos mores evolutionist ideology inductivism dove moderatism minimum premium impolicy align controversy verligte step change co-operativization key-person insurance cultural safety romanità staff sounding board staves semi-official cooling-off period fair usage policy final solution cash value fund practicalism load multitudinism full coverage interest group group life insurance grapes of wrath Pte sinking lid life income policy forward surrender penalty structural inflation bank beggar–thy–neighbor non-cooperation blanket policy term policy wager policy wedge exclude backgrounder bill conform multipolar weak-kneed trustee easy monetary policy automatic reinstatement de-Stalinization opposition doe whip–cracker home ruler welfare to work extended coverage minimalist matter continentalism condition capping pressure group big tent policy science defence bond Monroe Doctrine trade barrier survivalist austerity max arms control Rabkrin reflate Eurogroup snake oil social chapter state inclusion ascendant wholesale life insurance Aboriginalization architect automatic premium loan credit squeeze naysay rudderless protect premium note tight social democrat Cotton Whig free vote lone hand change horses in midstream verkrampte ideological impossibilism impersonalism planned obsolescence scorched earth policy relance charity shift Brahmo movement the DCMS blanket bond NDPB Federal Open Market Committee fairness doctrine warehousing horse Gradgrind dear-money policy mass line deep state initial reserve Chifley, Joseph Benedict constructive engagement Solana governing body cede open policy police commissioner sensitive governmental economic rationalism salary savings insurance unemployment insurance viatical derail transit floater subnotation statutory right lottery wheel Republocrat settlement option stare decisis title insurance give-and-take multilateralism fiscal destabilize open welfare economics pike undemonstrative root straight level premium unit-linked named insured stop-loss shroud-waving reform Democrat security blanket spin doctor divide and rule (or conquer) industrial action chargeback corporatism -centred adjustment Oxenstierna National Economic Development Council irredentism loss House caucus occupy unit-linked policy total disability commercial policy nuclear exclusion clause open enrollment pay–as–you–go presumption of law script editor view bonded capitalist-imperialist apportionment clause appraisal clause Cardozo, Benjamin N. toleration expense constant terminal reserve tulafale FC&S warranty health savings account length loading run Leo III Stolen Children hardliner point of no return student demonstration tontine referendum paid-up policy Friedman, Milton MPC Lovestonite reindustrialization empowerment Group of Seven continuity acceptance Grenville death benefit honour policy key-man assurance killer fact presumption police state ventilate ballon d'essai claims adjuster countryside campaigner benign neglect Dixiecrat pay into editorial friendly Philippism proactive whipless tolerance reservation policy reinsure political process riot secularism ecology loss constant political economy act economic and monetary union Great Satan

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Words For "endowment policy"

As you've probably noticed, words for "endowment policy" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "endowment policy" are: endowment mortgage, foundation, TEP, MIP, and patrimony. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to endowment policy listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "endowment policy" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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